89 research outputs found

    Graphdiyne based membranes: exceptional performances for helium separation applications

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    Graphdiyne is a novel two-dimensional material deriving from graphene that has been recently synthesized and featuring uniformly distributed sub-nanometer pores. We report accurate calculations showing that graphdiyne pores permit an almost unimpeded helium transport which can be used for its chemical and isotopic separation. Exceptionally high He/CH_4 selectivities are found which largely exceed the performance of the best membranes used to date for extraction from natural gas. Moreover, by exploiting slight differences in the tunneling probabilities of ^3He and ^4He, we also find promising results for the separation of the Fermionic isotope at low temperature

    Manganese and zinc in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain: Distribution and phytoavailability prediction with chemical extraction tests

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    The extractability and distribution of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were evaluated in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain. Both single (0.1 M hydrochloride [HCl] and 0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetate [EDTA]) and sequential extraction procedures (SEP) (modified Tessier procedure and Community Bureau of Reference [BCR] protocol) were applied to 29 representative soils that belong to the Alfisol, Inceptisol, and Entisol orders. Average relative Mn extractabilities with respect to the total content (16.6% for HCl and 31.9% for EDTA) were higher than those of Zn (7.7% for HCl and 6.5% for EDTA). Manganese was mainly released in the oxide-bound phase of both SEP (33.1% for modified Tessier and 48.9% for BCR), whereas Zn was predominantly found in the residual fraction (49.1% for modified Tessier and 31.4% for BCR). Significant correlations were only found between the amounts of extractable Zn and the oxide-bound fraction in both SEP. Few relationships were established between Zn fractions extracted by the BCR procedure and those obtained with the Tessier method. Both metal concentrations in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv Beka) grown in 11 selected soils and the calculated soil/plant transfer coefficients (soil/plant concentration factor (CF), mean values of 31.2 for Mn and 196 for Zn) were poorly (or not at all) correlated with the different extracted soil fractions (single and sequential). A number of empirical equations have been obtained by regression analyses to predict the Mn and Zn uptake by barley, with soil metal forms and some soil characteristics as components (pH for Mn and organic matter for Zn). Values of R2 in the equations were relatively low (<68%). Single-extraction techniques produced worse results than SEP for the evaluation of Mn phytoavailability. The modified Tessier procedure provided better predictions of Zn uptake by plants than BCR, but not better than those obtained with the HCl extraction method

    Transmission of Helium through Graphynes Pores: First Principles Calculations and Quantum Mechanical Simulations

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    AMOC 2015, Anharmonicity in médium-sized molecules and cluster, CSIC, Madrid (Spain), 26-30 April 2015; http://tct1.iem.csic.es/AMOC2015.htmPeer Reviewe

    Laboratory study of rate coefficients for H2O:He inelastic collisions between 20 and 120K

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    8 pags. ; 7 figs. ; 4 tabls. ; Supporting material: machine-readable tablesState-to-state rate coefficients for ortho-H2O:He and para-H2O:He inelastic collisions in the 20-120 K thermal range are investigated by means of an improved experimental procedure. This procedure is based on the use of a kinetic master equation (MEQ) which describes the evolution of populations of H2O rotational levels along a supersonic jet of H2O highly diluted in helium. The MEQ is expressed in terms of experimental observables and rate coefficients for H2O:He inelastic collisions. The primary experimental observables are the local number density and the populations of the rotational energy levels of H2O, quantities which are determined along the jet with unprecedented accuracy by means of Raman spectroscopy with high space resolution. Sets of rate coefficients from the literature and from present close-coupling calculations using two different potential energy surfaces (PESs) have been tested against the experiment. The Green et al. rate coefficients are up to 50% too low compared to the experiment, while most rates calculated here from the Hodges et al. PES and the Patkowski et al. PES are much closer to the experimental values. Experimental rates with an estimated accuracy on the order of 10% have been obtained for ortho-H2O:He and para-H2O:He inelastic collisions between 20 and 120 K by scaling and averaging the theoretical rates to the experiment. 2015. C The American Astronomical SocietyThis work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerios de Innovación (MICINN) and Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the research projects FIS2010-22064-C01, FIS2010-22064-C02, FIS2013-48275-C2-1-P, and FIS2013-48275-C2-2-P, and CONSOLIDER-ASTROMOL CSD2009-0038.Peer reviewe

    Interactions in Oxygen: from the gas to high pressure solid phases

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    7th International Meeting on Photodynamics, Maresias SP, Brazil, 14-20 Oct. 2012Peer Reviewe

    The Molecular Oxygen Tetramer: Intermolecular Interactions and Implications for the ϵ\epsilon Solid Phase

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    Recent data have determined that the structure of the high pressure ϵ\epsilon phase of solid oxygen consists of clusters composed of four O2_2 molecules. This finding has opened the question about the nature of the intermolecular interactions within the molecular oxygen tetramer. We use multiconfigurational ab initio calculations to obtain an adequate characterization of the ground singlet state of (O2_2)4_4 which is compatible with the non magnetic character of the ϵ\epsilon phase. In contrast to previous suggestions implying chemical bonding, we show that (O2_2)4_4 is a van der Waals like cluster where exchange interactions preferentially stabilize the singlet state. However, as the cluster shrinks, there is an extra stabilization due to many-body interactions that yields a significant softening of the repulsive wall. We show that this short range behavior is a key issue for the understanding of the structure of ϵ\epsilon-oxygen

    Erratum: Molecular oxygen tetramer (O2)4: Intermolecular interactions and implications for the ε solid phase

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    1 págs.; 1 fig.; PACS number(s): 36.40.−c, 31.15.ae, 34.20.Gj, 62.50.−p, 99.10.CdErratum to: (Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2011) 84 (092105)Peer Reviewe

    Global potential energy surface for the O2 + N2 interaction. Applications to the collisional, spectroscopic, and thermodynamic properties of the complex

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    A detailed characterization of the interaction between the most abundant molecules in air is important for the understanding of a variety of phenomena in atmospherical science. A completely {\em ab initio} global potential energy surface (PES) for the O2(3Σg)_2(^3\Sigma^-_g) + N2(1Σg+)_2(^1\Sigma^+_g) interaction is reported for the first time. It has been obtained with the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory utilizing a density functional description of monomers [SAPT(DFT)] extended to treat the interaction involving high-spin open-shell complexes. The computed interaction energies of the complex are in a good agreement with those obtained by using the spin-restricted coupled cluster methodology with singles, doubles and noniterative triple excitations [RCCSD(T)]. A spherical harmonics expansion containing a large number of terms due to the anisotropy of the interaction has been built from the {\em ab initio} data. The radial coefficients of the expansion are matched in the long range with the analytical functions based on the recent {\em ab initio} calculations of the electric properties of the monomers [M. Bartolomei et al., J. Comp. Chem., {\bf 32}, 279 (2011)]. The PES is tested against the second virial coefficient B(T)B(T) data and the integral cross sections measured with rotationally hot effusive beams, leading in both cases to a very good agreement. The first bound states of the complex have been computed and relevant spectroscopic features of the interacting complex are reported. A comparison with a previous experimentally derived PES is also provided