3 research outputs found

    Fruktosaren kontsumoak eragin ditzakeen osasun arazoak: konponbidea arazo bihurtzen denean

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    Obesity is considered a major health problem, reaching epidemic magnitude and being one of the main causes of early deaths worldwide. Among the main features of this chronic-metabolic disease is its relationship with other metabolic conditions, being type 2 diabetes one of the most important ones. As for obesity, caloric-restriction is commonly used as therapeutic approach for diabetes. Nevertheless, since such treatments tend to reach low success, further interventions as sucrose replacement by fructose are widely used for these patients. Indeed, insulin is not necessary for fructose metabolism (unlike glucose), which occurs without changes in plasma glucose levels. Nevertheless, since the recent increase in fructose consumption occurred concomitantly with the prevalence increase of different metabolic disorders, much attention has been paid to this sugar, now considered the problem rather than the solution. For instance, excessive and/or chronic fructose consumption has been linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), mainly due to de novo lipogenesis activation, hepatic fatty-acid (FA) oxidation reduction, and gut microbiota composition and intestinal permeability impairments. Paradoxically excessive fructose consumption has also been related to insulin resistance (IR), being enhanced pancreatic insulin secretion and hepatic IR as the main underlying mechanisms. Finally, according to different studies, excessive and/or chronic fructose consumption can also induce excessive visceral adipose tissue (VAT) accumulation and dyslipidemia. Altogether, although once fructose consumption was considered healthy and the “solution” for different health alterations, its inadequate consumption also involves some risks. Therefore, administrations´ intervention is necessary to develop laws to reduce or regulate fructose consumption.; Obesitatea lehen mailako osasun-arazotzat hartzen da, epidemia baten tamaina hartuz eta mundu-mailan heriotza goiztiarren eragile nagusietakoa bihurtuz. Gaixotasun metaboliko kroniko honen ezaugarri nagusietako bat berarekin lotzen diren osasun-arazoak dira, eta horien artean 2 motako diabetesa nabarmentzen da. Obesitatearen kasuan bezala, diabetesaren tratamendurako ere murrizketa kalorikoan oinarritutako dietak erabili ohi dira. Hala ere, tratamendu mota horrek arrakasta baxua lortu ohi duenez, bestelako esku-hartzeak ere beharrezkoak dira, eta horien artean sakarosa fruktosarekin ordezkatzea sarritan preskribatzen da paziente horientzat. Izan ere, glukosarekin ez bezala, fruktosaren metabolismorako ez da intsulinarik behar, eta ondorioz, ez da odoleko glukosa-mailen handipenik gertatzen. Hala ere, azken urteetan izan den fruktosaren kontsumoaren handipena gaixotasun metaboliko ezberdinen prebalentziaren handipenarekin batera gertatu denez, arreta handia jarri zaio fruktosari, konponbidea izan beharrean arazoa izan daitekeela uste delako. Esaterako, ikusi da fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoak edo kontsumo kronikoak gibel gantzatsu ez-alkoholikoa (GGEA) sortzen duela, de novo lipogenesia aktibatuz, gibeleko gantz-azidoen (GA) oxidazioa murriztuz eta hesteko mikrobiotaren konposizioa aldatu eta iragazkortasuna handituz, besteak beste. Horretaz gain, paradoxikoki fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoa intsulinaren erresistentziarekin (IR) ere lotu da. Kasu horretan, pankreako intsulina-jario handiagotua eta gibeleko IR deskribatu dira mekanismo eragile nagusitzat. Azkenik, fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoak edo kontsumo kronikoak erraietako gantz-ehunaren (EGE) gehiegizko metaketa eta dislipemiak ere eragin ditzakeela deskribatu da ikerlan ezberdinetan. Horiek horrela, nahiz eta hasiera batean fruktosaren kontsumoa osasungarritzat eta zenbait osasun-asalduraren "konponbidetzat" jo, argi geratzen da haren kontsumo desegokiak zenbait arrisku ere badituela. Ondorioz, beharrezkotzat jotzen da administrazioaren esku-hartzea fruktosaren kontsumoa murrizten edota erregulatzen lagunduko duten arauen garapenerako

    Variability in the Beneficial Effects of Phenolic Compounds: A Review

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    When analysing the beneficial effects of phenolic compounds, several factors that exert a clear influence should be taken into account. The content of phenolic compounds in foods is highly variable, directly affecting individual dietary intake. Once ingested, these compounds have a greater or lesser bioaccessibility, defined as the amount available for absorption in the intestine after digestion, and a certain bioavailability, defined as the proportion of the molecule that is available after digestion, absorption and metabolism. Among the external factors that modify the content of phenolic compounds in food are the variety, the cultivation technique and the climate. Regarding functional foods, it is important to take into account the role of the selected food matrix, such as dairy matrices, liquid or solid matrices. It is also essential to consider the interactions between phenolic compounds as well as the interplay that occurs between these and several other components of the diet (macro- and micronutrients) at absorption, metabolism and mechanism of action levels. Furthermore, there is a great inter-individual variability in terms of phase II metabolism of these compounds, composition of the microbiota, and metabolic state or metabotype to which the subject belongs. All these factors introduce variability in the responses observed after ingestion of foods or nutraceuticals containing phenolic compounds.This study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) under Grant CB12/03/30007

    Anti-Obesity Effects of Isorhamnetin and Isorhamnetin Conjugates

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    Isorhamnetin is a plant-derived secondary metabolite which belongs to the family of flavonoids. This review summarises the main outcomes described in the literature to date, regarding the effects of isorhamnetin on obesity from in vitro and in vivo studies. The studies carried out in pre-adipocytes show that isorhamnetin is able to reduce adipogenesis at 10 μM or higher doses and that these effects are mediated by Pparγ and by Wnt signalling pathway. Very few studies addressed in rodents are available so far. It seems that treatment periods longer than two weeks are needed by isorhamnetin and its glycosides to be effective as anti-obesity agents. Nevertheless, improvements in glycaemic control can be observed even in short treatments. Regarding the underlying mechanisms of action, although some contradictory results have been found, reductions in de novo lipogenesis and fatty acid uptake could be proposed. Further research is needed to increase the scientific evidence referring to this topic; studies in animal models are essential, as well as randomised clinical trials to determine whether the positive results observed in animals could also be found in humans, in order to determine if isorhamnetin and its glycosides can represent a real tool against obesity.This study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) under Grant CB12/03/30007 and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-118300RB-C21 and PID2020-118300RB-C22 co-funded by FEDER)