10 research outputs found

    How to optimize the absorption of two entangled photons

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    We investigate how entanglement can enhance two-photon absorption in a three-level system. First, we employ the Schmidt decomposition to determine the entanglement properties of the optimal two-photon state to drive such a transition, and the maximum enhancement which can be achieved in comparison to the optimal classical pulse. We then adapt the optimization problem to realistic experimental constraints, where photon pairs from a down-conversion source are manipulated by local operations such as spatial light modulators. We derive optimal pulse shaping functions to enhance the absorption efficiency, and compare the maximal enhancement achievable by entanglement to the yield of optimally shaped, separable pulses.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Quantized fields for optimal control in the strong coupling regime

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    We tailor the quantum statistics of a bosonic field to deterministically drive a quantum system into a target state. Experimentally accessible states of the field achieve good control of multi-level or -qubit systems, notably also at coupling strengths beyond the rotating-wave approximation. This extends optimal control theory to the realm of fully quantized, strongly coupled control and target degrees of freedom

    Optimization of selective two-photon absorption in cavity polaritons

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    We investigate optimal states of photon pairs to excite a target transition in a multilevel quantum system. With the help of coherent control theory for two-photon absorption with quantum light, we infer the maximal population achievable by optimal entangled vs. separable states of light. Interference between excitation pathways, as well as the presence of nearby states, may hamper the selective excitation of a particular target state, but we show that quantum correlations can help to overcome this problem, and enhance the achievable "selectivity" between two energy levels, i.e. the relative difference in population transferred into each of them. We find that the added value of optimal entangled states of light increases with broadening linewidths of the target states.Comment: This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in E. G. Carnio et al., J. Chem. Phys. 154, 214114 (2021) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/5.004986

    Theory of multiple quantum coherence signals in dilute thermal gases

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    Manifestations of dipole–dipole interactions in dilute thermal gases are difficult to sense because of strong inhomogeneous broadening. Recent experiments reported signatures of such interactions in fluorescence detection-based measurements of multiple quantum coherence (MQC) signals, with many characteristic features hitherto unexplained. We develop an original open quantum systems theory of MQC in dilute thermal gases, which allows us to resolve this conundrum. Our theory accounts for the vector character of the atomic dipoles as well as for driving laser pulses of arbitrary strength, includes the far-field coupling between the dipoles, which prevails in dilute ensembles, and effectively incorporates atomic motion via a disorder average. We show that collective decay processes—which were ignored in previous treatments employing the electrostatic form of dipolar interactions—play a key role in the emergence of MQC signals

    Data for Resolution of the exponent puzzle for the Anderson transition in doped semiconductors

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    The Anderson metal-insulator transition (MIT) is central to our understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of disordered materials. Despite extensive efforts by theory and experiment, there is still no agreement on the value of the critical exponent ν describing the universality of the transition --- the so-called "exponent puzzle". In this work, going beyond the standard Anderson model, we employ ab initio methods to study the MIT in a realistic model of a doped semiconductor. We use linear-scaling DFT to simulate prototypes of sulfur-doped silicon (Si:S). From these we build larger tight-binding models close to the critical concentration of the MIT. When the dopant concentration is increased, an impurity band forms and eventually delocalizes. We characterize the MIT via multifractal finite-size scaling, obtaining the phase diagram and estimates of ν. Our results suggest an explanation of the long-standing exponent puzzle, which we link to the hybridization of conduction and impurity bands