4,724 research outputs found

    Mutual information between reflected and transmitted speckle images

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    We study theoretically the mutual information between reflected and transmitted speckle patterns produced by wave scattering from disordered media. The mutual information between the two speckle images recorded on an array of N detection points (pixels) takes the form of long-range intensity correlation loops, that we evaluate explicitly as a function of the disorder strength and the Thouless number g. Our analysis, supported by extensive numerical simulations, reveals a competing effect of cross-sample and surface spatial correlations. An optimal distance between pixels is proven to exist, that enhances the mutual information by a factor Ng compared to the single-pixel scenario.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, + S

    Near-field interactions and non-universality in speckle patterns produced by a point source in a disordered medium

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    A point source in a disordered scattering medium generates a speckle pattern with non-universal features, giving rise to the so-called C_0 correlation. We analyze theoretically the relationship between the C_0 correlation and the statistical fluctuations of the local density of states, based on simple arguments of energy conservation. This derivation leads to a clear physical interpretation of the C_0 correlation. Using exact numerical simulations, we show that C_0 is essentially a correlation resulting from near-field interactions. These interactions are responsible for the non-universality of C_0, that confers to this correlation a huge potential for sensing and imaging at the subwavelength scale in complex media

    Cold atom realizations of Brownian motors

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    Brownian motors are devices which "rectify" Brownian motion, i.e. they can generate a current of particles out of unbiased fluctuations. Brownian motors are important for the understanding of molecular motors, and are also promising for the realization of new nanolelectronic devices. Among the different systems that can be used to study Brownian motors, cold atoms in optical lattices are quite an unusual one: there is no thermal bath and both the potential and the fluctuations are determined by laser fields. In this article recent experimental implementations of Brownian motors using cold atoms in optical lattices are reviewed

    Shear-free perfect fluids with a solenoidal electric curvature

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    We prove that the vorticity or the expansion vanishes for any shear-free perfect fluid solution of the Einstein field equations where the pressure satisfies a barotropic equation of state and the spatial divergence of the electric part of the Weyl tensor is zero.Comment: 9 page

    Long-Range Plasmon Assisted Energy Transfer Between Fluorescent Emitters

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    We demonstrate plasmon assisted energy transfer between fluorophores located at distances up to 7 μ7 \, \mum on the top of a thin silver film. Thanks to the strong confinement and large propagation length of surface plasmon polaritons, the range of the energy transfer is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the values reported in the literature so far. The parameters driving the energy transfer range are thoroughly characterized and are in very good agreement with theoretically expected values.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Rayleigh scattering and atomic dynamics in dissipative optical lattices

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    We investigate Rayleigh scattering in dissipative optical lattices. In particular, following recent proposals [S. Guibal et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4709 (1997); C. Jurczak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1727 (1996)], we study whether the Rayleigh resonance originates from the diffraction on a density grating and is therefore a probe of transport of atoms in optical lattices. It turns out that this is not the case: the Rayleigh line is instead a measure of the cooling rate, while spatial diffusion contributes to the scattering spectrum with a much broader resonance

    The ALICE detector and trigger strategy for diffractive and electromagnetic processe

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    The ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) consists of a central barrel, a muon spectrometer, zero degree calorimeters and additional detectors which are used for trigger purposes and for event classification. The main detector systems of relevance for measuring diffractive and electromagnetic processes are described. The trigger strategy for such measurements is outlined. The physics potential of studying diffractive and electromagnetic processes at the LHC is presented by discussing possible signatures of the Odderon.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings workshop on "High energy photon collisions at the LHC", CERN, apr 22-25, 200
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