411 research outputs found

    Breast cancer and communication: Monocentric experience of a self-assessment questionnaire

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    Background: The communication of the diagnosis of breast cancer induces to the patient a strong psychological trauma. Radiologists are at the forefront of communicating, either for a biopsy or the probable diagnosis of malignancy. This is a complex task, which requires the knowledge and application of correct “communicative models”, among which the SPIKES protocol rep-resents a fundamental reference. Design and methods: 110 patients, with a history of breast cancer, filled out a questionnaire consisting of six questions: five aimed at defining communication compliance with the SPIKES protocol, the sixth, consisting of six feelings, aimed at the knowledge of the next emotional state. Results: Regarding compliance with various “strategic points” of the SPIKES protocol, questionnaires show that 70% of patients reported no omissions, while the remaining 30% reported omissions relatively to perception (56%), emotions (23%), setting (13%), knowledge (6%) and invitation (2%). The results showed the existence of a correlation between the final emotional state and the correct application of the SPIKES protocol; in fact, patients who reacted with a positive final emotional state-reported greater adherence to the strategic points of the SPIKES protocol. Conclusions: In healthcare, knowing the communicative compliance of a team in giving “bad news” is fundamental, especially in breast cancer. The SPIKES protocol is recognized by the Literature as a fundamental reference able to affect “positively” the emotional state of patients. The proposed questionnaire is a valid tool to identify the weak points of communication and related criticalities, to improve clinical practice

    Fast COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness estimation on the basis of recovered individual propensity to be vaccinated

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    The main purpose of this article is to point out to the CDCs of the various governments, as well as to independent agencies and press offices, the need and advantages of correcting incidence data of the infection, as well as to propose a practical equation to calculate vaccine effectiveness, based on the count of recovered subjects who have not yet been vaccinated. This equation can be used to accompany data on infection incidence aimed at the general public, as well as an “easy-to-access” formula to be used for the official and institutional communication of the CDCs

    Towards improving Wikidata reuse with emerging patterns

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    The ontology underlying Wikidata has not been formalized. Instead, its semantics emerges from the use of its classes and properties. Flexible rules and suggestions have been defined by the Wikidata project for the use of its ontology, however, it is still often difficult to reuse the ontology's constructs. In this paper, we describe a method for extracting emerging patterns from (a domain-specific portion of) Wikidata, in the form of statistically frequent domain-property-range triplets. We show the results of our experiments on a Wikidata subset addressing the music domain, and compare them with the current support present in Wikidata. These patterns can provide guidance for the use of the Wikidata ontology and its potential improvement.</p

    An ontology design pattern for representing recurrent situations

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    In this Chapter, we present an Ontology Design Pattern for representing situations that recur at regular periods and share some invariant factors, which unify them conceptually: we refer to this set of recurring situations as recurrent situation series. The proposed pattern appears to be foundational, since it can be generalised for modelling the top-level domain-independent concept of recurrence, which is strictly associated with invariance. The pattern reuses other foundational patterns such as Collection, Description and Situation, Classification, Sequence. Indeed, a recurrent situation series is formalised as both a collection of situations occurring regularly over time and unified according to some properties that are common to all the members, and a situation itself, which provides a relational context to its members that satisfy a reference description. Besides including some exemplifying instances of this pattern, we show how it has been implemented and specialised to model recurrent cultural events and ceremonies in ArCo, the Knowledge Graph of Italian cultural heritage

    Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Urokinase and Its Receptor in Cancer

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    Several studies have ascertained that uPA and uPAR do participate in tumor progression and metastasis and are involved in cell adhesion, migration, invasion and survival, as well as angiogenesis. Increased levels of uPA and uPAR in tumor tissues, stroma and biological fluids correlate with adverse clinic–pathologic features and poor patient outcomes. After binding to uPAR, uPA activates plasminogen to plasmin, a broad-spectrum matrix-and fibrin-degrading enzyme able to facilitate tumor cell invasion and dissemination to distant sites. Moreover, uPAR activated by uPA regulates most cancer cell activities by interacting with a broad range of cell membrane receptors. These findings make uPA and uPAR not only promising diagnostic and prognostic markers but also attractive targets for developing anticancer therapies. In this review, we debate the uPA/uPAR structure–function relationship as well as give an update on the molecules that interfere with or inhibit uPA/uPAR functions. Additionally, the possible clinical development of these compounds is discussed
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