241 research outputs found

    Inflatino-less Cosmology

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    We construct inflationary models in the context of supergravity with orthogonal nilpotent superfields [1]. When local supersymmetry is gauge-fixed in the unitary gauge, these models describe theories with only a single real scalar (the inflaton), a graviton and a gravitino. Critically, there is no inflatino, no sgoldstino, and no sinflaton in these models. This dramatically simplifies cosmological models which can simultaneously describe inflation, dark energy and SUSY breaking.Comment: 4 page

    Abelian Z-theory: NLSM amplitudes and alpha'-corrections from the open string

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    In this paper we derive the tree-level S-matrix of the effective theory of Goldstone bosons known as the non-linear sigma model (NLSM) from string theory. This novel connection relies on a recent realization of tree-level open-superstring S-matrix predictions as a double copy of super-Yang-Mills theory with Z-theory --- the collection of putative scalar effective field theories encoding all the alpha'-dependence of the open superstring. Here we identify the color-ordered amplitudes of the NLSM as the low-energy limit of abelian Z-theory. This realization also provides natural higher-derivative corrections to the NLSM amplitudes arising from higher powers of alpha' in the abelian Z-theory amplitudes, and through double copy also to Born-Infeld and Volkov-Akulov theories. The Kleiss-Kuijf and Bern-Carrasco-Johansson relations obeyed by Z-theory amplitudes thereby apply to all alpha'-corrections of the NLSM. As such we naturally obtain a cubic-graph parameterization for the abelian Z-theory predictions whose kinematic numerators obey the duality between color and kinematics to all orders in alpha'.Comment: 37 pages; v2: references, explanations and arguments for factorization added; published versio

    Gauge and Gravity Amplitude Relations

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    In these lectures I talk about simplifications and universalities found in scattering amplitudes for gauge and gravity theories. In contrast to Ward identities, which are understood to arise from familiar symmetries of the classical action, these structures are currently only understood in terms of graphical organizational principles, such as the gauge-theoretic color-kinematics duality and the gravitational double-copy structure, for local representations of multi-loop S-matrix elements. These graphical principles make manifest new relationships in and between gauge and gravity scattering amplitudes. My lectures will focus on arriving at such graphical organizations for generic theories with examples presented from maximal supersymmetry, and their use in unitarity-based multi-loop integrand construction.Comment: Presented at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute (TASI 2014), Boulder, CO, June 2-27, 201

    The Hyperbolic Geometry of Cosmological Attractors

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    Cosmological alpha-attractors give a natural explanation for the spectral index n_s of inflation as measured by Planck while predicting a range for the tensor-to-scalar ratio r, consistent with all observations, to be measured more precisely in future detection of gravity waves. Their embedding into supergravity exploits the hyperbolic geometry of the Poincare disk or half-plane. These geometries are isometric under Mobius transformations, which include the shift symmetry of the inflaton field. We introduce a new Kahler potential frame that explicitly preserves this symmetry, enabling the inflaton to be light. Moreover, we include higher-order curvature deformations, which can stabilize a direction orthogonal to the inflationary trajectory. We illustrate this new framework by stabilizing the single superfield alpha-attractors

    One-loop four-point amplitudes in pure and matter-coupled N <= 4 supergravity

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    We construct all supergravity theories that can be obtained through factorized orbifold projections of N=8 supergravity, exposing their double-copy structure, and calculate their one-loop four-point scattering amplitudes. We observe a unified structure in both matter and gravity amplitudes, and demonstrate that the four-graviton amplitudes are insensitive to the precise nature of the matter couplings. We show that these amplitudes are identical for the two different realizations of N=4 supergravity with two vector multiplets, and argue that this feature extends to all multiplicities and loop orders as well as to higher dimensions. We also construct a selected set of supergravities obtained through a non-factorized orbifold action. Furthermore we calculate one-loop four-point amplitudes for all pure super-Yang-Mills theories with less-than-maximal supersymmetry using the duality between color and kinematics, finding here a unified expression that holds for all four gluon amplitudes in the theories. We recover the related amplitudes of factorized N<=4 supergravities employing the double-copy construction. We observe a requirement that the four-point loop-level amplitudes have non-local integrand representations, exhibiting a mild non-locality in the form of inverse powers of the three external Mandelstam invariants. These are the first loop-level color-kinematic-satisfying representations in reduced supersymmetry theories.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures, PDFLaTeX, section 3.2 expanded, version accepted for publication in JHE

    UV Massive Resonance from IR Double Copy Consistency

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    From the perspective of effective field theory (EFT), Wilson coefficients of the low energy theory are determined by integrating out modes of the full ultraviolet (UV) theory. The spectrum can be in principle resummed if one has access to all available infrared (IR) coefficients at low energies. In this work we show that there exists a general class of consistent massive resonance double-copy (CMRDC) models where UV massive residues are reconstructed through double-copy consistency conditions between the IR Wilson coefficients of the full EFT expansion. Through a color-dual bootstrap, we find surprisingly that double-copy consistency alone introduces the kinematic factors of CMRDC models that soften high energy behavior by exponentiating color-dual contacts. This bootstrap suggests that our massive resonance paradigm is an inevitable consequence of the duality between color and kinematics, thereby providing a path towards emergent UV structure directly from the IR. We then demonstrate how CMRDC models can capture a spectrum of massive modes compatible with general multiplicity, and use Pad\'{e} extrapolation to solve the inverse problem of identifying massive UV resonance from a small number of IR Wilson coefficients.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figure