3,306 research outputs found

    Local Variance Gamma and Explicit Calibration to Option Prices

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    In some options markets (e.g. commodities), options are listed with only a single maturity for each underlying. In others, (e.g. equities, currencies), options are listed with multiple maturities. In this paper, we provide an algorithm for calibrating a pure jump Markov martingale model to match the market prices of European options of multiple strikes and maturities. This algorithm only requires solutions of several one-dimensional root-search problems, as well as application of elementary functions. We show how to construct a time-homogeneous process which meets a single smile, and a piecewise time-homogeneous process which can meet multiple smiles

    Stochastic Skew in Currency Options

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    We document the behavior of over-the-counter currency option prices across moneyness, maturity, and calendar time on two of the most actively traded currency pairs over the past eight years. We find that the risk-neutral distribution of currency returns is relatively symmetric on average. However, on any given date, the conditional currency return distribution can show strong asymmetry. This asymmetry varies greatly over time and often switch directions. We design and estimate a class of models that capture these unique features of the currency options prices and perform much better than traditional jump- diffusion stochastic volatility models.currency options, stochastic skew, time-changed Levy processes

    The Finite Moment Log Stable Process and Option Pricing

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    We document a surprising pattern in market prices of S&P 500 index options. When implied volatilities are graphed against a standard measure of moneyness, the implied volatility smirk does not flatten out as maturity increases up to the observable horizon of two years. This behavior contrasts sharply with the implications of many pricing models and with the asymptotic behavior implied by the central limit theorem (CLT). We develop a parsimonious model which deliberately violates the CLT assumptions and thus captures the observed behavior of the volatility smirk over the maturity horizon. Calibration exercises demonstrate its superior performance against several widely used alternatives.Volatility smirk; central limit theorem; Levy a­lpha-stable motion; self­similarity; option pricing.

    What Type of Process Underlies Options? A Simple Robust Test

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    We develop a simple robust test for the presence of continuous and discontinuous (jump) com­ponents in the price of an asset underlying an option. Our test examines the prices of at­the­money and out­of­the­money options as the option maturity approaches zero. We show that these prices converge to zero at speeds which depend upon whether the sample path of the underlying asset price process is purely continuous, purely discontinuous, or a mixture of both. By applying the test to S&P 500 index options data, we conclude that the sample path behavior of this index contains both a continuous component and a jump component. In particular, we find that while the pres­ence of the jump component varies strongly over time, the presence of the continuous component is constantly felt. We investigate the implications of the evidence for parametric model specifications.Jumps; continuous martingale; option pricing; Levy density; double tails; local time.

    Time-Changed Levy Processes and Option Pricing

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    As is well known, the classic Black­Scholes option pricing model assumes that returns follow Brownian motion. It is widely recognized that return processes differ from this benchmark in at least three important ways. First, asset prices jump, leading to non­normal return innovations. Second, return volatilities vary stochastically over time. Third, returns and their volatilities are correlated, often negatively for equities. We propose that time­changed Levy processes be used to simultaneously address these three facets of the underlying asset return process. We show that our framework encompasses almost all of the models proposed in the option pricing literature. Despite the generality of our approach, we show that it is straightforward to select and test a particular option pricing model through the use of characteristic function technology.random time change; Levy processes; characteristic functions; option pricing; exponen­tial martingales; measure change

    Static Hedging of Standard Options

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    We consider the hedging of options when the price of the underlying asset is always exposed to the possibility of jumps of random size. Working in a single factor Markovian setting, we derive a new spanning relation between a given option and a continuum of shorter-term options written on the same asset. In this portfolio of shorter-term options, the portfolio weights do not vary with the underlying asset price or calendar time. We then implement this static relation using a finite set of shorter-term options and use Monte Carlo simulation to determine the hedging error thereby introduced. We compare this hedging error to that of a delta hedging strategy based on daily rebalancing in the underlying futures. The simulation results indicate that the two types of hedging strategies exhibit comparable performance in the classic Black-Scholes environment, but that our static hedge strongly outperforms delta hedging when the underlying asset price is governed by Merton (1976)'s jump-diffusion model. The conclusions are unchanged when we switch to ad hoc static and dynamic hedging practices necessitated by a lack of knowledge of the driving process. Further simulations indicate that the inferior performance of the delta hedge in the presence of jumps cannot be improved upon by increasing the rebalancing frequency. In contrast, the superior performance of the static hedging strategy can be further enhanced by using more strikes or by optimizing on the common maturity in the hedge portfolio. We also compare the hedging effectiveness of the two types of strategies using more than six years of data on S&P 500 index options. We find that in all cases considered, a static hedge using just five call options outperforms daily delta hedging with the underlying futures. The consistency of this result with our jump model simulations lends empirical support for the existence of jumps of random size in the movement of the S&P 500 index. We also find that the performance of our static hedge deteriorates moderately as we increase the gap between the maturity of the target call option and the common maturity of the call options in the hedge portfolio. We interpret this result as evidence of additional random factors such as stochastic volatility.Static hedging, jumps, option pricing, Monte Carlo, S&P 500 index options, stochastic volatility