19,143 research outputs found

    An overview of tea research in Tanzania - with special reference to the Southern Highlands.

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    The history of tea development in Tanzania from the early part of this century to the present is summarised. Average yields of made tea from well managed estates in the Mufindi district have increased from around 600 kg ha-1 in the late 1950s to 3000 kg ha-1 at the present time: by comparison, yields from smallholder farms have remained much lower, averaging only 400-500 kg ha-1. There have been a large number of technical, economic and other changes over the last 30 to 40 years. The removal of shade trees, the use of herbicides, the application of NPK compound fertilisers, the introduction of irrigation (on some estates) and changes in harvesting policy have all contributed to the increases in yield. Financial and infrastructural problems have contributed to the low yields from many smallholders and others, and have limited the uptake of new technology. The contribution of research is reviewed, from the start of the Tea Research Institute of East Africa in Kenya in 1951, through to the development of the Marikitanda Tea Research Centre in Amani in 1967; the Ngwazi Tea Research Unit in Mufindi (1967 to 1970, and from 1986), and lastly the Kifyulilo Tea Research Station, also in Mufindi in 1986. The yield potential of well fertilized and irrigated clonal tea, grown at an altitude of 1800 m, is around 6000 kg ha-1. This potential is reduced by drought, lack of fertilizer, bush vacancies and inefficient harvesting practices. The corresponding potential yields at high (2200 m) and low (1200 m) altitude sites range from 3000-3500 kg ha-1 up to 9000-10000 kg ha-1 and are largely a function of temperature. The opportunities for increasing yields of existing tea, smallholder and estate, are enormous. Tea production in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania is about to expand rapidly. Good, appropriate research is needed to sustain this development over the long term, and suggestions on how best this is done in order to assist the large scale producers as well as the smallholders, are discussed

    Near-Critical Gravitational Collapse and the Initial Mass Function of Primordial Black Holes

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    The recent discovery of critical phenomena arising in gravitational collapse near the threshold of black hole formation is used to estimate the initial mass function of primordial black holes (PBHs). It is argued that the universal scaling relation between black hole mass and initial perturbation found for a variety of collapsing space-times also applies to PBH formation, indicating the possibility of the formation of PBHs with masses much smaller than one horizon mass. Owing to the natural fine-tuning of initial conditions by the exponential decline of the probability distribution for primordial density fluctuations, sub-horizon mass PBHs are expected to form at all epochs. This result suggests that the constraints on the primordial fluctuation spectrum based on the abundance of PBHs at different mass scales may have to be revisited.Comment: 4 pages, uses revtex, also available at http://bigwhirl.uchicago.edu/jcn/pub_pbh.html . To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Proceedings of the MECA Workshop on The Evoluation of the Martian Atmosphere

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    Topics addressed include: Mars' volatile budget; climatic implications of martian channels; bulk composition of Mars; accreted water inventory; evolution of CO2; dust storms; nonlinear frost albedo feedback on Mars; martian atmospheric evolution; effects of asteroidal and cometary impacts; and water exchange between the regolith and the atmosphere/cap system over obliquity timescales

    Evolution of a Primordial Black Hole Population

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    We reconsider in this work the effects of an energy absorption term in the evolution of primordial black holes (hereafter PBHs) in the several epochs of the Universe. A critical mass is introduced as a boundary between the accreting and evaporating regimes of the PBHs. We show that the growth of PBHs is negligible in the Radiation-dominated Era due to scarcity of energy density supply from the expanding background, in agreement with a previous analysis by Carr and Hawking, but that nevertheless the absorption term is large enough for black holes above the critical mass to preclude their evaporation until the universe has cooled sufficiently. The effects of PBH motion are also discussed: the Doppler effect may give rise to energy accretion in black-holes with large peculiar motions relative to background. We discuss how cosmological constraints are modified by the introduction of the critical mass since that PBHs above it do not disturb the CMBR. We show that there is a large range of admissible masses for PBHs above the critical mass but well below the cosmological horizon. Finally we outline a minimal kinetic formalism, solved in some limiting cases, to deal with more complicated cases of PBH populationsComment: RevTex file, 8 pp., 3 .ps figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Growth of primordial black holes in a universe containing a massless scalar field

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    The evolution of primordial black holes in a flat Friedmann universe with a massless scalar field is investigated in fully general relativistic numerical relativity. A primordial black hole is expected to form with a scale comparable to the cosmological apparent horizon, in which case it may go through an initial phase with significant accretion. However, if it is very close to the cosmological apparent horizon size, the accretion is suppressed due to general relativistic effects. In any case, it soon gets smaller than the cosmological horizon and thereafter it can be approximated as an isolated vacuum solution with decaying mass accretion. In this situation the dynamical and inhomogeneous scalar field is typically equivalent to a perfect fluid with a stiff equation of state p=ρp=\rho. The black hole mass never increases by more than a factor of two, despite recent claims that primordial black holes might grow substantially through accreting quintessence. It is found that the gravitational memory scenario, proposed for primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories of gravity, is highly unphysical.Comment: 24 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Stability criterion for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid in general relativity

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    A stability criterion is derived in general relativity for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid, which is a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=ρP=\rho. A wide class of self-similar solutions turn out to be unstable against kink mode perturbation. According to the criterion, the Evans-Coleman stiff-fluid solution is unstable and cannot be a critical solution for the spherical collapse of a stiff fluid if we allow sufficiently small discontinuity in the density gradient field in the initial data sets. The self-similar scalar-field solution, which was recently found numerically by Brady {\it et al.} (2002 {\it Class. Quantum. Grav.} {\bf 19} 6359), is also unstable. Both the flat Friedmann universe with a scalar field and that with a stiff fluid suffer from kink instability at the particle horizon scale.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, typos correcte

    Self-similar spherically symmetric cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field

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    Self-similar, spherically symmetric cosmological models with a perfect fluid and a scalar field with an exponential potential are investigated. New variables are defined which lead to a compact state space, and dynamical systems methods are utilised to analyse the models. Due to the existence of monotone functions global dynamical results can be deduced. In particular, all of the future and past attractors for these models are obtained and the global results are discussed. The essential physical results are that initially expanding models always evolve away from a massless scalar field model with an initial singularity and, depending on the parameters of the models, either recollapse to a second singularity or expand forever towards a flat power-law inflationary model. The special cases in which there is no barotropic fluid and in which the scalar field is massless are considered in more detail in order to illustrate the asymptotic results. Some phase portraits are presented and the intermediate dynamics and hence the physical properties of the models are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Structural and functional conservation of the human homolog of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad2 gene, which is required for chromosome segregation and recovery from DNA damage

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    The rad2 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is sensitive to UV irradiation and deficient in the repair of UV damage. In addition, it has a very high degree of chromosome loss and/or nondisjunction. We have cloned the rad2 gene and have shown it to be a member of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD2/S. pombe rad13/human XPG family. Using degenerate PCR, we have cloned the human homolog of the rad2 gene. Human cDNA has 55% amino acid sequence identity to the rad2 gene and is able to complement the UV sensitivity of the rad2 null mutant. We have thus isolated a novel human gene which is likely to be involved both in controlling the fidelity of chromosome segregation and in the repair of UV-induced DNA damage. Its involvement in two fundamental processes for maintaining chromosomal integrity suggests that it is likely to be an important component of cancer avoidance mechanisms

    Critical collapse and the primordial black hole initial mass function

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    It has normally been assumed that primordial black holes (PBHs) always form with mass approximately equal to the mass contained within the horizon at that time. Recent work studying the application of critical phenomena in gravitational collapse to PBH formation has shown that in fact, at a fixed time, PBHs with a range of masses are formed. When calculating the PBH initial mass function it is usually assumed that all PBHs form at the same horizon mass. It is not clear, however, that it is consistent to consider the spread in the mass of PBHs formed at a single horizon mass, whilst neglecting the range of horizon masses at which PBHs can form. We use the excursion set formalism to compute the PBH initial mass function, allowing for PBH formation at a range of horizon masses, for two forms of the density perturbation spectrum. First we examine power-law spectra with n>1n>1, where PBHs form on small scales. We find that, in the limit where the number of PBHs formed is small enough to satisfy the observational constraints on their initial abundance, the mass function approaches that found by Niemeyer and Jedamzik under the assumption that all PBHs form at a single horizon mass. Second, we consider a flat perturbation spectrum with a spike at a scale corresponding to horizon mass 0.5M\sim 0.5 M_{\odot}, and compare the resulting PBH mass function with that of the MACHOs (MAssive Compact Halo Objects) detected by microlensing observations. The predicted mass spectrum appears significantly wider than the steeply-falling spectrum found observationally.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX file with ten figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and epsf). Minor changes to dicussion onl

    Semi-Static Hedging Based on a Generalized Reflection Principle on a Multi Dimensional Brownian Motion

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    On a multi-assets Black-Scholes economy, we introduce a class of barrier options. In this model we apply a generalized reflection principle in a context of the finite reflection group acting on a Euclidean space to give a valuation formula and the semi-static hedge.Comment: Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, online firs