22 research outputs found

    The role of the retrosplenial cortex in associative memory

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    Encoding of episodic memories involves associating different features of the environment and experiences. Understanding how sensory-sensory associations are encoded would shed light on the basis of how events are stored in the brain. The retrosplenial cortex (RSC) is known to reciprocally connect to the hippocampal formation and to sensory areas. Its connectivity suggests a role in both episodic and spatial memory processes. A role in the formation and storage of sensory associations might underlie these processes and is supported by RSC-lesion and -inactivation studies. In this thesis, I use optogenetics to inactivate the RSC while mice perform various memory paradigms to clarify the function of this structure in encoding associations to support memory. Thus, I develop a sensory associative memory task in mice which allows me to test sensory-sensory associations. Developing, for the first time, an appetitive sensory preconditioning (SPC) paradigm in mice, failed to provide robust results. So, I chose an aversive SPC paradigm as the best way to probe neutral sensory associations in mice. I show that while control mice successfully learned the preconditioned association in the task, precise closed-loop optogenetic disruption of the RSC when mice form associations between neutral stimuli reduces performance to chance levels. Moreover, I demonstrate that this disruption is independent of spatial confound. Using the same technique to silence RSC activity during short-term or long-term spatial learning did not affect the formation and retrieval of memory, in contrast to previous studies. Finally, in order to truly address the question of how sensory-sensory associations are formed, I present preliminary data of a calcium imaging study aimed at understanding the mechanisms by which these associations are formed in the RSC. In summary, I established a new sensory preconditioning task for mice allowing us to timely probe associative memory between neutral stimuli. Optogenetic silencing of RSC demonstrate the necessity of the RSC in this type of memory and combined with future functional imaging studies will help understand how the brain forms neutral associations

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Uma indústria, duas publicações e dois públicos: questões de dialogismo

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    A partir de dois textos extraídos de duas publicações distintas, mas que tratam de um mesmo produto, este artigo aborda diferenças na linguagem de discursos de uma indústria metalúrgica de origem francesa estabelecida no Brasil em sua comunicação com seus próprios funcionários, por meio de um jornal interno, e com seus clientes, por meio de uma revista de circulação dirigida especialmente a eles. Como referencial teórico seguiu-se o da linha bakhtiniana. Nas duas publicações o enunciador é o mesmo, porém os enunciatários são diferentes e requerem discursos que se afinem com tais diferenças para que a interação possa se concretizar

    Aspectos dialógicos de publicações impressa e virtual de um mesmo jornal diário

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    O presente trabalho analisa maneiras como o jornal O Estado de São Paulo em suas versões virtual e impressa trataram, em 02 de junho de 2010, o acidente ocorrido em 20 de abril de 2010 envolvendo a plataforma de extração de petróleo em águas profundas Deepwater Horizon operada pela empresa inglesa British Petroleum, no Golfo do México (EUA), bem como a percepção de possíveis diferenças entre as duas publicações. Ancorado em procedimentos de leitura e de análise propostos pela análise do discurso e privilegiando a noção de dialogismo desenvolvida pelo teórico russo Mikhail Bakhtin, o trabalho foca a forma como os leitores são levados em consideração por O Estado de S. Paulo impresso e virtual, os perfis dos leitores de ambas as publicações, os recursos verbais e visuais de que se valem as publicações com vistas à inteligibilidade e adesão dos leitores às idéias lançadas nos textos e os recursos linguísticos e visuais em que as publicações se apoiam para atender seus próprios objetivos ideológicos, comerciais e os de seus anunciantes.The present work analyses the ways that the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, in its virtual and printed versions, treated, in June 2nd 2010, the accident that occurred in April 20th 2010, involving the oil extraction platform in deep water Deepwater Horizon run by the British company British Petroleum, in the Mexican Gulf (EUA), as well as the perception of possible differences between the two publications. Anchored in reading procedures and analysis proposed by the speech analysis and privileging the notion of dialogism developed by the Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, the work focuses on the way the readers are taken into consideration by O Estado de São Paulo printed and virtual, the readers profiles of both publications, verbal and visual resources which the publications are made of according to the readers intelligibility and adherence to the launched ideas in the texts and the linguistics and visual resources in which the publications are supported to attend their own ideological and commercial objectives and of their announcers

    Optogenetic Silencing of Retrosplenial Cortex Disrupts Associative Memory

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    Optogenetic Silencing of Retrosplenial Cortex Disrupts Associative Memory

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    Transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes adultos em estado crítico: complicações relacionadas à equipe, equipamentos e fatores fisiológicos

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar na literatura as complicações relacionadas às alterações fisiológicas do paciente, à equipe multidisciplinar e ao uso de equipamentos durante o transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes críticos. MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca nas bases de dados PUBMED, MEDLINE, e LILACS. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 20 artigos, todos escritos na língua inglesa. Os estudos mostraram que as alterações na pressão arterial e na frequência cardíaca são as mais comuns durante o transporte. Dos eventos adversos relacionados a problemas com a equipe, destacaram-se, a falta de conhecimento do profissional e a falha de comunicação, além dos provenientes dos equipamentos utilizados. CONCLUSÃO: Transportar o paciente crítico de maneira segura significa melhorar a comunicação entre as equipes, padronizar as ações e equipamentos utilizados por meio de protocolos e identificar intercorrências para obter excelência no atendimento durante o transporte

    Developing a Nomogram for Prioritizing Hysteroscopy in Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis: A Case-Control Study

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    (1) Background: The pandemic led to significant healthcare disruptions, resulting in postponed surgeries and extended waiting times for non-urgent treatments, including hysteroscopies essential for diagnosing endometrial cancer. This study aims to formulate a risk stratification model to enhance the prioritization of hysteroscopy procedures in Brazil; (2) Methods: A case-control study was conducted at Vila Santa Catarina Hospital in São Paulo, analyzing the medical records of 2103 women who underwent hysteroscopy between March 2019 and March 2022. We used bivariate analysis and multivariate linear regression to identify risk factors associated with endometrial cancer and formulate a nomogram; (3) Results: The findings revealed a 5.5% incidence of pre-invasive and invasive endometrial disease in the study population, with an average waiting time of 120 days for hysteroscopy procedures. The main risk factors identified were hypertension, diabetes, postmenopausal bleeding, and obesity; (4) Conclusions: This research highlights the urgent need for efficient prioritization of hysteroscopy procedures in the wake of the pandemic. The developed nomogram is an innovative tool for identifying patients at higher risk of endometrial cancer, thus facilitating timely diagnosis and treatment and improving overall patient outcomes in a strained healthcare system

    Topical Formulation Containing Naringenin: Efficacy against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Mice.

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    Naringenin (NGN) exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, but it remains undetermined its topical actions against ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in vivo. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and functional antioxidant stability of NGN containing formulations, and the effects of selected NGN containing formulation on UVB irradiation-induced skin inflammation and oxidative damage in hairless mice. NGN presented ferric reducing power, ability to scavenge 2,2'-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline- 6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and hydroxyl radical, and inhibited iron-independent and dependent lipid peroxidation. Among the three formulations containing NGN, only the F3 kept its physicochemical and functional stability over 180 days. Topical application of F3 in mice protected from UVB-induced skin damage by inhibiting edema and cytokine production (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10). Furthermore, F3 inhibited superoxide anion and lipid hydroperoxides production and maintained ferric reducing and ABTS scavenging abilities, catalase activity, and reduced glutathione levels. In addition, F3 maintained mRNA expression of cellular antioxidants glutathione peroxidase 1, glutathione reductase and transcription factor Nrf2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2), and induced mRNA expression of heme oxygenase-1. In conclusion, a formulation containing NGN may be a promising approach to protecting the skin from the deleterious effects of UVB irradiation