14 research outputs found

    Altered expression of fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP) in colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence and in lymph node and liver metastases

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health problem in elderly people because of its high incidence and high mortality rate. Despite early screening programs, more than half of CRC patients are diagnosed at advanced stages. Fibroblast activation protein-alpha (FAP) expression in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) has been associated with a higher risk of metastases and poor survival. Here, we have analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of FAP in 41 adenoma-carcinoma sequences. In addition, FAP expression was analyzed individually and in combination with beta-catenin (BCAT), CD44 and Cyclin-D1 expression in primary tumors and in their corresponding lymph node and liver metastases (n=294). Finally, soluble FAP (sFAP) levels in plasma from CRC patients (n=127) were also analyzed by ELISA. FAP was expressed only in CRC tissue and its expression level was found to be higher in tumors exhibiting deeper local invasion and poorer cancer cell differentiation. FAP and concomitant nuclear BCAT expression in cancer cells at the infiltrating front of primary tumors and in lymph node metastases was independently associated with 5- and 10-year cancer specific and disease-free survival. Moreover, lower sFAP levels correlated with poorer survival. These findings support the potential importance of FAP as a biomarker of CRC development and progression.This work was partially funded by the ELKARTEK 18/10 grant from the Basque Government

    (Pro)renin Receptor Expression Increases throughout the Colorectal Adenoma-Adenocarcinoma Sequence and It Is Associated with Worse Colorectal Cancer Prognosis

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    (Pro)renin receptor (PRR) is a protein that takes part in several signaling pathways such as Renin Angiotensin System and Wnt signalling. Its biological role has recently been related to cancer progression and in this study, we investigated its relevance in colorectal cancer (CRC). To that end, we analysed the immunohistochemical expression of PRR in adenomatous polyps and CRCs from the same patients (n = 42), and in primary tumours and nodal and liver metastases from advanced CRC patients (n = 294). In addition, the soluble fraction of PRR was measured by ELISA in plasma samples from 161 CRC patients. The results showed that PRR expression was gradually augmented along the uninvolved mucosa-adenoma-adenocarcinoma sequence. Besides, the stronger expression of PRR in primary tumours was markedly associated with local tumour extent and the onset of metastases. Moreover, PRR expression in both primary and distant metastases was associated with worse 5- and 10-year survival of CRC patients. Plasmatic PRR levels did not change with respect to controls and were not associated with CRC aggressiveness. These results suggest a key role of PRR in the development and progression of CRC and a potential use of this protein as a new prognostic biomarker and/or therapeutic target for this disease.We wish to thank Gangoiti Barrera's Foundation for it support to this research project

    Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Activity Is Correlated with Colorectal Cancer Prognosis

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    Background Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC (DPPIV) is a serine peptidase involved in cell differentiation, adhesion, immune modulation and apoptosis, functions that control neoplastic transformation. Previous studies have demonstrated altered expression and activity of tissue and circulating DPPIV in several cancers and proposed its potential usefulness for early diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and principal findings The activity and mRNA and protein expression of DPPIV was prospectively analyzed in adenocarcinomas, adenomas, uninvolved colorectal mucosa and plasma from 116 CRC patients by fluorimetric, quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Results were correlated with the most important classic pathological data related to aggressiveness and with 5-year survival rates. Results showed that: 1) mRNA levels and activity of DPPIV increased in colorectal neoplasms (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01); 2) Both adenomas and CRCs displayed positive cytoplasmic immunostaining with luminal membrane reinforcement; 3) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was lower in CRC patients than in healthy subjects (Mann-U test, p<0.01); 4) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was associated with worse overall and disease-free survivals (log-rank p<0.01, Cox analysis p<0.01). Conclusion/significance 1) Up-regulation of DPPIV in colorectal tumors suggests a role for this enzyme in the neoplastic transformation of colorectal tissues. This finding opens the possibility for new therapeutic targets in these patients. 2) Plasmatic DPPIV is an independent prognostic factor in survival of CRC patients. The determination of DPPIV activity levels in the plasma may be a safe, minimally invasive and inexpensive way to define the aggressiveness of CRC in daily practice.This work was supported by grants from the Basque Government (IT8-11/13), the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (UFI 11/44), and the Gangoiti Barrera Foundation. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Novel Pixelwise Co-Registered Hematoxylin-Eosin and Multiphoton Microscopy Image Dataset for Human Colon Lesion Diagnosis

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    Colorectal cancer presents one of the most elevated incidences of cancer worldwide. Colonoscopy relies on histopathology analysis of hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) images of the removed tissue. Novel techniques such as multi-photon microscopy (MPM) show promising results for performing real-time optical biopsies. However, clinicians are not used to this imaging modality and correlation between MPM and H&E information is not clear. The objective of this paper is to describe and make publicly available an extensive dataset of fully co-registered H&E and MPM images that allows the research community to analyze the relationship between MPM and H&E histopathological images and the effect of the semantic gap that prevents clinicians from correctly diagnosing MPM images. The dataset provides a fully scanned tissue images at 10x optical resolution (0.5 m/px) from 50 samples of lesions obtained by colonoscopies and colectomies. Diagnostics capabilities of TPF and H&E images were compared. Additionally, TPF tiles were virtually stained into H&E images by means of a deep-learning model. A panel of 5 expert pathologists evaluated the different modalities into three classes (healthy, adenoma/hyperplastic, and adenocarcinoma). Results showed that the performance of the pathologists over MPM images was 65% of the H&E performance while the virtual staining method achieved 90%. MPM imaging can provide appropriate information for diagnosing colorectal cancer without the need for H&E staining. However, the existing semantic gap among modalities needs to be corrected.This work was supported by the PICCOLO project. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 732111. The sole re- sponsibility of this publication lies with the authors. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therei

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with susceptibility for development of colorectal cancer: Case-control study in a Basque population

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    Given the significant population diversity in genetic variation, we aimed to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously identified in studies of colorectal cancer (CRC) susceptibility were also relevant to the population of the Basque Country (North of Spain). We genotyped 230 CRC cases and 230 healthy controls for 48 previously reported CRC-susceptibility SNPs. Only the rs6687758 in DUPS10 exhibited a statistically significant association with CRC risk based on the crude analysis. The rs6687758 AG genotype conferred about 2.13-fold increased risk for CRC compared to the AA genotype. Moreover, we found significant associations in cases between smoking status, physical activity, and the rs6687758 SNP. The results of a Genetic Risk Score (GRS) showed that the risk alleles were more frequent in cases than controls and the score was associated with CRC in crude analysis. In conclusion, we have confirmed a CRC susceptibility locus and the existence of associations between modifiable factors and the rs6687758 SNP; moreover, the GRS was associated with CRC. However, further experimental validations are needed to establish the role of this SNP, the function of the gene identified, as well as the contribution of the interaction between environmental factors and this locusto the risk of CRC.This work was supported by two projects (from the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs, Basque Government 2011111153; and Saiotek, Basque Government S-PE12UN058), by a pre-doctoral grant from the Basque Government (PRE_2016_2_0046), by the CIBERehd and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), under agreement. 581950-4-003. Neither Basque Government nor U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) had a role in the design, analysis or writing of this article. CIBERehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Food groups, diet quality and colorectal cancer risk in the Basque Country

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    BACKGROUND The results obtained to date concerning food groups, diet quality and colorectal cancer (CRC) risk vary according to criteria used and the study populations. AIM To study the relationships between food groups, diet quality and CRC risk, in an adult population of the Basque Country (North of Spain). METHODS This observational study included 308 patients diagnosed with CRC and 308 ageand sex-matched subjects as controls. During recruitment, dietary, anthropometric, lifestyle, socioeconomic, demographic and health status information was collected. Adherence to the dietary recommendations was evaluated utilizing the Healthy Eating Index for the Spanish Diet and the MedDietScore. Conditional logistic regressions were used to evaluate the associations of food group intakes, diet quality scores, categorized in tertiles, with CRC risk. RESULTS The adjusted models for potential confounding factors showed a direct association between milk and dairy products consumption, in particular high-fat cheeses [odds ratio (OR) third tertile vs first tertile = 1.87, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 1.11-3.16], and CRC risk. While the consumption of fiber-containing foods, especially whole grains (OR third tertile vs first tertile = 0.62, 95%CI: 0.39-0.98), and fatty fish (OR third tertile vs first tertile = 0.53, 95%CI: 0.27-0.99) was associated with a lower risk for CRC. Moreover, higher MD adherence was associated with a reduced CRC risk in adjusted models (OR third tertile vs first tertile = 0.40, 95%CI: 0.20-0.80). CONCLUSION Direct associations were found for high-fat cheese, whereas an inverse relation was reported for fiber-containing foods and fatty fish, as well as adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern.Supported by the Department of Health and Consumer Affairs, Basque Government, No. 2011111153; Saiotek, Basque Government, No. S-PE12UN058; Pre-doctoral grant from the Basque Government, No. PRE_2015_2_0084; and United States Department of Agriculture—Agricultural Research Service, No. 58-1950-4-003

    Gene–Diet Interactions in Colorectal Cancer: Survey Design, Instruments, Participants and Descriptive Data of a Case–Control Study in the Basque Country

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    Epidemiologic studies have revealed inconsistent evidence of gene-diet interaction in relation to colorectal cancer (CRC). The aim of this study was to analyze them in a sample of cases and controls from the population-based bowel cancer screening program of the Osakidetza/Basque Health Service. This study analyzed dietetic, genetic, demographic, socioeconomic factors and lifestyles. In the present manuscript, the survey design, sampling, instruments, measurements and related quality management were presented. Moreover, we analyze di erences between cases and controls in some data, especially those related to diet. The participants were 308 cases and 308 age- and sex-matched subjects as controls. Cases were more likely than controls to have overweight/obesity (67.5% vs. 58.1%, p < 0.05), a lower intake of vitamin B2 (0.86 0.23 vs. 0.92 0.23 mg/1000 kcal, p < 0.01) and calcium:phosphorus ratio (0.62 0.12 vs. 0.65 0.13, p < 0.01). A higher proportion of cases than controls did not meet the Nutritional Objectives for saturated fatty acids (85.7% vs. 67.5%, p < 0.001) or cholesterol (35.4% vs. 25.0%, p < 0.01). In conclusion, the present study provides valuable data for analyzing the complexity of gene-diet interaction in relation to CRC. The results presented here suggest that overweight/obesity and a high intake of certain dietary components, especially saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, are more frequent in cases than in controls.This research was supported by the Department of Health and Consumer A airs of the Basque Government (2011111153) and Saiotek program of the Basque Government (S-PE12UN058). I.A.-L. was founded by a pre-doctoral grant from the Basque Government (PRE_2014_1_161, PRE_2015_2_0084, EP_2016_1_0098, EP_2016_1_0098 and PRE_2017_2_0006). The U.S. Department of Agriculture—Agricultural Research Service (ARS), under Agreement No. 58-1950-4-003. CIBERehd is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    (Pro)renin Receptor Expression Increases throughout the Colorectal Adenoma-Adenocarcinoma Sequence and It Is Associated with Worse Colorectal Cancer Prognosis.

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    (Pro)renin receptor (PRR) is a protein that takes part in several signaling pathways such as Renin Angiotensin System and Wnt signalling. Its biological role has recently been related to cancer progression and in this study, we investigated its relevance in colorectal cancer (CRC). To that end, we analysed the immunohistochemical expression of PRR in adenomatous polyps and CRCs from the same patients (n = 42), and in primary tumours and nodal and liver metastases from advanced CRC patients (n = 294). In addition, the soluble fraction of PRR was measured by ELISA in plasma samples from 161 CRC patients. The results showed that PRR expression was gradually augmented along the uninvolved mucosa-adenoma-adenocarcinoma sequence. Besides, the stronger expression of PRR in primary tumours was markedly associated with local tumour extent and the onset of metastases. Moreover, PRR expression in both primary and distant metastases was associated with worse 5- and 10-year survival of CRC patients. Plasmatic PRR levels did not change with respect to controls and were not associated with CRC aggressiveness. These results suggest a key role of PRR in the development and progression of CRC and a potential use of this protein as a new prognostic biomarker and/or therapeutic target for this disease

    Dipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Activity Is Correlated with Colorectal Cancer Prognosis

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    Background Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (EC (DPPIV) is a serine peptidase involved in cell differentiation, adhesion, immune modulation and apoptosis, functions that control neoplastic transformation. Previous studies have demonstrated altered expression and activity of tissue and circulating DPPIV in several cancers and proposed its potential usefulness for early diagnosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods and principal findings The activity and mRNA and protein expression of DPPIV was prospectively analyzed in adenocarcinomas, adenomas, uninvolved colorectal mucosa and plasma from 116 CRC patients by fluorimetric, quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Results were correlated with the most important classic pathological data related to aggressiveness and with 5-year survival rates. Results showed that: 1) mRNA levels and activity of DPPIV increased in colorectal neoplasms (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.01); 2) Both adenomas and CRCs displayed positive cytoplasmic immunostaining with luminal membrane reinforcement; 3) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was lower in CRC patients than in healthy subjects (Mann-U test, p<0.01); 4) Plasmatic DPPIV activity was associated with worse overall and disease-free survivals (log-rank p<0.01, Cox analysis p<0.01). Conclusion/significance 1) Up-regulation of DPPIV in colorectal tumors suggests a role for this enzyme in the neoplastic transformation of colorectal tissues. This finding opens the possibility for new therapeutic targets in these patients. 2) Plasmatic DPPIV is an independent prognostic factor in survival of CRC patients. The determination of DPPIV activity levels in the plasma may be a safe, minimally invasive and inexpensive way to define the aggressiveness of CRC in daily practice.This work was supported by grants from the Basque Government (IT8-11/13), the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (UFI 11/44), and the Gangoiti Barrera Foundation. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript