15 research outputs found


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    In this work a comparative analysis of the scarab beetles of Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, M茅xico is presented. Data were obtained from March 1998 to March 1999 in tropical rain forest, induced pasture land and secondary vegetation, between 400-1000 m above sea level. Records of 7 subfamilies, 18 subtribus, 34 genera and 63 species are presented. The greatest specific diversity corresponds to Dynastinae (21 spp), Melolonthinae (13 spp), Scarabaeidae (13 spp) and Passalinae (8 spp). The 50% of the species are concentrated in the genera: Phyllophaga (9 spp), Cyclocephala (9 spp), Onthophagus (5 spp), A taenius (3 spp), Passalus (3 spp) and A nomala (2 spp). We present a parsimony analysis of endemicity in order to know the relationships between the fauna of Cuetzalan and other Mexican localities. The fauna of Cuetzalan de Progreso is closely related to the fauna of the humid mountains of the northeast of Hidalgo. A key to the taxa found in Cuetzalan del Progreso is included.En este trabajo se presenta un an谩lisis comparativo de los cole贸pteros de las familias Melolonthidae, Scarabaeidae y Passalidae establecidos en Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, M茅xico. Los datos se obtuvieron de marzo de 1998 a marzo de 1999 en bosque tropical perennifolio, pastizales inducidos y vegetaci贸n secundaria, establecidos entre 400 y 1000 metros de altitud. Se registran 7 subfamilias, 18 tribus, 34 g茅neros y 63 especies. La mayor diversidad espec铆fica corresponde a Dynastinae (21 spp), Melolonthinae (13 spp), Scarabaeinae (13 spp) y Passalinae (8 spp). El 50% de las especies se concentra en los g茅neros: Phyllophaga (9 spp.), Cyclocephala (9 spp.), Onthophagus (5 spp), A taenius (3 spp), Passalus (3 spp) y A nomala (2 spp). Se presenta un an谩lisis de parsimonia de endemicidad, para conocer las relaciones entre las faunas de Scarabaeoidea del territorio nacional, obteniendo resultados que corresponden a las condiciones ecol贸gicas de cada localidad, en donde la fauna de Cuetzalan de Progreso resulta estar estrechamente relacionada con la fauna de las monta帽as del noreste de Hidalgo. Se incluye una clave para separar los taxa registrados

    Comparative aspects of the internal reproductive system of males in species of Melolonthinae, Dynastinae, and Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) from Mexico

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    The anatomy of the internal male reproductive systems of 12 species of Melolonthinae (Phyllophaga, Chlaenobia, Macrodactylus, Isonychus), six species of Dynastinae (Cyclocephala), and three species of Rutelinae (Paranomala) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) of Mexico are described. A total of 350 male specimens representing 21 species were collected. From each species, the reproductive systems were obtained by micro-dissection, placed in a liquid fixative, stained, and drawn to scale. The internal genitalia of each species was described and compared among the species examined. The reproductive system of the Melolonthinae species is comprised of two testicles, each with six follicles, two deferent ducts, two accessory glands, two glandular ducts, an ejaculatory duct, and the aedeagus (not described for any of the species examined). The number of testicular follicles per testicle is as reported in different species of other Scarabaeoidea subfamilies. The length of the accessory glands and the ejaculatory duct varies in the species studied. The ejaculatory bulb is present in all of the species of Dynastinae and Rutelinae examined but in only three species of Melolonthinae.Se describi贸 la anatom铆a del sistema reproductivo interno de los machos en 12 especies de Melolonthinae (Phyllophaga, Chlaenobia, Macrodactylus, Isonychus), seis de Dynastinae (Cyclocephala) y tres de Rutelinae (Paranomala) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) de M茅xico. Se recolectaron un total de 350 ejemplares machos representantes de 21 especies. De cada especie se obtuvieron los sistemas reproductivos por microdisecci贸n y fueron colocados en un l铆quido fijador, despu茅s te帽idos y dibujados a escala. Se describi贸 la genitalia interna de cada especie y se compar贸 entre las especies examinadas. El sistema reproductivo de las especies de Melolonthinae consta de dos test铆culos cada uno con seis fol铆culos, dos conductos deferentes, dos gl谩ndulas accesorias, dos conductos glandulares, un conducto eyaculador y el edeago (no descrito en ninguna especie). El n煤mero de fol铆culos testiculares por test铆culo es igual al conocido en diferentes especies de otras subfamilias de Scarabaeoidea. La longitud de las gl谩ndulas accesorias y del conducto eyaculador var铆an dependiendo de cada especie estudiada. Un bulbo eyaculador est谩 presente s贸lo en tres especies de Melolonthinae y en todas las especies de Dynastinae y Rutelinae examinadas

    Fauna de scarabaeoidea (INSECTA: COLEOPTERA) de Calmeca, Tepexco, Puebla, M茅xico

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    A comparative study of Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea in the community of Calmeca, Tepexco, Puebla, Mexico is presented. Samples of beetles were taken from November 2013 to November 2014 in a place with induced pasture land with neighboring crops (SP) and a site representative of deciduous forest with secondary vegetation (SC). By mean of necrotraps, rotten fruit traps and hand collecting, 945 specimens were obtained, representing 28 species in six families of Scarabaeoidea. The SP had the highest species richness with 27 species; the most abundant species was聽E. intermedius聽(30.19%) with 257 specimens, followed by聽D. gazella聽(14.33%) with 122 specimens. In the SC the most abundant species were聽C. (C.) humectus聽(20.21%) and聽C. (C.) pluto聽(20.21%) each with 19 specimens collected. No significant differences between the two sampling sites (p = 0.111) were found. The Calmeca beetle community was grouped in eight feeding guilds. At both sites most recorded species belong to the coprophagous guild (SP 37% & SC 53%), the necrophagous guild (SP 14.8% & SC 26.6%) and the phytophagous guild (SP 18% & SC 13%). The SP had a higher functional richness with eight guilds, compared with the SC with four guilds; in the SC no species of predator, antophilous, and rhizophagus guilds were recorded.RESUMEN. Se presenta un estudio comparativo de los cole贸pteros Scarabaeoidea establecidos en la comunidad de Calmeca, Tepexco, Puebla, M茅xico. Se realizaron muestreos de noviembre de 2013 a noviembre de 2014 en dos sitios, un sitio de potrero con cultivos aleda帽os (SP) ubicado a 1,389 msnm y un sitio representativo de selva baja caducifolia con vegetaci贸n secundaria (SC) ubicado a 1,441 msnm. Mediante el uso de necrotrampas, trampas de fruta y recolecta directa se聽 obtuvieron 945 ejemplares, representantes de 28 especies distribuidas en seis familias de Scarabaeoidea. La mayor riqueza se present贸 en el SP con 27 especies, de las cuales las m谩s abundantes fueron E. intermedius (30.19%) con 257 ejemplares, seguida de D. gazella (14.33%) con 122 ejemplares. Por otra parte en el SC las especies m谩sabundantes fueron C. (C.) humectus (20.21%) y C. (C.) pluto (20.21%) cada una con 19 ejemplares recolectados. Con respecto a la diversidad, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos sitios de muestreo (p = 0.111). La comunidad de escarabajos de Calmeca se agrup贸 en ocho gremios alimentarios. En ambos sitios la mayor铆a de las especies registradas pertenecen a los gremios copr贸fago (SP 37% y SC 53%), necr贸fago (SP 14.8% y SC 26.6%) y fil贸fago (SP 18% y SC 13%). El SP present贸 una mayor riqueza funcional (ocho gremios) que el SC (cuatro gremios), en este 煤ltimo no se registraron especies de los gremios depredador, ant贸filo, riz贸fago y detrit铆voro

    Fauna de Coleoptera Melolonthidae (Scarabaeoidea) en el Rancho Canaletas, Paso del Macho, Veracruz, M茅xico

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    Comparative analysis of beetles of the family Melolonthidae established in rancho Canaletas, Paso del Macho, in the centre of the state of Veracruz, M茅xico is presented. Data were obtained from January to December 2008, in evergreen rain forest (SP) and plantations of sugar cane (ZA), located at 500 m altitude. By mean of light traps, rotten fruit traps and hand collecting, 557 specimens were obtained, representing 5 subfamilies, 13 genera and 42 species. Of all the species collected, 10 had exclusive distribution in SP and 16 were distributed only in ZA. The agricultural area showed higher richness (32) and abundance (422) than the evergreen forest zone (richness 26 and abundance 135). Phyllophaga temora, P. pubicollis, Paranomala inconstans, and Phalangogonia jamesonae are recorded by first time for the state of Veracruz. By mean of parsimony analysis of endemicity the close affinity between the fauna of Melolonthidae from Rancho Canaletas, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz and Boca de Chajul, Chiapas is evidenced.Se presenta un estudio comparativo de los cole贸pteros Melolonthidae establecidos en el rancho Canaletas, Paso del Macho, Veracruz. Los datos se obtuvieron de enero a diciembre de 2008, en selva perennifolia (SP) y terrenos dedicados al cultivo de ca帽a de az煤car (ZA), situados a 500 m de altitud. Por medio de trampas de luz fluorescente, trampas de fruta fermentada y colectas directas se obtuvo una muestra de 557 individuos adultos representantes de cinco subfamilias, 13 g茅neros y 42 especies. Del total de especies colectadas, 10 tuvieron distribuci贸n exclusiva en SP, 16 se distribuyeron 煤nicamente en ZA. La zona agr铆cola present贸 mayor riqueza (32) y abundancia (422) que la zona de selva perennifolia (riqueza =26, abundancia =135). Phyllophaga temora, P. pubicollis, Paranomala inconstans y Phalangogonia jamesonae se registran por primera vez para el estado de Veracruz. Se presenta un an谩lisis de parsimonia de endemismos (PAE), que muestra la relaci贸n estrecha entre las faunas de Melolonthidae de Rancho Canaletas, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz y Boca del Chajul, Chiapas

    Diversidad de cole贸pteros copro-necr贸fagos en el Rancho Canaletas, Paso del Macho, Veracruz, M茅xico

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    Se presenta un estudio de cole贸pteros Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) encontrados en el Rancho Canaletas, de Paso del Macho, Veracruz. Los datos se obtuvieron de enero a diciembre de 2008 en una selva perennifolia (SP) y en un potrero (PT), situados a 500 m de altitud. Por medio de coprotrampas (CPT), necrotrampas permanentes (NTP) y colectas directas sobre esti茅rcol de ganado vacuno, se obtuvo una muestra de 560 individuos representantes de tres familias, once g茅neros y 18 especies. Las especies Canthidium centrale (Boucomont), Canthon euryscelis (Bates), Deltochilum pseudoparile (Paulian), Deltochilum scabriusculum (Bates), Eurysternus angustulus (Harold) y Sulcophanaeus chryseicollis (Harold) son exclusivas de SP, mientras que Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold) y Omorgus rubricans (Robinson) son exclusivas de PT. Se aprecia mayor riqueza, diversidad y abundancia en SP que en PT; la coleopterofauna de esta localidad se agrupa con las de Pipiapan, Veracruz, Boca del Chajul, Chiapas y Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz

    Horns positive allometry in a Mexican population of Strategus aloeus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Dynastinae)

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    The scaling relationships between horns and body size in a Mexican population of males of the rhinoceros beetle Strategus aloeus are analysed. We performed an allometric analysis using a sample of 94 specimens from many localities in Mexico. Our results suggest that median horn frequency in Strategus aloeus has a non-linear bimodal distribution and adjacent horns frequency has a non-linear distribution, however, residual and logarithmic transformation suggest linearity. Therefore we analysed data of horns using MA (model II) regression between log horns length and log body length; results of MA regression show strong positive allometry. These results suggest that bigger males possess larger disproportioned horns than small males, and that males could be investing more in developing the principal horn than in adjacent horns, possibly reflecting strong sexual pressures. This supports the idea that positive static allometry in horn and adjacent horns in S. aloeus could be explained by an extreme reaction norm, suggested by the “positive allometry reaction norm model”

    Horns positive allometry in a Mexican population of Strategus aloeus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Dynastinae)

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    The scaling relationships between horns and body size in a Mexican population of males of the rhinoceros beetle Strategus aloeus are analysed. We performed an allometric analysis using a sample of 94 specimens from many localities in Mexico. Our results suggest that median horn frequency in Strategus aloeus has a non-linear bimodal distribution and adjacent horns frequency has a non-linear distribution, however, residual and logarithmic transformation suggest linearity. Therefore we analysed data of horns using MA (model II) regression between log horns length and log body length; results of MA regression show strong positive allometry. These results suggest that bigger males possess larger disproportioned horns than small males, and that males could be investing more in developing the principal horn than in adjacent horns, possibly reflecting strong sexual pressures. This supports the idea that positive static allometry in horn and adjacent horns in S. aloeus could be explained by an extreme reaction norm, suggested by the “positive allometry reaction norm model”

    Description of immature stages of Hoplia mexicana Harold and H. squamifera Burmeister (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Hopliinae)

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    AbstractThird stage larvae and pupae are described based on specimens collected in Mexico: Oaxaca (Cerro Zempoaltepetl), and Chiapas (Amatenango), respectively. Pupal characters are described for the first time for American Hopliinae. Habitus images and figures of diagnostic characters as well as comments on the differences between these larvae and those of Hoplia callipyge LeConte, 1856 and H. equina LeConte, 1880, the only Hopliinae larvae previously known in New World, are also included