3 research outputs found

    Structural and environmental variations in a continuum of gallery forest/savana stricto sensu in Itumirim, MG

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    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, verificar as poss?veis correla??es entre as varia??es da estrutura, da diversidade de esp?cies e de varia??es do substrato num compartimento arb?reo em um cont?nuo de Mata de Galeria/Cerrado stricto sensu em Itumirim, sul de Minas Gerais. Os solos das ?reas de Mata de Galeria, transi??o e Cerrado stricto sensu apresentaram textura m?dia, acidez elevada com pH entre 4,5 e 5,0 e altos teores de alum?nio. O levantamento estrutural em todo o fragmento apresentou 1.347 indiv?duos que se distribu?ram em 39 fam?lias, 77 g?neros e 102 esp?cies. A fam?lia Fabaceae destacou-se pela maior riqueza de esp?cies seguida das fam?lias Myrtaceae, Lauraceae e Rubiaceae. As esp?cies Protium spruceanum e Myrsine umbellata foram superiores em todos os par?metros fitossociol?gicos, respectivamente, para as ?reas de Mata de Galeria e Cerrado stricto sensu. Na ?rea de transi??o, a esp?cie Copaifera langsdorffii obteve os maiores valores de ?rea basal e domin?ncia absoluta; j?, com rela??o ? densidade absoluta e valor de cobertura foi a esp?cie Myrsine umbellata. Os ?ndices de diversidade de Shannon (H') e os ?ndices de equabilidade de Pielou (J') para os tr?s ambientes foram de 3,57, 3,51 e 2,58 e 0,79, 0,88 e 0,77, respectivamente, para as ?reas de Mata de Galeria, transi??o e Cerrado stricto sensu. Por meio da an?lise de correspond?ncia retificada (DCA) observaram-se dois agrupamentos no diagrama da DCA: Agrupamento 1, contendo apenas as tr?s parcelas pertencentes ao Cerrado stricto sensu; Agrupamento 2, reunindo as demais parcelas amostradas abrangendo os ambientes de Mata de Galeria e transi??o.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)This work verified the possible correlations among the variations of the strucuture, species diversity and variations of the substrate in a tree compartment in a continuum of Gallery Forest/Savana stricto sensu in Itumirim, southern of Minas Gerais. The soils of the areas of Gallery Forest, Transition Forest and Savana stricto sensu presented medium structure, high acidity with pH between 4.5 and 5.0 and high aluminum contents. The structural survey all over the patch presented 1,347 individuals distributed into 39 families, 77 genera and 102 species. The family Fabaceae stood out by the greatest richness of species followed by the families Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Rubiaceae. The species Protium spruceanum and Myrsine umbellata were superior in all the phytosociological parameters, respectively, for all the areas of Gallery Forest and Savana stricto sensu. In the area of transition , the species Copaifera langsdorffii reached the highest values of basal area and absolute dominance; however, as regards to absolute density and cover value was the species Myrsine umbellata. Shannon's diversity indices (H') and Pielou's equatibility index (J') for the three places were of 3,57, 3,51 and 2,58 and 0,79, 0,88 and 0,77, respectively, for the areas of Gallery Forest, transition Forest and Savana stricto sensu. Through the rectified correspondence analysis (DCA), two groupings in the DCA diagram were found: grouping 1 containing only the three plots corresponding to the Savana stricto sensu; and grouping 2 joining together the other plots sampled encompassing the sites of Gallery and transition Forest

    The potential of agricultural biogas against other types of renewable energy sources

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    Przedstawiono potencja艂 biogazu rolniczego bazuj膮cego na wykorzystaniu bioodpad贸w i ro艣lin specjalnie przeznaczonych dla biogazowni. Okre艣lono zalety energetyki biogazowej jako w pe艂ni kontrolowalnej oraz zestawiono je z problemami stwarzanymi przez energetyk臋 niestabiln膮 w kraju i zagranic膮. Przedstawiono tak偶e kierunki rozwoju sektora biogazu rolniczego w Polsce.The paper presents the potential of agricultural biogas based both on the use of bio-waste and plants dedicated to biogas plants. The advantages of biogas power engineering were determined as fully controllable and compared with problems generated by unstable energy. The directions of development of the agricultural biogas sector in Poland were also presented

    Potencja艂 produkcji biogazu z odchod贸w zwierz臋cych w Polsce

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    The substrates to biogas production in anaerobic digestion, except plant materials, can also be animal feces and manure. It should be highlighted that Poland is one of leaders in the European Union in animal breeding. However, there is no precise data in the literature on the potential of biogas production from animal feces in this country. The aim of the paper was to analyze the biogas production potential from manure in Poland. The aim of work included anaerobic digestion research following materials: cow manure, pig manure, poultry manure and sheep manure. In the next step, based on the obtained results of the biogas yield, energy potential calculations were made. The methane yield for the investigated feedstock materials in the batch culture technology was performed following the internal procedures developed based on the adapted standards, i.e. DIN 38 414-S8 and VDI 4630. Animal wastes were obtained from the Agricultural Experimental Stations of Poznan University of Life Sciences (Poznan, Poland). On a base of achieved results it was concluded that tested substrates have a high energy potential (approx. 28.52 GWh of electricity). The largest potential for electricity production was found in chicken manure (about 13.86 GWh) and cow manure (about 12.35 GWh). It was also shown which regions of Poland have the best chance for development of agriculture biogas plants (Wielkopolskie and Mazowieckie voivodships) and where the potential is the least (Lubuskie and Opolskie voivodeships).Substratami do produkcji biogazu w procesie fermentacji beztlenowej, obok materia艂贸w ro艣linnych, mog膮 by膰 odchody zwierz臋ce. Nale偶y podkre艣li膰, 偶e Polska jest jednym z lider贸w w Unii Europejskiej w zakresie hodowli zwierz膮t. Jednak, w aktualnej literaturze nie ma dok艂adnych danych na temat potencja艂u produkcji biogazu z odchod贸w zwierz臋cych w tym kraju. Celem pracy by艂a analiza potencja艂u produkcji biogazu z obornika w Polsce. Zakres prac obejmowa艂 przeprowadzenie bada艅 fermentacji beztlenowej nast臋puj膮cych materia艂贸w: obornika bydl臋cego, obornika trzody chlewnej, obornika drobiowego i obornika owczego. W kolejnym etapie, w oparciu o uzyskane wyniki wydajno艣ci biogazu, dokonano oblicze艅 potencja艂u energetycznego. Badania wydajno艣ci metanowej dla badanych materia艂贸w wsadowych w technologii okresowej zosta艂y przeprowadzone zgodnie z procedurami wewn臋trznymi opracowanymi w oparciu o zaadaptowane normy, tj. DIN 38 414-S8 i VDI 4630. Materia艂y do bada艅 pobrane zosta艂y z Zak艂ad贸w Do艣wiadczalnych Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w stwierdzono, 偶e badane pod艂o偶a maj膮 du偶y potencja艂 energetyczny (oko艂o 28,52 GWh energii elektrycznej). Najwi臋kszy potencja艂 produkcji energii stwierdzono dla obornika kurzego (ok. 13,86 GWh) oraz bydl臋cego (ok. 12,35 GWh). Wykazano r贸wnie偶, kt贸re regiony Polski maj膮 najwi臋ksze szanse na rozw贸j biogazowni rolniczych (wojew贸dztwo wielkopolskie i mazowieckie), a w kt贸rych potencja艂 produkcji jest najmniejszy (wojew贸dztwo lubuskie i opolskie)