19 research outputs found

    Sistemas CAD/CAM: avaliação da precisão de aquisição de dados

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    Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adaptação marginal de infraestruturas de próteses fixas confeccionadas pelo Sistema CAD/CAM com três diferentes sistemas de aquisição de dados. Material e Métodos: Confeccionaram-se 50 corpos de prova; Convencional (Ni-Cr) (n = 10), GI: iTero (n = 10), GII: CerecBluecam/fresadora industrial (n = 10), GIII: 3S (n = 10) e GIV: CerecBlueCam/Sirona (n = 10). Os corpos de prova foram numerados e randomizados, realizou-se análise da desadaptação marginal vertical. Resultados: A análise intra observador indicou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (teste t pareado, p = 0.822) no período antes e depois das análises. O sistema convencional (321 ?m) apresentou maior desadaptação quando comparado com o sistema CAD/CAM (89 ?m) (p<0.001). O sistema intra oral (iTero) apresentou menor índice de desadaptação marginal, quando comparado com o sistema extra oral (3S), (p<0.001). O sistema aberto apresentou maior índice de desadaptação marginal (114 ?m) quando comparado com intra oral (iTero), sendo p<0.001. Além disto, no sistema convencional, observou-se que os pré-molares apresentaram índice de desadaptação maior quando comparado (361 ?m) com o molar (283 ?m) (p<0.001), porém no sistema CAD/CAM não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação de dentes pré-molares (93,7 ?m) e molares (84,9 ?m). Significância: O sistema CAD/CAM pode atuar mais favoravelmente, reduzindo o índice de desadaptação marginal, quando comparado com o sistema convencional de confecção de próteses dentárias. O sistema intra oral (iTero) comportou-se melhor quando comparado com os demais sistemas.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal fit of frameworks produced by CAD/CAM systems with three different data acquisition. Material and Methods: We fabricated 50 frameworks: conventional (Ni-Cr) (n = 10), GI:iTero (n = 10), GII:CerecBluecam/industrial milling (n = 10), GIII:3S (n = 10), and GIV:CerecBlueCam/Sirona (n = 10). We numbered the specimens and analyzed them randomly. Results: Intra-observer analysis indicated no statistically significant difference (paired t-test, p = 0.822) before and after the analysis. The conventional system (321 ?m) showed greater misfit than the CAD/CAM (89 ?m) (p<0.001) system. The intraoral system (iTero) showed a lower rate of marginal misfit than the extra-oral system (3S), (p<0.001). The open system presented a higher marginal discrepancy (114 ?m) than intraoral (iTero), with p<0.001. Moreover, in the conventional system, premolars (361 ?m) showed a higher index of misfit than molars (283 ?m) (p<0.001), but for the CAD/CAM system, there was no statistically significant difference between premolars (93.7 ?m) and molars (84.9 ?m). Significance: The CAD/CAM system can to act more favorably reducing the rate of marginal discrepancy than the conventional impression system of dental prosthesis. The intra oral system (iTero) was better than other systems.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Evaluation of color stability of different temporary restorative materials

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    AbstractIntroductionTemporary restorative materials are widely used, however, little is know about their color stability.Objectiveto evaluate the color stability of the following temporary restorative materials: acrylic and bis-acrylic resins after immersion in pigmenting solutions for different periods of storage.Material and methodFour materials were tested (Dêncor/Clássico, Protemp 4/3M ESPE; Structur 2 SC/Voco; Luxatemp AM Plus/DMG) and 30 test specimens (15 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick) per material were fabricated. They were divided according to the storage medium (artificial saliva, saliva + cola type soda, and saliva + coffee) and storage time intervals (2, 5, 7 and 15 days). Color measurements were made before and after immersions, with use of a spectrophotometer, by means of the CIE L*a*b* system. The data were analyzed by the analysis of variance and the Tukey Test, at a level of significance of 5%.ResultAcrylic resin presented greater color stability in comparison with bis-acrylic resins (p<0.001). When bis-acrylic resins were compared no significant difference was observed between the resins Structur and Luxatemp (p=0.767). As regards solutions tested, coffee showed the highest color change values (p<0.001), and the longer the storage time interval, the greater was the color change in all the temporary restorative materials analyzed (p<0.001).ConclusionAcrylic resin presented greater color stability in comparison with bis-acrylic resins (p<0.001). Coffee caused the greatest color change, and immersion time was determinant in color stability of the temporary materials analyzed

    Evaluation of color stability of different temporary restorative materials

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    AbstractIntroductionTemporary restorative materials are widely used, however, little is know about their color stability.Objectiveto evaluate the color stability of the following temporary restorative materials: acrylic and bis-acrylic resins after immersion in pigmenting solutions for different periods of storage.Material and methodFour materials were tested (Dêncor/Clássico, Protemp 4/3M ESPE; Structur 2 SC/Voco; Luxatemp AM Plus/DMG) and 30 test specimens (15 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick) per material were fabricated. They were divided according to the storage medium (artificial saliva, saliva + cola type soda, and saliva + coffee) and storage time intervals (2, 5, 7 and 15 days). Color measurements were made before and after immersions, with use of a spectrophotometer, by means of the CIE L*a*b* system. The data were analyzed by the analysis of variance and the Tukey Test, at a level of significance of 5%.ResultAcrylic resin presented greater color stability in comparison with bis-acrylic resins (p<0.001). When bis-acrylic resins were compared no significant difference was observed between the resins Structur and Luxatemp (p=0.767). As regards solutions tested, coffee showed the highest color change values (p<0.001), and the longer the storage time interval, the greater was the color change in all the temporary restorative materials analyzed (p<0.001).ConclusionAcrylic resin presented greater color stability in comparison with bis-acrylic resins (p<0.001). Coffee caused the greatest color change, and immersion time was determinant in color stability of the temporary materials analyzed

    Analysis of the biomechanical behavior of short implants: the photo-elasticity method

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the stress distribution of short implants supporting single unit or splinted crowns by the photo-elasticity method. Four photo-elastic models were produced: A (3.75×7mm); B (3.75×7mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm); C (3.75×10mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm); D (3.75×13mm, 3.75×7mm and 3.75×7mm). The prostheses were made with Ni-Cr alloy. A load of 100N in the axial and oblique directions was applied, totaling 380 applications, individually capturing their images in each model. The data were randomized and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by 2 examiners. The oblique loading was significantly more damaging. The increase in length was favorable for stress distribution (p<0.05). The splinting was beneficial for the transmission of stresses mainly (p<0.05). The splinting of the crowns, as well as increasing the length of the first implant and axial loading was most beneficial in the stress distribution. Short splinted implants behaved better than single unit implants. Increasing of the length of the first implant significantly improved the stress distribution in all analyzed situations

    An esthetics rehabilitation with computer-aided design/ computer-aided manufacturing technology

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    This paper describes a case of a rehabilitation involving Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system in implant supported and dental supported prostheses using zirconia as framework. The CAD-CAM technology has developed considerably over last few years, becoming a reality in dental practice. Among the widely used systems are the systems based on zirconia which demonstrate important physical and mechanical properties of high strength, adequate fracture toughness, biocompatibility and esthetics, and are indicated for unitary prosthetic restorations and posterior and anterior framework. All the modeling was performed by using CAD-CAM system and prostheses were cemented using resin cement best suited for each situation. The rehabilitation of the maxillary arch using zirconia framework demonstrated satisfactory esthetic and functional results after a 12-month control and revealed no biological and technical complications. This article shows the important of use technology CAD/CAM in the manufacture of dental prosthesis and implant-supported

    A 3-D finite element study of the influence of crown-implant ratio on stress distribution

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the crown height of external hexagon implants on the displacement and distribution of stress to the implant/bone system, using the three-dimensional finite element method. The InVesalius and Rhinoceros 4.0 softwares were used to generate the bone model by computed tomography. Each model was composed of a bone block with one implant (3.75 x 10.0 mm) with external hexagon connections and crowns with 10 mm, 12.5 mm and 15 mm in height. A 200 N axial and a 100 N oblique (45°) load were applied. The models were solved by the NeiNastran 9.0 and Femap 10.0 softwares to obtain the results that were visualized by maps of displacement, von Mises stress (crown/implant) and maximum principal stress (bone). The crown height under axial load did not influence the stress displacement and concentration, while the oblique loading increased these factors. The highest stress was observed in the neck of the implant screw on the side opposite to the loading. This stress was also transferred to the crown/platform/bone interface. The results of this study suggest that the increase in crown height enhanced stress concentration at the implant/bone tissue and increased displacement in the bone tissue, mainly under oblique loading.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Avaliação dos fatores críticos para a seleção e aplicação clínica dos pinos de fibra: relato de caso cliínico

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    Teeth that have lost much of their coronal tooth structure need intraradical devices to achieve a desired retention of the restorative material, restoring aesthetics and function to the patient. For this purpose, various types of intracanal posts have been studied, of wich the fiber posts have been highlighted with its increasing use in the dental market. The purpose of this study was to present a clinical case of using fiberglass post. As well as critically analyze the published works and points of controversy described by different authors related to factors such as different protocols cementation, surface treatments pins, fracture toughness and compression, the possibility of microleakage, diameter and length of the pin, and the various materials used in conjunction with the intracanal retainers. Thus, we concluded that fiber posts showed as an excellent alternative for anterior teeth, since have least 2 mm of tooth remaining.Dentes que perderam grande parte de sua estrutura coronária, necessitam de dispositivos intrarradiculares para alcançar uma retenção desejada do material restaurador, devolvendo estética e função ao paciente. Com esta finalidade, diversos tipos de pinos intrarradiculares vêm sendo estudados, dos quais os pinos de fibra vem se destacando com seu crescente uso no mercado odontológico. O propósito deste estudo foi apresentar um relato de caso clínico com a utilização de pino de fibra de vidro, assim como analisar criticamente os trabalhos publicados e os pontos de controvérsias descritos por diversos autores relacionados a fatores como os diferentes protocolos de cimentação, os tratamentos de superfície dos pinos, a resistência à fratura e compressão, a possibilidade de microinfiltração, diâmetro e comprimento do pino, bem como os diversos materiais utilizados em conjunto com os retentores intrarradiculares. Dessa forma, concluímos que os pinos de fibra apresentam-se como excelente alternativa para dentes anteriores, desde que tenha no mínimo 2mm de remanescente dentário