1 research outputs found

    Influencia de la Autoestima y el Apoyo Familiar en la Prevenci贸n del Sexting Adolescente.

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    Objective: To determine the influence of self-esteem and family support in the prevention of sexting among adolescents in Santo Domingo de los Ts谩chilas during the year 2023. Methodological strategies: Quantitative study of correlational scope and cross-sectional design, applied to 384 adolescents between 14 and 19 years old. A survey consisting of 28 questions was used in which psychometric instruments such as the family APGAR, the Rossemberg self-esteem scale and the Chac贸n sexting behavior scale were used. The analyses were developed with 252 adolescents who determined that they had not had sexual practices, for which Cronbach's Alpha tests were developed to verify the reliability of the instrument and bivariate correlational analyses to identify the correlation of the variables. SPSS21 was used for all analyses. Main results: The study identified that 95% of the adolescents have moderate and high self-esteem, and that 68% live in a family environment with normal functionality. However, it was found that 40.7% of them do not engage in sexting, while 59.3% do so moderately, frequently or always. It was concluded that the greater the family support and the higher the self-esteem, the lower the practice of sexting.Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de la autoestima y el apoyo familiar en la prevenci贸n del sexting en los adolescentes de Santo Domingo de los Ts谩chilas durante el a帽o 2023. Estrategias metodol贸gicas: Estudio cuantitativo de alcance correlacional y dise帽o transversal, aplicado a 384 adolescentes entre 14 a 19 a帽os. Se utiliz贸 una encuesta conformada por 28 preguntas en donde se utiliz贸 instrumentos psicom茅tricos como el APGAR familiar, la escala de autoestima de Rossemberg y la escala de conductas sobre sexting de Chac贸n. Los an谩lisis fueron desarrollados con 252 adolescentes que determinaron que no han tenido pr谩cticas sexuales, para lo cual se desarroll贸 pruebas Alfa de Cronbach para verificar la fiabilidad del instrumento y an谩lisis correlacionales bivariados para identificar la correlaci贸n de las variables. Para todos los an谩lisis se utiliz贸 SPSS21. Principales resultados: El estudio identific贸 que el 95% de los adolescentes tienen autoestima moderado y alto, y que el 68% vive en un entorno familiar con funcionalidad normal. Sin embargo, se pudo comprobar que el 40,7% de ellos no desarrollan sexting, mientras que el 59,3% lo hace moderadamente, frecuentemente o siempre. Concluyendo que a mayor apoyo familiar y a mayor autoestima menor es la pr谩ctica de sexting