10 research outputs found

    Strategy for Sustainable Development and Utilization of Sheep and Goat Resources in Serbia

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    The aims of this study were to determine the status of small ruminant production in Serbia and to provide projections for their sustainable use with optimal strategy of genetic improvement of sheep and goats in the future. For sustainable sheep and goat production, it is necessary to know a number of biological, technological, organizational and market factors. Number of sheep in Serbia during the past two decades fell by about 20%.Ā  ThisĀ  country grows more than 1.7 million sheep. In terms of breed structures, most of the populations are indigenous Pramenka sheep (80%), while the remaining 20% are Tsigai, Merinolandschaf, Ile de France, Pirot improved, Mis sheep, and other less important populations, as well as the crossbreed with foreign and domestic sheep. Interest of goat rearing is constantly increasing in last years for 20-30%.Ā  In regard to the breed structure, the least represented are goats of Alpine breed ā€“ approx. 2- 3%, White Serbian goat - 15%, different types of crosses ā€“ approx. 35% same as goats of low land Balkan type, and approx. 12% of high land Balkan type. Strategy of sheep and goat breeding programs in Serbia is focused on the improvement of indigenous breeds, because they are less demanding, and most importantly, the input is lower and their products have higher quality.Ā Keywords: sheep; goat; sustainable; resources; meat; mil

    Quality of aborigenous karachay goat meat under different conditions

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    In this study, the influence of different conditions of keeping and feeding on meat productivity and meat quality of indigenous Karachai goats kept in different geographical regions of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic was assessed. The experiment involved three populations of Karachai goats: Group I was kept at an altitude of 500-600 meters above sea level, II - 900-1000, III - 1600- 2000 meters above sea level. There were no significant differences in slaughter indicators (Pā‰„0.05). However, there was a tendency to a decrease in the preslaughter weight, the area of the muscle eye in carcasses obtained from goats of the foothill and mountain zones (on average by 5.15% and 5.55%), the meat content coefficient from the foothill zone (7.3%) and several a greater proportion of bones in the carcasses of goats in the foothill and mountain zones (on average by 3.9%). Morphological cutting of carcasses showed the predominance of muscle tissue over bone - 76.8% versus 23.2%. The data of microstructural analysis of the longest muscle of the back of Karachai goats showed a large number of muscle fibers (on average 404.5 pieces per 1 mm2 with their small diameter (on average 26.3 microns). Based on the assessment, it is concluded that the higher the height above the level the sea of the animal habitat, the lower the meat productivity and the lower the fat content in the meat


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    Qualitative traits are determined by one or more hereditary factors, and the influence of the environment on their variability is very small. In the case of traits whose hereditary basis is the result of the action of several genes, a qualitative form of inheritance also occurs. On that occasion, one or several genes appear with very clear effects, while the influence of other genes is insignificant. Breeding and selection of sheep depending on the nature of gene interaction, quantitative traits are inherited according to the type of additive, dominant and epistatic principles. Traditional methods of sheep breeding are increasingly complemented by modern selection methods-DNA analyses, in order to detect genes that influence the expression of certain production traits, or are located in the genome near the place responsible for a given trait. We will briefly discuss these problems

    Perspectives and challenges of global cattle and sheep meat and milk production

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    Cattle and sheep meat and milk production is an imperative of animal husbandry in the world. Statistics show a constant trend of increasing the number of inhabitants of the planet, and thus the need for livestock products. Scientists are trying to find a balance between food needs and sustainable development. Special emphasis must be placed on respecting the differences in the understanding and choice of food, and thus milk and meat. Not all cultures have the same habits, on the other hand, the conditions for the development of animal husbandry differ significantly in terms of the natural potentials of individual countries. With the development of new technologies, it is possible to find optimal models for the successful development of animal husbandry in the future, taking into account the conservation of biodiversity

    Protosan in flocks of small ruminants in Belgrade area during 2020

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    During our research we examined flocks of small ruminant originated from 23 villages from city districts Mladenovac, Lazarevac, Obrenovac, Grocka, Zemun, Surčin, Palilula, Vozdovac and Zvezdara. In more than 80 percent of the herds, sheep and goats were breed together at same pasture. Using standard coprological methods we examined 273 faecal samples from 41 herds. Determination of parasites we performed by morphological characteristics. Molecular detection of Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia sp. we not performed. Coccidiosis was found at 27 herds. We usally occured mixed infection with 2-3 coccidia species. At sheep most abundant coccidia were E faurei, followed by E.ovinoidalis, E. pallida and E.ahsata. At goats most abundant species were E.arlongy, folwed by E.nina-kohl-yakimovae, E. hirci and E. caprina. Clinical signs of disease were present only at young animals but oocysts were found at both, adult ant young animals. Cryptosporidium spp. was found at 19 herds Clinical signs of cryptosporidiosis were established only at young animals. They had moderate morbidity and mortality rate. Infection with Giardia duodenalis was found only at 2 herds. Giardia-infected animals generally had no clinical symptoms

    Performance records of autochthonous goats in Central Serbia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine status, number and present level of productivity of autochthonous goats raised in Central Serbia on smallholder farms. Study included quality breeding animals of Balkan and Serbian white goat breed registered in Central herd book. Productivity data were collected from regular annual performance recordings at 11 smallholder farms for 145 Balkan does (2-9 years of age) and 203 kids and 83 Serbian white does (2-10 years of age) and 109 kids. Traits recorded were as follows: body weight of does, body weight of kids at birth, at the age of 30 days and at weaning, prolificacy of does and milk production. The analysis showed the average body weight of does to be 43.07 kg for Balkan does and 47.42 kg for Serbian white does. Average body weight of kids at birth, 30 days of age and weaning was 2.22 kg, 6.87 kg and 15.71 kg, respectively for Balkan breed and 3.66 kg, 7.24 kg and 14.23 kg for Serbian white breed. Prolificacy was 140% in Balkan and 131% in Serbian white does. Among dairy production traits, following results were obtained for Balkan and Serbian white goat respectively: lactation length 199 and 229 days, total milk yield 257.89 kg and 459.49 kg, milk fat content 4.03% and 3.79%, milk protein content 3.06% and 3.35%. Number of quality breeding animals registered at Central herd book in 2018, as presented in Institute for Animal Husbandryā€™s annual report for goats for Central Serbia in 2018, was 159 for Balkan and 138 for Serbian white goat. As these breeds represent a valuable and irreplaceable source of genetic variability, as well as very important cultural and traditional heritage and further emphasis should be on preserving and increasing their number

    Novi integrisani tehnoloÅ”ki postupak za proizvodnju bioloÅ”ki vrednijeg jagnjećeg mesa - Tehničko reÅ”enje

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    Globalno posmatrano, sve veća pažnja se poklanja bioloÅ”ki vrednoj i bezbednoj hrani. Jagnjeće meso postaje sve traženije, a po predviđanju FAO ova vrsta mesa će biti sve traženija. Akcenat u nauci se stavlja na razvoju novih tehnologija i tehničkih reÅ”enja, da se u uslovima ekoloÅ”ke zagađenosti, ostvari zdrava produkcija ovog delikatesa. Nema jedinstvene Å”eme kako to postići, pa je u zavisnosti od geografskih, klimatskih i kulturoloÅ”kih uslova, svaka zemlja prinuđena da se sama brine o zdravoj i bioloÅ”ki vrednoj proizvodnji jagnjećeg mesa. U naÅ”oj zemlji je prisutan trend odumiranja ili čak gaÅ”enja pojedinih sela, pogotovu u brdskoplaninskom području Å”to ima za posledicu smanjenje broja ovaca. Ovčarska proizvodnja je na niskom nivou produktivnosti, zbog niskog nivoa primenjene tehnologije gajenja. Većina odgajivača drži 10-20 ovaca, uprkos daleko većim prirodnim resursima. Planine kao tradicionalni centri gajenja ovaca su opustele, a mali preživari se sele u niža područja i gaje na skup i ne ekoloÅ”ki način. Međutim, kvalitet jagnjećeg mesa dobijenog gajenjem ovaca u uslovima intenzivnije poljoprivrede daleko je ispod planinske jagnjetine, između ostalog i zbog suficita pojedinih elemenata kao Å”to je selen Obzirom na postojanje značajnih potencijala za proizvodnju bioloÅ”ki vredijene i zdravstveno bezbednije hrane (jagnjećeg mesa) u naÅ”oj zemlji, i činjenicu pojave sve većeg broja konzumenata iste, ovim tehnoloÅ”kim postupkom se nude nova reÅ”enja u odgajivanju ovaca, u cilju proizvodnje jagnjećeg mesa sa poboljÅ”anim osobinama ili tzv. funkcionalne hrane. Osnovni cilj je dobijanje finalnog proizvoda tj. mesa obogaćenog sa materijama koje su esencijalne za organizam čoveka a to su organski vezani selen i omega-3 masne kiseline. Krajnji očekivani ključni rezultat je proizvodnja bioloÅ”ki vrednijeg jagnjećeg mesa. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je ishrana jagnjadi ogledne grupe obrocima na bazi suplementa organskog selena, rezultirala znatno većim koncentracijama Se u MLD, bubrezima, jetri i slezini, u poređenju sa grlima kontrolne grupe, koja su konzumirala neorgansku formu selena. Ustanovljene razlike između sadržaja Se u MLD jagnjadi ogledne i kontrolne grupe su na nivou značajnosti P<0.05, dok su razlike u sadržaju Se u bubrezima, jetri i slezini, na navedenim tretmanima, bile statistički veoma značajne (P<0,01). Dakle, tovna janjad su bolje iskoristila organski izvor selena, Å”to se dovodi u vezu sa boljom apsorpcijom ovog elementa. Senzorna svojstva pokazuju povoljniji učinak dodatka selena, a posebno organskog. Implementacija svih elemenata navedenih u ovom tehničkom reÅ”enju-kao segmenata tehnoloÅ”kog procesa proizvodnje na jednoj farmi ovaca, doprinosi povećanju fizičkog obima proizvodnje, a Å”to je posebno značajno omogućava dobijanje bioloÅ”ki vrednije i zdravstveno bezbednije hrane (jagnjećeg mesa) i u područjima koja prirodno nisu predodređena za to, kakav je i beogradski region

    Goats and climate resilience

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    Climate change poses a major global concern and is therefore an ongoing topic. Worldā€™s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion people by 2050 and 10.4 billion by 2100, which means that the food resources will become crucial. In that respect, animal protein is considered a vital nutrient for growing human population. However, in the light of ever-changing climate events food and water sources for both animals and humans can become scarce in certain areas. The impacts of higher temperatures, changes in precipitation and extreme weather events pose the most risk on agricultural systems such as livestock. Direct and indirect influence of heat and drought caused by global warming is harmful to livestock. Small ruminants and particularly goats are considered more resilient and better adapted to hot and dry environments compared to other livestock. These animals require less in terms of feed, water and labor than large ruminants and are also more thermo-tolerant. They have certain physiological, behavioral and anatomical advantages aiding their survival during heat and drought. Goats are less of a competition to humans in terms of available food as they can thrive on plants unusable for human nutrition. The review discusses advantages of goats as species in terms of adaptation to changing climate

    Association of Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphisms and Calpastatin Gene with Quality of Sheep Meat

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    In connection with the increasing interest in the production of young mutton and lamb, priority is given to the study of genes that control meat production. Alleles of genes calpastatin (CAST) and somatotropin (GH) may act as potential markers of sheep meat productivity. However, until now there is no information on the influence of these genes on the indicators of meat productivity of sheep of Russian breeds. Based on this, the purpose of this research was to study the polymorphism of the CAST and GH genes in meat and wool sheep of the Ā½ Poll Dorset x Ā½ North Caucasian meat - wool genotype bred in the Stavropol Territory (Russia) and their influence on the traits of meat productivity. Genotyping of sheep for somatotropin and calpastatin genes was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with further study of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Three genotypes were identified for the GH gene (AA, AB, and BB) and two for CAST (MM and MN). The highest frequency of occurrence for the GH gene was characterized by the heterozygous AB genotype (42.8%), for the CAST gene - the homozygous MM genotype (87.9%). These genotypes were correlated with quantitative and qualitative parameters of meat productivity. The best indicators of meat productivity were in the bright AB, BB, and MN genotypes of the growth hormon and calpastatin genes. The slaughter weight of individuals of the AB, BB genotype of the GH gene and the MN genotype of the CAST gene is higher by 6.3, 7.3, and 5.2%, respectively. According to the point assessment of the ā€œmarblingā€ of meat, animals with the indicated genotypes outnumbered their peers by 1.8; 2.1 and 3.7 points


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    The main trend in the development of sheep breeding in the last decade all over the world has become a constant increase in the production of mutton. This study was designed to study polymorphisms of genes GH, LEP, MSTN in two breeds of North Caucasian Meat Wool and Soviet Merino sheep in Russia, as well as to identify potential single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with growth traits to improve the genetic potential of sheep. Parts of the GH, LEP, MSTN genes were amplified in North Caucasian Meat-Wool and Soviet Merino sheep to identify SNPs by Sanger sequencing and using a polymerase chain reaction protocol. These genotypes were correlated with meat traits such as birth weight, growth rate, weaning weight. . Genetic and variance analysis of the data obtained was also carried out. Sheep age and parity had a significant effect (p A) and the LEP gene (c.541G> T), as well as a synonymous replacement of the MSTN gene (c. 212C> A), were revealed. According to the results of studies in the North Caucasian Meat-Wool sheep, three GHCC, GHCT , GHTT genotypes for the GH gene and three LEPGG, LEPGT , LEPŠ¢Š¢ genotypes for LEP were identified. The studied region of the MSTN gene in sheep of the North Caucasian meat and wool breed turned out to be monomorphic. According to the results of studies in Soviet Merino sheep, three genotypes GHCC, GHCT , GHTT for the GH gene, three genotypes MSTNŠ”Š” , MSTNŠ”Š , MSTNŠŠ for the MSTN gene, two genotypes LEPGG, LEPGT for the LEP gene were established. The analysis of associations showed a significant effect (p<0.05) of the GHŠ”Š¢ and LEPGT genotypes on the signs of sheep growth. Interestingly, the presence of the T-allele in sheep of the North Caucasian Meat-Wool breed tended to increase in weight during weaning (+2.2 kg) both for the GH gene and for the LEP gene (+ 1.6 kg). Interestingly, similar results were observed in sheep of the Soviet Merino breed, where the missense mutation led to an increase in weaning weight (+ 1.2 kg) for the GH gene and for the LEP gene (+1.3 kg). A synonymous MSTN gene substitution does not lead to a substitution of the coding amino acid, but may further lead to gene expression. The GH, LEP, and MSTN genes are proposed markers for improving growth traits in meat-wool and wool sheep, which will increase the ability to understand the genetic architecture of the genes underlying SNPs that influence such traits