13,071 research outputs found

    Cancro oral: influĂȘncia do HPV no desenvolvimento do carcinoma oral das cĂ©lulas escamosas

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    Projeto de PĂłs-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado Ă  Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentĂĄriaOs tumores malignos da cabeça e pescoço representam o sexto tipo mais prevalente no mundo, sendo o cancro oral o que surge com maior frequĂȘncia e que ocorre, em 90% dos casos, sob a forma histolĂłgica de carcinoma das cĂ©lulas escamosas. As elevadas taxas de mortalidade e morbilidade que sĂŁo atribuĂ­das ao cancro oral prendem-se pela detecção tardia da patologia e pelas recorrĂȘncias que surgem mesmo apĂłs excisĂŁo total que, por sua vez, sĂŁo explicadas pela “cancerização em campo”, extensĂŁo esta onde se encontram cĂ©lulas com alteraçÔes genĂ©ticas sugestivas e que justificam uma origem multifocal. Apesar de ĂĄlcool e tabaco serem factores de risco dominantes comprovados, aproximadamente 10-20% de indivĂ­duos acometidos nĂŁo possuem este historial tĂłxico e representam uma faixa etĂĄria mais jovem; as evidĂȘncias epidemiolĂłgicas, similaridade com as lesĂ”es do cancro ano-genital e o potencial oncogĂ©nico, nomeadamente dos subtipos 16 e 18, suscitaram o interesse em investigar o VĂ­rus do Papiloma Humano – viabilizado atravĂ©s de conduta sexual – como factor de risco independente ou modulador do processo de carcinogĂ©nese. As pesquisas tĂȘm gerado controvĂ©rsia sobre a importĂąncia da detecção e papel efectivo deste agente no desenvolvimento do carcinoma das cĂ©lulas escamosas, apontando como argumentos as grandes variaçÔes de ADN viral detectado nas lesĂ”es (1-100%) e a dificuldade em especificar se os locais anatĂłmicos afectados eram apenas orais, da orofaringe ou outros. Os dentistas tĂȘm um papel preponderante na detecção das lesĂ”es orais e, como tal, Ă© importante aprofundar as investigaçÔes no Ăąmbito desta temĂĄtica. Head and neck malignant tumors represent the 6th most prevalent type worldwide, being oral cancer the most frequent one, appearing, in 90% of cases, under the histological form of squamous cell carcinoma. The high mortality and morbility rates due to oral cancer are explained by the late detection of the pathology and recurrences that rise even after total excision, which in turn is explained by the “cancerization field”, an extension where is possible to find cells with suggestive genetic alterations and that justifies a multifocal origin. Despite alcohol and tobacco arise as dominant and proven risk factors, approximately 10-20% of the affected individuals not only don’t present this toxic history but also fit in a younger age group; the epidemiological evidence, the similarity with anogenital cancer lesions and the oncogenic capability, namely 16 and 18 subtypes, brought up the concern on investigating the Human Papillomavirus – transmitted by sexual conduct – as an independent risk factor or a modulator of the carcinogenesis process, notedly in oropharynx cancer. Researches have been creating dissonant opinions about the significance of detection and effective role of this virus on the development of squamous cell carcinoma, presenting as arguments the wide range of viral DNA detected in lesions (1-100%) and the lack of specification shown by studies whether the affected locations were solely oral, oropharingeal or others. Dentists have a leading role on the screening of oral lesions and, therefore, it becomes clear the importance of deepening the investigations on this field suppressing possible confounding factors

    A note on measuring the importance of the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis

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    In this note we reappraise the measure of the importance of time-dependent price setting rules suggested by Klenow and Kryvtsov (2005, "State-Dependent or Time-Dependent Pricing: Does It Matter for Recent U.S. Inflation?," Bank of Canada Working Paper 05-4). Furthermore, we propose an alternative way to gauge the significance of this type of price setting behavior, which can be interpreted as an upper bound for the proportion of price trajectories which are compatible with the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis. The merits of the proposed measure are highlighted in an application using micro-data. Our results suggest that a large proportion of price trajectories may be compatible with simple time-dependent price setting mechanisms, but the strength of this evidence very much depends on the way that is used to evaluate the importance of this type of behavior.perfect synchronization.

    "The Keynesian Roots of Stock-flow Consistent Macroeconomic Models: Peering Over the Edge of the Short Period"

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    This paper argues that institutionally rich stock-flow consistent models—that is, models in which economic agents are identified with the main social categories/institutional sectors of actual capitalist economies, the short period behavior of these agents is thoroughly described, and the "period by period" balance sheet dynamics implied by the latter is consistently modeled—are (1) perfectly compatible with John Maynard Keynes's theoretical views, (2) the ideal tool for rigorous post-Keynesian analyses of the medium run, and (3) therefore crucial to the consolidation of the broad post-Keynesian research program.

    "Revisiting (and Connecting) Marglin-Bhaduri and Minsky--An SFC Look at Financialization and Profit-led Growth"

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    Many heterodox strands of thought share both a concern with the study of different phases or growth regimes in the history of capitalism and the use of formal short-run models as an analytical tool. This text suggests that (1) this strategy is potentially misleading; (2) that the stock-flow consistent (SFC) approach, while providing a general framework that may facilitate the dialogue among those currents, is particularly well suited to all those who think that macroeconomic models may illuminate historical quests; and (3) that the main intuitions may be conveyed through the "benchmark" Post Keynesian SFC model presented by Dos Santos and Zezza (2008), dispensing with the complex computer simulations that are normally employed by SFC authors.

    Um canto dissonante do pĂłsguerra civil espanhola

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016El canto de la juventud Ă© o conto de abertura da obra homĂŽnima de Montserrat Roig, publicada em 1990. Nele, a partir do posicionamento da protagonista em um leito de hospital, desenvolvemse imagens sobre o presente relativo em que ela se encontra, que mediante enfrentamentos sinestĂ©sicos, veiculados por sua audição, visĂŁo e tato, desencadeiam a rememoração de um relacionamento Ă­ntimo ocorrido no tempo da Guerra Civil. Buscamos analisar a maneira como os elementos sensitivos da personagem principal se configuram como eixo de articulação entre presente e passado, considerando que a escuta alcança um posicionamento central no delineamento do texto por meio do canto de uma juventude situada em uma conjuntura coerciva. Nesse sentido, iremos nos ater Ă  multivocidade que constitui a narrativa, buscando averiguar o modo como a pluralidade de vozes – que conforma o estilo fragmentĂĄrio da obra – aponta para a composição de um canto dissonante, construĂ­do pela “transmissĂŁo do inenarrĂĄvel” (GAGNEBIN: 2006) e consolidado no perĂ­odo do pĂłsGuerra Civil EspanholaUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Measuring the importance of the uniform nonsynchronization hypothesis

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    In this paper we critically reappraise some measures of the importance of time-dependent price setting rules and propose an alternative way to gauge the significance of this type of price setting behaviour. The merits of the proposed measure are highlighted in an application using micro-data. Our results suggest that a large proportion of price trajectories may be compatible with simple time-dependent price setting mechanisms but the strength of this evidence very much depends on the way that is used to evaluate the importance of this type of behaviour. JEL Classification: D40, E31, L11perfect synchronization, Time-dependent price setting models, uniform staggering

    Time or state dependent price setting rules? Evidence from Portuguese micro data

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    In this paper we analyse the ability of time and state dependent price setting rules to explain durations of price spells or the probability of changing prices. Our results suggest that simple time dependent models cannot be seen as providing a reasonable approximation to the data and that state dependent models are required to fully characterise the price setting behaviour of Portuguese firms. Inflation, the level of economic activity and the magnitude of the last price change emerge as relevant variables affecting the probability of changing prices. Moreover, it is seen that the impact differs for negative and positive values of these covariates. JEL Classification: C41, D40, E31CPI data, Hazard functions, inflation
