16 research outputs found

    Une étude exploratoire des sources de stress et de soutien social chez les intervenantes communautaires en santé mentale

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    L'objectif de cette recherche exploratoire est d'identifier les principales sources de stress au travail et d'épuisement professionnel chez les intervenantes en santé mentale oeuvrant en milieu communautaire et d'examiner le soutien social qu'elles reçoivent. Les informations ont été recueillies au cours d'entrevues individuelles et d'entrevues de groupe auxquelles ont participé 19 intervenantes provenant de trois centres de crise de Montréal. Les principaux facteurs de stress qu'identifient les participantes ont trait à des dimensions relevant de l'intervention auprès des usagers et du rôle d'intervenante. Des difficultés spécifiques au travail en milieu communautaire sont aussi rapportées. Le soutien reçu des collègues de travail et la qualité des relations avec la direction ressortent comme facteurs importants de protection contre le stress et l'épuisèment.An exploratory study on sources of stress and social support among community mental health workers The objective of this exploratory research is to identify the main sources of work stress and burnout among community mental health workers and examine the social support they receive. Information has been collected through individual and group interviews with 19 community workers from three crisis centres in Montreal. The most stressing factors identified by participants are related to their intervention with users and their role as intervention worker. Difficulties related specifically to community work are also reported. Social support received from colleagues and quality of relations with superiors stand out as important factors of protection against stress and burnout

    Le suicide chez les jeunes adultes de sexe masculin au Québec : Psychopathologie et utilisation des services médicaux

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    On a apparié 75 jeunes gens de 18 à 35 ans qui s'étaient suicidés à 75 autres, toujours en vie, en fonction de l'âge, de la résidence, du statut conjugal et professionnel. Pour chacun des groupes, un répondant principal a été interviewé, et les dossiers médicaux ainsi que ceux du coroner ont été examinés afin de reconstituer le profit psychologique des intéressés et leur utilisation des services. À six mois, la prévalence de tous les diagnostics d'axe (selon le DSMIH-R) était de 88,8 % pour le groupe des suicidés et de 37,3 % pour le groupe témoin. Parmi les suicidés, 38,7 % souffraient de dépression majeure, 24 % de dépendance à l'alcool, et 28,7 % aux drogues. La personnalité borderline a été identifiée chez 28% des suicidés contre 4% du groupe témoin. Chez les suicidés, 42,5 % avaient consulté un professionnel de la santé mentale dans l'année précédente, contre 5 % chez les témoins. Cependant, la grande majorité des suicidés (78,5%) avaient consulté un professionnel de la santé, tel un omnipraticien, contre 73,2 % chez les témoins.Seventy five young male adults between the age of 18 and 35 who had committed suicide were compared with 75 male adults still alive matched for age, residence, marital and employment status. For each group a principal respondent was interviewed in order to reconstitute the psychological profile of each individual, as well as their utilisation of health services. This was completed by the study of the coroner's reports and the medical records when available. At six months the prevalence for all axis diagnosis was 88.8% for the suicide group and 37.3% for the control group. Among the subjects who had commited suicide 38.7% were afflicted by major depression, 24% by alcohol dependency and 28.7% were dependent on drugs. Borderline personalities were present in 28% of the suicide group compared to 5% in the control group. Forty five percent (45%) of the subjects who had killed themselves had consulted a mental health professional in the year preceding the suicide compared to 5% in the control group. However, 78.5% of the suicide group had consulted during the same period a health professional compared to 73.3% of the controls

    Protein N-glycosylation in eukaryotic microalgae and its impact on the production of nuclear expressed biopharmaceuticals

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    International audience† The two first authors equally contributed to the work. Microalgae are currently used for the production of food compounds. Recently, few microalgae species have been investigated as potential biofactories for the production of biopharmaceuticals. Indeed in this context, microalgae are cheap, classified as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) organisms and can be grown easily. However, problems remain to be solved before any industrial production of microalgae-made biopharmaceuticals. Among them, post-translational modifications of the proteins need to be considered. Especially, N-glycosylation acquired by the secreted recombinant proteins is of major concern since most of the biopharmaceuticals are N-glycosylated and it is well recognized that glycosylation represent one of their critical quality attribute. Therefore, the evaluation of microalgae as alternative cell factory for biopharmaceutical productions thus requires to investigate their N-glycosylation capability in order to determine to what extend it differs from their human counterpart and to determine appropriate strategies for remodeling the microalgae glycosylation into human-compatible oligosaccharides. Here, we review the secreted recombinant proteins which have been successfully produced in microalgae. We also report on recent bioinformatics and biochemical data concerning the structure of glycans N-linked to proteins from various microalgae phyla and comment the consequences on the glycan engineering strategies that may be necessary to render those microalgae-made biopharmaceuticals compatible with human therapy