239 research outputs found

    Mobile test fixture system for use in a thermal vacuum facility

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    A turnkey thermal vacuum facility is discussed. A system is described that integrates five major subsystems including the transporters, multiplexers, a thermal shrouded test fixture, a thermal isolation system and an internal utility distribution system into a mobile test fixture system. This concept allows the spacecraft to be mounted outside of the chamber. Instrumentation and checkout of the spacecraft and its instrumentation is accomplished at this station. The spacecraft, which is still mated to the test fixture, is then moved into the chamber using an air transporter system

    Embedded Stellar Clusters in the W3/W4/W5 Molecular Cloud Complex

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    We analyze the embedded stellar content in the vicinity of the W3/W4/W5 HII regions using the FCRAO Outer Galaxy 12CO(J=1-0) Survey, the IRAS Point Source Catalog, published radio continuum surveys, and new near-infrared and molecular line observations. Thirty-four IRAS Point Sources are identified that have far-infrared colors characteristic of embedded star forming regions, and we have obtained K' mosaics and 13CO(J=1-0) maps for 32 of them. Ten of the IRAS sources are associated with an OB star and 19 with a stellar cluster, although three OB stars are not identified with a cluster. Half of the embedded stellar population identified in the K' images is found in just the 5 richest clusters, and 61% is contained in IRAS sources associated with an embedded OB star. Thus rich clusters around OB stars contribute substantially to the stellar population currently forming in the W3/W4/W5 region. Approximately 39% of the cluster population is embedded in small clouds with an average mass of ~130 Mo that are located as far as 100 pc from the W3/W4/W5 cloud complex. We speculate that these small clouds are fragments of a cloud complex dispersed by previous episodes of massive star formation. Finally, we find that 4 of the 5 known embedded massive star forming sites in the W3 molecular cloud are found along the interface with the W4 HII region despite the fact that most of the molecular mass is contained in the interior regions of the cloud. These observations are consistent with the classical notion that the W4 HII region has triggered massive star formation along the eastern edge of the W3 molecular cloud.Comment: to appear in ApJS, see http://astro.caltech.edu/~jmc/papers/w

    Limb interventions in patients undergoing treatment with an unsupported bifurcated aortic endograft system: A review of the Phase II EVT Trial

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    AbstractIntroduction: Both supported and unsupported bifurcated endograft limbs develop flow-restricting lesions, including kinks, stenoses, and occlusions, which can be identified during or after surgery. Recognition and intervention are essential to achieve long-term graft patency and a satisfactory functional result. This report represents a comprehensive retrospective review of graft limb interventions from the Phase II EVT Trial with the Endovascular Grafting System unsupported bifurcated endograft (Guidant/EVT, Menlo Park, Calif). Methods: The study population consists of 242 patients who underwent treatment with bifurcated endografts implanted during the EVT Phase II Trial. Graft limb interventions have been divided into two groups: those in whom the intervention occurred during surgery versus those in whom the intervention occurred after surgery. Parameters studied included type, incidence, and timing of graft limb intervention, indications for intervention, procedures performed, and overall patient outcome. Results: The mean follow-up period was 31 months. Primary, primary assisted, and secondary limb patency rates were 61.6%, 93.7%, and 97.1%, respectively. Technical success rate at case completion was 97.5%. In 68 of the 242 cases, limb interventions were performed during surgery to assure patency (28.1%). In 28 cases, interventions were performed after surgery (11.6%). Of these postoperative limb problems, 82% occurred during the first 6 months. Repeat limb interventions were necessitated in three patients (1.2%). Within the intraoperative intervention group, perceived indications included kinks (15%), stenosis (57%), dissection (6%), graft redundancy (12%), and instances of twists, thrombosis, and pressure gradients (10%). These findings were successfully managed with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty only (41%), percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent (50%), and various combined interventions. Within the postoperative intervention group, symptomatic indications included stenosis (46%) and thrombosis/occlusion (54%). These postoperative limb events were successfully managed with stent (64%), thrombolysis (32%), and femoral-femoral bypass (21%). When limb dysfunction developed in the postoperative setting, it most often occurred within the first 6 months of implantation. Only one patient in this Phase II cohort had a lower extremity amputation unrelated to a graft limb abnormality. Conclusion: The unsupported bifurcated limbs of this endograft necessitated primary adjunctive intervention in 40% of cases. Primary intervention was two times more likely to be performed at the time of the implant rather than after surgery. Repeat limb interventions were not common. Endograft limb flow problems were successfully treated with standard endovascular or surgical interventions or both. These data may support prophylactic stenting of unsupported Ancure graft limbs. A strategy that includes both intraoperative and early postoperative graft limb surveillance is essential to detect reduced limb flow. (J Vasc Surg 2002;36:118-26.

    Are Small Reimbursement Changes Enough to Change Cancer Care? Reimbursement Variation in Prostate Cancer Treatment

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    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently initiated small reimbursement adjustments to improve the value of care delivered under fee-for-service. To estimate the degree to which reimbursement influences physician decision making, we examined utilization of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists among urologists as Part B drug reimbursement varied in a fee-for-service environment

    Gender-related differences in infrarenal aortic aneurysm morphologic features: Issues relevant to Ancure and Talent endografts

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    AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether gender-related anatomic variables may reduce applicability of aortic endografting in women. Methods: Data on all patients evaluated at our institution for endovascular repair of their abdominal aortic aneurysm were collected prospectively. Ancure (Endovascular Technologies (EVT)/Guidant Corporation, Menlo Park, Calif) and Talent (World Medical/Medtronic Corporation, Sunrise, Fla) endografts were used. Preoperative imaging included contrast-enhanced computed tomography and arteriography or magnetic resonance angiography. Results: One hundred forty-one patients were evaluated (April 1998–December 1999), 19 women (13.5%) and 122 men (86.5%). Unsuitable anatomy resulted in rejection of 63.2% of the women versus only 33.6% of the men (P = .026). Maximum aneurysm diameter in women and men were similar (women, 56.94 ± 8.23 mm; men, 59.29 ± 13.22 mm; P = .5). The incidence of iliac artery tortuosity was similar across gender (women, 36.8%; men, 54.9%; P = .2). The narrowest diameter of the larger external iliac artery in women was significantly smaller (7.29 ± 2.37 mm) than in men (8.62 ± 2.07 mm; P = .02). The proximal neck length was significantly shorter in women (10.79 ± 12.5 mm) than in men (20.47 ± 19.5 mm; P = .02). The proximal neck width was significantly wider in women (30.5 ± 2.4 mm) than in men (27.5 ± 2.5 mm; P = .013). Proximal neck angulation (>60 degrees) was seen in a significantly higher proportion of women (21%) than men (3.3%; P = .012). Of the patients accepted for endografting, a significantly higher proportion of women required an iliofemoral conduit for access (women, 28.6%; men, 1.2%; P = .016). Conclusion: Gender-related differences in infrarenal aortic aneurysm morphologic features may preclude widespread applicability of aortic endografting in women, as seen by our experience with the Ancure and Talent devices. In addition to a significantly reduced iliac artery size, women are more likely to have a shorter, more dilated, more angulated proximal aortic neck. (J Vasc Surg 2001;33:S77-84.

    Racial Differences in Diffusion of Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer

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    Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), an innovative treatment option for prostate cancer, has rapidly diffused over the past decade. To inform our understanding of racial disparities in prostate cancer treatment and outcomes, this study compared diffusion of IMRT in African American (AA) and Caucasian American (CA) prostate cancer patients during the early years of IMRT diffusion using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)–Medicare linked database. A retrospective cohort of 947 AA and 10,028 CA patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer from 2002 through 2006, who were treated with either IMRT or non-IMRT as primary treatment within 1 year of diagnoses was constructed. Logistic regression was used to examine potential differences in diffusion of IMRT in AA and CA patients, while adjusting for socioeconomic and clinical covariates. A significantly smaller proportion of AA compared with CA patients received IMRT for localized prostate cancer (45% vs. 53%, p < .0001). Racial differences were apparent in multivariable analysis though did not achieve statistical significance, as time and factors associated with race (socioeconomic, geographic, and tumor related factors) explained the preponderance of variance in use of IMRT. Further research examining improved access to innovative cancer treatment and technologies is essential to reducing racial disparities in cancer care

    The Equilibrium State of Molecular Regions in the Outer Galaxy

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    A summary of global properties and an evaluation of the equilibrium state of molecular regions in the outer Galaxy are presented from the decomposition of the FCRAO Outer Galaxy Survey and targeted 12CO and 13CO observations of four giant molecular cloud complexes. The ensemble of identified objects includes both small, isolated clouds and clumps within larger cloud complexes. 12CO velocity dispersions show little variation with cloud sizes for radii less than 10 pc. It is demonstrated that the internal motions of regions with molecular masses greater than 10**4 msuns are bound by self gravity, yet, the constituent clumps of cloud complexes and isolated molecular clouds with M < 10**3 msuns are not in self gravitational equilibrium. The required external pressures to maintain the equilibrium of this population are (1-2)x10**4 cm-3-K.Comment: To appear in ApJ, 32 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Association Between Choice of Radical Prostatectomy, External Beam Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy, or Active Surveillance and Patient-Reported Quality of Life Among Men With Localized Prostate Cancer

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    Importance Patients diagnosed with localized prostate cancer have to decide among treatment strategies that may differ in their likelihood of adverse effects. Objective To compare quality of life (QOL) after radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy, and brachytherapy vs active surveillance. Design, Setting, and Participants Population-based prospective cohort of 1141 men (57% participation among eligible men) with newly diagnosed prostate cancer were enrolled from January 2011 through June 2013 in collaboration with the North Carolina Central Cancer Registry. Median time from diagnosis to enrollment was 5 weeks, and all men were enrolled with written informed consent prior to treatment. Final follow-up date for current analysis was September 9, 2015. Exposures Treatment with radical prostatectomy, external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, or active surveillance. Main Outcomes and Measures Quality of life using the validated instrument Prostate Cancer Symptom Indices was assessed at baseline (pretreatment) and 3, 12, and 24 months after treatment. The instrument contains 4 domains—sexual dysfunction, urinary obstruction and irritation, urinary incontinence, and bowel problems—each scored from 0 (no dysfunction) to 100 (maximum dysfunction). Propensity-weighted mean domain scores were compared between each treatment group vs active surveillance at each time point. Results Of 1141 enrolled men, 314 pursued active surveillance (27.5%), 469 radical prostatectomy (41.1%), 249 external beam radiotherapy (21.8%), and 109 brachytherapy (9.6%). After propensity weighting, median age was 66 to 67 years across groups, and 77% to 80% of participants were white. Across groups, propensity-weighted mean baseline scores were 41.8 to 46.4 for sexual dysfunction, 20.8 to 22.8 for urinary obstruction and irritation, 9.7 to 10.5 for urinary incontinence, and 5.7 to 6.1 for bowel problems. Compared with active surveillance, mean sexual dysfunction scores worsened by 3 months for patients who received radical prostatectomy (36.2 [95% CI, 30.4-42.0]), external beam radiotherapy (13.9 [95% CI, 6.7-21.2]), and brachytherapy (17.1 [95% CI, 7.8-26.6]). Compared with active surveillance at 3 months, worsened urinary incontinence was associated with radical prostatectomy (33.6 [95% CI, 27.8-39.2]); acute worsening of urinary obstruction and irritation with external beam radiotherapy (11.7 [95% CI, 8.7-14.8]) and brachytherapy (20.5 [95% CI, 15.1-25.9]); and worsened bowel symptoms with external beam radiotherapy (4.9 [95% CI, 2.4-7.4]). By 24 months, mean scores between treatment groups vs active surveillance were not significantly different in most domains

    Comparative Effectiveness of Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy and Conventional Conformal Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy

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    IMPORTANCE: Comparative effectiveness research of prostate cancer therapies is needed because of the development and rapid clinical adoption of newer and costlier treatments without proven clinical benefit. Radiotherapy is indicated after prostatectomy in select patients who have adverse pathologic features and in those with recurrent disease. OBJECTIVES: To examine the patterns of use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), a newer, more expensive technology that may reduce radiation dose to adjacent organs compared with the older conformal radiotherapy (CRT) in the postprostatectomy setting, and to compare disease control and morbidity outcomes of these treatments. DESIGN AND SETTING: Data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare-linked database were used to identify patients with a diagnosis of prostate cancer who had received radiotherapy within 3 years after prostatectomy. PARTICIPANTS: Patients who received IMRT or CRT. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The outcomes of 457 IMRT and 557 CRT patients who received radiotherapy between 2002 and 2007 were compared using their claims through 2009. We used propensity score methods to balance baseline characteristics and estimate adjusted incidence rate ratios (RRs) and their 95% CIs for measured outcomes. RESULTS: Use of IMRT increased from zero in 2000 to 82.1% in 2009. Men who received IMRT vs CRT showed no significant difference in rates of long-term gastrointestinal morbidity (RR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.66-1.37), urinary nonincontinent morbidity (0.93; 0.66-1.33), urinary incontinence (0.98; 0.71-1.35), or erectile dysfunction (0.85; 0.61-1.19). There was no significant difference in subsequent treatment for recurrent disease (RR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.90-1.92). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Postprostatectomy IMRT and CRT achieved similar morbidity and cancer control outcomes. The potential clinical benefit of IMRT in this setting is unclear. Given that IMRT is more expensive, its use for postprostatectomy radiotherapy may not be cost-effective compared with CRT, although formal analysis is needed
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