4,338 research outputs found

    The three-site Bose-Hubbard model subject to atom losses: the boson-pair dissipation channel and failure of the mean-field approach

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    We employ the perturbation series expansion for derivation of the reduced master equations for the three-site Bose-Hubbard model subject to strong atom losses from the central site. The model describes a condensate trapped in a triple-well potential subject to externally controlled removal of atoms. We find that the π\pi-phase state of the coherent superposition between the side wells decays via two dissipation channels, the single-boson channel (similar to the externally applied dissipation) and the boson-pair channel. The quantum derivation is compared to the classical adiabatic elimination within the mean-field approximation. We find that the boson-pair dissipation channel is not captured by the mean-field model, whereas the single-boson channel is described by it. Moreover, there is a matching condition between the zero-point energy bias of the side wells and the nonlinear interaction parameter which separates the regions where either the single-boson or the boson-pair dissipation channel dominate. Our results indicate that the MM-site Bose-Hubbard models, for M>2M>2, subject to atom losses may require an analysis which goes beyond the usual mean-field approximation for correct description of their dissipative features. This is an important result in view of the recent experimental works on the single site addressability of condensates trapped in optical lattices.Comment: 9 pages; 3 figures in color; submitted to PR

    Model of the optical emission of a driven semiconductor quantum dot: phonon-enhanced coherent scattering and off-resonant sideband narrowing

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    We study the crucial role played by the solid-state environment in determining the photon emission characteristics of a driven quantum dot. For resonant driving, we predict a phonon-enhancement of the coherently emitted radiation field with increasing driving strength, in stark contrast to the conventional expectation of a rapidly decreasing fraction of coherent emission with stronger driving. This surprising behaviour results from thermalisation of the dot with respect to the phonon bath, and leads to a nonstandard regime of resonance fluorescence in which significant coherent scattering and the Mollow triplet coexist. Off-resonance, we show that despite the phonon influence, narrowing of dot spectral sideband widths can occur in certain regimes, consistent with an experimental trend.Comment: Published version. 5 pages, 2 figures, plus 4 page supplement. Title changed, figure 1 revised, various edits and additions to the tex

    Raman-assisted Rabi resonances in two-mode cavity QED

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    The dynamics of a vibronic system in a lossy two-mode cavity is studied, with the first mode being resonant to the electronic transition and the second one being nearly resonant due to Raman transitions. We derive analytical solutions for the dynamics of this system. For a properly chosen detuning of the second mode from the exact Raman resonance, we obtain conditions that are closely related to the phenomenon of Rabi resonance as it is well known in laser physics. Such resonances can be observed in the spontaneous emission spectra, where the spectrum of the second mode in the case of weak Raman coupling is enhanced substantially.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dissipation-driven quantum phase transitions in collective spin systems

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    We consider two different collective spin systems subjected to strong dissipation -- on the same scale as interaction strengths and external fields -- and show that either continuous or discontinuous dissipative quantum phase transitions can occur as the dissipation strength is varied. First, we consider a well known model of cooperative resonance fluorescence that can exhibit a second-order quantum phase transition, and analyze the entanglement properties near the critical point. Next, we examine a dissipative version of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick interacting collective spin model, where we find that either first- or second-order quantum phase transitions can occur, depending only on the ratio of the interaction and external field parameters. We give detailed results and interpretation for the steady state entanglement in the vicinity of the critical point, where it reaches a maximum. For the first-order transition we find that the semiclassical steady states exhibit a region of bistability.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, removed section on homodyne spectr

    Effect of frequency mismatched photons in quantum information processing

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    Many promising schemes for quantum information processing (QIP) rely on few-photon interference effects. In these proposals, the photons are treated as being indistinguishable particles. However, single photon sources are typically subject to variation from device to device. Thus the photons emitted from different sources will not be perfectly identical, and there will be some variation in their frequencies. Here, we analyse the effect of this frequency mismatch on QIP schemes. As examples, we consider the distributed QIP protocol proposed by Barrett and Kok, and Hong-Ou-Mandel interference which lies at the heart of many linear optical schemes for quantum computing. In the distributed QIP protocol, we find that the fidelity of entangled qubit states depends crucially on the time resolution of single photon detectors. In particular, there is no reduction in the fidelity when an ideal detector model is assumed, while reduced fidelities may be encountered when using realistic detectors with a finite response time. We obtain similar results in the case of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference -- with perfect detectors, a modified version of quantum interference is seen, and the visibility of the interference pattern is reduced as the detector time resolution is reduced. Our findings indicate that problems due to frequency mismatch can be overcome, provided sufficiently fast detectors are available.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Comments welcome. v2: Minor changes. v3: Cleaned up 3 formatting error

    Stationary inversion of a two level system coupled to an off-resonant cavity with strong dissipation

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    We present an off-resonant excitation scheme that realizes pronounced stationary inversion in a two level system. The created inversion exploits a cavity-assisted two photon resonance to enhance the multi-photon regime of nonlinear cavity QED and survives even in a semiconductor environment, where the cavity decay rate is comparable to the cavity-dot coupling rate. Exciton populations of greater than 0.75 are obtained in the presence of realistic decay and pure dephasing. Quantum trajectory simulations and quantum master equation calculations help elucidate the underlying physics and delineate the limitations of a simplified rate equation model. Experimental signatures of inversion and multi-photon cavity QED are predicted in the fluorescence intensity and second-order correlation function measured as a function of drive power.Comment: 4 page lette

    On the temperature dependence of the interaction-induced entanglement

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    Both direct and indirect weak nonresonant interactions are shown to produce entanglement between two initially disentangled systems prepared as a tensor product of thermal states, provided the initial temperature is sufficiently low. Entanglement is determined by the Peres-Horodeckii criterion, which establishes that a composite state is entangled if its partial transpose is not positive. If the initial temperature of the thermal states is higher than an upper critical value TucT_{uc} the minimal eigenvalue of the partially transposed density matrix of the composite state remains positive in the course of the evolution. If the initial temperature of the thermal states is lower than a lower critical value Tlc≤TucT_{lc}\leq T_{uc} the minimal eigenvalue of the partially transposed density matrix of the composite state becomes negative which means that entanglement develops. We calculate the lower bound TlbT_{lb} for TlcT_{lc} and show that the negativity of the composite state is negligibly small in the interval Tlb<T<TucT_{lb}<T<T_{uc}. Therefore the lower bound temperature TlbT_{lb} can be considered as \textit{the} critical temperature for the generation of entanglement.Comment: 27 pages and 7 figure

    Magnetometry with entangled atomic samples

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    We present a theory for the estimation of a scalar or a vector magnetic field by its influence on an ensemble of trapped spin polarized atoms. The atoms interact off-resonantly with a continuous laser field, and the measurement of the polarization rotation of the probe light, induced by the dispersive atom-light coupling, leads to spin-squeezing of the atomic sample which enables an estimate of the magnetic field which is more precise than that expected from standard counting statistics. For polarized light and polarized atoms, a description of the non-classical components of the collective spin angular momentum for the atoms and the collective Stokes vectors of the light-field in terms of effective gaussian position and momentum variables is practically exact. The gaussian formalism describes the dynamics of the system very effectively and accounts explicitly for the back-action on the atoms due to measurement and for the estimate of the magnetic field. Multi-component magnetic fields are estimated by the measurement of suitably chosen atomic observables and precision and efficiency is gained by dividing the atomic gas in two or more samples which are entangled by the dispersive atom-light interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure

    Functional MRI with active, fully implanted, deep brain stimulation systems: Safety and experimental confounds

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    We investigated safety issues and potential experimental confounds when performing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations in human subjects with fully implanted, active, deep brain stimulation (DBS) systems. Measurements of temperature and induced voltage were performed in an in vitro arrangement simulating bilateral DBS during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using head transmit coils in both 1.5 and 3.0 T MRI systems. For MRI sequences typical of an fMRI study with coil-averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) less than 0.4 W/kg, no MRI-induced temperature change greater than the measurement sensitivity (0.1 °C) was detected at 1.5 T, and at 3 T temperature elevations were less than 0.5 °C, i.e. within safe limits. For the purposes of demonstration, MRI pulse sequences with SARs of 1.45 W/kg and 2.34 W/kg (at 1.5 T and 3 T, respectively) were prescribed and elicited temperature increases (> 1 °C) greater than those considered safe for human subjects. Temperature increases were independent of the presence or absence of active stimulator pulsing. At both field strengths during echo planar MRI, the perturbations of DBS equipment performance were sufficiently slight, and temperature increases sufficiently low to suggest that thermal or electromagnetically mediated experimental confounds to fMRI with DBS are unlikely. We conclude that fMRI studies performed in subjects with subcutaneously implanted DBS units can be both safe and free from DBS-specific experimental confounds. Furthermore, fMRI in subjects with fully implanted rather than externalised DBS stimulator units may offer a significant safety advantage. Further studies are required to determine the safety of MRI with DBS for other MRI systems, transmit coil configurations and DBS arrangements

    Quantum discord and non-Markovianity of quantum dynamics

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    The problem of recognizing (non-)Markovianity of a quantum dynamics is revisited through analyzing quantum correlations. We argue that instantaneously-vanishing quantum discord provides a necessary and sufficient condition for Markovianity of a quantum map. This is used to introduce a measure of non-Markovianity. This measure, however, requires demanding knowledge about the system and the environment. By using a quantum correlation monogamy property and an ancillary system, we propose a simplified measure with less requirements. Non-Markovianity is thereby decided by quantum state tomography of the system and the ancilla.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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