15 research outputs found

    Are there hormonal interferences and morphological changes in thyroid and adrenal endocrine glands in Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy?

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    As doenças neuromusculares são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças genéticas, causadas por mutações nos genes codificando proteínas musculares sarcolemicas, sarcoméricas, e citosolicas. A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma miopatia degenerativa progressiva, caracterizada pela ausência da proteína distrofina na superfície da membrana da célula muscular. O modelo de cão Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) apresenta semelhanças clínicas de DMD devido ao seu tamanho maior e significativa fraqueza muscular, é geneticamente homólogo a DMD humana, sendo considerado modelo experimental para estudos de novas propostas terapêuticas e melhor entendimento da fisiopatogenia da doença. Não existe até o momento uma terapia efetiva em bloquear ou reverter o processo da distrofia muscular. Embora a terapia gênica e o transplante de células tronco possam fornecer a cura para a DMD, resultados positivos podem demorar algum tempo até serem clinicamente viáveis. Neste sentido, a busca de informações fisiopatológicas que podem estar correlacionadas com a distrofia, e, com o avanço da pesquisa há possibilidade de melhora na condição vital do paciente, por retardo da progressão dos sinais clínicos ou cura. Existem poucos estudos endócrinos em animais portadores de distrofia como aves, GRMD e o mdx, assim como no homem. Mediante a falta de dados, houve a necessidade de quantificar e comparar hormônios, ainda não analisados, assim como avaliar a morfologia de glândulas endócrinas no modelo experimental GRMD. Para que fosse possível a correlação na interferência hormonal na evolução da Distrofia Muscular do cão, os exames sanguíneos foram comparados com cães normais e com as portadoras, todos da raça Golden Retriever. A mensuração hormonal de triiodotironina total (T3T), tiroxina total (T4T), a tireotropina (TSH) e o cortisol foram processados através de \"kits\" comerciais para radioimunoensaio, e o tiroxina livre (T4L) com \"kit\" comercial por diálise. As análises morfológicas das adrenais e da tireóide foram feitas através da macroscopia, microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de materiais de GRMD e de cães sadios. Anatomica e morfológicamente as glândulas não apresentaram alterações. Os níveis de cortisol não variaram significantemente entre os grupos estudados. Os níveis de T3 total foi semelhante para os animais sadios, portadoras e afetados. T4 total apresentou-se em diferentes níveis em alguns grupos. O T4 livre não variou significantemente entre os grupos estudados. Os níveis séricos de TSH da maioria dos Golden Retriever, afetados, portadores e sadios, apresentaram-se abaixo do limite apresentado pelos valores de referência.Neuromuscular diseases are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins muscle sarcolemma, sarcomeric, and cytosol. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive degenerative myopathy characterized by absence of dystrophin on the surface membrane of muscle cells. The Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) shows clinical similarities of DMD due to its size and significant muscle weakness, is genetically homologous to human DMD, and is considered an experimental model for studies of new therapeutic approaches and better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease.There is not an effective therapy to block or reverse the process of muscular dystrophy yet. Although gene therapy and stem cell transplantation may provide a cure for DMD, positive results may take some time to be clinically viable.In this sense, the search for pathologic and physiologic information can be correlated with muscular dystrophy, and with the advancement of research there is room for improvement in the vital condition of the patient by delaying the progression of clinical signs or cure.There are a few studies in animals with endocrine dystrophy such as birds, and GRMD mdx as well as in man. By lack of data, there was a need to quantify and compare hormones, not yet analyzed, as well as evaluating the morphology of endocrine glands in experimental model GRMD. To make possible the hormonal correlation in the evolution of muscular dystrophy in dogs, blood tests were compared with normal dogs and carriers, all Golden Retrievers. Measurement of total triiodothyronine hormone (T3T), total thyroxine (T4T), the thyrotropin (TSH) and cortisol were processed using commercial kits for radioimmunoassay, and free thyroxine (FT4) with commercial kit by dialysis.The morphological analysis of adrenal and thyroid were made by macroscopic, light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy of materials GRMD and healthy dogs. Anatomical and morphological glands were unaffected. Cortisol levels did not differ significantly between groups. The levels of total T3 was similar to the healthy animals, carriers and affected. The T4 presented at different levels in some groups. The free T4 did not differ significantly between groups. Serum TSH of most Golden Retriever, affected patients and healthy individuals, were below the limit presented by the reference values

    Effects of 2-AG, through monoacylglicerol lipase inhibition, in a murine modelo f acute lung injury LPS-induced

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    A sinalização por endocanabinóides é finalizada por meio de hidrólise enzimática; um processo que para o endocanabinóide 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) é mediado pela lipase monoacilglicerol (MAGL). O JZL184, é um fármaco que apresenta alta seletividade na inibição da MAGL. Assim, o JZL184 aumenta os níveis de 2-AG que, por sua vez, atua sobre os receptores canabinóides CB1 e CB2 produzindo diversos efeitos como, por exemplo, o anti-inflamatório. A inflamação pulmonar aguda (ALI) e a sua forma mais grave, a síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA), em humanos, são doenças pulmonares, caracterizadas por infiltrado pulmonar bilateral com acúmulo de neutrófilos. A sepse é a causa mais comum da ALI/SDRA; aproximadamente 40% de pacientes com sépsis, também apresentam ALI ou ARDS e a ALI/ARDS são síndromes graves associadas com mortalidade superior a 40%. Considerando que não há cura para a ARDS / ALI, foi utilizado um modelo murino de ALI para averiguar se a inibição da MAGL seria capaz de aliviar os sintomas inflamatórios ou, até mesmo, promover a cura do processo. Para isso, foram analisados fatores que promovem a migração de leucócitos para o pulmão e o dano tecidual. Ainda, para avaliar se os LPS e/ou o JZL184 promoveram mudanças no sistema nervoso central, foram avaliados a atividade locomotora no campo aberto (CA), a ansiedade no labirinto (LCE), a capacidade de adaptação em CA e os níveis de glicocorticóides séricos, assim como os níveis hipotalâmicos de citocinas. Assim, o JZL184, foi administrado por via intraperitoneal (i.p.) e 60 minutos depois o LPS foi instilado por via intranasal. As análises foram realizadas 6, 24 e/ou 48 horas após a indução da ALI. Observou-se que a inibição MAGL diminuiu a migração de leucócitos para os pulmões, bem como a permeabilidade vascular e o dano tecidual. O JZL184 também reduziu os níveis de citocinas e quimiocinas e o extravasamento vascular no lavado bronco alveolar (LBA), a atividade de MPO no tecido pulmonar e a expressão da molécula de adesão no sangue e no LBA. Os receptores CB1 e CB2 foram considerados como envolvidos nos efeitos anti-inflamatórios produzidos pelo JZL184 porque o AM281, um antagonista seletivo do receptor CB1, e o AM630, um antagonista seletivo do receptor CB2, reduziram ou bloquearam os efeitos anti-inflamatórios para JZL184. O LPS e o JZL184 não promoveram comportamento doentio e tampouco alteraram os parâmetros de ansiedade. Entretanto, o LPS e/ou o JZL184 aumentaram a expressão gênica de citocinas hipotalâmicas. Concluiu-se que a inibição MAGL produziu efeitos anti-inflamatórios no modelo murino de ALI induzida por LPS, uma descoberta que foi considerada uma consequência da ativação dos receptores canabinóide CB1 e CB2. A inibição da MAGL pode ser, no futuro, uma ferramenta terapêutica relevante para o tratamento de inflamações pulmonaresEndocannabinoid signaling is terminated by enzymatic hydrolysis, a process that, for 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), is mediated by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). The JZL184, is a drug that inhibits MAGL and presents high potency and selectivity. Thus, JZL184 increases the levels of 2-AG, an endocannabinoid that acts on the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, and has shown anti-inflammatory effects. Acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in humans, are lung diseases, characterized by bilateral pulmonary infiltrate with neutrophils accumulation. The sepsis is the most common cause of ALI / ARDS; approximately 40% of patients with sepsis have also ALI or ARDS. ALI and ARDS are severe syndromes associated with mortality 40% exceeding rates. Considering that there is no cure for ARDS/ALI, we used a ALI murine model to evaluate if the MAGL inhibition was able to alleviating the inflammatory symptoms or even promote the cure. For this, factors that promote migration of leukocytes into the lungs and the tissue damage were analyzed. Still, to assess whether LPS and / or JZL184 promoted changes in the central nervous system, the locomotor activity and ability to adapt were evaluated in the open field end the anxiety in the plus maze. Were also evaluated the glucocorticoid levels in the serum, and the hypothalamic levels of cytokines. Thus, the JZL184 was used intraperitoneally, 60 minutes after LPS was intranasally instilled and 6, 24 and/or 48 hours, after induction of ALI, analyzes were performed. It was observed that the MAGL inhibition decreased the leukocyte migration into the lungs as well as the vascular permeability and the lung damage. JZL184 also reduced the cytokine and chemokine levels and the vascular extravasation in the BAL, the MPO activity in the lungs and adhesion molecule expression in the blood and BAL. The CB1 and CB2 receptors were considered involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of JZL184 because the AM281, a selective CB1 receptor antagonist, and the AM630, a selective CB2 receptor antagonist, reduced or blocked the anti-inflammatory effects previously described for JZL184. The LPS and the JZL184 did not promote unhealthy behavior and did not change the parameters of anxiety. However, LPS and/orJZL184 increased gene expression of hypothalamic cytokines. It was concluded that MAGL inhibition produced anti-inflammatory effects in a murine model of LPS-induced ALI, a finding that was considered a consequence of the activation of the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. The MAGL inhibition in the future may be a therapeutic tool for the pulmonary inflammation treatmen

    Effects of 2-AG, through monoacylglicerol lipase inhibition, in a murine modelo f acute lung injury LPS-induced

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    A sinalização por endocanabinóides é finalizada por meio de hidrólise enzimática; um processo que para o endocanabinóide 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) é mediado pela lipase monoacilglicerol (MAGL). O JZL184, é um fármaco que apresenta alta seletividade na inibição da MAGL. Assim, o JZL184 aumenta os níveis de 2-AG que, por sua vez, atua sobre os receptores canabinóides CB1 e CB2 produzindo diversos efeitos como, por exemplo, o anti-inflamatório. A inflamação pulmonar aguda (ALI) e a sua forma mais grave, a síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA), em humanos, são doenças pulmonares, caracterizadas por infiltrado pulmonar bilateral com acúmulo de neutrófilos. A sepse é a causa mais comum da ALI/SDRA; aproximadamente 40% de pacientes com sépsis, também apresentam ALI ou ARDS e a ALI/ARDS são síndromes graves associadas com mortalidade superior a 40%. Considerando que não há cura para a ARDS / ALI, foi utilizado um modelo murino de ALI para averiguar se a inibição da MAGL seria capaz de aliviar os sintomas inflamatórios ou, até mesmo, promover a cura do processo. Para isso, foram analisados fatores que promovem a migração de leucócitos para o pulmão e o dano tecidual. Ainda, para avaliar se os LPS e/ou o JZL184 promoveram mudanças no sistema nervoso central, foram avaliados a atividade locomotora no campo aberto (CA), a ansiedade no labirinto (LCE), a capacidade de adaptação em CA e os níveis de glicocorticóides séricos, assim como os níveis hipotalâmicos de citocinas. Assim, o JZL184, foi administrado por via intraperitoneal (i.p.) e 60 minutos depois o LPS foi instilado por via intranasal. As análises foram realizadas 6, 24 e/ou 48 horas após a indução da ALI. Observou-se que a inibição MAGL diminuiu a migração de leucócitos para os pulmões, bem como a permeabilidade vascular e o dano tecidual. O JZL184 também reduziu os níveis de citocinas e quimiocinas e o extravasamento vascular no lavado bronco alveolar (LBA), a atividade de MPO no tecido pulmonar e a expressão da molécula de adesão no sangue e no LBA. Os receptores CB1 e CB2 foram considerados como envolvidos nos efeitos anti-inflamatórios produzidos pelo JZL184 porque o AM281, um antagonista seletivo do receptor CB1, e o AM630, um antagonista seletivo do receptor CB2, reduziram ou bloquearam os efeitos anti-inflamatórios para JZL184. O LPS e o JZL184 não promoveram comportamento doentio e tampouco alteraram os parâmetros de ansiedade. Entretanto, o LPS e/ou o JZL184 aumentaram a expressão gênica de citocinas hipotalâmicas. Concluiu-se que a inibição MAGL produziu efeitos anti-inflamatórios no modelo murino de ALI induzida por LPS, uma descoberta que foi considerada uma consequência da ativação dos receptores canabinóide CB1 e CB2. A inibição da MAGL pode ser, no futuro, uma ferramenta terapêutica relevante para o tratamento de inflamações pulmonaresEndocannabinoid signaling is terminated by enzymatic hydrolysis, a process that, for 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), is mediated by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). The JZL184, is a drug that inhibits MAGL and presents high potency and selectivity. Thus, JZL184 increases the levels of 2-AG, an endocannabinoid that acts on the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, and has shown anti-inflammatory effects. Acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in humans, are lung diseases, characterized by bilateral pulmonary infiltrate with neutrophils accumulation. The sepsis is the most common cause of ALI / ARDS; approximately 40% of patients with sepsis have also ALI or ARDS. ALI and ARDS are severe syndromes associated with mortality 40% exceeding rates. Considering that there is no cure for ARDS/ALI, we used a ALI murine model to evaluate if the MAGL inhibition was able to alleviating the inflammatory symptoms or even promote the cure. For this, factors that promote migration of leukocytes into the lungs and the tissue damage were analyzed. Still, to assess whether LPS and / or JZL184 promoted changes in the central nervous system, the locomotor activity and ability to adapt were evaluated in the open field end the anxiety in the plus maze. Were also evaluated the glucocorticoid levels in the serum, and the hypothalamic levels of cytokines. Thus, the JZL184 was used intraperitoneally, 60 minutes after LPS was intranasally instilled and 6, 24 and/or 48 hours, after induction of ALI, analyzes were performed. It was observed that the MAGL inhibition decreased the leukocyte migration into the lungs as well as the vascular permeability and the lung damage. JZL184 also reduced the cytokine and chemokine levels and the vascular extravasation in the BAL, the MPO activity in the lungs and adhesion molecule expression in the blood and BAL. The CB1 and CB2 receptors were considered involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of JZL184 because the AM281, a selective CB1 receptor antagonist, and the AM630, a selective CB2 receptor antagonist, reduced or blocked the anti-inflammatory effects previously described for JZL184. The LPS and the JZL184 did not promote unhealthy behavior and did not change the parameters of anxiety. However, LPS and/orJZL184 increased gene expression of hypothalamic cytokines. It was concluded that MAGL inhibition produced anti-inflammatory effects in a murine model of LPS-induced ALI, a finding that was considered a consequence of the activation of the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. The MAGL inhibition in the future may be a therapeutic tool for the pulmonary inflammation treatmen

    Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) inhibition attenuates acute lung injury in mice.

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    Endocannabinoid signaling is terminated by enzymatic hydrolysis, a process that, for 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), is mediated by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). The piperidine carbamate, 4-nitrophenyl- 4-(dibenzo[d] [1,3]dioxol-5-yl (hydroxy) methyl) piperidine- 1-carboxylate (JZL184), is a drug that inhibits MAGL and presents high potency and selectivity. Thus, JZL184 increases the levels of 2-AG, an endocannabinoid that acts on the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Here, we investigated the effects of MAGL inhibition, with a single dose (16 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)) of JZL184, in a murine model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced acute lung injury (ALI) 6, 24 and 48 hours after the inflammatory insult. Treatment with JZL184 decreased the leukocyte migration into the lungs as well as the vascular permeability measured through the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) and histological analysis. JZL184 also reduced the cytokine and chemokine levels in the BAL and adhesion molecule expression in the blood and BAL. The CB1 and CB2 receptors were considered involved in the anti-inflammatory effects of JZL184 because the AM281 selective CB1 receptor antagonist (1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-4-methyl-N-4-morpholinyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide) and the AM630 selective CB2 receptor antagonist ([6-iodo-2-methyl-1-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-1H-indol-3-yl](4-methoxyphenyl)-methanone) blocked the anti-inflammatory effects previously described for JZL184. It was concluded that MAGL inhibition, and consequently the increase in 2-AG levels, produced anti-inflammatory effects in a murine model of LPS-induced ALI, a finding that was considered a consequence of the activation of the CB1 and CB2 receptors

    CB1 and CB2 receptors participation in adhesion molecules expression in LPS-induced ALI.

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    <p>(A) β2-integrin in the blood 6 hours after LPS-induced ALI, (B) L-selectin in the blood 6 hours after LPS-induced ALI and (C) β2-integrin in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid 48 hours after LPS-induced ALI. Data are mean ± S.D., n=5-8 mice/group. * and **p<0.05. Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn´s tests for multiples comparisons.</p

    JZL184 effects LPS-induced lung damage.

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    <p>(A) Alveolar wall thickness and (B) ALI score. Data are presented as mean ± S.D., n=5-6 mice/group. *p<0.05, in relation to C2 group. (A) One-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests; (B) Mann Whitney U test for two group comparison.</p

    CB1 and CB2 receptors participation in LPS-induced lung damage.

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    <p>(A) Alveolar wall thickness and (B) ALI score. Data are presented as mean ± S.D., n=5-8 mice/group. * and **p<0.05. (A) One-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests; (B) Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn´s tests for multiples comparisons.</p

    CB1 and CB2 receptors participation in leukocyte migration into the lungs.

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    <p>(A) Leukocyte count in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, (B) Leukocyte count in the blood, (C) neutrophils count in the blood and (D) the percentage of granulocytes in the bone marrow. Data are mean ± S.D., n=5-8 mice/group. * and **p<0.05. One-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests.</p