6,406 research outputs found

    Genetic heterogeneity of hepatitis E virus in Darfur, Sudan, and neighboring Chad.

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    The within-outbreak diversity of hepatitis E virus (HEV) was studied during the outbreak of hepatitis E that occurred in Sudan in 2004. Specimens were collected from internally displaced persons living in a Sudanese refugee camp and two camps implanted in Chad. A comparison of the sequences in the ORF2 region of 23 Sudanese isolates and five HEV samples from the two Chadian camps displayed a high similarity (>99.7%) to strains belonging to Genotype 1. But four isolates collected in one of the Chadian camps were close to Genotype 2. Circulation of divergent strains argues for possible multiple sources of infection

    How a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback modifies postural control mechanisms during quiet standing

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback on postural control mechanisms during quiet standing. To this aim, sixteen young healthy adults were asked to stand as immobile as possible with their eyes closed in two conditions of No-biofeedback and Biofeedback. Centre of foot pressure (CoP) displacements, recorded using a force platform, were used to compute the horizontal displacements of the vertical projection the centre of gravity (CoGh) and those of the difference between the CoP and the vertical projection of the CoG (CoP-CoGv). Altogether, the present findings suggest that the main way the plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback improves postural control during quiet standing is via both a reduction of the correction thresholds and an increased efficiency of the corrective mechanism involving the CoGh displacements

    Organização do espaço regional e da agricultura familiar.

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    A diversidade geográfica; As características básicas das grandes regiões do Nordeste; Um instrumento de integração: o Zoneamento agroecológico; Atores e sistema de produção; Uma representação da diversidade geográfica e social; Um modelo teórico explicativo; Os espaços da agricultura familiar; A localização da agricultura familiar, o modo de produção e as características do mercado; Orientações para a ação.bitstream/item/196558/1/Camponeses-do-Sertao-pag-47-63.pd

    On the Stability and the Approximation of Branching Distribution Flows, with Applications to Nonlinear Multiple Target Filtering

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    We analyse the exponential stability properties of a class of measure-valued equations arising in nonlinear multi-target filtering problems. We also prove the uniform convergence properties w.r.t. the time parameter of a rather general class of stochastic filtering algorithms, including sequential Monte Carlo type models and mean eld particle interpretation models. We illustrate these results in the context of the Bernoulli and the Probability Hypothesis Density filter, yielding what seems to be the first results of this kind in this subject

    The ultraviolet limit and sum rule for the shear correlator in hot Yang-Mills theory

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    We determine a next-to-leading order result for the correlator of the shear stress operator in high-temperature Yang-Mills theory. The computation is performed via an ultraviolet expansion, valid in the limit of small distances or large momenta, and the result is used for writing operator product expansions for the Euclidean momentum and coordinate space correlators as well as for the Minkowskian spectral density. In addition, our results enable us to confirm and refine a shear sum rule originally derived by Romatschke, Son and Meyer.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. v2: small clarifications, one reference added, published versio

    Towards flavour diffusion coefficient and electrical conductivity without ultraviolet contamination

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    By subtracting from a recent lattice measurement of the thermal vector-current correlator the known 5-loop vacuum contribution, we demonstrate that the remainder is small and shows no visible short-distance divergence. It can therefore in principle be subjected to model-independent analytic continuation. Testing a particular implementation, we obtain estimates for the flavour-diffusion coefficient (2 pi T D \gsim 0.8) and electrical conductivity which are significantly smaller than previous results. Although systematic errors remain beyond control at present, some aspects of our approach could be of a wider applicability.Comment: 7 pages. v2: clarifications added, published versio

    Ultraviolet asymptotics of scalar and pseudoscalar correlators in hot Yang-Mills theory

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    Inspired by recent lattice measurements, we determine the short-distance (a > omega >> pi T) asymptotics of scalar (trace anomaly) and pseudoscalar (topological charge density) correlators at 2-loop order in hot Yang-Mills theory. The results are expressed in the form of an Operator Product Expansion. We confirm and refine the determination of a number of Wilson coefficients; however some discrepancies with recent literature are detected as well, and employing the correct values might help, on the qualitative level, to understand some of the features observed in the lattice measurements. On the other hand, the Wilson coefficients show slow convergence and it appears uncertain whether this approach can lead to quantitative comparisons with lattice data. Nevertheless, as we outline, our general results might serve as theoretical starting points for a number of perhaps phenomenologically more successful lines of investigation.Comment: 27 pages. v2: minor improvements, published versio

    Constraints on Superfluid Hydrodynamics from Equilibrium Partition Functions

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    Following up on recent work in the context of ordinary fluids, we study the equilibrium partition function of a 3+1 dimensional superfluid on an arbitrary stationary background spacetime, and with arbitrary stationary background gauge fields, in the long wavelength expansion. We argue that this partition function is generated by a 3 dimensional Euclidean effective action for the massless Goldstone field. We parameterize the general form of this action at first order in the derivative expansion. We demonstrate that the constitutive relations of relativistic superfluid hydrodynamics are significantly constrained by the requirement of consistency with such an effective action. At first order in the derivative expansion we demonstrate that the resultant constraints on constitutive relations coincide precisely with the equalities between hydrodynamical transport coefficients recently derived from the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 46 page

    Direct observation of the effective bending moduli of a fluid membrane: Free-energy cost due to the reference-plane deformations

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    Effective bending moduli of a fluid membrane are investigated by means of the transfer-matrix method developed in our preceding paper. This method allows us to survey various statistical measures for the partition sum. The role of the statistical measures is arousing much attention, since Pinnow and Helfrich claimed that under a suitable statistical measure, that is, the local mean curvature, the fluid membranes are stiffened, rather than softened, by thermal undulations. In this paper, we propose an efficient method to observe the effective bending moduli directly: We subjected a fluid membrane to a curved reference plane, and from the free-energy cost due to the reference-plane deformations, we read off the effective bending moduli. Accepting the mean-curvature measure, we found that the effective bending rigidity gains even in the case of very flexible membrane (small bare rigidity); it has been rather controversial that for such non-perturbative regime, the analytical prediction does apply. We also incorporate the Gaussian-curvature modulus, and calculated its effective rigidity. Thereby, we found that the effective Gaussian-curvature modulus stays almost scale-invariant. All these features are contrasted with the results under the normal-displacement measure

    A note on conductivity and charge diffusion in holographic flavour systems

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    We analyze the charge diffusion and conductivity in a Dp/Dq holographic setup that is dual to a supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in p+1 dimensions with N_f<< N_c flavour degrees of freedom at finite temperature and nonvanishing U(1) baryon number chemical potential. We provide a new derivation of the results that generalize the membrane paradigm to the present context. We perform a numerical analysis in the particular case of the D3/D7 flavor system. The results obtained support the validity of the Einstein relation at finite chemical potential.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, v2 with minor correction