6,161 research outputs found

    Particle Dark Energy

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    We explore the physics of a gas of particles interacting with a condensate that spontaneously breaks Lorentz invariance. The equation of state of this gas varies from 1/3 to less than -1 and can lead to the observed cosmic acceleration. The particles are always stable. In our particular class of models these particles are fermions with a chiral coupling to the condensate. They may behave as relativistic matter at early times, produce a brief period where they dominate the expansion with w<0 today, and behave as matter at late time. There are no small parameters in our models, which generically lead to dark energy clustering and, depending on the choice of parameters, smoothing of small scale power.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; minor update with added refs; version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    Endoscopic orbital decompression for Graves' ophthalmopathy

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    Graves’ disease may occasionally result in significant proptosis that is either cosmetically unacceptable or causes visual loss. This has traditionally been managed surgically by external decompression of the orbital bony skeleton. Trans-nasal endoscopic orbital decompression is emerging as a new minimally-invasive technique, that avoids the need for cutaneous or gingival incisions. Decompression of the medial orbital wall can be performed up to the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus. This can be combined with resection of the medial and posterior portion of the orbital floor (preserving the infra-orbital nerve). This technique produces decompression which is comparable to external techniques. We present a series of 10 endoscopic orbital decompressions with an average improvement of 4.4 mm in orbital proptosis. There was an improvement in visual acuity in all patients with visual impairment. Endoscopic orbital decompression is recommended as an alternative to traditional decompression techniques.Desmond T. H. Wee, A. Simon Carney, Mark Thorpe and Peter J. Wormal

    Anderson Localization of Polar Eigenmodes in Random Planar Composites

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    Anderson localization of classical waves in disordered media is a fundamental physical phenomenon that has attracted attention in the past three decades. More recently, localization of polar excitations in nanostructured metal-dielectric films (also known as random planar composite) has been subject of intense studies. Potential applications of planar composites include local near-field microscopy and spectroscopy. A number of previous studies have relied on the quasistatic approximation and a direct analogy with localization of electrons in disordered solids. Here I consider the localization problem without the quasistatic approximation. I show that localization of polar excitations is characterized by algebraic rather than by exponential spatial confinement. This result is also valid in two and three dimensions. I also show that the previously used localization criterion based on the gyration radius of eigenmodes is inconsistent with both exponential and algebraic localization. An alternative criterion based on the dipole participation number is proposed. Numerical demonstration of a localization-delocalization transition is given. Finally, it is shown that, contrary to the previous belief, localized modes can be effectively coupled to running waves.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Paper was revised and a more precise definition of the participation number given, data for figures recalculated accordingly. Accepted to J. Phys.: Cond. Mat

    Fermion zero modes at the boundary of superfluid 3He-B

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    Superfluid 3He-B belongs to the important special class of time-reversal invariant topological superfluids. It has Majorana fermions as edge states on the surface of bulk 3He-B. On the rough wall these fermion zero modes have finite density of states at E=0. It is possible that Lancaster experiments with a wire vibrating in 3He-B have already probed Majorana fermions living on the surface of the wire.Comment: 4 pages, no Figures, JETP Letters style, version to be published in JETP Letter

    Reactions to uncertainty and the accuracy of diagnostic mammography.

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    BackgroundReactions to uncertainty in clinical medicine can affect decision making.ObjectiveTo assess the extent to which radiologists' reactions to uncertainty influence diagnostic mammography interpretation.DesignCross-sectional responses to a mailed survey assessed reactions to uncertainty using a well-validated instrument. Responses were linked to radiologists' diagnostic mammography interpretive performance obtained from three regional mammography registries.ParticipantsOne hundred thirty-two radiologists from New Hampshire, Colorado, and Washington.MeasurementMean scores and either standard errors or confidence intervals were used to assess physicians' reactions to uncertainty. Multivariable logistic regression models were fit via generalized estimating equations to assess the impact of uncertainty on diagnostic mammography interpretive performance while adjusting for potential confounders.ResultsWhen examining radiologists' interpretation of additional diagnostic mammograms (those after screening mammograms that detected abnormalities), a 5-point increase in the reactions to uncertainty score was associated with a 17% higher odds of having a positive mammogram given cancer was diagnosed during follow-up (sensitivity), a 6% lower odds of a negative mammogram given no cancer (specificity), a 4% lower odds (not significant) of a cancer diagnosis given a positive mammogram (positive predictive value [PPV]), and a 5% higher odds of having a positive mammogram (abnormal interpretation).ConclusionMammograms interpreted by radiologists who have more discomfort with uncertainty have higher likelihood of being recalled

    BCL-6 and other genomic alterations in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).

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    This study reports on the frequency and disease association pattern of a number of gene rearrangements in a large panel of lymphoid tumours (n = 94). We detected the t(11;14) translocation, involving rearrangement of the BCL-1 locus, in 60% of mantle cell lymphomas. The BCL-2 gene, located at band 18q21, was rearranged in 42% of follicle centre lymphomas (FCL) and in 15% of diffuse large B-cell (DLBC) lymphomas. In this study, 80% of the c-MYC rearrangements were detected in aggressive diffuse lymphoma subsets but, interestingly, 9% of FCL showed involvement of t(8q24) translocation. In our study, rearrangements of the BCL-6 gene at band 3q27 were found in 31% of DLBC lymphomas. Interestingly, 50% of the BCL-6 rearrangement positive lymphoma cases had coexisting gene rearrangements involving all of the aforementioned gene loci. The molecular dissection of these genes will improve our understanding of the genesis of the diverse clinicopathological subtypes

    Intestinal Parasites In Sembalun Lawang, Lombok

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    Survey tinja telah dilakukan diantara penduduk di Kampung Sembalun Lawang, Distrik Aikinal, Lombok Timur, pada bulan Agustus 1973 untuk mengetahui angka parasit usus dan demam keong di daerah tersebut. Dari 146 penduduk yang diperiksa tinjanya ditemukan 99 persen mengandung sekurang-kurangnya satu jenis parasit usus, 85 persen dengan dua jenis atau lebih dan 40 persen dengan tiga jenis atau lebih. Tidak ditemukan bibit penyakit demam keong diantara penduduk didaerah ini. Angka infeksi dari parasit usus tersebut masing-masing adalah Ascaris lumbricoides 96 persen, Trichuris trichiura 84 persen, cacing tambang 25 persen, Entamocba coli 18 persen, Enterobius vermicularis 10 persen, lodamoeba butsehlii 3 persen, Entamoeba histolytica 1 persen dan Giardia lamblia 1 persen. Pada umumnya tidak banyak perbedaan angka infeksi dari parasit usus ini diantara golongan umur dan kelamin kecuali untuk cacing tambang dimana infeksi pada golongan laki-laki lebih banyak dari pada golongan perempuan

    Parasites Of Man In Serang, West Java

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    Survey penyakit menular didesa Cikurai dan Barengkok, Jawa Barat pada bulan Juni 1974 ini adalah merupakan salah satu dari serangkaian survey yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal P3.M. Dep. Kes. dan US Namru-2 guna menentukan distribusi dan prevalensi penyakit terutama malaria, filariasis dan penyakit parasit Perut. Khususnya didaerah Cikurai dimana dilaporkan adanya Schistosoma in­cognitum secara hyperenzootik maka perlulah dilihat apakah parasit ini ditemukan pula diantara pend-duk setempat. Dari hasil survey didesa Cikurai dan Barengkok, Jawa Barat ini dilihat bahwa Plasmodium falciparum ditemukan pada 8 atau 3 persen dari sediaan darah 261 penduduk yang diperiksa dan tidak terlihat adanya microfilariae. Parasit Perut yang menonjol terlihat pada sediaan tinja dari 335 penduduk yang diperiksa adalah Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura dan cacing tambang masing-masing sebesar 89 persen, 87 persen dan 65 persen ; parasit lainnya adalah Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba hart manni, Entamoeba coli, Endolinuu nana, lodamoeba butschlii, Giardia lamblia, Chilomastvc mesnili, Enterobius vermicularis, dan Echinostoma sp. Tidak terlihat adanya Schistosoma incognitum pada sediaan tinja dari 335 penduduk yang diperiksa dikedua desa ini
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