2,230 research outputs found

    With Malice Towards None : The Springfield, Illinois Race Riot of 1908

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    On Saturday, March 4th, 1865, a tall man with dark, tussled hair and a beard, dressed in a large great coat with top hat removed, stood on the portico of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., addressing the large crowd that had gathered to hear him speak. These civilians crowded near to the balcony, not only to hear the speaker but also to fend off the cold, leftover from the rain of the preceding weeks. After briefly discussing the issues of civil war and slavery, he appealed to the Almighty for assistance and closed with these now familiar lines: With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation\u27s wounds... to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and all nations. In 1908, forty-three years later, Lincoln would have been pleased that North and South had reconciled one another, re-fused the weakened bonds of Union, and taken the meaning of his speech to heart. However, not all was well in the state of Illinois. In Springfield, the birthplace of emancipation, shouts of Lincoln freed you, now we\u27ll show you where you belong, rang throughout the streets in the summer air, clearly demonstrating that with malice toward none and charity for all, applied only to those who belonged to Lincoln\u27s race

    Stargazing: Observatories at Gettysburg College, 1874-Present

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    Astronomy has long been a subject which has attracted the interest of man. Examples of early astronomers can be found in many ancient civilizations, including but not limited to, the Egyptians, the Chinese and the Greeks. As time passed the methods for interpreting the stars and theories that surrounded them changed concordant with the technology available. One of the largest breakthroughs in the world of astronomy was the invention of the telescope in the early seventeenth century. Often mis-attributed to Galileo (who was responsible for building the first reflecting telescope in 1688), the telescope was actually first designed by a Dutch spectacle-maker by the name of Johann Lippershey. Improvements were eventually made upon these designs leading to the creation of government funded observatories, such as the Royal Greenwich Observatory in England, and later private and collegiate research observatories. By the early to mid-nineteenth century, the astronomical craze had begun to develop in America, resulting in the creation of many new observatories in the North and West (now the Mid-West). [excerpt] Course Information: Course Title: HIST 300: Historical Method Academic Term: Spring 2006 Course Instructor: Dr. Michael J. Birkner \u2772 Hidden in Plain Sight is a collection of student papers on objects that are hidden in plain sight around the Gettysburg College campus. Topics range from the Glatfelter Hall gargoyles to the statue of Eisenhower and from historical markers to athletic accomplishments. You can download the paper in pdf format and click View Photo to see the image in greater detail.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/hiddenpapers/1007/thumbnail.jp

    The Boy\u27s Heart Rose in a Long Pang for His Father: The Son\u27s Search for the Father in Homer\u27s Odyssey and James Joyce\u27s Ulysses

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    My thesis relies on the premise that sons gain something from their fathers that others cannot provide them. A son with an absent father, therefore, ends up with something missing in his life. This work is an evaluation of what the sons of the Odyssey and James Joyce\u27s Ulysses are missing, how that affects them, what they do about it, and what happens when they finally make a union with their father or father-figure, as the case may be. What I find is that the son of an absent father must make progress on his own before receiving help from his father or father-figure

    Handel\u27s Maser-Soliton Theory of Ball Lightning: The Creation of Stable Three-Dimensional Cavitons by an Atmospheric Maser within an Open Resonator

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    This dissertation develops details of Handel’s Maser-Soliton Theory of ball lightning. The atmosphere between a thundercloud and the Earth’s surface is modeled as an idealized stable open resonator with water vapor as the active medium and the thundercloud and Earth’s surface as reflecting surfaces. The stable resonator generates a maser beam that narrows to the beam waist at the Earth’s surface, which is assumed to be planar. Two candidate rotational transitions are identified within the v1v2v3 = 010 vibrational band of water having wavelengths of 13.9 cm and 1.12 cm, and relevant spectroscopic parameters are retrieved from the HITRAN 2008 molecular spectroscopic database. The maser is modeled as a continuously pumped four-level maser that includes the effects of nonradiative relaxation due to molecular collisions and of microwave absorption in atmospheric oxygen. Since maser spiking is highly unlikely to occur due to the high rate of collisional relaxation at normal atmospheric pressure, the electrical breakdown of air must be achieved by the steady state output of the atmospheric maser. A parametric analysis is performed to relate the size of the atmospheric maser to the pumping rate needed to create a steady state population inversion sufficient to generate maser radiation intense enough at the beam waist to result in the electrical breakdown of air. The analysis suggests that electric field intensities at the beam waist sufficient to cause electrical breakdown of air could only be created through huge pumping rates (~105 to 107 times the critical pumping rate) and only for the most highly curved clouds (g ≈ 0) that give the narrowest beam waists

    Tracking Pose Using Common Mobile Phone Sensors

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    The original goal of this project was to develop an accurate ”tape measure” application for Android based mobile phones. The main challenge for such applications is to construct one method that ensures a given Android device can, with accuracy and precision, estimate its own position and movement. The author developed an application in the Unity 3D game environment in order to understand the challenges of such estimation. This required translation of accelerometer and gyroscope data to the Unity platform. Efficient computation required easy translation from right-handed coordinates to left-handed coordinates. Moreover, it is necessary to design and implement calibration procedures in order to lessen the impact of variation in Android hardware between devices. Once the device has been calibrated, the accelerometer and gyroscope data is synthesized to create an accurate model of the device’s position in space