95 research outputs found
Aortopexy for the treatment of tracheomalacia in children: review of the literature
ABSTRACT: Severe tracheomalacia presents a significant challenge for Paediatricians, Intensivists, Respiratory Physicians, Otolaryngologists and Paediatric Surgeons. The treatment of tracheomacia remains controversial, but aortopexy is considered by most to be one of the best options. We conducted a review of the English literature relating to aortopexy. Among 125 papers, 40 have been included in this review. Among 758 patients (62% males) affected with tracheomalacia, 581 underwent aortopexy. Associated co-morbidities were reported in 659 patients. The most frequent association was with oesophageal atresia (44%), vascular ring or large vessel anomalies (18%) and innominate artery compression (16%); in 9% tracheomalacia was idiopathic. The symptoms reported were various, but the most important indication for aortopexy was an acute life-threatening event (ALTE), observed in 43% of patients. The main preoperative investigation was bronchoscopy. Surgical approach was through a left anterior thoracotomy in 72% of patients, while median approach was chosen in 14% and in 1.3% a thoracoscopic aortopexy was performed. At follow-up (median 47 months) more than 80% of the patients improved significantly, but 8% showed no improvement, 4% had a worsening of their symptoms and 6% died. Complications were observed in 15% of patients, in 1% a redo aortopexy was deemed necessary. In our review, we found a lack of general consensus about symptom description and evaluation, indications for surgery, though ALTE and bronchoscopy were considered by all an absolute indication to aortopexy and the gold standard for the diagnosis of tracheomalacia, respectively. Differences were reported also in surgical approaches and technical details, so that the same term “aortopexy” was used to describe different types of procedures. Whatever approach or technique was used, the efficacy of aortopexy was reported as high in the majority of cases (more than 80%). A subgroup of patients particularly delicate is represented by those with associated gastro-esophageal reflux, in whom a fundoplication should be performed. Other treatments of tracheomalacia, particularly tracheal stenting, were associated with a higher rate of failure, severe morbidity and mortality. NON ENGLISH ABSTRACT: La tracheomalacia severa rappresenta una sfida per Pediatri, Intensivisti, Pneumologi, Otorinolaringoiatri, Chirurghi Pediatri. Il trattamento della tracheomalacia è tuttora controverso. L’aortopessi è considerata da molti la migliore opzione terapeutica. Abbiamo condotto una revisione della letteratura di lingua inglese su tale argomento. Di 125 lavori, 40 sono stati inclusi nella revisione. Tra 758 pazienti (62% maschi) affetti da tracheomalacia, 581 sono stati sottoposti ad aortopessi tra il 1968 e il 2008. In 659 pazienti alcune comorbidità erano presenti. L’associazione più frequente era con l’atresia esofagea (44%), l’anello vascolare o un’anomalia dei grossi vasi (18%), la compressione da parte dell’arteria innominata (16%); nel 9% la tracheomalacia era idiopatica. I sintomi riportati sono stati variabili, ma l’indicazione più importante all’aortopessi sono stati eventi di ALTE, osservati nel 43% dei pazienti. Lo studio diagnostico preoperatorio principale è stato la broncoscopia. L’approccio chirurgico è avvenuto attraverso una toracotomia anteriore sinistra nel 72% dei pazienti, mentre un approccio mediano è stato scelto nel 14% e nell’1.3% dei casi è stato eseguito un approccio toracoscopico. Al follow-up (mediana di 47 mesi) la maggioranza dei pazienti sono migliorati significativamente, ma l’8% di essi non è migliorato, il 4% è peggiorato e il 6% è morto. Complicazioni sono state riportate nel 15% dei pazienti, nell’1% un nuovo intervento di aortopessi è stato necessario. In questa revisione abbiamo trovato che non c’è un consenso generale sulla valutazione e sulla descrizione dei sintomi, sulle indicazioni chirurgiche ed esami preoperatori, anche se le ALTE e la broncoscopia venivano considerate rispettivamente un’indicazione assoluta all’aortopessi e il “gold standard” diagnostico per la tracheomalacia. Venivano riportate differenze negli approcci chirurgici e nei dettagli tecnici, e lo stesso termine di aortopessi veniva usato per indicare diverse procedure chirurgiche. In ogni caso, indipendentemente dall’approccio o tecnica utilizzati, l’efficacia dell’aortopessi veniva riportata come elevata nella maggioranza dei casi (più dell’80%). Un sottogruppo di pazienti particolarmente delicato è rappresentato da quelli con reflusso gastroesofageo associato, nei quali sarebbe indicata una fundoplicatio. Altri trattamenti della tracheomalacia, quali stent tracheale, sembrano gravati da una maggiore percentuale di insuccessi, morbidità severa e mortalità
Role of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in discriminating patients with rheumatoid arthritis from patients with chronic hepatitis C infection-associated polyarticular involvement
This study was performed to assess the utility of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies in distinguishing between patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and patients with polyarticular involvement associated with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Serum anti-CCP antibodies and rheumatoid factor (RF) were evaluated in 30 patients with RA, 8 patients with chronic HCV infection and associated articular involvement and 31 patients with chronic HCV infection without any joint involvement. In addition, we retrospectively analysed sera collected at the time of first visit in 10 patients originally presenting with symmetric polyarthritis and HCV and subsequently developing well-established RA. Anti-CCP antibodies and RF were detected by commercial second-generation anti-CCP2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunonephelometry respectively. Anti-CCP antibodies were detected in 23 of 30 (76.6%) patients with RA but not in patients with chronic HCV infection irrespective of the presence of articular involvement. Conversely, RF was detected in 27 of 30 (90%) patients with RA, 3 of 8 (37.5%) patients with HCV-related arthropathy and 3 of 31 (9.7%) patients with HCV infection without joint involvement. Finally, anti-CCP antibodies were retrospectively detected in 6 of 10 (60%) patients with RA and HCV. This indicates that anti-CCP antibodies can be useful in discriminating patients with RA from patients with HCV-associated arthropathy
Huge Tracheal Diverticulum in a Patient with Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome
Tracheal diverticulum is a rare benign entity. Tracheobronchomegaly (TBM), also known as Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, is a rare disorder characterized by marked dilation of the trachea and main bronchi, associated with thinning or atrophy of the elastic tissue. Because of the weakened trachea and increased intraluminal pressure related to chronic cough, some patients may develop mucosal herniation leading to tracheal diverticulosis. We report the case of a patient with TBM with a huge tracheal diverticulum, diagnosed by bronchoscopy and computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction. To our knowledge this is the largest tracheal diameter described in a patient affected by this syndrome
Ct-Guided Pancreatic Percutaneous Fine-needle Biopsy in Differential Diagnosis Between Pancreatic Cancer and Chronic Pancreatitis
Differential diagnosis between pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis is still difficult to establish. In
63 patients with suspected pancreatic neoplasm we performed: serum CA 19-9 assessment, abdominal
ultrasound, CT scan and CT-guided pancreatic percutaneous fine-needle biopsy. The conclusive diagnosis
was pancreatic cancer in 40 patients and chronic pancreatitis in 23 patients. With regard to the differential
diagnosis, sensitivity and specificity were respectively 80% and 78% for serum CA 19-9, 75% and 65% for
abdominal US, 85% and 70% for CT scan, 00% and 87% for percutaneous fine-needle biopsy. We
conclude that CT-guided percutaneous fine-needle biopsy is the most reliable method for differential
diagnosis between pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis
Minimally invasive approach to incisional hernia in elective and emergency surgery: a SICE (Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery and new technologies) and ISHAWS (Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery) online survey
Minimally invasive abdominal wall surgery is growing worldwide, with a constant and fast improvement of surgical techniques and surgeons' confidence in treating both primary and incisional hernias (IH). The Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery and new technologies (SICE) and the ISHAWS (Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery) worked together to investigate state of the art in IH treatment in elective and emergency settings in Italy. An online open survey was designed, and Italian surgeons interested in abdominal wall surgery were invited to fill out a 20-point questionnaire on IH surgical procedures performed in their departments. Surgeons were asked to express their points of view on specific questions about technical and clinical variables in IH treatment. Preferred approach in elective IH surgery was minimally invasive (59.7%). Open surgery was the preferred approach in 40.3% of the responses. In emergency settings, open surgery was the preferred approach (65.4%); however, 34.5% of the involved surgeons declare to prefer the laparoscopic/endoscopic approach. Most respondents opted for conversion to open surgery in case of relevant surgical field contamination, with a non-mesh repair of abdominal wall defects. Among those that used the laparoscopic approach in the emergent setting, the majority (74%) used the size of the defect of 5 cm as a decisional cut-off. The spread of minimally invasive approaches to IH repair in emergency surgery in Italy is gaining relevance. Code-sharing through scientific societies can improve clinical practice in different departments and promote a tailored approach to IH surgery
Gaslini's tracheal team: preliminary experience after one year of paediatric airway reconstructive surgery
Background: congenital and acquired airway anomalies represent a relatively common albeit challenging problem in a national tertiary care hospital. In the past, most of these patients were sent to foreign Centres because of the lack of local experience in reconstructive surgery of the paediatric airway. In 2009, a dedicated team was established at our Institute. Gaslini's Tracheal Team includes different professionals, namely anaesthetists, intensive care specialists, neonatologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, and ENT, paediatric, and cardiovascular surgeons. The aim of this project was to provide these multidisciplinary patients, at any time, with intensive care, radiological investigations, diagnostic and operative endoscopy, reconstructive surgery, ECMO or cardiopulmonary bypass. Aim of this study is to present the results of the first year of airway reconstructive surgery activity of the Tracheal Team.Methods: between September 2009 and December 2010, 97 patients were evaluated or treated by our Gaslini Tracheal Team. Most of them were evaluated by both rigid and flexible endoscopy. In this study we included 8 patients who underwent reconstructive surgery of the airways. Four of them were referred to our centre or previously treated surgically or endoscopically without success in other Centres.Results: Eight patients required 9 surgical procedures on the airway: 4 cricotracheal resections, 2 laryngotracheoplasties, 1 tracheal resection, 1 repair of laryngeal cleft and 1 foreign body removal with cardiopulmonary bypass through anterior tracheal opening. Moreover, in 1 case secondary aortopexy was performed. All patients achieved finally good results, but two of them required two surgeries and most required endoscopic manoeuvres after surgery. The most complex cases were the ones who had already been previously treated.Conclusions: The treatment of paediatric airway anomalies requires a dedicated multidisciplinary approach and a single tertiary care Centre providing rapid access to endoscopic and surgical manoeuvres on upper and lower airways and the possibility to start immediately cardiopulmonary bypass or ECMO.The preliminary experience of the Tracheal Team shows that good results can be obtained with this multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of complicated cases. The centralization of all the cases in one or few national Centres should be considered
Modulation of miR-146b Expression during Aging and the Impact of Physical Activity on Its Expression and Chondrogenic Progenitors
The finding of molecules associated with aging is important for the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases and for longevity strategies. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are post-transcriptional regulators involved in many biological processes and miR-146b-5p has been shown to be involved in different degenerative diseases. However, miR-146b-5p modulation has not been evaluated in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) commitment or during aging. Therefore, the modulation of miR-146b-5p in the commitment and differentiation of mesenchymal cells as well as during maturation and aging in zebrafish model were analyzed. In addition, circulating miR-146b-5p was evaluated in human subjects at different age ranges. Thus, the role of physical activity in the modulation of miR-146b-5p was also investigated. To achieve these aims, RT (real-time)-PCR, Western blot, cell transfections, and three-dimensional (3D) culture techniques were applied. Our findings show that miR-146b-5p expression drives MSCs to adipogenic differentiation and increases during zebrafish maturation and aging. In addition, miR-146b-5p expression is higher in females compared to males and it is associated with the aging in humans. Interestingly, we also observed that the physical activity of walking downregulates circulating miR-146b-5p levels in human females and increases the number of chondroprogenitors. In conclusion, miR-146b-5p can be considered an age-related marker and can represent a useful marker for identifying strategies, such as physical activity, aimed at counteracting the degenerative processes of aging
Indagini geofisiche e geochimiche di un sinkhole in formazione nell’area di Guidonia (Lazio)
The Plio-Quaternary Acque Albule Basin is already
known for the occurrence of sinkholes; since the
spring 2014, it has been ongoing the study of an active subsidence
process, which formed a depressed area near the
Guidonia village. During the last year, the phenomenon has
become more intense giving rise to two collapses along the
eastern rim of the depression. Thus, geophysical and geogeochemical
investigation campaigns started in order to understand
the genesis and evolution of the phenomenon. Survey
results allowed a geological and structural characterization,
showing the presence of “travertino” at the depression margins
and its absence therein. It has been recognized, by the
geophysics, features with NW-SE and NNE-SSW direction
ascribable to a possible depression fracturing and consistent
with regional structural trends. Thus, it has been possible to
plan and perform geognostic investigation consisting in two
drillings aimed to define the stratigraphy of the marginal and
inner part of the depression.Published7 - 162TR. Ricostruzione e modellazione della struttura crostaleJCR Journa
Mediastinal lymphadenopathies and skin lesions in a 49-year-old Sinhalese man
Leprosy is a neglected disease sporadically reported in high-income countries. Skin lesion and peripheral nerve involvement represent most common manifestations. Mediastinal lymphadenopathy in the absence of superficial lymph nodes involvement is very rare. Atypical or rare clinical presentations of disease may delay diagnosis and therapy and cause potential life-threatening manifestations and disabilities. We describe the case of a 49-year-old Sinhalese man who was admitted to our hospital with a one-month history of peripheral neurological symptoms and skin lesions on lower limbs. CT scan showed the presence of mediastinal lymphadenopathies without lung parenchymal and superficial lymph nodes involvement. Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration showed the presence of granulomas while skin biopsy revealed dermo-hypodermic granulomas with perineural lymphohistiocytic inflammatory reaction. Fite-Faraco staining demonstrated the presence of acid-fast bacilli in both lymph nodal and skin biopsy and polymerase chain reaction was positive for Mycobacterium leprae. Multibacillary leprosy was then diagnosed
European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) recommendations for trauma and emergency surgery preparation during times of COVID-19 infection.
A series of recommendations regarding hospital perioperative preparation for the COVID-19 pandemic were compiled to inform surgeons worldwide on how to provide emergency surgery and trauma care during enduring times.The recommendations are divided into eight domains: (1) General recommendation for surgical services; (2) Emergency Surgery for critically ill COVID-19 positive or suspected patients -Preoperative planning and case selection; (3) Operating Room setup; (4) patient transport to the OR; (5) Surgical staff preparation; (6) Anesthesia considerations; (7) Surgical approach; and (8) Case Completion.The European Society of Emergency Surgery board endorsed these recommendations
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