170 research outputs found
Genetic evaluation for productive traits in endangered Portuguese Malhado de Alcobaça pig
Malhado de Alcobaça (MA) is a swine breed from center west Portugal, recognized in 2003. Herdbook (LGMA)
has information of >17,000 animals (1985-2022). It´s a very endangered breed with only 244 sows, 18 boars and 12
breeders. Within the scope of MA’s genetic conservation plan, for genetic evaluation, genetic parameters and fixed
effects were estimated for birth weight (PN), for adjusted weight at 30 d (P30) and at 90 d (P90). Pedigree records
(n=16,883) and weighing records (nPN=9,198; nP30=5,799; nP90=2,429) from LGMA of 362 litters were compiled.
Genetic parameters and fixed effects, genetic values and precisions were predicted for PN, P30 and P90, through
BLUP, with a mixed model including fixed effects of breeder × year of birth, season of birth, sex, age of mother (linear
/ quadratic effect) and as random effects genetic value of animal, maternal genetic effect and permanent environmental
effect of litter. Fixed effects of prolificacy and number of weaned piglets were included as covariates, respectively, in
PN and P30/P90 analyses. Mean values for PN 1.32±0.28 kg, 7.16±1.6 kg P30 and 34.1±6.4 kg P90 were recorded.
For PN, P30 and P90, respectively, a heritability for direct effects of 0.170±0.156, 0.145±0.161 and 0.293±0.175;
a maternal heritability of 0.084±0.109, 0.124±0.173 and 0.250±0.186 and a genetic correlation between direct and
maternal effects of -0.344, -0.524 and -0.174 was estimated. Permanent environmental effect of litter was 0.395±0.056
PN, 0.403±0.086 P30 and 0.129±0.047 P90. In fixed effects, a superiority was observed for males of +0.031 kg PN,
+0.046 kg P30 and +0.201 P90. Breeder × year effect showed maximum differences of 0.93, 5.21 and 19.25 kg for
PN, P30 and P90, respectively, with Spring being the best season of birth. Sow age at farrowing had a quadratic effect
for all traits. For each increase of 1 piglet in prolificacy, PN, P30 and P90 were reduced by 4, 7 and 58 g, respectively.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Influência da dupla ninhada nos parâmetros produtivos e comportamentais em genética Danbred
Publicação resultante do painel apresentado no XX Congresso Nacional de Zootecnia.The pressure that the swine sector has been suffering searching for methods and techniques that are more efficient, capable of increasing the number of piglets per sow, led to the hiperprolific sows, which go against the conventional concepts of swine facilities concerning farrowing crates. Also, the animal welfare when it comes to farrowing crates starts to become a very discussed subject, as much for the piglets as for the sows. After several studies developed in various locations, which evidenced the benefits of farrowing crates with mixed litters, it was decided to study that kind of litter. Thereby it was tested if the productive values of hiperprolific sows would increase, and also if it would increase the welfare of the piglets. The study was conducted between 11th of April and 19th of July in Santo Cristo’s farm, which is exploited by Euroeste, SA. company, located in Cartaxo, Portugal. The aim of this study was to evaluate if mixed litters help to wean more piglets, if they gain more weight by having more food options, and if their welfare is improved, helping the animal to be better prepared for the future, after weaning. Initially, through analysis with SAS software, which included the fixed effects of type of method used (if mixed litter or control), the location in the farm where they were, the month of birth, the age at weaning and the cycle of the sow, we evaluated the number of piglets weaned per sow, the average weight per weaned piglet, the daily weight gain calculated with the total values of the weights, the daily weight gained calculated with the average values of the piglets, and the percentage of weaned animals in comparison to the initial number of litters. Secondly, through the SAS program, were analysed the individual weights registered at weaning of 857 piglets, with an average weight of 5,91±1,41kg, with the aim of evaluating the environmental factors such as the method, location in the farm, month of weaning, age at weaning, cycle of the sow and age of the piglets at the beginning of the study.
In conclusion for the production parameters this method does not show significant improvements however, it also has no disadvantage in productive terms, which demonstrates that it is a viable alternative to the intensive systems of isolated farrowing systems implemented today in most of the intensive farms. Secondly, it can also be concluded that, in behavioural terms, this method showed some improvement in pre-weaning behaviour, by improving the interactions between litters, and the natural contact between the animals and the increase of consumption of pre-starter.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Linear profiling in Lusitano horses: genetic parameters and plans for further development
Reproductive performance of danbred sows on a commercial pig farm
Avaliou-se o desempenho produtivo de uma linha genética de suÃnos hiperprolÃfica, numa exploração
industrial intensiva de produção de porcos para abate. Utilizou-se um total de 238 fêmeas da linha genética
DanBred, beneficiadas com sémen de varrascos de raça Duroc ou Pietrain. Analisaram-se diversos
parâmetros produtivos, considerando como variáveis de resposta o número de leitões nascidos por parto:
totais, vivos, mortos e mumificados. Nos primeiros dias pós-parto, procedeu-se à uniformização das ninhadas
e, posteriormente, avaliou-se o número leitões desmamados. Determinaram-se algumas estatÃsticas
descritivas dos parâmetros produtivos em estudo com recurso ao Proc Means do SAS. Procedeu-se a uma
análise de variância com o Proc GLM do SAS e através de um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos da linha
genética do varrasco e o efeito linear e quadrático do número de parto, com o objetivo de avaliar como estes
efeitos ambientais influenciaram as variáveis de resposta. O número médio de leitões por parto totais, vivos,
mortos e mumificados foi 19,04 ± 4,87, 16,69 ± 3,87, 1,57 ± 1,82 e 0,79 ± 1,83, respetivamente. O número
médio de leitões nascidos vivos foi superior aos valores médios obtidos em Portugal e em explorações
dinamarquesas, incluindo explorações que se encontram no top 10% mais produtivas, situando-se próximo
do limite inferior do Top 3 dinamarquês. O número médio de leitões desmamados (13,34 ± 2,00) sugere que
devam ser melhoradas as condições pós-parto e/ou aleitamento.The reproductive performance of a hyperprolific line of pigs on an intensive farrow-to-finish farm was
analyzed. A total of 238 DanBred sows, inseminated with Duroc or Pietrain semen, were used. On the first
days post-partum, litters were equalized; at weaning, litter size was recorded. Several productive parameters
were analyzed, considering as response variables the total number of piglets born, and the numbers of born
alive, stillborn and mummified piglets, per farrowing. Some descriptive statistics of the productive
parameters under study have been determined with SAS Proc Means. Analysis of variance was performed
with SAS Proc Mixed and a linear model including sire genetic line and linear and quadratic parity effects.
The average number of piglets born alive per farrowing (16.69 ± 3.87) was higher than average numbers
attained in Portugal and on Danish farms, including part of the top 10 percent, being close to the lower limit
of the Danish Top 3. The average number of piglets weaned (13.34 ± 2.00) suggests that post-partum and/or
suckling conditions should be improved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Desempenho produtivo de porcas da linha genética DANBRED (DF1-LW X LR) exploradas em suinicultura industria
A utilização de porcas hiperprolificas na suinicultura industrial é uma filosofia produtiva com especial
relevância em paÃses como França e Dinamarca. Nos últimos anos, também Portugal tem
incorporado algumas destas linhas genéticas hiperpolÃticas nos seus efectivos reprodutores. Porém, a
maximização da produtividade numérica envolve alguma controvérsia, face aos seus efeitos
colaterais. Há necessidade de encontrar resposta para o maneio destas linhas hiperpolÃticas e
garantir a viabilidade do leitão. A uma maior produtividade numérica e, consequente, rentabilidade
económica / porca, contrapõem-se maior taxa de mortalidade de leitões, maior variabilidade de peso
ao nascimento e menor peso individual, maior risco sanitário e a necessidade de mão-de obra
O trabalho realizado teve com objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo de uma linha genética de
suÃnos hiperprolifica, numa exploração industrial intensiva de produção de porcos para abate.
Utilizou-se um total de 238 fêmeas da linha genética DanBred (DF1-LWxLR), beneficiadas com
sémen de varrascos de raça Duroc ou Pietrain. As porcas foram distribuÃdas aleatoriamente por dois
grupos, homogéneos no que respeita ao respetivo número de parto. Analisaram-se diversos
parâmetros produtivos, considerando como variáveis de resposta o número de leitões nascidos por
parto: totais (NascTot), vivos (NascViv), mortos (NascMort) e mumificados (NascMum). Nos primeiros
dias pós-parto, procedeu-se à uniformização das ninhadas e, posteriormente, avaliou-se o número
leitões desmamados (Desm).
Determinaram-se algumas estatÃsticas descritivas dos parâmetros produtivos em estudo com recurso
ao Proc Means do SAS. Procedeu-se a uma análise de variância com o Proc Mixed do SAS e através
de um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos da linha genética do varrasco e o efeito linear e quadrático
do número de parto, com o objetivo de avaliar como estes efeitos ambientais influenciaram as
variáveis de resposta.
O número médio de leitões por parto NascTot, NascViv, NascMort e NascMum foi 19.04±4.87,
16.69±3.87, 1.57±1.82 e 0.79±1.83, respetivamente. O número médio de leitões nascidos vivos
(NascViv) foi superior aos valores médios obtidos em Portugal e em explorações dinamarquesas,
incluindo explorações que se encontram no top 10% mais produtivas, situando-se próximo do limite
inferior do Top 3 dinamarquês. Já o número médio de leitões desmamados (Desm) observado
(13.34±2.00), embora superior aos valores médios obtidos em Portugal, ficou aquém dos valores
médios obtidos em explorações dinamarquesas. Esta observação sugere que devam ser melhoradas
as condições pós-parto e/ou aleitamento, que permitam minorar a taxa de mortalidade de leitões.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Overview of drug allergy: From immunogenetic basis to practice
Drug therapy is often a balance between the beneficial and harmful effects of drugs. Drug allergic reactions are adverse reactions mediated by immunological mechanisms and usually not related to the pharmacological actions of the drug. They can be classified based either on the clinical presentation or the underlying immunological mechanism. Although uncommon, drug allergic reactions are unpredictable and can be very severe, even life threatening. The aim of this review was to provide clinicians from different medical specialties with a working tool to improve management of their patients with suspected drug allergy. It was conducted as a non-systematic review, and attempts to describe the complexity of drug allergy. The information included ranges from pathophysiology to the heterogeneous clinical presentation, with a special focus on the drugs most frequently involved, as well as a classification of reactions and risk factors. Despite all advances in this challenging and complex field of allergy and clinical immunology, drug allergy is not yet fully established and understood. An exceptional contribution was brought by pharmacogenomics, even though a specific pharmacogenetic association has only been defined for a very limited number of drugs. Further studies are needed to obtain clearer answers when managing each individual case of drug allergy
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