8 research outputs found

    Utilización de residuos vegetales para la eliminación de fósforo en aguas residuales mediante procesos de adsorción

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo la utilidad de restos vegetales de origen agrícola y no agrícola para la eliminación de fósforo de las aguas residuales, y con ello reducir la eutroficación del lago de l'Albufera de Valencia, en el este de España. Bajo el concepto de Economía Circular, la cual se basa en reducir la entrada de materiales y la generación de desechos en sistemas productivos, los restos vegetales son utilizados para la producción de energía renovable en plantas de biomasa, una vez incinerados en estas plantas los restos vegetales pasan a ser un residuo, la ceniza. Se han estudiado las cenizas de materiales vegetales agrícolas como es la paja de arroz y los restos de podas de vegetación invasora como es el carrizo, ambos procedentes del Parque Natural de l'Albulfera de Valencia. Además, se han utilizado cenizas de una planta de biomasa de la comarca del Rincón de Ademuz, en el interior de la provincia de Valencia, alimentada con restos vegetales agrícolas como son la paja de trigo, paja de cebada y madera de plantaciones de paulonia cultivadas para la producción de bioenergía. Para poder reducir la concentración de fósforo del agua, se ha seleccionado el proceso que hoy en día más posibilidades tiene de ser un sistema de bajo coste y alta eficiencia como es la adsorción. Mediante las isotermas de adsorción de Langmuir, Freundlich y Tempkin se han determinado las capacidades de adsorción de fósforo, llegando a una reducción de fosforo de hasta casi del 99%, siendo la isoterma de Langmuir la que mejor ajuste posee al proceso de adsorción de fósforo. Por último, el residuo producido en el proceso de depuración, que es la ceniza con alta concentración de fosforo, puede ser utilizada para la fertilización de campos agrícolas.[CAT] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu la utilitat de restes vegetals d'origen agrícola i no agrícola per a l'eliminació de fòsfor de les aigües residuals, i amb això reduir l'eutrofització del llac de l'Albufera de València, en l'est d'Espanya. Sota el concepte d'Economia Circular, la qual es basa a reduir l'entrada de materials i la generació de deixalles en sistemes productius, les restes vegetals són utilitzats per a la producció d'energia renovable en plantes de biomassa, una vegada incinerats en aquestes plantes les restes vegetals passen a ser un residu, la cendra. S'han estudiat les cendres de materials vegetals agrícoles com és la palla d'arròs i les restes de podes de vegetació invasora com és el canyís, tots dos procedents del Parc Natural de l'Albulfera de València. A més, s'han utilitzat cendres d'una planta de biomassa de la comarca del Racó d'Ademús, a l'interior de la província de València, alimentada amb restes vegetals agrícoles com són la palla de blat, palla d'ordi i fusta de plantacions de paulonia cultivades per a la producció de bioenergia. Per a poder reduir la concentració de fòsfor de l'aigua, s'ha seleccionat el procés que hui dia més possibilitats té de ser un sistema de baix cost i alta eficiència com és l'adsorció. Mitjançant les isotermes d'adsorció de Langmuir, Freundlich i Tempkin s'han determinat les capacitats d'adsorció de fòsfor, arribant a una reducció de fòsfor de fins a quasi del 99%, sent la isoterma de Langmuir la que millor ajust posseeix al procés d'adsorció de fòsfor. Finalment, el residu produït en el procés de depuració, que és la cendra amb alta concentració de fòsfor, pot ser utilitzada per a la fertilització de camps agrícoles.[EN] The objective of this doctoral thesis is the use of vegetable remains of agricultural and non-agricultural origin for the elimination of phosphorus from wastewater, and thereby reduce the eutrophication of the lagoon of l'Albufera de Valencia, in eastern Spain. Under the concept of Circular Economy, which is based on reducing the entry of materials and the generation of waste in production systems, plant remains are used for the production of renewable energy in biomass plants, once the remains are incinerated in these plants. Vegetables become a residue, the ash. The ashes of agricultural plant materials such as rice straw and the remnants of pruning of invasive vegetation such as reed have been studied, both from the Natural Park of l'Albulfera de Valencia. In addition, ashes from a biomass plant from the Rincón de Ademuz region, in the interior of the province of Valencia, have been used, fed with agricultural plant remains such as wheat straw, barley straw and wood from cultivated paulownia plantations for the bioenergy production. In order to reduce the phosphorus concentration of the water, the process that today has the most possibilities of being a low-cost and high-efficiency system, such as adsorption, has been selected. By means of the adsorption isotherms of Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin, the phosphorus adsorption capacities have been determined, reaching a reduction of phosphorus of up to almost 99%, being the Langmuir isotherm the one that best fits the phosphorus adsorption process. Finally, the residue produced in the purification process, which is ash with a high concentration of phosphorus, can be used for the fertilization of agricultural fields.Carricondo Antón, JM. (2020). Utilización de residuos vegetales para la eliminación de fósforo en aguas residuales mediante procesos de adsorción [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158614TESISCompendi

    Optimization of an isolated photovoltaic water pumping system with technical-economic criteria in a water users association

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    [EN] With proper management, the modernization of irrigation systems makes it possible to improve the efficiency of application and use of water at the cost of an increase in pumping needs and, therefore, an increment of the energy consumed. The recent drastic price increase for energy put the viability of many farms at risk. In this context, using photovoltaic solar energy to power pumping stations has become an increasingly attractive alternative and a cheap and reliable option. The dimensioning of pumping systems powered by photovoltaic solar energy must be done considering the variability of solar radiation to take advantage of the available photovoltaic energy, especially during periods of less irradiation. By investigating a particular case, this paper studies the effect of increasing the number of pumps in parallel while maintaining the total power, as well as the relationship between the installed photovoltaic capacity and the power of the pumping system, to meet pumping requirements throughout the year. The pumped volume increased as the number of pumps installed in parallel increased for the same photovoltaic power generator. Although this increment has a limit, beyond which no greater significant rise in volume is achieved, installation costs increase. In addition, for the same pumping power installed, the required photovoltaic generator power decreases as the number of pumps in parallel increases. In the case studied, a 27% increase in the annual pumped volume was achieved by incrementing the number of pumps in parallel from one to five, thus leading to a 44.1% reduction in the size of the photovoltaic generator and a 13.3% reduction in the cost of installation compared with a system with only one pump. The procedure used to determine the most appropriate number of pumps to install in parallel when pumping water between two tanks, which minimizes the photovoltaic generator's size while guaranteeing pumping requirements, is easily generalizable for sizing isolated photovoltaic water pumping systems.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study has received funding for the WATER¿ 4CAST project (PROMETEO/2021/074), funded by the Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Comu¿ nitat Valenciana.Carricondo-Antón, JM.; Jiménez Bello, MA.; Manzano Juarez, J.; Royuela, A.; González-Altozano, P. (2023). Optimization of an isolated photovoltaic water pumping system with technical-economic criteria in a water users association. Irrigation Science. 41(6):817-834. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-023-00859-6817834416Abadia R, Rocamora C, Ruiz A, Puerto H (2008) Energy efficiency in irrigation distribution networks I: theory. Biosyst Eng 101:21–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2008.05.013Ahmed EEE, Demirci A (2022) Multi-stage and multi-objective optimization for optimal sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic water pumping systems. Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2022.124048Bakelli Y, Hadj Arab A, Azoui B (2011) Optimal sizing of photovoltaic pumping system with water tank storage using LPSP concept. Sol Energy 85:288–294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2010.11.023Bhattacharjee A, Mandal DK, Saha H (2016) Design of an optimized battery energy storage enabled Solar PV Pump for rural irrigation. 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    Dynamic procedure for daily PM56 ETo mapping conducive to site-specific irrigation recommendations in areas covered by agricultural weather networks.

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    [EN] Modern agriculture is underpinned by actual meteorological data registered using automated meteorological stations forming networks specifically created for advising purposes. In many cases, those data used to be accessible online by means of APIs (Application Programming Interface). One of the most common cases is the irrigation-advice weather network implemented with the aim of obtaining ETo values to be used in irrigation recommendations. However, those punctual values of ETo scattered throughout the territory do not allow to produce specific irrigation recommendations for each farm. The only way of disposing site-specific values of ETo is by compiling maps that describe its spatial variation. With this objective, a new dynamic procedure based on an existing regression-based technique of interpolation was proposed. Using the meteorological data registered at the end of each day, maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and minimum relative humidity, wind velocity, and radiation maps were interpolated and then, an ETo map was derived. The proposed procedure demonstrated a special adaptation capacity to the synoptic pattern of each day using some geographical features or others, as appropriate to explain the spatial variability of the interpolated meteorological variable. In those months where radiation plays a key role in the ETo value (growing season), ETo maps obtained were especially fine-grained in areas with significant relief. This procedure improved other contrasted methodologies they were compared with. The impact of using the nearest-weather-station ETo vs interpolated value on a daily water needs was investigated and near 10% average value of error was encountered in the case study.This study has received funding from the eGROUNDWATER project (GA n. 1921) , part of the PRIMA program supported by the European Union 's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and the WATER4CAST project (PROMETEO/2021/074) , which is funded by the Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Comunitat Valenciana.Meteorological data were provided by SIAR: " Sistema de Informacion Agroclimatica para el Regadio. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion" . Special thanks to Carlos Garrido Garrido and Ivan Cilleros Fuentetaja for providing us an API-SIAR access. Thanks to Luis Bonet for giving us permission to use the picture of the IVIA-SIAR automated station.Garcia-Prats, A.; Carricondo-Antón, JM.; Jiménez Bello, MA.; Manzano Juarez, J.; López Pérez, E.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2023). Dynamic procedure for daily PM56 ETo mapping conducive to site-specific irrigation recommendations in areas covered by agricultural weather networks. Agricultural Water Management. 287:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2023.10841511828

    Reduction of phosphorous from wastewater through adsorption processes reusing wood and straw ash produced in bioenergy facilities

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    [EN] The objective of this research is to analyse the feasibility of reusing the fly ash waste, which is produced in biomass plants, during the production of renewable energy, for controlling phosphorus contamination in the wastewater being processed in sewage treatment plants. The research examines the efficiency of using different types of ash, obtained from representative biomass materials after combustion in an energy plant (paulownia wood, wheat straw and barley straw), in removing phosphorus from water. The ashes were respectively mixed with synthetic water, rich in phosphorus; then, using batch experiments, the effects that the pre-treatment of ash, adsorbent dosage, contact time and temperature had on the adsorption process were studied. The main results show that phosphorus adsorption by the tested ashes augments as temperature increases. Similarly, the adsorbed amount of phosphorus increases by increasing the dose of the adsorbent. In addition, the adsorption of phosphorus by these three materials has been described well by the Langmuir isotherm equation. It has been found that the removal process of phosphorus was endothermic. Finally, this study concludes that waste ash from biomass plants can be used to remove phosphorus from wastewater in sewage treatment plants.Carricondo Antón, JM.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Turegano Pastor, JV.; Raigón Jiménez, MD.; González Romero, JA.; Mengual Cuquerella, J. (2020). Reduction of phosphorous from wastewater through adsorption processes reusing wood and straw ash produced in bioenergy facilities. Water Air & Soil Pollution. 231(3):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-020-04502-4S1122313Ahmaruzzaman, M. (2010). A review on the utilization of fly ash. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 36(3), 327–363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecs.2009.11.003.AOAC (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists). (2000). Gaithersburg: Editor, Dr William Horwitz. 17o edición. 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    Evaluating the use of meteorological predictions in directly pumped irrigational operations using photovoltaic energy

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    [EN] The modernization process in irrigation has generated a higher energy demand. Due to this problem, the ongoing increase in energy tariffs, and the reduction in manufacturing costs of photovoltaic (PV)panels, there has been an increased use of renewable energies, such as PV energy, to power the pumping equipment involved in pressurized irrigation. On direct pumping, the available solar power can be lower than that required by the pumping units. This fact can result in stoppages that can produce unwanted transient effects or even the emptying of the network. To avoid these phenomena and reduce the use of conventional energy, a methodology is proposed in this work, whereby meteorological predictions, corrected with a Kalman filter, are used to calculate the available PV power,irrigation needs, and maintaining soil moisture above desirable levels for the crop by minimizing deep percolation. This methodology is then compared to the traditional scheduling method that uses historical data and replaces the crop¿s evapotranspiration that occurs in a given time period.The methodology was applied to a real case study during an irrigation campaign, which was simulated using a weekly operative period. It was found that the use of meteorological predictions allowed PV energy consumption estimates to be improved from 68.7% to 79.3%, while the use of available photovoltaic energy in the case study increased from 11.64% to 13.37%.Sala is grateful to the support of grant PID2020-116585GB-I00 from Agencia Espanola de Investigacion (Spanish government and European Union). This study has been partially supported by the ADAPTAMED project (RTI2018-101483-B-I00), funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain and with EU FEDER funds.Carricondo-Antón, JM.; Jiménez Bello, MA.; Manzano Juarez, J.; Royuela, A.; Sala, A. (2022). Evaluating the use of meteorological predictions in directly pumped irrigational operations using photovoltaic energy. Agricultural Water Management. 266:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.10759611526

    Alternative use of rice straw ash as natural fertilizer to reduce phosphorous pollution in protected wetland ecosystems

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    [EN] Purpose: The uncontrolled discharge of phosphorus into aquatic environment leads to the deterioration of the water bodies. Additionally, the agricultural crops present inside the La Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, rice fields mainly, have a high social and environmental value. However, there is a conflict between private interests (farmers) and public interest in the management of agro-waste produced by them. Nowadays, the option used by the farmers is the uncontrolled burning in the own field. The ashes generated during the combustion process could be used to remove phosphorus loading in water bodies of the Natural Park, contributing to its recovery. Methods: Adsorption experiments were carried out in batch mode by using different concentration s (5-100 mgP L-1) of sodium phosphate dibasic (Na2HPO4) placed in 100 mL stoppered conical flask with 50 mL of synthetic wastewater and different amounts of adsorbent, during the selected time (5 days). Adsorption studies were performed with doses varying from 5 to 24 g L-1. After finishing the adsorption experiments, the solution was filtered through glass microfiber filter (1.2 ¿m). Results: The adsorption capacity varies for rice straw ash from 31.91% up to 97.48% and rice straw ash with HCl from 17.49% up to 89.04%. An increase in temperature or dosage had a positive effect in the removal capacity, increasing its adsorption. Removal process of phosphorus was endothermic. Conclusions: The use of rice straw ash could be a solution to reduce the phosphate in water bodies, providing an advantage to the proposed alternative of agro-waste management.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through RTI2018-101033-B-I00.Carricondo Antón, JM.; González Romero, JA.; Mengual Cuquerella, J.; Turegano Pastor, JV.; Oliver Villanueva, JV. (2020). Alternative use of rice straw ash as natural fertilizer to reduce phosphorous pollution in protected wetland ecosystems. International Journal Of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (Online). 9(1):61-74. https://doi.org/10.30486/IJROWA.2020.1885299.1003S61749

    Evaluación de la programación del riego de parcelas de cítricos mediante predicciones meteorológicas

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    Para realizar una programación del riego más ajustada a la demanda hídrica, se puede estimar la evapotranspiración potencial (ETo), tal como describe el método FAO 56, con anterioridad al riego mediante predicciones meteorológicas (PM). En este trabajo se han utilizado PM del Global Forecast System (GFS) y Météo-France. Del Sistema de Información Agroclimática para el Regadío (SIAR) se ha obtenido los datos meteorológicos de la zona de estudio. El objetivo ha sido conocer si el uso de distintas PM mejora la programación del riego que se realiza de manera habitual, además de determinar la mejor ventana temporal (VT) para realizar la programación de riego. El caso de estudio corresponde a 307 ha de cítricos de una Comunidad de Regantes en Picassent (Valencia). Se propone un modelo basado en la simulación de estimación de la ETo mediante PM y se compara frente a los riegos realizado por los agricultores de la zona de estudio. Para reducir la incertidumbre entre la PM y las mediciones realizadas en estaciones meteorológicas se ha aplicado el Filtro de Kalman (FK) a cada variable de la PM. Para estimar la humedad del suelo se ha utilizado un modelo hidrológico simplificado teniendo en cuenta la evapotranspiración del cultivo, el riego, la precipitación efectiva y el drenaje. Los errores relativos en la estimación de la ETo se han obtenido para 2 periodos temporales, el primero desde el 1 de abril hasta el 30 de septiembre y el segundo durante todo el año 2019. Como ejemplo, el sistema que menores errores presenta es GFSK (con FK), reduciendo los errores respecto de la ETo calculada mediante mediciones en estaciones meteorológicas del 9.9% al 6.3% para 1 y 7 días respectivamente. El error medio semanal de la ETo mediante datos históricos para la misma época fue del 18.8%. Al aplicar el modelo hidrológico simplificado para calcular la humedad del suelo, esta se mantuvo por encima de un valor umbral de no estrés del cultivo para todos los escenarios. El volumen de agua drenado anualmente aumenta al reducir el número de días predichos para todos los escenarios, esto es debido a que al reducir la VT aumenta el volumen regado manteniendo una humedad del suelo próxima a la humedad objetivo. La programación del riego sobre la base de las PM se ha comparado con una llevada a cabo de forma empírica por agricultores de la zona obteniéndose un drenaje de 468.6 mm año-1 frente a las PM de GFSK a 7 días de VT que presenta 55.9 mm año-1 para un suelo franco arenoso arcilloso. La VT de programación que evita una mayor pérdida por percolación profunda para un terreno franco arcillo arenoso es la de 7 días para la PM de GFSK. No obstante, en próximos estudios, se analizará la integral de estrés para determinar si las distintas programaciones de riego afectan al rendimiento del cultivo

    SIAGES: un innovador sistema integrado de apoyo a la gestión del agua

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    SIAGES es un innovador sistema integrado de apoyo a la gestión del agua que dotará a los gestores del servicio de agua, a partir de la interacción innovadora entre diferentes servicios, de una nueva visión de conjunto nunca obtenida hasta ahora, permitiendo la optimización de la toma de decisiones en sistemas complejos, a escala diaria y con capacidad de predicción a varios meses, armonizando el uso del recurso hídrico con la consecución de los objetivos medioambientales. Para ello, SIAGES incorpora una importante carga de innovación e integración de datos y algoritmos que permitirá, aprendiendo del pasado y caracterizando el presente, predecir y optimizar el comportamiento futuro. El prototipo se ha aplicado en su desarrollo al sistema de cuenca del Segura, un sistema muy complejo y altamente interconectado, con una gran diversidad de fuentes del recurso y un alto grado de aprovechamiento de los recursos existentes