342 research outputs found

    Maximising the power of deep extragalactic imaging surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope

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    We present a new analysis of the potential power of deep, near-infrared, imaging surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to improve our knowledge of galaxy evolution. In this work we properly simulate what can be achieved with realistic survey strategies, and utilise rigorous signal:noise calculations to calculate the resulting posterior constraints on the physical properties of galaxies. We explore a broad range of assumed input galaxy types (>20,000 models, including extremely dusty objects) across a wide redshift range (out to z~12), while at the same time considering a realistic mix of galaxy properties based on our current knowledge of the evolving population (as quantified through the Empirical Galaxy Generator: EGG). While our main focus is on imaging surveys with NIRCam, spanning lambda(obs) = 0.6-5.0 microns, an important goal of this work is to quantify the impact/added-value of: i) parallel imaging observations with MIRI at longer wavelengths, and ii) deeper supporting optical/UV imaging with HST (potentially prior to JWST launch) in maximising the power and robustness of a major extragalactic NIRCam survey. We show that MIRI parallel 7.7-micron imaging is of most value for better constraining the redshifts and stellar masses of the dustiest (A_V > 3) galaxies, while deep B-band imaging (reaching~28.5 AB mag) with ACS on HST is vital for determining the redshifts of the large numbers of faint/low-mass, z < 5 galaxies that will be detected in a deep JWST NIRCam survey.Comment: 19 Pages, 11 Figures, Submitted to MNRA

    A first look at JWST CEERS: massive quiescent galaxies from 3 < z < 5

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    We report a robust sample of 9 massive quiescent galaxies at redshift, z>3z > 3, selected using the first data from the JWST CEERS programme. Three of these galaxies are at 4<z<54 < z < 5, constituting the best evidence to date for quiescent galaxies significantly before z=4z=4. These extreme galaxies have stellar masses in the range log10(M/_{10}(M_*/M)=10.511.3_\odot) = 10.5-11.3, and formed the bulk of their mass at 6<z<96 < z < 9, with two objects having star-formation histories that suggest they had already reached log10(M/_{10}(M_*/M)>10_\odot) > 10 by z8z\simeq8. We report number densities for our sample, demonstrating that previous work underestimated the number of quiescent galaxies at 3<z<43 < z < 4 by at least a factor of 363-6, due to a lack of ultra-deep imaging data at λ>2μ\lambda>2\,\mum. This result deepens the existing tension between observations and theoretical models, which already struggle to reproduce previous estimates of z>3z>3 quiescent galaxy number densities. Upcoming wider-area JWST imaging surveys will provide larger samples of such galaxies, as well as providing opportunities to search for quiescent galaxies at z>5z>5. The galaxies we report are excellent potential targets for JWST NIRSpec spectroscopy, which will be required to understand in detail their physical properties, providing deeper insights into the processes responsible for quenching star formation during the first billion years.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Optically modulated magnetic resonance of erbium implanted silicon

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    Er implanted Si is an important candidate for quantum and photonic applications, but the Er centres involved are poorly understood, which has hindered development of these applications. Here we present the first measurement of the crystal field splitting of the 4I13/2 manifold of Er implanted Si, using a technique we call optically modulated magnetic resonance (OMMR). Crystal field analysis allows us to determine that this splitting originates from a photoluminescence (PL) active O coordinated Er centre with orthorhombic symmetry, which is highly localised with, and magically coupled to, an electron paramagnetic resonance (ERP) active O coordinated Er centre with monoclinic symmetry. The orthorhombic centre has a g-factor in agreement with previous Zeeman measurements, and is associated with a previously unreported acceptor state at ~ Ev+425 cm-1, showing that Er in Si is amphoteric, and not a pure donor, as previously thought. The OMMR mechanism involves transitions from this acceptor state to the 4I13/2 manifold, followed by relaxation to the Zeeman ground state

    Construction of microscopic model for f-electron systems on the basis of j-j coupling scheme

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    We construct a microscopic model for f-electron systems, composed of f-electron hopping, Coulomb interaction, and crystalline electric field (CEF) terms. In order to clarify the meaning of one f-electron state, here the j-j coupling scheme is considered, since the spin-orbit interaction is generally large in f-electron systems. Thus, the f-electron state at each site is labelled by μ\mu, namely, the z-component of total angular momentum j. By paying due attention to f-orbital symmetry, the hopping amplitudes between f-electron states are expressed using Slater's integrals. The Coulomb interaction terms among the μ\mu-states are written by Slater-Condon or Racah parameters. Finally, the CEF terms are obtained from the table of Hutchings. The constructed Hamiltonian is regarded as an orbital degenerate Hubbard model, since it includes two pseudo-spin and three pseudo-orbital degrees of freedom. For practical purposes, it is further simplified into a couple of two-orbital models by discarding one of the three orbitals. One of those simplified models is here analyzed using the exact diagonalization method to clarify ground-state properties by evaluating several kinds of correlation functions. Especially, the superconducting pair correlation function in orbital degenerate systems is carefully calculated based on the concept of off-diagonal long-range order. We attempt to discuss a possible relation of the present results with experimental observations for recently discovered heavy fermion superconductors CeMIn5_5 (M=Ir, Co, and Rh), and a comprehensive scenario to understand superconducting and antiferromagnetic tendencies in the so-called ``115'' materials such as CeMIn5_5, UMGa5_5, and PuCoGa5_5 from the microscopic viewpoint.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, with 6 figures embedded in the text. Submitted to Phys. Rev.