72 research outputs found

    Executive Control Goes to School: Implications of Preschool Executive Performance for Observed Elementary Classroom Learning Engagement

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    The transition to elementary school is accompanied by increasing demands for children to regulate their attention and behavior within the classroom setting. Executive control (EC) may be critical for meeting these demands; however, few studies have rigorously examined the association between EC and observed classroom behavior. This study examined EC in preschool (age 5 years, 3 months) as a predictor of classroom learning engagement behaviors in first grade, using a battery of performance-based EC tasks and live classroom observations in a longitudinal sample of 313 children. Multilevel modeling results indicated that stronger EC predicted more focused engagement and fewer task management and competing responses, controlling for socioeconomic status, child sex, and age at observations. Results suggest that early EC may support subsequent classroom engagement behaviors that are critical for successful transition to elementary school and long-term learning trajectories

    Adrenomedullin stabilizes the lymphatic endothelial barrier in vitro and in vivo

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    The lymphatic vascular system functions to maintain fluid homeostasis by removing fluid from the interstitial space and returning it to venous circulation. This process is dependent upon the maintenance and modulation of a semi-permeable barrier between lymphatic endothelial cells of the lymphatic capillaries. However, our understanding of the lymphatic endothelial barrier and the molecular mechanisms that govern its function remains limited. Adrenomedullin (AM) is a 52 amino acid secreted peptide which has a wide range of effects on cardiovascular physiology and is required for the normal development of the lymphatic vascular system. Here, we report that AM can also modulate lymphatic permeability in cultured dermal microlymphatic endothelial cells (HMVEC-dLy). AM stimulation caused a reorganization of the tight junction protein ZO-1 and the adherens protein VE-cadherin at the plasma membrane, effectively tightening the endothelial barrier. Stabilization of the lymphatic endothelial barrier by AM occurred independently of changes in junctional protein gene expression and AM−/− endothelial cells showed no differences in the gene expression of junctional proteins compared to wildtype endothelial cells. Nevertheless, local administration of AM in the mouse tail decreased the rate of lymph uptake from the interstitial space into the lymphatic capillaries. Together, these data reveal a previously unrecognized role for AM in controlling lymphatic endothelial permeability and lymphatic flow through reorganization of junctional proteins

    Dimension- and Context-Specific Expression of Preschoolers’ Disruptive Behaviors Associated with Prenatal Tobacco Exposure

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    Objective—Precise phenotypic characterization of prenatal tobacco exposure (PTE) −related disruptive behavior (DB) that integrates nuanced measures of both exposures and outcomes is optimal for elucidating underlying mechanisms. Using this approach, our goals were to identify dimensions of DB most sensitive to PTE prior to school entry and assess contextual variation in these dimensions. Methods—A community obstetric sample of N=369 women (79.2% lifetime smokers; 70.2% pregnancy smokers) from two Midwestern cities were assessed for PTE using cotinine-calibrated interview-based reports at 16, 28, and 40 weeks of gestation. A subset of n=244 who completed observational assessments with their 5-year-old children in a subsequent preschool follow-up study constitute the analytic sample. Using two developmentally-meaningful dimensions previously associated with emergent clinical risk for DB—irritability and noncompliance—we assessed children with 2 parent-report scales: the Multidimensional Assessment Profile of Disruptive Behavior (MAP-DB) and the Early Childhood Inventory (ECI). We also assessed children by direct observation across 3 interactional contexts with the Disruptive Behavior Diagnostic Observation Schedule (DB-DOS). We used generalized linear models to examine between-child variability across behavioral dimensions, and mixed effects models to examine directly observed within-child variability by interactional context. Results—Increasing PTE predicted increasing impairment in preschoolers’ modulation of negative affect (irritability), but not negative behavior (noncompliance) across reported (MAP-DB) and observed (DB-DOS) dimensional measures. Moreover, children’s PTE-related irritability was more pronounced when observed with parents than with the examiner. The ECI did not detect PTE-related irritability nor noncompliance. Conclusions—Nuanced, dimension- and context-specific characterization of PTE-related DB described can optimize early identification of at-risk children


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    Substance abuse in Burke County, NC has been a significant concern with rising overdose death rates despite targeted efforts. The proposal addresses substance abuse in Burke County with an emphasis on social and peer support in fostering community resilience and positive health outcomes. Social networks will be leveraged to provide resilience, coping mechanisms, and access to treatment and prevention resources. An analysis of substance abuse trends, demographics, and current support services was completed leading to recommendations for enhanced social and peer support systems. The proposed initiative aims for equity, accessibility, and sustainability, while recognizing the challenges of substance abuse, geographics, and privacy concerns. Evidence-based strategies along with stakeholder collaboration aim to achieve the goal of reducing substance abuse rates and improving overall community well-being in Burke County.Master of Public Healt


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    Substance abuse in Burke County, NC has been a significant concern with rising overdose death rates despite targeted efforts. The proposal addresses substance abuse in Burke County with an emphasis on social and peer support in fostering community resilience and positive health outcomes. Social networks will be leveraged to provide resilience, coping mechanisms, and access to treatment and prevention resources. An analysis of substance abuse trends, demographics, and current support services was completed leading to recommendations for enhanced social and peer support systems. The proposed initiative aims for equity, accessibility, and sustainability, while recognizing the challenges of substance abuse, geographics, and privacy concerns. Evidence-based strategies along with stakeholder collaboration aim to achieve the goal of reducing substance abuse rates and improving overall community well-being in Burke County.Master of Public Healt


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    Substance abuse in Burke County, NC has been a significant concern with rising overdose death rates despite targeted efforts. The proposal addresses substance abuse in Burke County with an emphasis on social and peer support in fostering community resilience and positive health outcomes. Social networks will be leveraged to provide resilience, coping mechanisms, and access to treatment and prevention resources. An analysis of substance abuse trends, demographics, and current support services was completed leading to recommendations for enhanced social and peer support systems. The proposed initiative aims for equity, accessibility, and sustainability, while recognizing the challenges of substance abuse, geographics, and privacy concerns. Evidence-based strategies along with stakeholder collaboration aim to achieve the goal of reducing substance abuse rates and improving overall community well-being in Burke County.Master of Public Healt

    A Period Seroprevalence (SARS-CoV-2) Survey in MHCCN Cancer Healthcare Workers (HCWs) Providing Patient Care during the Height of the Outbreak: A Registry Study (Initial Progress)

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    Introduction: There is little information on the basic epidemiologic and serologic profile(s) of the novel SARSCoV- 2 coronavirus especially in HCWs employed in rural settings. We embarked on a period seroprevalence study in the MaineHealth Cancer Network (MHCCN) to document Covid-19 exposure in our rural cancer care workforce. Our fundamental hypothesis is that despite implementing procedures to safeguard patients and the use of appropriate PPE in the care of known source patients/PUIs in both the inpatient and outpatient cancer care settings a small, but not insignificant number of cancer care providers (hereafter referred to as cancer HCWs) will have evidence of exposure by virtue of plasma antibody seroconversion.https://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2021/1001/thumbnail.jp


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    Este projeto é de extrema importância, pois trata da acessibilidade dentro dos campi do IFC.Esse tema é algo que transcende dos institutos, sendo de enorme notoriedade na sociedade, bem comomostrando os processos de adaptações de alguns campi da instituição, Busca-se discutir com esseprojeto se a instituição fornece em boas condições o direito de ir e vir para pessoas com deficiência demobilidade.Vale ressaltar que a acessibilidade garante a segurança das pessoas que possuem algum tipo demobilidade reduzida ou deficiência, e deve assegurar os direitos legais para cada cidadão. Segundopesquisa do IBGE de 2010, cerca de 500 mil pessoas em Santa Catarina possuem algum tipo dedeficiência. Com isso, decide-se realizar este projeto, visando estudar os regramentos presentes naConstituição Federal que falam sobre acessibilidade, e com isso, discutir se os Campi do IFC seadaptaram às normas