9 research outputs found

    Real-life management of patients with breakthrough cancer pain caused by bone metastases in Spain

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    Purpose: We aimed to explore the characteristics, and real-life therapeutic management of patients with breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) caused by bone metastases in Spain, and to evaluate physicians' opinion of and satisfaction with prescribed BTcP therapy. Participants and methods: For the purposes of this study, an ad-hoc questionnaire was developed consisting of two domains: a) organizational aspects and care standards; b) clinical and treatment variables of bone metastatic BTcP patients. In addition, physicians' satisfaction with their prescribed BTcP therapy was assessed. Specialists collected data from up to five patients receiving treatment for BTcP caused by bone metastasis, all patients gave their consent to participate prior to inclusion. Results: A total of 103 cancer pain specialists (radiation oncologists [38.8%], pain specialists [33.0%], and palliative care (PC) specialists [21.4%]) were polled, and data on 386 BTcP patients with bone metastatic disease were collected. Only 33% of the specialists had implemented specific protocols for BTcP management, and 19.4% had established referral protocols for this group of patients. Half of all participants (50.5%) address quality of life and quality of care in their patients; however, only 27.0% did so from the patient's perspective, as they should do. Most patients had multiple metastases and were prescribed rapid-onset fentanyl preparations (71.2%), followed by immediate-release morphine (9.3%) for the treatment of BTcP. Rapid-onset fentanyl was prescribed more often in PC units (79.0%) than in pain units (75.9%) and radiation oncology units (61.1%) (p<0.01). Furthermore, most physicians (71.8%) were satisfied with the BTcP therapy prescribed. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate the need for routine assessment of quality of life in patients with bone BTcP. These findings also underscore the necessity for a multidisciplinary therapeutic strategy for breakthrough pain in clinical practice in Spain

    Ketamina en el dolor del miembro fantasma

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    Phantom limb pain is one of the main long-term complications of amputation. Among the available options that have been reported in sporadic cases in the literature is the use of ketamine. We present the case of a 65-year-old man with phantom limb pain for 10 years and partial response to anticonvulsants and antidepressants. The patient reported a baseline visual analog scale (VAS) pain score of 4 and frequent episodes of lancinating pain with a score of 10. The Lattinen index was 12. The patient was depressed with repercussions on his family life.El dolor en miembro fantasma es una de las principales complicaciones a largo plazo tras la amputación de un miembro. Entre las opciones disponibles y que cuentan con respaldo bibliográfico de casos puntuales, se encuentra el uso de la ketamina. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 65 años, con dolor en miembro fantasma desde hacia 10 años, con respuesta parcial a los anticonvulsionantes y antidepresivos. El paciente refería un dolor basal de 4, medido con la escala visual analógica, y episodios frecuentes de dolor lancinante de 10. El índice de Lattinen tenía un valor de 12 y, además, el paciente estaba deprimido y con afectación de su vida familiar. Ante esta situación decidimos, tras revisar la bibliografía, citarlo para perfusión continua intravenosa de ketamina. Evaluamos al paciente a la semana, a los 3 y a los 6 meses con un EVA a los 6 meses de 0 en reposo y con disminución de los episodios de dolor lancinante menos de 2 a la semana, con un EVA en estos episodios de 6, Lattinen de 5 y mejoría del estado de ánimo

    Electroacupuntura en un caso de neuralgia postherpética con afectación de la rama oftálmica del V par craneal

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    Postherpetic neuralgia consists of chronic neuropathic pain that appears as a complication of varicella-zoster virus infection and is characterized by intense and episodic pain. The treatment of choice is pharmacological but adequate therapeutic response is not always achieved, either due to drug intolerance or to inadequate pain control. We report the case of a woman with postherpetic neuralgia affecting the left ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, in whom distinct drug treatments failed to achieve adequate pain control. Given this situation, electroacupuncture sessions were started, combined with pharmacological therapy. The frequency and intensity of the pain exacerbations progressively diminished, allowing drug treatment to be discontinued. Electroacupuncture can constitute a therapeutic alternative in patients with drug intolerance or inadequate control of neuropathic pain with pharmacological treatment.Neuralgia postherpética: cuadro de dolor neuropático crónico que aparece como complicación de una infección por el virus de la varicela zóster. La clínica se caracteriza por un dolor intenso y episódico. El tratamiento de elección es farmacológico, pero en un porcentaje de pacientes no se consigue una adecuada respuesta terapéutica, bien por intolerancia a los fármacos bien por inadecuado control del dolor. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con una neuralgia postherpética que afecta a la rama oftálmica izquierda del V par craneal, en la cual no conseguimos un adecuado manejo del cuadro doloroso tras probar diferentes pautas farmacológicas. Ante esta situación, se inició sesiones de electroacupuntura combinadas con fármacos. Se obtuvo una mejoría progresiva de las crisis dolorosas en intensidad y frecuencia, lo que permitió la supresión del tratamiento farmacológico. Alternativa terapéutica a pacientes que no toleran los tratamientos farmacológicos para su dolor neuropático o cuando éstos son ineficaces

    Real-life management of patients with breakthrough cancer pain caused by bone metastases in Spain.

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    Purpose: We aimed to explore the characteristics, and real-life therapeutic management of patients with breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) caused by bone metastases in Spain, and to evaluate physicians' opinion of and satisfaction with prescribed BTcP therapy. Participants and methods: For the purposes of this study, an ad-hoc questionnaire was developed consisting of two domains: a) organizational aspects and care standards; b) clinical and treatment variables of bone metastatic BTcP patients. In addition, physicians' satisfaction with their prescribed BTcP therapy was assessed. Specialists collected data from up to five patients receiving treatment for BTcP caused by bone metastasis, all patients gave their consent to participate prior to inclusion. Results: A total of 103 cancer pain specialists (radiation oncologists [38.8%], pain specialists [33.0%], and palliative care (PC) specialists [21.4%]) were polled, and data on 386 BTcP patients with bone metastatic disease were collected. Only 33% of the specialists had implemented specific protocols for BTcP management, and 19.4% had established referral protocols for this group of patients. Half of all participants (50.5%) address quality of life and quality of care in their patients; however, only 27.0% did so from the patient's perspective, as they should do. Most patients had multiple metastases and were prescribed rapid-onset fentanyl preparations (71.2%), followed by immediate-release morphine (9.3%) for the treatment of BTcP. Rapid-onset fentanyl was prescribed more often in PC units (79.0%) than in pain units (75.9%) and radiation oncology units (61.1%) (

    Multiplexed Imaging of Nanoparticles in Tissues Using Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Imaging of nanomaterials in biological tissues provides vital information for the development of nanotherapeutics and diagnostics. Multiplexed imaging of different nanoparticles (NPs) greatly reduces costs, the need to use multiple animals, and increases the biodistribution information that can enhance diagnostic applications and accelerate the screening of potential therapeutics. Various approaches have been developed for imaging NPs; however, the readout of existing imaging techniques relies on specific properties of the core material or surface ligands, and these techniques are limited because of the relatively small number of NPs that can be simultaneously measured in a single experiment. Here, we demonstrate the use of laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) in an imaging format to investigate surface chemistry dictated intraorgan distribution of NPs. This new LDI-MS imaging method enables multiplexed imaging of NPs with potentially unlimited readouts and without additional labeling of the NPs. It provides the capability to detect and image attomole levels of NPs with almost no interferences from biomolecules. Using this new imaging approach, we find that the intraorgan distributions of same-sized NPs are directly linked to their surface chemistry