29 research outputs found

    Small scale, big deal: Sampling catches from European small-scale fisheries.

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    Small-scale fleets (SSF) are important components of many ICES fisheries and are receiving growing attention within the CFP-reform and Marine Spatial Planning initiatives. In order to assess the importance of SSF within Europe, 2015 ICES WGCATCH compiled descriptions and data (effort, catch and value) of SSF fishing in EU waters, using 2012 as reference year and categorizing fleets by vessel length. The compiled information covered 17 countries describing a range of scenarios, spanning from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean. The <10m and 10–12m vessels were ranked highest in importance in nearly all countries in terms of number of vessels and employment. They were generally involved in multi-gear and multi-species fisheries developing seasonal or part-time activities into coastal areas with generally more sensitive habitats as nursery grounds or spawning aggregations. SSF were also found to be important for several fisheries in terms of effort, value and landings, and to represent a significant share of some TAC-quota or catches of regulated species, even though their landings may be under-reported. Group members also described the way SSF are sampled and estimated in their countries. The wide diversity in methodologies used to sample and estimate the impacts of SSF creates challenges to harmonize and standardize data quality indicators across European countries. We put forward some best practice guidelines for sampling SSF and show that these will have to be adapted at regional level in order to encompass existing variability at fleet and fisheries level

    A Case Study Evaluation of the Guideline-Supported QUPER Model for Elicitation of Quality Requirements

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    [Context & motivation] For market-driven software product developing organizations operating on a competitive open market, it is important to plan the product’s releases so that they can reach the market as early as possible with a competitive level of quality compared to its competitors' products. Hence, quality requirements can be seen as a key competitive advantage. The QUPER model was developed with the aim to support high-level decision-making in release planning of quality requirements. [Question/problem] As a follow up on previous studies on QUPER, this study investigates: What are practitioner's views on the utilities of QUPER extended with guidelines including domain-specific examples? [Principal ideas/results] In the presented case study, a set of detailed guidelines of how to apply QUPER in practice, including how to handle cost dependencies between quality requirements, was evaluated at a case company in the mobile handset domain with 24 professionals using real quality requirements. [Contribution] The results point to the importance of having concrete guidelines combined with instructive examples from real practice, while it is not always obvious for a practitioner to transfer cost-dependency examples into the domains that are different from the example domain. The transferability of guidelines and examples to support methodology adoption is an interesting issue for further research

    Report of the Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH)

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    The Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH), chaired by Hans Gerritsen (Ireland) and Nuno Prista (Sweden), met in Lisbon, Portugal, 9–13 November 2015. WGCATCH is responsible for documenting national fishery sampling schemes, establishing best practice and guidelines on sampling and estimation procedures, and providing advice on other uses of fishery data. The meeting was attended by 30 participants from 15 countries. The group addressed a large number of terms of reference and the meeting was con-ducted through presentations, discussions and analysis of questionnaires. The main terms of reference were addressed in subgroups. The report is structured directly along the terms of reference and the main outcomes are listed below. Data collection schemes for small-scale fisheries WGCATCH provided descriptions of national small-scale fisheries through question-naires. An overview was obtained on the current data collection methods. Two major approaches were identified - census (e.g., sales, logbooks) and sampling methods (e.g., catch surveys) - and their main pros and cons were discussed. In most cases, specific sampling approaches are needed for these fisheries. The group developed a work plan to establish good-practice guidelines. Analysis of case studies of commercial fishery sampling designs and estimation Case studies of sampling designs and estimation involving megrim in divisions 7-8 were presented. A common theme is that issues with practical implementation of prob-ability-based sampling remain. WGCATCH summarized the main issues and provided a set of possible solutions. The group also provided guidance on dealing with previous data collected under métier-based sampling designs. Simulation models to investigate survey designs Several simulation studies were presented, most of them outlining the work of fishPi project (funded under MARE/2014/19) in evaluating regional sampling designs. A crit-ical review was carried out and WGCATCH produced general considerations and guidelines. WGCATCH recommends that these are taken into account when analysing the results of simulations of regional sampling design at RCM level. The affect of the landing obligation on catch sampling opportunities The affects on sampling and data quality of the current implementation of the landing obligation in the Baltic were reviewed. The group found that refusal rates for observer trips have increased to nearly 100% in at least one country, while in many other coun-tries on-board observer programmes did not suffer noticeable changes. WGCATCH established that the catches below the minimum size cannot be accurately estimated by sampling the landings below the minimum size because an unknown proportion of the catches may be discarded. The group also reiterated that it is important that the logbooks distinguish landings below and above the minimum size. Publication on statistically sound sampling schemes WGCATCH drafted detailed plans to produce a peer-reviewed paper in 2016. The pa-per will provide a synthesis of the evolution of sampling design towards best practice, illustrated with a number of concise case studies. Estimation procedures in the Regional Database (RDB) The work of WKRDB 2015 presented alongside existing and planned estimation pro-cedures in the RDB. Current work by Norway on a software package that will allow design-based estimation and optimization for stock assessment purposes was also pre-sented. The advantages of ensuring compatibility of this new software with the devel-opments currently planned for RDB-FishFrame are underscored. Repository of resources relevant to catch sampling WGCATCH initiated a repository with key resources; putting them into context with brief descriptions or review of each report, paper, book, website, software package etc. The intention is for this repository to be made available online by ICES. Sampling of incidental bycatches WGCATCH agreed to start routine documentation of sampling practices for bycatches of protected, endangered and threatened species (PETS) and rare fish species as well as routine evaluation of the limitations of current methods for collection and analysis. Training course on Design and Analysis of Statistical Sound catch sampling pro-grammes WGCATCH considered continuous training and expertise on sampling design, estima-tion and simulation to be the basis for successful implementation of statistical sound catch sampling programs. A new ICES Training Course in Design and Analysis of Sta-tistical Sound will take place at ICES HQ in Copenhagen, 12–16 September 2016. WGCATCH recommends that RCMs promote the attendance of these meetings among all MS involved

    STECF Fisheries Dependent Information – FDI (STECF-19-11)

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    Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, C(2016) 1084, OJ C 74, 26.2.2016, p. 4–10. The Commission may consult the group on any matter relating to marine and fisheries biology, fishing gear technology, fisheries economics, fisheries governance, ecosystem effects of fisheries, aquaculture or similar disciplines. The STECF reviewed the report of the EWG on Fisheries-dependent Information during its winter 2019 plenary meeting

    Report of the Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH)

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    The Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH), chaired by Mike Arm- strong (UK) and Hans Gerritsen (Ireland), met in ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10–14 November 2014. The meeting was attended by 34 experts from 21 laboratories or organizations, covering 16 countries. Currently, an important task for WGCATCH is to improve and review sampling sur- vey designs for commercial fisheries, particularly those for estimating quantities and size or age compositions of landings and discards and providing data quality indica- tors. However, the scope of WGCATCH is broader than this, covering many other aspects of collection and analysis of data on fishing activities and catches. This will be end-user driven, and coordinated with the work of other ICES data EGs such as the Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP), the Planning Group on Data Needs for Assessments and Advice (PGDATA) and the Working Group on Recrea- tional Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS) to ensure synergy and efficiency. The report of the meeting commences with background information on the formation of WGCATCH and its overall role. The remainder of the report provides the out- comes for each of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) and responses to external requests, the proposed future work plan and the ToRs for the 2015 meeting. The group formed two large subgroups to deal with the two major terms of reference which are the development of guidelines for carrying out sampling of catches on shore and the provision of advice on adapting sampling programmes to deal with the landing obligation. In order to evaluate methods and develop guidelines for best practice in carrying out sampling of commercial sampling of commercial fish catches onshore, a question- naire was circulated before the meeting. This questionnaire was structured around guidelines developed by the ICES Workshop on Practical Implementation of Statisti- cally Sound Catch Sampling Programmes (WKPICS) for best practice at each stage of the sampling process, and asked for a description of current practices at each of these stages. Based on these questionnaires, common and specific problems were cata- logued and potential solutions were identified. At the same time, the discussion of the questionnaires provided a form of peer-review of the sampling designs and iden- tified where improvements could be made. WGCATCH provided guidelines for de- signing a sampling survey and summarized earlier guidelines provided by the 2010 Workshop on methods for merging métiers for fishery based sampling (WKMERGE) The other main subject addressed by WGCATCH concerns the provision of advice on adapting sampling protocols to deal with the impact of the introduction of the land- ing obligation, which will alter discarding practices and result in additional catego- ries of catch being landed. A second questionnaire was circulated before the meeting to allow the group to identify the fleets that will be affected and possible issues that are anticipated, as well as to propose solutions to adapt existing monitoring and sampling schemes and to quantify bias resulting from the introduction of this regula- tion. WGCATCH outlined a range of likely scenarios and the expected effects of these on fishery sampling programmes, and developed guidelines for adapting sam- pling schemes. The group also explored a range of analyses that could be conducted in order to quantify bias resulting from the introduction of the landing obligation. Finally a number of pilot studies/case studies were summarized, highlighting the practical issues involve

    Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. Evaluation of fishing effort regimes - Deep sea and Western waters (STECF-11-12)

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    EWG-11-11 meeting was held on 26 – 30 September 2011 in Cadiz (Spain). This Section of the report covers the Deep Sea and Western Waters and provides fleet specific trends in catch (including discards), nominal effort and catch (landings) per unit of effort in order to advise on fleet specific impacts on stocks under multiannual management plans. STECF reviewed the report during its November 2011 plenary meeting