40 research outputs found
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Perpajakan, Kualitas Pelayanan Pajak dan Sanksi Pajak terhadap Motivasi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi dalam Membayar Pajak
Tax has an important role in state revenue sources, as the country\u27s largest revenue comes from taxes sector. however tax revenue in Indonesia is still not up to look at the number of individual taxpayers. The Tax Office Primary Singosari are growing every year but in terms of the SPT was still a lot of taxpayers who do not deliver the SPT. It was feared because it is not the taxpayer does not fulfill its obligation to calculate and pay the tax due. This study aims to explain the effect of tax knowledge, quality of service tax and tax penalties to motivate taxpayers to pay taxes. Type of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The results of simultaneous analysis showed that the variables of knowledge, quality of service and tax penalties affect the motivation of individual taxpayers in paying taxes. while the partial test results or individual taxes demonstrate knowledge, quality of service tax and tax penalties significantly influence the motivation of individual taxpayers in paying taxes. Expected results of the research can be used as a reference for further research to develop this research by adding a variable that has not been addressed in this study
Pirolisis Campuran PET dan LDPE Menggunakan Oven Microwave
Meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia terhadap produk plastik khususnya yang berbahan PET dan LDPE berdampak pada sampah yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh daya keluaran microwave (600 W dan 800 W) pada proses microwave-assisted pyrolysis sampah PET dan LDPE. Penelitian ini mencakup tiga langkah: preparasi sampel, analisis termogravimetri, dan analisis studi kinetik. Hasil studi kinetik menunjukan bahwa peningkatan daya keluaran microwave mengakibatkan peningkatan temperatur maksimum, laju kenaikan temperatur, laju kehilangan massa, dan nilai kalor. Energi aktivasi pirolisis LDPE lebih rendah dibandingkan PET. Hasil uji GC-MS menunjukan pyrolytic oil PET didominasi oleh senyawa asetaldehid, sedangkan pada LDPE didominasi senyawa fenol. Daya keluaran microwave paling efektif yang digunakan untuk memperoleh pyrolytic oil dari PET adalah 800 W, sedangkan LDPE adalah 600 W
Pengaruh Grain Size Arang Aktif dari Bahan Limbah Industri Sagu Aren terhadap Penyerapan Polutan Limbah Batik
Sago palm industries leave large amount of wood waste that is about 30% of the volume of tree trunks, 20% in large size which can be used for the handcraft and about 10% in small-size which only wasted. On the other hand, batik industries produce hazardous and toxic waste (B3), that should be neutralized since this liquid waste are bad smell and  hard color, and even toxity  (contain various kinds of chemical elements and heavy metals such as Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd), and Copper (Cu)) and if the elements are absorbed by human body exceeds the threshold point, it would be dangerous. Therefore, experiment on activated carbon engineering and its use in adsorbing the B3 batik liquid waste is urgently required.  The main objective of the experiment is to know the adsorbsion effectivity of activated carbon in adsorbing the batik liquid waste. The main material used in producing activated carbon is waste palm tree trunks. The main material is heated to be charcoal in retort for about 5 hours, temperature around 500 º C. Furthermore, charcoal is crushed finely and screened in sizes of mesh 25, 35 and 50. Carbon powder then chemically activated using H2SO4 solution by heating in 500 ˚C for about 30 menutes. Finally this activated carbon used for adsorbing the hard colour and heavy metal (Pb, Cr, Cd) in the batik waste water. This research concluded that the sago aren industrial waste may be an alternative material for activated carbon which is effective in adsorbing the hard colour and hazardous heavy metal. Higher mesh size (grain size) of activated carbon give higher adsorbsion in colour and heavy metal. Activated carbon in mesh 25 adsorbed 68.59% Cd, 16.65% Cr, and 100% Pb, mesh 35 adsorb  76.25% Cd, 37.55% Cr and Pb at 100%, while mesh 50 adsorb 81.61% Cd, 58,33% Cr, and 100%  Pb
Unjuk Kerja Generator Listrik Berbahan Bakar Biogas
AbstrakPengujian unjuk kerja generator berbahan bakar biogas belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja genset berbahan bakar biogas. Bahan baku biogas yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari kotoran sapi. Pengambilan biogas dilakukan di kelompok ternak sapi Pandan Mulyo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Generator yang digunakan berkapasitas daya 2.200-Watt dan variasi pembebanan 660, 720, 780, 840, dan 900 Wat. Parameter yang diambil berupa tegangan, arus, putaran mesin, dan debit biogas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan daya keluaran genset dari 5 variasi pembebanan yaitu 660, 720, 780, 840, dan 900 Watt berturut-turut adalah 599,4; 651; 681,6; 676,5; dan 668,5 Watt. Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar dari 5 variasi pembebanan yaitu 0,645; 0,652; 0,673; 0,680; dan 0,727 kg/jam. Dari 5 variasi pembebanan menunjukkan bahwa unjuk kerja paling optimal dari genset berbahan bakar biogas ini berada pada tingkat pembebanan 660 Watt dengan daya keluaran yang dihasilkan sebesar 599,4 Watt.AbstrakThe performance testing of biogas-fueled generators has not been carried out much. This study aims to determine the performance of biogas fueled generators. The biogas raw material used in this study was cow dung. Biogas extraction was carried out in the Pandan Mulyo cattle group, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The generator used is 2,200-Watt power capacity and variations in loading 660, 720, 780, 840, and 900 Watt. The parameters are taken in the form of voltage, current, engine rotation, and flow of biogas. The results showed the generator output power of 5 experiment variations, 660, 720, 780, 840, and 900 Watt, respectively, were 599.4; 651; 681.6; 676.5; and 668.5 Watt. The fuel consumption of 5 variations are 0.645; 0.652; 0.673; 0.680; and 0.727 kg / hour. From all variations, showed that the optimal performance of the biogas fueled generator is at 660 Watt with the output power of 599.4 Watt
Pengaruh Diskontinuitas Struktur Pressure Hull Kapal Selam Akibat Tekanan Hidrostatik Terhadap Distribusi Tegangan Elastis
Laporan tugas akhir ini membahas pola distribusi tegangan elastis yang terjadi pada struktur pressure hull kapal selam, secara khusus yang diakibatkan oleh adanya diskontinuitas bentuk pada pressure hull. Pressure hull utama akan memiliki konfigurasi bentuk berupa silindris vessel, dan pada modiflkasi bentuk akan digunakan conical transition yang akan menghubungkan silinder vessel dengan dome. Faktor kemiringan (sudut transisi) pada conical transition serta dua jenis dome yang digunakan sebagai penutup akan mempengaruhi distribusi tegangan Von Misses pada pressure hull. Ada dua jenis dome unik yang dikenal secara umum dan akan digunakan dalam penelitian kali ini. Secara umum pressure hull akan memiliki panjang total 27 meter dengan diameter utama 3 meter. Sehingga didapat harga perbandingan L/ D sebesar 9. Obyek akan dibangun dengan menggunakan material HY -80 High Tension Steel dengan ketebalan 17.07 mm dan 18 mm serta akan menerima beban operasi berupa tekanan hidrostatik sebesar 3141.075 kPa atau setara den~an kedalaman 300 meter. Besar sudut transisi yang digunakan adalah; 0°, 2°, 4 , 6°, 8°, 9°, dengan conical transition sepanjang 3 m. Kajian didasarkan pada tingkat perubahan sudut conical transition serta jarak maksimum inner ring stiffener, dengan pemodelan berdasar metode elemen hingga menggunakan ANSYS 11 .0. Sehingga dari hasil analisa dapat diketahui bahwa silinder vessel mendistribusikan tegangan elastis secara merata ke seluruh bagian struktur. Selain itu dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa penggunaan torispherical dome akan dapat meminimalisir distribusi tegangan elastis yang timbul akibat bekerjanya beban operasi pada struktur pressure hull
This final project discusses the patterns of the elastic stress distribution that occurred on the submarine's pressure hull, inclusively which have been caused by the discontinuity on it. The main pressure hull will be configured as a cylindrical vessel, and a conical transition shape will be used for modifying structure which will be connecting the main cylindrical vessel with the domes. Both of the inclining factor which is called as transitional angle and two kinds of dome will affect the Von Misses's stress distribution on the pressure hull itself. There were two majors of a peculiar domes structure that will be used; hemispherical and torispherical. Generally the pressure hull will have 27m total length with 3 min diameters. Its length to beam ratio was only 9. The object will use HY-80 High Tension Steel with thickness was only 17.07 mm compared to 18 mm on previous design, a proposed structure had against the hydrostatic pressure was only 3141,075 kPa or equal with 300m depth. Transitional angle that has been used were only 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 9°, while the conical transition was only 3 meters length. The scientific study was undertaken on the changing rate of the transitional angle and also on the maximum span between the inner rings stiffeners, which has been served by usitig ANSYS 11.0 based on the finite element method. Hence from the scientific studies the cylindrical vessel performs the conformity of elastic stress distribution. Furthermore also known that torispherical dome ought to reduce the elastic stress distribution which was performed by hydrostatic pressure enhancement on the pressure hull
Studi Literatur Tentang Program Pump System Improvement Modeling Tool Untuk Penyempurnaan Kinerja Sistem Pompa
In the industrial world often encountered actual loads do not match the design load. These differences lead to energy wastage. Pumping system is one of the systems that always exist in the industry. Improving of pumping system performance is an important step in saving energy. Impeller trimming is one method to improve the performance of the pump system. One of the obstacles in performing the impeller trimming method is to determine the magnitude of the impeller diameter reduction to be performed. Currently, many software developed to improve the performance of pumps and pumping systems. One of the softwares is Pump System Improvement Modeling Tool (PSIM). Imprimer trimming method is one of the features in PSIM. To be optimal in the use of PSIM in the improvement of the pump system it is necessary to conduct a literature study on PSIM to improve the performance of the pump system. In this article has been studied PSIM literature on the process of perfection of centrifugal pump system with impeller trimmer method by taking case study on hot water provider system. The method used in this literature study is by comparing the results of PSIM calculations on case studies with the pump theory of the impeller trimming method. Through this comparison will be known the advantages of PSIM and weaknesses, PSIM calculation margin error compared to the theoretical calculations. By knowing these things then it can be determined the limits of the use of PSIM in the improvement of pump system performance. The result of analysis shows that PSIM trimming impeller calculation is based more on the calculation according to affinity law than any other theory, even in the calculation there is error margin. The tendency of data is the greater the value of the reduction the greater the deviation. If based on the theory then the calculation of PSIM which can be used as a guide in calculating the reduction of diameter is a maximum reduction of 15% or 85% of the original diameter. A larger reduction of the value needs to be re-measured to the characteristics of the pump system
Pengaruh Densitas dan Viskositas terhadap Sudut Injeksi Biodiesel Jatropha-Jagung (1:4 dan 4:1)
Biodiesel has attracted attention as an alternative fuel in efforts to reduce emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. Among various potential sources for biodiesel production, jatropha and corn oil have stood out due to their availability and high yield potential. However, each has unique characteristics that affect their performance as fuels. Jatropha oil has relatively high viscosity, while corn oil is generally used as a food ingredient. This study aimed to explore the potential of combining jatropha and corn biodiesel in different proportions and its impact on fuel characteristics and diesel engine spray injection. Both types of oil were processed into biodiesel through esterification and transesterification processes. Subsequently, biodiesel mixtures were created in ratios of 1:4 and 4:1. Each mixture was then varied with diesel to produce B5, B10, B15, B20, B25, B30, B35, and B40. Each sample was tested for its physical properties such as density and viscosity, and injection spray angle. The results of this study indicated that the density and viscosity values of the 1:4 jatropha-corn biodiesel mixture were lower than those of the 4:1 jatropha-corn biodiesel mixture. There was a significant relationship between viscosity and density with the injection angle. The higher the density and viscosity, the narrower the injection angle
Investigasi Kapasitas Energi Termal pada Solar Water Heater Berbasis Kalor Laten dengan Variasi Debit Air
Material penyimpan kalor pada solar water heater adalah air sebagai kalor sensibel. Kekurangan air adalah densitas energinya rendah. Material lain adalah dari golongan kalor laten (phase change material, PCM) yang memiliki densitas energi tinggi. Unjuk kerja termal SWH tipe aktif dengan tangki horizontal dan memakai PCM jenis paraffin wax terhadap perubahan debit aliran air belum pernah diungkap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan karakteristik pengaruh perubahan debit air terhadap kapasitas penyimpanan energi termal di tangki. Penelitian menggunakan SWH dengan tangki yang di dalamnya diletakkan kapsul silinder berisi paraffin wax RT55. Termokopel dipasang di sisi air dan PCM. Eksperimen dilakukan secara indoor memakai solar simulator. Debit aliran air yang digunakan adalah 1 lpm, 2 lpm dan 3 lpm. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil yaitu kapasitas energi termal untuk debit aliran tersebut masing-masing adalah 10,45 MJ, 10,59 MJ dan 10,71 MJ. Semakin besar debit air maka kapasitas penyimpanan energi termal semakin tinggi
Tax has an important role in state revenue sources, as the country's largest revenue comes from taxes sector. however tax revenue in Indonesia is still not up to look at the number of individual taxpayers. The Tax Office Primary Singosari are growing every year but in terms of the SPT was still a lot of taxpayers who do not deliver the SPT. It was feared because it is not the taxpayer does not fulfill its obligation to calculate and pay the tax due. This study aims to explain the effect of tax knowledge, quality of service tax and tax penalties to motivate taxpayers to pay taxes. Type of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The results of simultaneous analysis showed that the variables of knowledge, quality of service and tax penalties affect the motivation of individual taxpayers in paying taxes. while the partial test results or individual taxes demonstrate knowledge, quality of service tax and tax penalties significantly influence the motivation of individual taxpayers in paying taxes. Expected results of the research can be used as a reference for further research to develop this research by adding a variable that has not been addressed in this study. Keywords : STO Singosari, tax of knowledge, quality of tax service, tax punishment, motivation individual taxpayer in paying taxe