30 research outputs found

    Combined Analysis of HPV DNA and p16INK4a Expression to Predict Prognosis in ASCUS and LSIL Pap Smears

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is known to play an important etiological role in the genesis of cervical cancer, but only a very small proportion of infected women develop invasive cervical cancer. The purpose of cervical cancer prevention is early diagnosis of its precursors. The molecular detection of HPV DNA as a diagnostic test to cervical carcinogenesis gave a low positive predictive value as compared to the use of biomarkers. p16INK4a has been proposed as putative surrogate biomarkers that would allow identification of dysplastic cervical epithelia. Serial consecutive cervical smears were test for high-risk HPV, stained with immunocytochemistry for p16INK4a and followed-up for 36 months. The aim of the study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of p16INK4a as a marker of progression risk in low-grade dysplastic lesions of the cervix uteri. In the present series, significant p16 overexpression was observed in the group that progressed from low to high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion when compared with the group that did not progress. In conclusion, overexpression of p16INK4a acts as potential biomarkers for cervical cancer progression from premalignant lesions

    Multimodal lung cancer screening using the ITALUNG Biomarker Panel and Low Dose Computed Tomography. Results of the ITALUNG biomarker study

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    Asymptomatic high-risk subjects, randomized in the intervention arm of the ITALUNG trial (1406 screened for lung cancer), were enrolled for the ITALUNG biomarker study (n = 1356), in which samples of blood and sputum were analysed for plasma DNA quantification (cut off 5ng/ml), loss of heterozygosity and microsatellite instability. The ITALUNG biomarker panel (IBP) was considered positive if at least one of the two biomarkers included in the panel was positive. Subjects with and without lung cancer diagnosis at the end of the screening cycle with LDCT (n = 517) were evaluated. Out of 18 baseline screen detected lung cancer cases, 17 were IBP positive (94%). Repeat screen-detected lung cancer cases were 18 and 12 of them positive at baseline IBP test (66%). Interval cancer cases (2-years) and biomarker tests after a suspect Non Calcific Nodule follow-up were investigated. The single test versus multimodal screening measures of accuracy were compared in a simulation within the screened ITALUNG intervention arm, considering screen-detected and interval cancer cases. Sensitivity was 90% at baseline screening. Specificity was 71%% and 61% for LDCT and IBP as baseline single test, and improved at 89% with multimodal, combined screening. The positive predictive value was 4.3% for LDCT at baseline and 10.6% for multimodal screening. Multimodal screening could improve the screening efficiency at baseline and strategies for future implementation are discussed. If IBP was used as primary screening test, the LDCT burden might decrease of about 60%

    Characterization of cervico-vaginal microbiota in women developing persistent high-risk Human Papillomavirus infection

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    Abstract Changes in cervico-vaginal microbiota with Lactobacillus depletion and increased microbial diversity facilitate human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and might be involved in viral persistence and cancer development. To define the microbial Community State Types (CSTs) associated with high-risk HPV−persistence, we analysed 55 cervico-vaginal samples from HPV positive (HPV+) women out of 1029 screened women and performed pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA. A total of 17 samples from age-matched HPV negative (HPV−) women were used as control. Clearance or Persistence groups were defined by recalling women after one year for HPV screening and genotyping. A CST IV subgroup, with bacterial genera such as Gardnerella, Prevotella, Megasphoera, Atopobium, frequently associated with anaerobic consortium in bacterial vaginosis (BV), was present at baseline sampling in 43% of women in Persistence group, and only in 7.4% of women in Clearance group. Atopobium genus was significantly enriched in Persistence group compared to the other groups. Sialidase-encoding gene from Gardnerella vaginalis, involved in biofilm formation, was significantly more represented in Persistence group compared to the other groups. Based on these data, we consider the CST IV-BV as a risk factor for HPV persistence and we propose Atopobium spp and sialidase gene from G. vaginalis as microbial markers of HPV−persistence

    Givinostat-Liposomes: Anti-Tumor Effect on 2D and 3D Glioblastoma Models and Pharmacokinetics

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    Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive brain tumor, associated with poor prognosis and survival, representing a challenging medical issue for neurooncologists. Dysregulation of histone-modifying enzymes (HDACs) is commonly identified in many tumors and has been linked to cancer proliferation, changes in metabolism, and drug resistance. These findings led to the development of HDAC inhibitors, which are limited by their narrow therapeutic index. In this work, we provide the proof of concept for a delivery system that can improve the in vivo half-life and increase the brain delivery of Givinostat, a pan-HDAC inhibitor. Here, 150-nm-sized liposomes composed of cholesterol and sphingomyelin with or without surface decoration with mApoE peptide, inhibited human glioblastoma cell growth in 2D and 3D models by inducing a time-and dose-dependent reduction in cell viability, reduction in the receptors involved in cholesterol metabolism (from −25% to −75% of protein levels), and reduction in HDAC activity (−25% within 30 min). In addition, liposome-Givinostat formulations showed a 2.5-fold increase in the drug half-life in the bloodstream and a 6-fold increase in the amount of drug entering the brain in healthy mice, without any signs of overt toxicity. These features make liposomes loaded with Givinostat valuable as potential candidates for glioblastoma therapy

    Distribution of high and low risk HPV types by cytological status: a population based study from Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>HPV type distribution by cytological status represents useful information to predict the impact of mass vaccination on screening programs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>women aged from 25 to 64 who attended cervical cancer screening in five different Italian regions were tested for HPV infection with Hybrid Capture II (HCII) low and high risk probes. Women repeating Pap-test upon unsatisfactory or positive results, or as a post-treatment and post-colposcopy follow-up analysis, were excluded from our study. High risk (HR) HPV positive samples were typed using GP5+/GP6+ primed PCR, followed by Reverse Line Blot for 18 high/intermediate risk HPV types, while low risk (LR) HPV positive samples were tested with type specific primers for HPV6 and HPV11.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>3410 women had a valid HCII and Pap-test. The prevalence of HR and LR infections was 7.0% and 3.6%, 29.1% and 13.7%, 68.1% and 31.9%, 60.0% and 0.0%, 65.0% and 12.0%, for negative, ASC-US, L-SIL, ASC-H and H-SIL cytology, respectively. The fraction of ASC-US+ cytology due to HPV 16 and 18 ranged from 11.2 (HPV 16/18 alone) to 15.4% (including HPV 16/18 in co-infection with other virus strains), and that due to HPV 6 and 11 ranged from 0.2% (HPV 6/11 alone) to 0.7% (including HPV 6/11 in co-infection with other LR virus strains).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>mass vaccination with bivalent or quadrivalent HPV vaccine would modestly impact on prevalence of abnormal Pap-test in screening.</p

    Cervical cancer screening in women vaccinated against human papillomavirus infection: Recommendations from a consensus conference

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    In Italy, the cohorts of women who were offered Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2007/08 will reach the age (25&nbsp;years) for cervical cancer (CC) screening from 2017. The simultaneous shift from cytology-based screening to HPV test-based screening gives the opportunity for unprecedented reorganisation of CC prevention. The ONS (National Screening Monitoring Centre) Directive and the GISCi (Italian Group for Cervical Screening) identified the consensus conference as the most suitable method for addressing this topic. A summary of consensus recommendations is reported here. The main objective was to define the best screening methods in girls vaccinated against HPV and the knowledge required for defining evidence-based screening strategies. A Jury made recommendations about questions and proposals formulated by a panel of experts representative of Italian scientific societies involved in CC prevention and based on systematic reviews of literature and evidence. The Jury considered changing the screening protocols for girls vaccinated in their twelfth year as appropriate. Tailored screening protocols based on vaccination status could be replaced by \u201cone size fits all\u201d protocols only when a herd immunity effect has been reached. Vaccinated women should start screening at age 30, instead of 25, with HPV test. Furthermore, there is a strong rationale for applying longer intervals for re-screening HPV negative women than the currently recommended 5&nbsp;years, but research is needed to determine the optimal screening time points. For non-vaccinated women and for women vaccinated in their fifteenth year or later, the current protocol should be kept

    Fecal Collection and Stabilization Methods for Improved Fecal DNA Test for Colorectal Cancer in a Screening Setting

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    Early detection of CRC and adenomas reduces CRC-related mortality. The optimal screening test for CRC is still a subject of debate, and molecular stool sample analysis could provide a valid alternative to conventional methods in terms of compliance and practicability. Seven fecal DNA storage systems were evaluated in two successive phases. In the first phase of the study was selected the preservative buffer able to ensure the best human DNA recovery. In the second phase was evaluated human DNA stability, amplificability and integrity in DNA extracted from selected buffer. Results showed that the best performance was obtained in samples stored in 100 mM EDTA buffer and Genefec buffer. Likewise buffer addition yielded a significant increase in DNA stability and integrity without PCR inhibition, compared to the matched aliquots with no buffer added. Our study shows that samples collected in stabilization solution stabilize DNA so that intact nucleic acids, are more effectively detectable in the molecular assay. DNA buffer preservation and storage conditions could be useful to guarantee the most consistent yield in human DNA. Stabilization buffer addition to stool samples prior to transport presents an easily implemented solution that appears to be highly effective. Overall DNA extracted from faeces preserved in preservative buffer can feasibility been used for molecular analysis leading to an increase of assay sensitivity

    Cervical cancer prevention: Feasibility of self-sampling and HPV testing in rural and urban areas of Bolivia: An observational study.

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    BackgroundCervical cancer is a major health problem in Latin America. In 2019, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (La Paz regional site) conducted a pilot study to estimate the prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) and the feasibility of HPV screening in Bolivia through self-sampling and portable and transportable laboratory instruments for HPV testing in urban and rural areas.MethodsWomen aged 20-65 years from La Paz (urban area), Toro Toro (rural area), and Acasio (rural area) were enrolled in local public health centers between Dec 1, 2019, and June 30, 2021. Self-sampling was carried out with the Viba-Brush system (Rovers, Oss, Netherlands) and samples were preserved in ThinPrep containers (Hologic Corporation, San Diego, CA, USA). The GeneXpert system (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) for high-risk HPV testing detects HPV E6 and E7 DNA via real-time PCR in a mobile system of easy execution requiring minimal manual intervention. The system provides results in about 1 h. The hr- HPV prevalence data, overall and partial genotyping, were analyzed considering the following age groups: 20-34, 35-44, and 45-65 years old.Findings2168 women were enrolled: 614 (28.3%) in La Paz, 743 (34.3%) in Toro Toro, and 811 (37.4%) in Acasio. Only one sample was collected from each participant. 2043 (94.2%) of 2168 samples were adequate for HPV testing. 255 (12.5%) samples were positive for high-risk HPV. Comparing the urban area (La Paz) versus rural combined areas (Acasio+Toro Toro), using a logistic model, the HPV total rate was statistically significantly higher in the city of La Paz (15.0% vs 11.4%; OR:1.37;95% CI: 1.04-1.80). Furthermore, the HPV prevalence was declining by age, and the urban/rural odds ratio was 1.50; (95% IC 1.13-19). The overall HPV 16 positivity was 2.7% (55/2043) and for HPV 18/45 was 1.8% (37/2043) without any statistically significant differences between the three BHU enrolling centers. Only the prevalence of HPV group '39/56/66/68' was significantly higher in La Paz (pInterpretationThe total and age-adjusted prevalence of high-risk HPV infection in rural and urban areas in Bolivia, as measured with a validated test for screening, is similar to that observed in Europe and the USA. Our study shows that a screening protocol for HPV testing with self-sampling would be feasible in urban and rural areas in Bolivia, and that the reported high occurrence of cervical cancer in Bolivia is not related to a higher rate of high-risk HPV infections. Carrying out HPV tests locally avoids the issues associated with transportation and storage of the collected material and allows the participant to wait in the clinic for the test result, overcoming the very long response time for screening test in Bolivia