17 research outputs found

    Terrestrial laser scanning to deliver high-resolution topography of the upper Tarfala valley, arctic Sweden

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    Alpine valleys are experiencing rapidly changing physical, biological and geochemical processes as glacier masses diminish, snowfall patterns change and consequently as hillslopes and valley-floor landforms and sediments adjust. Measurement and understanding of these processes on a valley, landform and surface scale requires topographic data with sufficient spatial coverage and spatial resolution to resolve sources, fluxes and storages of sediment. Most ideally such topographic data will be of a resolution sufficient to resolve important spatial heterogeneity in land cover, topography and surface texture, for example. This study presents the first high-resolution (1 m grid cell size) and freely available topography for the upper part of the Tarfala valley, arctic Sweden. The topography was obtained using terrestrial laser scanning and a bespoke workflow is presented to most efficiently cover a 9.3 km2 area. The unprecedented spatial resolution of this topography, which is 15 times greater than that previously available, reveals a suite of alpine landforms. These landforms span multiple glacier forefields, a variety of bedrock surfaces, various hillslopes and types of mass movement, and valley floor glacial, fluvial and periglacial sediments, for example. Primary and second-order derivatives of this elevation data, and vertical transects are given and will assist future classification of landforms and thus assist future targeted field campaigns. Overall, this study presents (1) baseline data from which future re-surveys will enable quantitative analysis of a dynamic landscape, and (2) an efficient workflow that is readily transferable to any scientific study at any other site. Both of these project outputs will find widespread usage in future alpine studies

    Left High and Dry: Deglaciation of Dogger Bank, North Sea, Recorded in Proglacial Lake Evolution

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    Reconstructions of palaeo-ice sheet retreat in response to climate warming using offshore archives can provide vital analogs for future ice-sheet behavior. At the Last Glacial Maximum, Dogger Bank, in the southern North Sea, was covered by the Eurasian Ice Sheet. However, the maximum extent and behavior of the ice sheet in the North Sea basin is poorly constrained. We reveal ice-marginal dynamics and maximum ice extent at Dogger Bank through sedimentological and stratigraphic investigation of glacial and proglacial lake sediments. We use a large, integrated subsurface dataset of shallow seismic reflection and geotechnical data collected during windfarm site investigation. For the first time, an ice stream is identified at Dogger Bank, based on preserved subglacial bedforms, eskers and meltwater channels. During ice-sheet advance, a terminal thrust-block moraine complex formed, whose crest runs approximately north-northeast to south-southwest. Subsequent ice stream shutdown caused stagnation of ice, and rapid retreat of the ice-sheet margin. The moraine complex, and outwash head from an adjacent ice-sheet lobe to the west, dammed a large (approximately 750 km2) proglacial lake. Subsequent sedimentation infilled the lake with 30 m of glacial outwash sediments. A lobate subaqueous fan formed at the ice-sheet margin, which thins toward the southeast with iceberg scours and ice-rafted debris at the base, and is onlapped by lake sediments calibrated to core as alternating clay and silt laminae, interpreted to be varves. The lake became isolated from the retreating ice-sheet margin, and ice-sheet retreat slowed. Sediment-laden meltwater was supplied to the ice-distal proglacial lake for c. 1500–2000 years. Subsequent ice-sheet retreat off Dogger Bank was more rapid due to the negative subglacial slope. The stepped retreat of rapid downwasting, slow retreat, and a final rapid phase off Dogger Bank occurred after the LGM at around 27 ka and before formation of a ribbon lake, dated previously to 23 ka and approximately 60 m lower in elevation, formed to the north of Dogger Bank. The complicated stratigraphic architecture revealed through these data improves forecasting of ground conditions for turbine footings at Dogger Bank, an important step in the provision of clean, sustainable energy

    Topographic and hydrodynamic controls on barrier retreat and preservation: An example from Dogger Bank, North Sea

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    Barrier retreat can occur due to in-place drowning, overstepping or rollover, depending on the interplay of controls such as sea-level rise, sediment supply, coastal hydrodynamic regime and topography. Offshore sedimentary archives of barriers active during rapid Holocene sea-level rise provide important records of marine transgression, which are vital analogues to support appropriate mitigation strategies for future coastal realignment under projected relative sea-level rise scenarios. This study analyses the sedimentary archive at Dogger Bank, which is a formerly-glaciated area in the North Sea. Dogger Bank experienced marine transgression due to Early Holocene rapid relative sea-level rise. An integrated dataset of vibrocores and high-resolution seismic reflection data permits a stratigraphic framework to be established, which reveals the buried coastal geomorphology of the southern Dogger Bank for the first time. A transgressive stratigraphy was identified, comprising a topographically complicated basal glacial and terrestrial succession, overlain by two phases of barrier and tidal mudflat deposition, prior to shallow marine sedimentation. Barrier phase A was a recurved barrier drowned in place, and discontinuously overstepped to barrier phase B, which experienced continuous overstepping. By linking barrier elevations to relative sea-level curves, the timing of each barrier phase was established. Both barrier phases retreated during periods of rapid sea-level rise with abundant sediment supply. Coastal hydrodynamics (increasing wave energy) and antecedent topography with spatially variable accommodation are suggested to be the main reason for differing retreat mechanisms, rather than the rate of sea-level rise. Antecedent coastal geomorphology plays a critical role in erosional and depositional patterns during transgression, and therefore on the timing, rate and location of marine inundation, which needs to be included in models that aim to forecast hazards in coastal areas

    Ice sheet and palaeoclimate controls on drainage network evolution: an example from Dogger Bank, North Sea

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    Submerged landscapes on continental shelves archive drainage networks formed during periods of sea-level lowstand. The evolution of these postglacial drainage networks also reveals how past climate changes affected the landscape. Ice-marginal and paraglacial drainage networks on low-relief topography are susceptible to reorganisation of water supply, forced by ice-marginal rearrangement, precipitation and temperature variations, and marine inundation. A rare geological archive of climate-driven landscape evolution during the transition from ice-marginal (ca. 23 ka) to a fully submerged marine environment (ca. 8 ka) is preserved at Dogger Bank, in the southern North Sea. In this study, our analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection and cone penetration test data reveal a channel network over a 1330 km2 area that incised glacial and proglacial lake-fill sediments. The channel network sits below coastal and shallow marine sediments and is therefore interpreted to represent a terrestrial drainage network. When mapped out, the channel form morphology reveals two distinct sets. The first set comprises two low-sinuosity, wide (>400 m) channels that contain macroforms of braid and side bars. These channels are interpreted to have originated as proglacial rivers, which drained the ice-sheet margin to the north. The second set of channels (75–200 m wide, with one larger, ∼400 m wide) has higher sinuosity and forms a subdendritic network of tributaries to the proglacial channels. The timing of channel formation lacks chronostratigraphic control. However, the proglacial rivers must have formed as the ice sheet was still on Dogger Bank, before 23 ka, to supply meltwater to the rivers. Ice-sheet retreat from Dogger Bank led to reorganisation of meltwater drainage and abandonment of the proglacial rivers. Palaeoclimate simulations show a cold and dry period at Dogger Bank between 23 and 17 ka. After 17 ka, precipitation increased, and drainage of precipitation formed the second set of channels. The second set of rivers remained active until marine transgression of Dogger Bank at ca. 8.5–8 ka. Overall, this study provides a detailed insight into the evolution of river networks across Dogger Bank and highlights the interplay between external (climate) and internal (local) forcings in drainage network evolution

    Numerical modelling of spatio-temporal thermal heterogeneity in a complex river system

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    Accurate quantification and effective modelling of water temperature regimes is fundamental to underpin projections of future Arctic river temperature under scenarios of climate and hydrological change. We present results from a deterministic two-dimensional hydrodynamic model coupled with a heat transfer model that includes horizontal advection and vertical water surface energy fluxes. Firstly, we model longitudinal, lateral and temporal thermal heterogeneity of a braided reach of an Arctic river; Kårsajökk, Sweden. Model performance was assessed against water temperature data collected at 11 monitoring sites for two independent 1-week time periods. Overall, model performance was strongest (r values >0.9, RMSEs~. 0.6°C and ME< 0.4 °C) for main channel sites with relatively deep fast-flows where water temperature was comparatively low and stable. However, model performance was poorer for sites characterised by shallow and/or temporarily-stagnant streams at the lateral margins of the braidplain, where a lag of 60-90. min persisted between the modelled and measured water temperatures. Secondly, we present novel automated statistical analyses and quantify channel thermal connectivity and complexity. Our results lead us to suggest that with further development our modelling approach offers new opportunities for scenario-based predictions of response to environmental change and to assess anthropogenic impacts on water temperature

    Corrigendum: Terrestrial laser scanning to deliver high-resolution topography of the upper Tarfala valley, arctic Sweden

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    Carrivick, J.L., Smith, M.W. & Carrivick, D.M. (2015) Terrestrial laser scanning to deliver high-resolution topography of the upper Tarfala valley, arctic Sweden, GFF doi: 10.1080/11035897.2015.1037569 When the above article was first published online, the hyperlink to the research data was incorrect. The correction has now been made to this article

    Decadal-scale changes of the Ödenwinkelkees, Central Austria, suggest increasing control of topography and evolution towards steady state

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    Small mountain glaciers have short mass balance response times to climate change and are consequently very important for short-term contributions to sea level. However, a distinct research and knowledge gap exists between (1) wider regional studies that produce overview patterns and trends in glacier changes, and (2) in situ local scale studies that emphasise spatial heterogeneity and complexity in glacier responses to climate. This study of a small glacier in central Austria presents a spatiotemporally detailed analysis of changes in glacier geometry and changes in glaciological behaviour. It integrates geomorphological surveys, historical maps, aerial photographs, airborne LiDAR data, ground-based differential global positioning surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar surveys to produce three-dimensional glacier geometry at 13 time increments spanning from 1850 to 2013. Glacier length, area and volume parameters all generally showed reductions with time. The glacier equilibrium line altitude increased by 90 m between 1850 and 2008. Calculations of the mean bed shear stress rapidly approaching less than 100 kPA, of the volume-area ratio fast approaching 1.458, and comparison of the geometric reconstructions with a 1D theoretical model could together be interpreted to suggest evolution of the glacier geometry towards steady state. If the present linear trend in declining ice volume continues, then the Ödenwinkelkees will disappear by the year 2040, but we conceptualise that non-linear effects of bed overdeepenings on ice dynamics, of supraglacial debris cover on the surface energy balance, and of local topographically driven controls, namely wind-redistributed snow deposition, avalanching and solar shading, will become proportionally more important factors in the glacier net balance

    Ice sheet and palaeoclimate controls on drainage network evolution: an example from Dogger Bank, North Sea

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    Submerged landscapes on continental shelves archive drainage networks formed during periods of sea-level lowstand. The evolution of these postglacial drainage networks also reveals how past climate changes affected the landscape. Ice-marginal and paraglacial drainage networks on low-relief topography are susceptible to reorganisation of water supply, forced by ice-marginal rearrangement, precipitation and temperature variations, and marine inundation. A rare geological archive of climate-driven landscape evolution during the transition from ice-marginal (c. 23 ka BP) to a fully submerged marine environment (c. 8 ka BP) is preserved at Dogger Bank, in the southern North Sea. In this study, our analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection and Cone Penetration Test data reveal a channel network over a 1330 km2 area that incised glacial and proglacial lake-fill sediments. The channel network sits below coastal and shallow marine sediments, and is therefore interpreted to represent terrestrial drainage network. When mapped out, the channel form morphology reveals two distinct sets. The first set comprise two low sinuosity, wide (> 400 m) channels that contain macroforms of braid and side bars. These channels are interpreted to have originated as proglacial rivers, which drained the ice-sheet margin to the north. The second set of channels (75–200 m wide, with one larger, ~ 400 m wide) have higher sinuosity and form a sub-dendritic network of tributaries to the proglacial channels. The timing of channel formation lacks chronostratigraphic control. However, the proglacial rivers must have formed as the ice sheet was still on Dogger Bank, before 23 ka BP, to supply meltwater to the rivers. Ice-sheet retreat from Dogger Bank led to reorganisation of meltwater drainage and abandonment of the proglacial rivers. Palaeoclimate simulations show a cold and dry period at Dogger Bank between 23 and 17 ka BP. After 17 ka BP, precipitation increased, and drainage of precipitation formed the second set of channels. The second set of rivers remained active until marine transgression of Dogger Bank at c. 8 ka BP. Overall, this study provides a detailed insight into the evolution of river networks across Dogger Bank, and highlights the interplay between external (climate) and internal (local) forcings in drainage network evolution