68 research outputs found

    Document-Level Machine Translation Quality Estimation

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    Assessing Machine Translation (MT) quality at document level is a challenge as metrics need to account for many linguistic phenomena on different levels. Large units of text encompass different linguistic phenomena and, as a consequence, a machine translated document can have different problems. It is hard for humans to evaluate documents regarding document-wide phenomena (e.g. coherence) as they get easily distracted by problems at other levels (e.g. grammar). Although standard automatic evaluation metrics (e.g. BLEU) are often used for this purpose, they focus on n-grams matches and often disregard document-wide information. Therefore, although such metrics are useful to compare different MT systems, they may not reflect nuances of quality in individual documents. Machine translated documents can also be evaluated according to the task they will be used for. Methods based on measuring the distance between machine translations and post-edited machine translations are widely used for task-based purposes. Another task-based method is to use reading comprehension questions about the machine translated document, as a proxy of the document quality. Quality Estimation (QE) is an evaluation approach that attempts to predict MT outputs quality, using trained Machine Learning (ML) models. This method is robust because it can consider any type of quality assessment for building the QE models. Thus far, for document-level QE, BLEU-style metrics were used as quality labels, leading to unreliable predictions, as document information is neglected. Challenges of document-level QE encompass the choice of adequate labels for the task, the use of appropriate features for the task and the study of appropriate ML models. In this thesis we focus on feature engineering, the design of quality labels and the use of ML methods for document-level QE. Our new features can be classified as document-wide (use shallow document information), discourse-aware (use information about discourse structures) and consensus-based (use other machine translations as pseudo-references). New labels are proposed in order to overcome the lack of reliable labels for document-level QE. Two different approaches are proposed: one aimed at MT for assimilation with a low requirement, and another aimed at MT for dissemination with a high quality requirement. The assimilation labels use reading comprehension questions as a proxy of document quality. The dissemination approach uses a two-stage post-editing method to derive the quality labels. Different ML techniques are also explored for the document-level QE task, including the appropriate use of regression or classification and the study of kernel combination to deal with features of different nature (e.g. handcrafted features versus consensus features). We show that, in general, QE models predicting our new labels and using our discourse-aware features are more successful than models predicting automatic evaluation metrics. Regarding ML techniques, no conclusions could be drawn, given that different models performed similarly throughout the different experiments

    Making Science Simple: Corpora for the Lay Summarisation of Scientific Literature

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    Lay summarisation aims to jointly summarise and simplify a given text, thus making its content more comprehensible to non-experts. Automatic approaches for lay summarisation can provide significant value in broadening access to scientific literature, enabling a greater degree of both interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and public understanding when it comes to research findings. However, current corpora for this task are limited in their size and scope, hindering the development of broadly applicable data-driven approaches. Aiming to rectify these issues, we present two novel lay summarisation datasets, PLOS (large-scale) and eLife (medium-scale), each of which contains biomedical journal articles alongside expert-written lay summaries. We provide a thorough characterisation of our lay summaries, highlighting differing levels of readability and abstractiveness between datasets that can be leveraged to support the needs of different applications. Finally, we benchmark our datasets using mainstream summarisation approaches and perform a manual evaluation with domain experts, demonstrating their utility and casting light on the key challenges of this task.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to EMNLP 202

    A Quantitative Analysis of Discourse Phenomena in Machine Translation

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    State-of-the-art Machine Translation (MT) systems translate documents by considering isolated sentences, disregarding information beyond sentence level. As a result, machine-translated documents often contain problems related to discourse coherence and cohesion. Recently, some initiatives in the evaluation and quality estimation of MT outputs have attempted to detect discourse problems in order to assess the quality of these machine translations. However, a quantitative analysis of discourse phenomena in MT outputs is still needed in order to better understand the phenomena and identify possible solutions or ways to improve evaluation. This paper aims to answer the following questions: What is the impact of discourse phenomena on MT quality? Can we capture and measure quantitatively any issues related to discourse in MT outputs? In order to answer these questions, we present a quantitative analysis of several discourse phenomena and correlate the resulting figures with scores from automatic translation quality evaluation metrics. We show that figures related to discourse phenomena present a higher correlation with quality scores than the baseline counts widely used for quality estimation of MT

    Classifying COVID-19 vaccine narratives

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    Vaccine hesitancy is widespread, despite the government's information campaigns and the efforts of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Categorising the topics within vaccine-related narratives is crucial to understand the concerns expressed in discussions and identify the specific issues that contribute to vaccine hesitancy. This paper addresses the need for monitoring and analysing vaccine narratives online by introducing a novel vaccine narrative classification task, which categorises COVID-19 vaccine claims into one of seven categories. Following a data augmentation approach, we first construct a novel dataset for this new classification task, focusing on the minority classes. We also make use of fact-checker annotated data. The paper also presents a neural vaccine narrative classifier that achieves an accuracy of 84% under cross-validation. The classifier is publicly available for researchers and journalists.Comment: In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, 202

    Detecting Misinformation with LLM-Predicted Credibility Signals and Weak Supervision

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    Credibility signals represent a wide range of heuristics that are typically used by journalists and fact-checkers to assess the veracity of online content. Automating the task of credibility signal extraction, however, is very challenging as it requires high-accuracy signal-specific extractors to be trained, while there are currently no sufficiently large datasets annotated with all credibility signals. This paper investigates whether large language models (LLMs) can be prompted effectively with a set of 18 credibility signals to produce weak labels for each signal. We then aggregate these potentially noisy labels using weak supervision in order to predict content veracity. We demonstrate that our approach, which combines zero-shot LLM credibility signal labeling and weak supervision, outperforms state-of-the-art classifiers on two misinformation datasets without using any ground-truth labels for training. We also analyse the contribution of the individual credibility signals towards predicting content veracity, which provides new valuable insights into their role in misinformation detection

    Improving Tokenisation by Alternative Treatment of Spaces

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    Tokenisation is the first step in almost all NLP tasks, and state-of-the-art transformer-based language models all use subword tokenisation algorithms to process input text. Existing algorithms have problems, often producing tokenisations of limited linguistic validity, and representing equivalent strings differently depending on their position within a word. We hypothesise that these problems hinder the ability of transformer-based models to handle complex words, and suggest that these problems are a result of allowing tokens to include spaces. We thus experiment with an alternative tokenisation approach where spaces are always treated as individual tokens. Specifically, we apply this modification to the BPE and Unigram algorithms. We find that our modified algorithms lead to improved performance on downstream NLP tasks that involve handling complex words, whilst having no detrimental effect on performance in general natural language understanding tasks. Intrinsically, we find our modified algorithms give more morphologically correct tokenisations, in particular when handling prefixes. Given the results of our experiments, we advocate for always treating spaces as individual tokens as an improved tokenisation method

    Enhancing Biomedical Lay Summarisation with External Knowledge Graphs

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    Previous approaches for automatic lay summarisation are exclusively reliant on the source article that, given it is written for a technical audience (e.g., researchers), is unlikely to explicitly define all technical concepts or state all of the background information that is relevant for a lay audience. We address this issue by augmenting eLife, an existing biomedical lay summarisation dataset, with article-specific knowledge graphs, each containing detailed information on relevant biomedical concepts. Using both automatic and human evaluations, we systematically investigate the effectiveness of three different approaches for incorporating knowledge graphs within lay summarisation models, with each method targeting a distinct area of the encoder-decoder model architecture. Our results confirm that integrating graph-based domain knowledge can significantly benefit lay summarisation by substantially increasing the readability of generated text and improving the explanation of technical concepts.Comment: Accepted to the EMNLP 2023 main conferenc

    Bilexical embeddings for quality estimation

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Association for Computational Linguistics. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/10.18653/v1/W17-4760This work was supported by the QT21 project (H2020 No. 645452)

    VaxxHesitancy: A Dataset for Studying Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccination on Twitter

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    Vaccine hesitancy has been a common concern, probably since vaccines were created and, with the popularisation of social media, people started to express their concerns about vaccines online alongside those posting pro- and anti-vaccine content. Predictably, since the first mentions of a COVID-19 vaccine, social media users posted about their fears and concerns or about their support and belief into the effectiveness of these rapidly developing vaccines. Identifying and understanding the reasons behind public hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccines is important for policy markers that need to develop actions to better inform the population with the aim of increasing vaccine take-up. In the case of COVID-19, where the fast development of the vaccines was mirrored closely by growth in anti-vaxx disinformation, automatic means of detecting citizen attitudes towards vaccination became necessary. This is an important computational social sciences task that requires data analysis in order to gain in-depth understanding of the phenomena at hand. Annotated data is also necessary for training data-driven models for more nuanced analysis of attitudes towards vaccination. To this end, we created a new collection of over 3,101 tweets annotated with users' attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination (stance). Besides, we also develop a domain-specific language model (VaxxBERT) that achieves the best predictive performance (73.0 accuracy and 69.3 F1-score) as compared to a robust set of baselines. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first dataset and model that model vaccine hesitancy as a category distinct from pro- and anti-vaccine stance.Comment: Accepted at ICWSM 202
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