17 research outputs found
Does exposure to inflammatory particles modify the pattern of anion in exhaled breath condensate?
Exposure to environmental and occupational particulate matter (PM) induces health effects on the cardio-pulmonary system. In addition, associations between exposure to PM and metabolic syndromes like diabetes mellitus or obesity are now emerging in the literature. Collection of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is an appealing non-invasive technique to sample pulmonary fluids. This hypothesis-generating study aims to (1) validate an ion chromatography method allowing the robust determination of different metabolism-related molecules (lactate, formate, acetate, propionate, butyrate, pyruvate, nitrite, nitrate) in EBC; (2) apply this method to EBC samples collected from workers exposed to quartz (a known inflammatory particle), to soapstone (a less inflammatory particle than quartz), as well as to controls. A multi-compound standard solution was used to determine the linearity range, detection limit, repeatability and bias from spiked EBC. The biological samples were injected without further treatment into an ion chromatograph with a conductivity detector. RTube <sup>®</sup> were used for field collection of EBC from 11 controls, 55 workers exposed to soapstone and 12 volunteers exposed to quartz dust. The analytical method used proved to be adequate for quantifying eight anions in EBC samples. Its sub-micromolar detection limits and repeatability, combined with a very simple sample preparation, allowed an easy and fast quantification of different glycolysis or nitrosative stress metabolites. Using multivariate discriminant analysis to maximize differences between groups, we observed a different pattern of anions with a higher formate/acetate ratio in the EBC samples for quartz exposed workers compared to the two other groups. We hypothesize that a modification of the metabolic signature could be induced by exposure to inflammatory particles like quartz and might be observed in the EBC via a change in the formate/acetate ratio
Genotype by environment interaction in Nelore cattle from five Brazilian states
Records from 75,941 Nelore cattle were used to determine the importance of genotype by environment interaction (GEI) in five Brazilian states. (Co)variance components were estimated by single-trait analysis (with yearling weight, W450, considered to be the same trait in all states) and multiple-trait analysis (with the record from each state considered to be a different trait). The direct heritability estimates for yearling weight were 0.51, 0.39, 0.44, 0.37 and 0.41 in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Minas Gerais, respectively. The across-state genetic correlation estimates between Goiás and Mato Grosso, Goiás and Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and Mato Grosso do Sul and Minas Gerais ranged from 0.67 to 0.75. These estimates indicate that GEIs are biologically important. No interactions were observed between Goiás and São Paulo, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and São Paulo, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais, or São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (0.82 to 0.97). Comparison of single and multiple-trait analyses showed that selection based on the former was less efficient in the presence of GEI, with substantial losses (up to 10%) during selection
Silicose em ex-mineiros de extração de cobre Silicosis among former copper mine workers
Existe escassez de estudos brasileiros analisando o efeito da exposição contínua à sílica em ex-trabalhadores de minas de cobre. Os achados radiográficos produzidos pela silicose têm recebido atenção médica especial. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar clinica e radiologicamente a silicose em ex-mineiros de extração de cobre. Foi feito um estudo transversal com 100 ex-mineiros de extração de cobre. Os itens foram coletados através de entrevista pessoal, dados clínicos ocupacionais e foram realizados exames radiológicos. Na entrevista foi verificada a idade, o sexo e o tempo de trabalho na extração de cobre. Os pacientes que já realizaram exame radiológico de tórax trouxeram estes para comparação. Os mineiros assinaram um termo de consentimento para realização dos exames radiológicos o qual foi aplicado pelo radiologista que os interpretou. Entre os 100 ex-mineiros, 35% são portadores de silicose, 11% apresentaram alterações pulmonares que podem ter outras causas, como tuberculose, enfisema e doença broncopulmonar obstrutiva crônica, e 54% não apresentaram nenhuma alteração pulmonar. A alta freqüência de silicose encontrada reforça a recomendação de suspender a exposição à sílica tão logo se tenha uma radiografia sugestiva da doença.<br>There is a dearth of Brazilian studies analyzing the effect of ongoing exposure to silica among former copper mine workers, as radiographic readings for silicosis have received widespread medical attention. The scope of this study is to investigate the clinical and radiological manifestations of silicosis among former copper mine workers. A sample of 100 former copper miners had their clinical and occupational histories recorded and underwent chest radiography in a cross-sectional study that included personal interviews in which their age, sex and time worked in copper extraction were recorded. Patients with recent chest X-Rays brought them with them, or they signed a term of consent and X-Rays were taken and analyzed by the radiologist using the Student t Test and Pearson test. Among the 100 miners, 35% had silicosis, 11% had conditions other than silicosis, such as tuberculosis, emphysema, chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, and 54% had no pulmonary lesions. The high incidence of silicosis reinforces the recommendation that exposure should be halted as soon as an X-ray detects the condition
Índice de exposição à sílica na atividade de mineração de ouro Silica exposure index in gold mining
OBJETIVO: Propor um índice que sintetize a exposição cumulativa à sílica, incluindo intensidade, duração e época da exposição e testá-lo em relação à presença e gravidade de silicose. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 140 ex-mineiros de ouro, residentes em duas localidades do Estado de Minas Gerais, examinados entre 11/1997 e 12/1999. Foram analisadas informações sobre história clínica e ocupacional, radiografia de tórax e espirometria. Casos borderline de silicose pela radiografia foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução. O índice representa a soma dos escores extraídos da transformação logarítmica das taxas de concentração de sílica respirável nas diversas funções, minas e períodos trabalhados. Foram aplicados testes paramétricos para comparação das médias entre os grupos de interesse. RESULTADOS: O índice proposto apresentou-se discriminativo em relação ao desfecho principal (silicose) e aos desfechos secundários (enfisema e tuberculose) pulmonar no grupo total, incluindo os diversos estágios da doença, com valores p: 0,008, 0,016 e <0,001 respectivamente. Em relação às quatro categorias principais da silicose, o teste de Tukey evidenciou diferenças nas médias do índice entre as categorias 0 e 3 e 1 e 3. Porém, no subgrupo constituído pelos casos borderline, a discriminação entre os desfechos não foi satisfatória, tanto com diagnósticos obtidos pela radiografia quanto pela tomografia. CONCLUSÕES: O índice proposto representa um avanço na síntese da exposição ocupacional dos participantes, podendo ser usado para outras profissões. Entretanto, torna-se importante a incorporação de fatores clínicos e funcionais para entender a evolução da doença em expostos à sílica, especialmente nos casos duvidosos.<br>OBJECTIVE: To develop a cumulative silica exposure index, including time period, duration and intensity of exposure, and to test this index as for occurrence and severity of silicosis. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out comprising 140 former gold miners from two localities in Southeastern Brazil between November 1997 and December 1999. Complete data on occupational and medical histories, chest x-rays and spirometry were analyzed. Borderline cases on the x-rays were also submitted to high-resolution chest computed tomography. The exposure index was the sum of scores obtained by logarithmic transformation of respirable silica concentration related to job tasks, mines and work time. Parametric tests were used for comparing averages between the groups of interest. RESULTS: The silica exposure index was able to discriminate the main outcome (silicosis) as well as other outcomes (tuberculosis and lung emphysema) in the whole group at p-values of 0.008, 0.016 and <0.001 respectively. In regard to the four main categories of silicosis, the Tukey test showed differences in the averages of the exposure index in the categories 0 and 3 and 1 and 3. However, in the borderline cases subgroup, the exposure index was not satisfactory for cases submitted to x-rays and tomography and it could not differentiate other outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The silica exposure index represents an advance in exposure evaluation of former miners. However, other information, such as clinical and lung functional data are needed for better understanding disease progress in silica exposed cases, especially among borderline cases