221 research outputs found

    The phosphoinositide PI(3,5)P2 inhibits the activity of plant NHX proton/potassium antiporters: Advantages of a novel electrophysiological approach

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    In the present work, we discuss the way in which the parallel application of the patch-clamp technique and the 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) fluorescence detection for recording luminal proton changes allows the functional characterization of nonelectrogenic potassium/proton vacuolar antiporters of the NHX (Na+/H+ exchanger) family. Moreover, we review the functional role of the tonoplast-specific phosphoinositide PI(3,5)P2, able to simultaneously inhibit the activity of NHXs and CLC-a transporters, whose coordinated action can play an important role in the water balance of plant cells

    Subthalamic neural activity patterns anticipate economic risk decisions in gambling

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    Economic decision-making is disrupted in individuals with gambling disorder, an addictive behavior observed in Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients receiving dopaminergic therapy. The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is involved in the inhibition of impulsive behaviors; however its role in impulse control disorders and addiction is still unclear. Here, we recorded STN local field potentials (LFPs) in PD patients with and without gambling disorder during an economic decision-making task. Reaction times analysis showed that for all patients the decision whether to risk preceded task onset. We compared then for both groups the STN LFP preceding high and low risk economic decisions. We found that risk avoidance in gamblers correlated with larger STN LFP low frequency (<12 Hz) fluctuations preceding task onset. In particular, the amplitude of low frequency LFP fluctuations carried significant information about future decisions. Decisions of patients not affected by gambling disorder were instead not correlated with pre-task STN LFP. Our results suggest that STN activity preceding task onset affects risk decisions by pre-emptively inhibiting attraction to high but unlikely rewards in favor of a long-term payoff

    Characterization of membrane vesicles in Alteromonas macleodii indicates potential roles in their copiotrophic lifestyle

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    Bacterial membrane vesicles (MVs) are abundant in the oceans, but their potential functional roles remain unclear. In this study we characterized MV production and protein content of six strains of Alteromonas macleodii, a cosmopolitan marine bacterium. Alteromonas macleodii strains varied in their MV production rates, with some releasing up to 30 MVs per cell per generation. Microscopy imaging revealed heterogenous MV morphologies, including some MVs aggregated within larger membrane structures. Proteomic characterization revealed that A. macleodii MVs are rich in membrane proteins related to iron and phosphate uptake, as well as proteins with potential functions in biofilm formation. Furthermore, MVs harbored ectoenzymes, such as aminopeptidases and alkaline phosphatases, which comprised up to 20% of the total extracellular enzymatic activity. Our results suggest that A. macleodii MVs may support its growth through generation of extracellular ‘hotspots’ that facilitate access to essential substrates. This study provides an important basis to decipher the ecological relevance of MVs in heterotrophic marine bacteria

    Decoding Information From Neural Signals Recorded Using Intraneural Electrodes: Toward the Development of a Neurocontrolled Hand Prosthesis

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    The possibility of controlling dexterous hand prostheses by using a direct connection with the nervous system is particularly interesting for the significant improvement of the quality of life of patients, which can derive from this achievement. Among the various approaches, peripheral nerve based intrafascicular electrodes are excellent neural interface candidates, representing an excellent compromise between high selectivity and relatively low invasiveness. Moreover, this approach has undergone preliminary testing in human volunteers and has shown promise. In this paper, we investigate whether the use of intrafascicular electrodes can be used to decode multiple sensory and motor information channels with the aim to develop a finite state algorithm that may be employed to control neuroprostheses and neurocontrolled hand prostheses. The results achieved both in animal and human experiments show that the combination of multiple sites recordings and advanced signal processing techniques (such as wavelet denoising and spike sorting algorithms) can be used to identify both sensory stimuli (in animal models) and motor commands (in a human volunteer). These findings have interesting implications, which should be investigated in future experiments. © 2006 IEEE

    A multi-channel stimulator with an active electrode array implant for vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies.

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    Background: Implantable vagus nerve stimulation is a promising approach for restoring autonomic cardiovascular functions after heart transplantation. For successful treatment a system should have multiple electrodes to deliver precise stimulation and complex neuromodulation patterns. Methods: This paper presents an implantable multi-channel stimulation system for vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies in swine species. The system comprises an active electrode array implant percutaneously connected to an external wearable controller. The active electrode array implant has an integrated stimulator ASIC mounted on a ceramic substrate connected to an intraneural electrode array via micro-rivet bonding. The implant is silicone encapsulated for biocompatibility and implanted lifetime. The stimulation parameters are remotely transmitted via a Bluetooth telemetry link. Results: The size of the encapsulated active electrode array implant is 8 mm × 10 mm × 3 mm. The stimulator ASIC has 10-bit current amplitude resolution and 16 independent output channels, each capable of delivering up to 550 μA stimulus current and a maximum voltage of 20 V. The active electrode array implant was subjected to in vitro accelerated lifetime testing at 70 °C for 7 days with no degradation in performance. After over 2 h continuous stimulation, the surface temperature change of the implant was less than 0.5 °C. In addition, in vivo testing on the sciatic nerve of a male Göttingen minipig demonstrated that the implant could effectively elicit an EMG response that grew progressively stronger on increasing the amplitude of the stimulation. Conclusions: The multi-channel stimulator is suitable for long term implantation. It shows potential as a useful tool in vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies in animal models for restoring autonomic cardiovascular functions after heart transplantation

    Current Methods to Unravel the Functional Properties of Lysosomal Ion Channels and Transporters

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    open18siA distinct set of channels and transporters regulates the ion fluxes across the lysosomal membrane. Malfunctioning of these transport proteins and the resulting ionic imbalance is involved in various human diseases, such as lysosomal storage disorders, cancer, as well as metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. As a consequence, these proteins have stimulated strong interest for their suitability as possible drug targets. A detailed functional characterization of many lysosomal channels and transporters is lacking, mainly due to technical difficulties in applying the standard patch-clamp technique to these small intracellular compartments. In this review, we focus on current methods used to unravel the functional properties of lysosomal ion channels and transporters, stressing their advantages and disadvantages and evaluating their fields of applicability.openFesta M.; Minicozzi V.; Boccaccio A.; Lagostena L.; Gradogna A.; Qi T.; Costa A.; Larisch N.; Hamamoto S.; Pedrazzini E.; Milenkovic S.; Scholz-Starke J.; Ceccarelli M.; Vitale A.; Dietrich P.; Uozumi N.; Gambale F.; Carpaneto A.Festa, M.; Minicozzi, V.; Boccaccio, A.; Lagostena, L.; Gradogna, A.; Qi, T.; Costa, A.; Larisch, N.; Hamamoto, S.; Pedrazzini, E.; Milenkovic, S.; Scholz-Starke, J.; Ceccarelli, M.; Vitale, A.; Dietrich, P.; Uozumi, N.; Gambale, F.; Carpaneto, A
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