8 research outputs found

    Questões teóricas e metodológicas da Geografia Histórica

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    Na literatura acadêmica sobre Geografia Histórica há uma grande diversidade de publicações que versam sobre as mudanças geográficas e históricas de determinados lugares e períodos, os chamados estudos de caso. Pesquisas e artigos dedicados ao universo da teoria e da metodologia desse campo de análise, contudo, são escassos. Com o intuito de contribuir para tal discussão, discutimos, com base em bibliografia predominantemente anglo-saxônica, aspectos conceituais e metodológicos da Geografia Histórica.In the academic literature on Historical Geography there is a big diversity of publications that deal with the geographic and historical changes of specific places and periods, they are called case studies. However, research and articles devoted to the theory and methodology of this field of analysis are scarce. In order to contribute to this debate, we discuss conceptual and methodological aspects of Historical Geography based on predominantly Anglophonical bibliography.En la literatura académica sobre Geografía Histórica existe una gran diversidad de publicaciones que versan sobre los cambios geográficos e históricos de determinados lugares y periodos, los llamados estudios de caso. Investigaciones y artículos dedicados al universo de la teoría y de la metodología de este campo de análisis, con todo, son escasos. Con la intención de contribuir a tal discusión, discutimos, con base en bibliografía predominantemente anglosajona, aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos de la Geografía Histórica.Dans la littérature académique sur la Géographie Historique, nombreuses sont les publications concernant les changements géographiques et historiques de certains lieux et de certaines périodes, les dénommées études de cas. Rares sont, toutefois, les recherches et les articles consacrés à l'univers théorique et méthodologique de ce domaine d'analyse. Afin de contribuer à cette discussion, nous nous penchons sur certains aspects conceptuels et méthodologiques de la Géographie Historique, à l’aide d’une bibliographie à prédominance anglo-saxonne

    Brazil: territory of the social production of abundance and scarcity

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    This article discusses some factors responsible for the reproduction of a new geography of the inequalities in Brazil. The unequal appropriation of technique and income – forged and done by agriculture’s modernization, by the agrarian concentration, by the rural exodus and metropolization of poverty and by the privileges of the State, which are aproved of exportation agriculture – constitutes the base of the construction and the sustentation of a new scarcity socially produced in this country

    Encounters and Missed Encounters between Geography and History, and Tendencies in Anglo-Saxon Historical Geography

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    This article offers a discussion of the relationship between space andtime, Geography and History, and the status of Historical Geography as present in the international literature. Proximity and distance between the two disciplines are treated and contemporary Historical Geography is shown to permit interdisciplinary investigation and knowledge. This review is based on the analysis of bibliographical sources with an emphasis on recent tendencies and challenges present in Anglo-Saxon Historical Geography.</p

    Encontros e Desencontros entre Geografia e História e Tendências na Geografia Histórica Anglo-Saxã

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    O artigo apresenta uma discussão acerca da relação entre espaço e tempo,geografia e história, bem como sobre o status da geografia histórica por meio do resgate de bibliografia internacional, enfatizando as aproximações e os distanciamentos entre os campos da geografia e da história e como a geografia histórica na atualidade se aproxima de um ramo de conhecimento e investigação interdisciplinar. Trata-se, portanto, de uma análise de fontes bibliográficas, com ênfase nas tendências e desafios recentes da geografia histórica anglo-saxã.This article offers a discussion of the relationship between space andtime, Geography and History, and the status of Historical Geography as present in the international literature. Proximity and distance between the two disciplines are treated and contemporary Historical Geography is shown to permit interdisciplinary investigation and knowledge. This review is based on the analysis of bibliographical sources with an emphasis on recent tendencies and challenges present in Anglo-Saxon Historical Geography