1,533 research outputs found

    On the Six-dimensional Kerr Theorem and Twistor Equation

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    The Kerr theorem is revisited as part of the twistor program in six dimensions. The relationship between pure spinors and integrable 3-planes is investigated. The real condition for Lorentzian spacetimes is seen to induce a projective property in the space of solutions, reminiscent of the quaternionic structure of the 6-dimensional Lorentz group. The twistor equation (or Killing spinor equations generically) also has an interpretation as integrable null planes and a family of Einstein spacetimes with this property are presented in the Kerr-Schild fashion.Comment: JHEP style, 19 pages, minor corrections. Matches printed versio

    Isomonodromy, Painlev\'e Transcendents and Scattering off of Black Holes

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    We apply the method of isomonodromy to study the scattering of a generic Kerr-NUT-(A)dS black hole. For generic values of the charges, the problem is related to the connection problem of the Painlev\'e VI transcendent. We review a few facts about Painlev\'e VI, Garnier systems and the Hamiltonian structure of flat connections in the Riemann sphere. We then outline a method for computing the scattering amplitudes based on Hamilton-Jacobi structure of Painlev\'e, and discuss the implications of the generic result to black hole complementarity.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figures, JHEP styl

    Scalar quasinormal modes of Kerr-AdS5\mathbf{_5}

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    An analytic expression for the scalar quasinormal modes of the generic, spinning Kerr-AdS5\mathrm{AdS_5} black holes was previously proposed by the authors in ref. 1, in terms of transcendental equations involving the Painlev\'e VI (PVI) Ï„\tau function. In this work, we carry out a numerical investigation of the modes for generic rotation parameters, comparing implementations of expansions for the PVI Ï„\tau function both in terms of conformal blocks (Nekrasov functions) and Fredholm determinants. We compare the results with standard numerical methods for the subcase of Schwarzschild black holes. We then derive asymptotic formulas for the angular eigenvalues and the quasinormal modes in the small black hole limit for generic scalar mass and discuss, both numerically and analytically, the appearance of superradiant modes.Comment: JHEP style, 42 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables; Updated discussion on the superradiant mode

    A Note on Tachyon Moduli and Closed Strings

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    The collective behavior of the SL(2,R) covariant brane states of non-critical c=1 string theory found in a previous work, is studied in the Fermi liquid approximation. It is found that such states mimick the coset WZW model, whereas only by further restrictions one recovers the double-scaling limit which was purported to be equivalent to closed string models. Another limit is proposed, inspired by the tachyon condensation ideas, where the spectrum is the same of two-dimensional string theory. We close by noting some strange connections between vacuum states of the theory in their different interpretations.Comment: PDFLaTeX, 17 pages, 2 figures; Section 2 rewritten, several fixes throughout the text to improve clarit
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