1,132 research outputs found

    What\u27s in a Name? New Bacterial Species and Changes to Taxonomic Status from 2012 through 2015

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    Technological advancements in fields such as molecular genetics and the human microbiome have resulted in an unprecedented recognition of new bacterial genus/species designations by the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Knowledge of designations involving clinically significant bacterial species would benefit clinical microbiologists in the context of emerging pathogens, performance of accurate organism identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In anticipation of subsequent taxonomic changes being compiled by the Journal of Clinical Microbiology on a biannual basis, this compendium summarizes novel species and taxonomic revisions specific to bacteria derived from human clinical specimens from the calendar years 2012 through 2015

    Shaping and reshaping the work organisation : including or excluding low skilled labour? The case of the nurse assistant in Germany, France and the United Kingdom

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    The hospital industry could be characterised on the one hand as under “industrial constraints” (just in time, 24 hours opening, and on the other hand as a service activity with, in departments, a high degree of patient oriented activities. Very similar pressure are exerted on hospitals in the three countries (UK, G and F): budget constraints and a trend to “quasi market” regulations (cf. Bartlett/LeGrand 1993); changes in the competitive structure linked with the increasing importance of private hospitals; a new demand for care arising from the ageing population and more complex diseases; new rules to control for the quality of care. Despite these similarities between the external demands and constraints, the organisation of care work and the division of labour remains very different between the countries. Section 1 presents a brief historical perspective of the nurse assistant in the three countries and the major contrast regarding the level and trends of employment. Section 2 analyses the training profiles and access to training. Section 3 describes the tasks performed and draws the job profile of a NA. Section 4 discusses the wage levels and structure and section 5 patterns of mobility.Low wage; Nurse assistant; Hospital; Division of labour; Comparison; Germany; France; the United Kingdom

    Whither Extensive Genomic-Based Microbial Taxonomic Revision?

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    Chlamydia Screening in Women at a University Student Health Center

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    The purpose of this evidenced-based project was to increase chlamydia pre- screening and screening in women under age 25 presenting with urinary symptoms. Interventions included chlamydia pre-screening alerts embedded into the electronic medical record. Three-month evaluation showed a chlamydia pre-screening rate of 100% and an increase in chlamydia screening by 9%

    Diagnosis of Clostridium difficile infection: An ongoing conundrum for clinicians and for clinical laboratories

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    SUMMARY: Clostridium difficile is a formidable nosocomial and community-acquired pathogen, causing clinical presentations ranging from asymptomatic colonization to self-limiting diarrhea to toxic megacolon and fulminant colitis. Since the early 2000s, the incidence of C. difficile disease has increased dramatically, and this is thought to be due to the emergence of new strain types. For many years, the mainstay of C. difficile disease diagnosis was enzyme immunoassays for detection of the C. difficile toxin(s), although it is now generally accepted that these assays lack sensitivity. A number of molecular assays are commercially available for the detection of C. difficile. This review covers the history and biology of C. difficile and provides an in-depth discussion of the laboratory methods used for the diagnosis of C. difficile infection (CDI). In addition, strain typing methods for C. difficile and the evolving epidemiology of colonization and infection with this organism are discussed. Finally, considerations for diagnosing C. difficile disease in special patient populations, such as children, oncology patients, transplant patients, and patients with inflammatory bowel disease, are described. As detection of C. difficile in clinical specimens does not always equate with disease, the diagnosis of C. difficile infection continues to be a challenge for both laboratories and clinicians

    Investigating explicit and implicit L2 knowledge and learning: Replications of Erlam (2005) and Roehr-Brackin & Tellier (2019)

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    This paper makes the case for close and approximate replications of Erlam (2005) and a conceptual replication of Roehr-Brackin & Tellier (2019). The two studies recommended for replication are informed by research on explicit and implicit knowledge, learning and teaching. They are ecologically valid classroom studies with either adolescent or child learners as participants and thus worked with as yet relatively underrepresented populations in the field of instructed second language acquisition. Erlam (2005) identified a levelling effect of a particular method of explicit instruction, while Roehr-Brackin & Tellier (2019) showed that language-analytic ability has a role to play even in younger children’s language learning. The researchers’ approaches duly reflect the need to take into account cognitive individual learner differences when working in intact classrooms. As the findings of each of the original studies have potentially profound implications for theory and practice in the field, replication is deemed both timely and desirable. In order to facilitate this endeavour, the key features of the original studies are summarised, and specific proposals on the methodological characteristics of suitable replication studies are put forward

    A pilot investigation of load-carrying on the head and bone mineral density in premenopausal, black African women

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    Although the influence of weight bearing activity on bone mass has been widely investigated in white women, few studies have been conducted in black, African populations. We investigated bone mineral density (BMD) in black South African women, with and without a history of load-carrying on the head. We also investigated whether load carrying may offer protection against low BMD in users of injectable progestin contraception (IPC). Participants were 32 black, South African women (22.4±3.2 yrs). Load carrying history was determined by questionnaire and interview and participants were grouped as load carriers (LC; n=18) or non load carriers (NLC; n=14). Ten women were using IPC and 6 were load-carriers. Total body (TB), lumbar spine (LS) and total hip (H) BMD were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. There were no differences in BMD between LC and NLC, and after controlling for age and BMI using two-tailed partial correlations. IPC users had lower BMD at all sites compared to non IPC users (p<0.05) and there were no associations between load carrying and BMD in this group. When IPC users were excluded from analysis, LC had higher LS BMD than NLC (p<0.005). Correlations were found between the weight of load carried and LS BMD (r=0.743, p<0.005), and between years of load carrying and LS and TB BMD (r=0.563, r=0.538 respectively; both p<0.05). Load carrying on the head may offer osteogenic benefits to the spine but these benefits did not appear in women using IPC

    Social media in the store environment: The impact of social network applications on consumer emotions, cognitions, and purchase intentions

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    Social media is rapidly changing the online retail landscape (Constantinides & Fountain, 2008). Because of social media, consumers can now blog, review, tweet, and post on Facebook about their consumption experiences. Social media includes social network sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, but also includes social network applications, such as online ratings and reviews. Social network applications give retailers the opportunity to add a human element, or social cues, to their online retail websites. Research in traditional brick and mortar environments has shown that an increase in social cues can lead to an increase in positive emotions, attitudes, and purchase intentions towards a retailer (Hu & Jasper, 2006; Baker, Grewal, & Parasuraman, 1994). This research attempts to understand the influence that three social network applications have on consumer decision-making and behaviors
