54 research outputs found

    Compulsory and recommended vaccination in Italy: evaluation of coverage and non-compliance between 1998-2002 in Northern Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Since vaccinations are an effective prevention tool for maintaining the health of society, the monitoring of immunization coverage allows us to identify areas where disease outbreaks are likely to occur, and possibly assist us in predicting future outbreaks. The aim of this study is the investigation of the coverage achieved for compulsory (diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B,) and recommended (pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae, measles-mumps-rubella) vaccinations between 1998 and 2002 in the municipality of Bologna and the identification of the subjects not complying with compulsory and recommended vaccinations. METHODS: The statistics regarding vaccinal coverage were elaborated from the data supplied by the Bologna vaccinal registration system (1998–2000) and the IPV4 program (2001–2002). To calculate the coverage for compulsory vaccinations and cases of non-compliance reference was made to the protocol drawn up by the Emilia Romagna Regional Administration. The reasons for non-compliance were divided into various categories RESULTS: In Bologna the levels of immunization for the four compulsory vaccinations are satisfactory: over 95% children completed the vaccinal cycle, receiving the booster for anti-polio foreseen in their 3(rd )year and for anti-dyphteria, tetanus, pertussis at 6 years. The frequency of subjects with total non-compliance (i.e. those who have not begun any compulsory vaccinations by the age of one year) is generally higher in Bologna than in the region, with a slight increase in 2002 (2.52% and 1.06% in the city and the region respectively). The frequency of the anti-measles vaccination is higher than that of mumps and rubella, which means that the single vaccine, as opposed to the combined MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) was still being used in the period in question. The most common reason for non compliance is objection of parents and is probably due to reduction of certain diseases or anxiety about the possible risks. CONCLUSION: In Bologna the frequency of children aged 12 and 24 months who have achieved compulsory vaccination varied, in 2002, between 95% and 98%. As regards recommended vaccinations the percentage of coverage against Haemophilus influenzae is 93.3%, while the levels for measles, mumps and pertussis range from 84% to approx. 92%. Although these percentages are higher if compared to those obtained by other Italian regions, every effort should be made to strengthen the aspects that lead to a successful vaccinal strategy

    La prevenzione sul lavoro, degli infortuni e della malattie professionali.

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    La legge 833 del 1978, istitutiva del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, dichiara che il SSN è destinato, con i suoi servizi, strutture e attività, "alla promozione, al mantenimento ed al recupero della salute fisica e psichica di tutta la popolazione". "Promozione e mantenimento": la prevenzione, dunque, in primo piano. Eppure, ancora oggi, per la prevenzione non si riesce a spendere la quota del 5% del fondo sanitario, prevista per legge. Di fronte a tale situazione, la Fondazione Smith Kline, nell'ambito delle attività istituzionali dedicate alla propria area operativa di medicina preventiva e in collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica (S.lt.l.), ha intrapreso interventi intesi a favorire il passaggio dal "modello malattia" al "modello salute"; vale a dire la transizione almeno parziale dell'oggetto di intervento del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale dall'individuo malato alla popolazione sana, così da prevenire la malattia. Di qui l'iniziativa del Rapporto Prevenzione, attualmente alla seconda edizione, articolato in due parti. La prima, dedicata alle attività dell'Osservatorio Italiano sulla Prevenzione, che si propone, attraverso una metodologia condivisa, di acquisire e diffondere informazioni e "best practices" attraverso un metodo di raccolta ed analisi dei dati standardizzata. La seconda, dedicata ogni anno ad un approfondimento tematico: per il 2011, "Le attività di prevenzione"

    L’andamento epidemiologico dell’AIDS in Lombardia al 30 marzo 1990

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    Viene descritto l'andamento epdiemiologico dei casi di AIDS notificati in Regione Lombardi

    La "Sindrome da classe economica": fattori di rischio e prevenzione

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