7 research outputs found

    Hypertrophic Phenotypic Cardiomyopathy in an Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype (HCM) is the most common cardiac disease in domestic cats but is rarely described in wild species. This phenotype is characterized by concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle and may be of familial inheritance or secondary to other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, systemic arterial hypertension, and hyperaldosteronism. HCM can cause diastolic and systolic dysfunction and may cause congestive heart failure in affected animals. The present work aims to describe the first report of cardiomyopathy of the hypertrophic phenotype in a specimen of Leopardus pardalis, kept under human care. Case: A 11-year-old female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care, during a preventive care visit, had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype detected by cardiological evaluation with echocardiogram and a murmur grade III/VI could be detected on cardiac auscultation. This preventive care occurred under chemical restraint with ketamine [6 mg/kg, i.m] associates with midazolam [0.5 mg/kg, i.m] and other evaluations have been done like complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, albumin:globulin ratio, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and globulin) and tyroid hormones [free tyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)].  Medical management based on clopidogrel, and atenolol was administered for 3 months until the patient showed manifestations of congestive heart failure (CHF) 80 days later the initial evaluation. In this moment the patient presented with dyspnea, so a cardiological and laboratory evaluation was requested. On pulmonary auscultation crackling was identified, suggesting pulmonary edema and, on echocardiographic examination, some parameters had worsened. The CBC and biochemistry were all within reference ranges. Then, the beta-blocker was discontinued and replaced by pimobendan combined with furosemide as treatment of CHF, and the condition stabilized. After one year, the patient was re-evaluated and showed a slight improvement in the condition but still remained stable. Also, feline proBNP levels was tested (SNAP Feline proBNP® IDEXX) in this moment and it was increased. Discussion: The findings on echocardiography associated with the subjective evaluation associated with progressive worsening and clinical manifestation of CHF, as well as the response to treatment, even though there are no reference values for the species, reinforce the diagnosis. There is no evidence to suggest diseases that may contribute to secondary left ventricular hypertrophy. It is believed that pimobendan plays a key role in maintaining hemodynamic balance, since this has already been observed in other mammalian species. The use of beta blockers is commonly employed in domestic cats with HCM, and they have been prescribed in an attempt to promote greater ventricular relaxation, decrease left ventricular outflow obstruction, thus improving ventricular filling for maintenance of cardiac output. In view of the atrial enlargement and possible risk of thrombus formation, clopidogrel was prescribed, extrapolating what is known from domestic cats. It is reasonable to conclude that in this case, the cardiomyopathy behaved similarly to what is observed in domestic cats, both in its clinical evolution and in the means of diagnosis, and in its response to the therapy instituted. Keywords: Felidae, feline, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, echocardiogram, echocardiography

    M-mode echocardiography measurements of healthy Brazilian random bred cats

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    To determine the M-mode echocardiography reference measurements for Brazilian random bred cats in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Cats presenting for routine care were examined by M-mode echocardiography. Animals with free wall values ​​of the left ventricle and/or interventricular septum above 5 mm were not included. A total of 125 cats were included in the study. The correlation of the body score condition (BSC) with the echocardiography measurements was positive for left ventricle wall in systole (LVWs)  and left ventricular wall in diastole (LVWd) . The LVWd values of BSCs 3 and 4 were different , and those of BSCs 3 and 5 were also different. The LVWs values of BSCs 3 and 5 were different . The correlated effect between BSC and the echocardiography measurements was true for the left atrium , left atrium/aorta ratio, ventricular septum in diastole, ventricular septum in systole, LVWs, LVWd, left ventricle in diastole, left ventricle in systole, ejection fraction and shortening fraction. The M-mode echocardiography evaluation of cats is impacted by the animal’s body mass; therefore, the BSC must be taken into consideration when interpreting echocardiography measurements

    Hypertrophic Phenotypic Cardiomyopathy in an Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype (HCM) is the most common cardiac disease in domestic cats but is rarely described in wild species. This phenotype is characterized by concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle and may be of familial inheritance or secondary to other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, systemic arterial hypertension, and hyperaldosteronism. HCM can cause diastolic and systolic dysfunction and may cause congestive heart failure in affected animals. The present work aims to describe the first report of cardiomyopathy of the hypertrophic phenotype in a specimen of Leopardus pardalis, kept under human care. Case: A 11-year-old female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care, during a preventive care visit, had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype detected by cardiological evaluation with echocardiogram and a murmur grade III/VI could be detected on cardiac auscultation. This preventive care occurred under chemical restraint with ketamine [6 mg/kg, i.m] associates with midazolam [0.5 mg/kg, i.m] and other evaluations have been done like complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, albumin:globulin ratio, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and globulin) and tyroid hormones [free tyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)].  Medical management based on clopidogrel, and atenolol was administered for 3 months until the patient showed manifestations of congestive heart failure (CHF) 80 days later the initial evaluation. In this moment the patient presented with dyspnea, so a cardiological and laboratory evaluation was requested. On pulmonary auscultation crackling was identified, suggesting pulmonary edema and, on echocardiographic examination, some parameters had worsened. The CBC and biochemistry were all within reference ranges. Then, the beta-blocker was discontinued and replaced by pimobendan combined with furosemide as treatment of CHF, and the condition stabilized. After one year, the patient was re-evaluated and showed a slight improvement in the condition but still remained stable. Also, feline proBNP levels was tested (SNAP Feline proBNP® IDEXX) in this moment and it was increased. Discussion: The findings on echocardiography associated with the subjective evaluation associated with progressive worsening and clinical manifestation of CHF, as well as the response to treatment, even though there are no reference values for the species, reinforce the diagnosis. There is no evidence to suggest diseases that may contribute to secondary left ventricular hypertrophy. It is believed that pimobendan plays a key role in maintaining hemodynamic balance, since this has already been observed in other mammalian species. The use of beta blockers is commonly employed in domestic cats with HCM, and they have been prescribed in an attempt to promote greater ventricular relaxation, decrease left ventricular outflow obstruction, thus improving ventricular filling for maintenance of cardiac output. In view of the atrial enlargement and possible risk of thrombus formation, clopidogrel was prescribed, extrapolating what is known from domestic cats. It is reasonable to conclude that in this case, the cardiomyopathy behaved similarly to what is observed in domestic cats, both in its clinical evolution and in the means of diagnosis, and in its response to the therapy instituted. Keywords: Felidae, feline, cardiovascular disease, heart disease, echocardiogram, echocardiography

    Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão: Relato de caso.

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    Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. Ectopic thyroid carcinoma develops in the ectopic thyroid parenchyma, in the anterior mediastinum, being an important differential diagnosis of paraganglioma, although occurring less frequently than the same. The cells invade the mediastinal fat reaching the adventitia of the aorta. There is a possibility of metastatic formations in the lung, kidneys, and pancreas. A supporting treatment was provided. The present study proposes the exposition and description of a case of neuroendocrine tumor in the heart, considering the rarity of the involvement of this tumor in the canine species.Case: A 9-year-old American Bulldog male canine was treated at home in the city of Rio de Janeiro. On clinical examination, dyspnea, edema of the hind limbs and an increase in abdominal volume were observed. With the suspicion of congestive heart failure, mainly on the right, cardiac exams were requested. Because it was an aggressive animal, sedation was performed with a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam. During cardiac auscultation, the presence of S4 was noticed, characterizing a gallop rhythm. No alterations were observed on the electrocardiographic examination. The echocardiogram showed a tumor mass in the atrium and dilation of the venous return vessels. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atrium of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. The abdominocentesis procedure was performed to drain abdominal free fluid. Furosemide, enalapril and digoxin were prescribed as a treatment. Three months after the start of treatment, the animal presented intense dyspnea that culminated in the death of the patient, who later had the body sent for necropsy and subsequent tissue collection for histopathological analysis. Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart.Discussion: Brachycephalic dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, are predisposed to the development of paragangliomas. The genetic predisposition is related to hyperplasia of the carotid bodies generated by chronic hypoxia, resulting from obstructive processes in the airways. As the reported dog is an American Bulldog, the possibility of the tumor in question was reinforced. Paragangliomas are more frequent in males from nine to thirteen years of age, commonly associated with other endocrine neoplasms. It is also an important marker present in paragangliomas. In contrast to the literature, the report points to a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma, without eliminating the possibility of an ectopic thyroid tumor, because although TTF-1 appears in most thyroid tumors, not all of them are present, although it is very suggestive. Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. However, it is observed that the treatment resources for these tumors, whether by surgical or chemotherapy option, also have few answers. The lack of literature on ectopic thyroid tumors influences the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Thus, clinical and complementary findings, mainly along with immunohistochemistry, were essential in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor. After 3 months of the start of the treatment, the animal died. Keywords: heart base tumor, Immunohistochemical diagnosis, heart, dog. Título: Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão Descritores: tumor neuroendócrino, diagnóstico Imuno-histoquímico, coração, cão.Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. A supporting treatment with furosemide, enalapril and digoxin was provided. Case: Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atria of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. Discussion: Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. After three months of the start of the treatment, the animal passed away

    Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão: Relato de caso.

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    Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. Ectopic thyroid carcinoma develops in the ectopic thyroid parenchyma, in the anterior mediastinum, being an important differential diagnosis of paraganglioma, although occurring less frequently than the same. The cells invade the mediastinal fat reaching the adventitia of the aorta. There is a possibility of metastatic formations in the lung, kidneys, and pancreas. A supporting treatment was provided. The present study proposes the exposition and description of a case of neuroendocrine tumor in the heart, considering the rarity of the involvement of this tumor in the canine species.Case: A 9-year-old American Bulldog male canine was treated at home in the city of Rio de Janeiro. On clinical examination, dyspnea, edema of the hind limbs and an increase in abdominal volume were observed. With the suspicion of congestive heart failure, mainly on the right, cardiac exams were requested. Because it was an aggressive animal, sedation was performed with a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam. During cardiac auscultation, the presence of S4 was noticed, characterizing a gallop rhythm. No alterations were observed on the electrocardiographic examination. The echocardiogram showed a tumor mass in the atrium and dilation of the venous return vessels. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atrium of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. The abdominocentesis procedure was performed to drain abdominal free fluid. Furosemide, enalapril and digoxin were prescribed as a treatment. Three months after the start of treatment, the animal presented intense dyspnea that culminated in the death of the patient, who later had the body sent for necropsy and subsequent tissue collection for histopathological analysis. Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart.Discussion: Brachycephalic dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs and Boston Terriers, are predisposed to the development of paragangliomas. The genetic predisposition is related to hyperplasia of the carotid bodies generated by chronic hypoxia, resulting from obstructive processes in the airways. As the reported dog is an American Bulldog, the possibility of the tumor in question was reinforced. Paragangliomas are more frequent in males from nine to thirteen years of age, commonly associated with other endocrine neoplasms. It is also an important marker present in paragangliomas. In contrast to the literature, the report points to a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma, without eliminating the possibility of an ectopic thyroid tumor, because although TTF-1 appears in most thyroid tumors, not all of them are present, although it is very suggestive. Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. However, it is observed that the treatment resources for these tumors, whether by surgical or chemotherapy option, also have few answers. The lack of literature on ectopic thyroid tumors influences the diagnosis of paraganglioma. Thus, clinical and complementary findings, mainly along with immunohistochemistry, were essential in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor. After 3 months of the start of the treatment, the animal died. Keywords: heart base tumor, Immunohistochemical diagnosis, heart, dog. Título: Tumor neuroendócrino em coração de cão Descritores: tumor neuroendócrino, diagnóstico Imuno-histoquímico, coração, cão.Background: Neuroendocrine tumors are epithelial tumors with predominant neuroendocrine differentiation. A supporting treatment with furosemide, enalapril and digoxin was provided. Case: Based on the immunohistochemical markers chromogranin and synaptophysin, the work here presented describes a case of a neuroendocrine tumor suggestive of paraganglioma involving a dog’s heart. The tumor enveloped 80% of the atria of a 9-year-old male American Bulldog. Discussion: Treatment in question, attributed to the control of right congestive heart failure, although with little effect, denotes that the obstructive process of the return pathway, even with the use of drugs that prevent congestion, did not delay the evolution of the disease. After three months of the start of the treatment, the animal passed away

    Evaluation of the right ventricular function in dogs with brachycephalic syndrome before and after rhinoplasty

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    Brachycephalic dogs are usually affected by primary and secondary anatomical changes in the airways that contribute to the brachycephalic syndrome. Chronically, these changes contribute to an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure and right cardiac overload (cor pulmonale). The right cardiac function in 17 dogs with brachycephalic syndrome was assessed using echocardiography before, and at 30 and 60 days after rhinoplasty. The maximum pulmonary systolic flow velocity, the pressure gradient between the AP and RV (GrFP), the right ventricular systolic function (tricuspid ring systolic excursion (TAPSE), the variation of the right ventricular area (FAC), the velocity of the systolic displacement of the right ventricular myocardium (S’) by tissue Doppler) and right ventricular diastolic function (transtricuspid flow and the relationship between the E and A waves, evaluation of the E’ and A’ waves using tissue Doppler of the free wall of the right ventricle) were evaluated. The right ventricular fractional area, velocity, and pressure gradient of pulmonary arterial flow showed the best sensitivity in these analyses. The present study reinforces the concept that obstructions in the anterior airways contribute to pulmonary hypoxia. However, the correction of these obstructions proved to be beneficial in the reduction of right heart overload

    Study of the heart rate variability in dogs with brachycephalic syndrome submitted to rhinoplasty surgery

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the HRV in the brachycephalic races, before and after surgical correction of the stenosis of the nostrils, by means of prolonged electrocardiography, observing the excess of the parasympathetic stimulation regarding the occurrence of bradyarrhythmias and their clinical consequences, and possibility of improvement of the autonomic balancing after the treatment, increasing the quality and life expectancy of these patients. Sixteen dogs with nostril stenosis were included, where the analysis and progression of the HRC findings at different moments before the surgical procedure (day 0) and after the procedure were performed in two moments, 30 and 60 days. The technique of alavestibulplasty was performed and HRV analysis was recorded by means of prolonged electrocardiography. For this examination, the indexes were analyzed in the time domain. Regarding the clinical findings, there was an improvement in the evaluation of the heart and respiratory rate, as well as a reduction in parasympathetic activity, as shown in the bradyarrhythmias. Regarding the HRV indexes in the time domain, rMSSD and SDNN associated with mean heart rate findings, have brought strong indications that the reduction of parasympathetic stimulation is related to the reduction of HRV in these animals. The rMSSD is the HRV index in the domain of the time that early changed can be used as indicator of the increase of the parasympathetic activity caused by the Brachycephalic Syndrom