610 research outputs found

    Can International Policy Coordination Really Be Counterproductive?

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    This paper shows that international policy coordination is not counterproductive in a world where the incentive to run beggar-thy-neighbor policies internationally arises from the inefficiency that characterizes, within each country, the interaction between policymakers and private agents. The domestic inefficiency arises from the presence of nominal contracts that give central banks the power to affect real variables. In this setting we show that international cooperation belongs to central banks' dominant strategy. The paper is motivated by a common and misleading interpretation of a paper by Rogoff [1985], namely that international cooperation may be counterproductive in the presence of a domestic inefficiency.

    An Analysis of Adaptation as a Response to Climate Change

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    Climate change is likely to have relevant effects on our future socio-economic systems. It is therefore important to identify how markets and policy jointly react to expected climate change to protect our societies and well-being. This study addresses this issue by carrying out an integrated analysis of both optimal mitigation and adaptation at the global and regional level. Adaptation responses are disentangled into three different modes: reactive adaptation, proactive (or anticipatory) adaptation, and investments in innovation for adaptation purposes. The size, the timing, the relative contribution to total climate-related damage reduction, and the benefit-cost ratios of each of these strategies are assessed for the world as a whole, and for developed and developing countries in both a cooperative and a non-cooperative setting. The study also takes into account the role of price signals and markets in inducing and diffusing adaptation. This leads to two scenarios: A pessimistic one, in which policy-driven adaptation bears the burden, together with mitigation, of reducing climate damage; and an optimistic one, in which markets also autonomously contribute to reducing some damages by modifying sectoral structure, international trade flows, capital distribution and land allocation. For all scenarios, the costs and benefits of adaptation are assessed using WITCH, an integrated assessment, intertemporal optimization, forward-looking model. Extensive sensitivity analysis with respect to the size of climate damages and of the discount rate has also been carried out.Climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation, integrated assessment model

    Climate Policy and the Optimal Balance between Mitigation, Adaptation and Unavoided Damage

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    It has become commonly accepted that a successful climate strategy should compound mitigation and adaptation. The accurate combination between adaptation and mitigation that can best address climate change is still an open question. This paper proposes a framework that integrates mitigation, adaptation, and climate change residual damages into an optimisation model. This set-up is used to provide some insights on the welfare maximising resource allocation between mitigation and adaptation, on their optimal timing, and on their marginal contribution to reducing vulnerability to climate change. The optimal mix between three different adaptation modes (reactive adaptation, anticipatory adaptation, and investment in innovation for adaptation purposes) within the adaptation bundle is also identified. Results suggest that the joint implementation of mitigation and adaptation is welfare improving. Mitigation should start immediately, whereas adaptation somehow later. It is also shown that in a world where the probability of climate-related catastrophic events is small and where decision makers have a high discount rate, adaptation is unambiguously the preferred option. Adaptation needs, both in developed and developing countries, will be massive, especially during the second half of the century. Most of the adaptation burden will be on developing countries. International cooperation is thus required to equally distribute the cost of adaptation.Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation, Adaptation, Integrated Assessment Model

    Climate Policy and the Optimal Balance between Mitigation, Adaptation and Unavoided Damage

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    It has become commonly accepted that a successful climate strategy should compound mitigation and adaptation. The accurate combination between adaptation and mitigation that can best address climate change is still an open question. This paper proposes a framework that integrates mitigation, adaptation, and climate change residual damages into an optimisation model. This set-up is used to provide some insights on the welfare maximising resource allocation between mitigation and adaptation, on their optimal timing, and on their marginal contribution to reducing vulnerability to climate change. The optimal mix between three different adaptation modes (reactive adaptation, anticipatory adaptation, and investment in innovation for adaptation purposes) within the adaptation bundle is also identified. Results suggest that the joint implementation of mitigation and adaptation is welfare improving. Mitigation should start immediately, whereas adaptation somehow later. It is also shown that in a world where the probability of climate-related catastrophic events is small and where decision makers have a high discount rate, adaptation is unambiguously the preferred option. Adaptation needs, both in developed and developing countries, will be massive, especially during the second half of the century. Most of the adaptation burden will be on developing countries. International cooperation is thus required to equally distribute the cost of adaptation.Climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation, integrated assessment model

    Adaptation, Mitigation and Innovation: A Comprehensive Approach to Climate Policy

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    The ultimate question that most interests policy makers is how to reduce the climate change vulnerability of socio-economic systems in the most cost-effective manner. Extended literature has investigated the different dimensions of mitigation strategies, whereas much less can be found on adaptation. Even less can be found on the interactions between adaptation and mitigation. The increasing emphasis on adaptation raises a set of still unanswered questions concerning the design of an optimal mix of mitigation and adaptation measures. This paper presents an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) that explicitly models the connections between mitigation, climate change impacts and adaptation. Compared to the few existing studies in the field, our framework provides a more detailed characterisation of adaptation processes. Adaptation activities have been distinguished from adaptive capacity building. We also provide an updated quantitative support for the calibration of adaptation costs and benefits. Using this framework, we explore issues such as the optimal timing of mitigation and adaptation, the trade-off between mitigation and adaptation, and the regional distribution of investments and residual damage.Climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation, integrated assessment model

    PFS Data Manager User Manual

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    PFS Data Manager User Manual describes an UWP application developed to help the PFS team in creating requests for retrieving PFS data from ESOC and processing them. The app allows the creation of requests, sends them towards ESOC servers, waits for related data and processes them creating files available for being analyzed strting from telemetries

    SLab Web Data Manager

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    The SLab Web Data Manager is a tool developed for helping activities in IAPS SLab structure. The web app has the main goal of allowing researchers in retrieving and analyzing spectra saved during the acquisition sessions. In this user manual it will be explained how the web application works as web API for SLab Data Manager app, for managing users’ registration, and the describes the beginning of the work for letting users to search and visualize raw and processed spectra into the SLab database (At the time this manual is being written, this section of the web app is in initial development phase)

    In operando XAS investigation of reduction and oxidation processes in cobalt and iron mixed spinels during the chemical loop reforming of ethanol

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    FeCo2O4 and CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been studied as oxygen carriers for the Chemical Loop Reforming (CLR) of ethanol. By using in operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy we have followed in real time the chemical and structural changes that take place on the materials as a function of temperature and reactive atmosphere (i.e. ethanol/water streams). During the first step of CLR for both oxides the most active chemical species are the cations in the tetrahedral sites, irrespective of their chemical nature. Quite rapidly the spinel structure is transformed into a mix of wustite-type oxide and metal alloys, but the formation of a metal phase is easier in the case of cobalt, while iron shows a marked preference to form wustite type oxide. Despite the good reducibility of FeCo2O4 imparted by the high amount of cobalt, its performance in the production of hydrogen is quite poor due to an inefficient oxidation by water steam, which is able to oxidize only the outer shell of the nanoparticles. In contrast, CoFe2O4 due to the residual presence of a reducible wustite phase shows a higher hydrogen yield. Moreover, by combining the structural information provided by X-ray absorption spectroscopy with the analysis of the byproducts of ethanol decomposition we could infer that FeCo2O4 is more selective than CoFe2O4 for the selective dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde because of the higher amount of Fe(III) ions in tetrahedral sites