12 research outputs found

    Determination of the Gyrotropic Characteristics of Hexaferrite Ceramics From 75 to 600 GHz

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    A vector analyzer for observing millimeter-submillimeter resonances

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    The described microwave system for scientific applications is a Vector Analyzer based on an original principle allowing its use up to very high frequencies. Vector measurement of resonances is extremely effective and accurate, since the determination of resonance position and width does not depend on the lineshape, which can vary strongly with experimental conditions. Examples of resonance observations between 20 and 800 GHz are presented. They were observed with frequency variation in microwave resonant structures (cavities, interferometers) and with magnetic field variation in semiconductors or in magnetic materials (cylotron resonance, electron spin resonance). © 2000 IEEE

    A vector analyzer for observing millimeter-submillimeter resonances

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    The described microwave system for scientific applications is a Vector Analyzer based on an original principle allowing its use up to very high frequencies. Vector measurement of resonances is extremely effective and accurate, since the determination of resonance position and width does not depend on the lineshape, which can vary strongly with experimental conditions. Examples of resonance observations between 20 and 800 GHz are presented. They were observed with frequency variation in microwave resonant structures (cavities, interferometers) and with magnetic field variation in semiconductors or in magnetic materials (cylotron resonance, electron spin resonance). © 2000 IEEE

    Electromagnetic properties of polycrystalline diamond from 35 K to room temperature and microwave to terahertz frequencies

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    Abstract not availableJean-Michel Le Floch, Romain Bara, John G. Hartnett, Michael E. Tobar, David Mouneyrac, Damien Passerieux, Dominique Cros, Jerzy Krupka, Philippe Goy and Sylvain Caroope

    Recent progress in the Development of French THz Schottky Diodes for Astrophysics, Planetology and Atmospheric Study

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    International audienceDuring the last 10 years the LERMA-Observatoire de Paris in close collaboration with C2N has made a great progress in the development of the French technology of THz electronic components based on Schottky diodes. By bringing together the unique knowledge and skills of both laboratories, we have developed the submillimeter devices at 300GHz, 600GHz and 1.2 THz, with state-of-the-art performances. These devices are selected today for the submillimeter wave instrument (SWI) instrument of the Jupiter Icy moon Explorer (JUICE) satellite, ESA's first class L mission. The progress made over the last years and our future work on the device miniaturization and increasing working frequency will be discussed in this presentation

    Development of MMIC Schottky Diode Mixers For Space-Qualified Applications In The Tera-Hertz Range

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    In a first part we will discuss the basic principle of mixing operation of the Schottky contact and limitations at Terahertz frequencies related to temperature of operation, material and fabrication parameters. In a second part we will address the space qualification and status of a 1200 GHz mixer and its local oscillator (made at LERMA-C2N) to fulfill the requirement of the Submillimeter Wave Instrument (SWI) JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission