126 research outputs found

    Emotional education as coping strategy for exhaustion and dysfunctional eating habits

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    Work shifts affect eating habits, social relationships in the workplace, and, more broadly, the physical and mental health of health professionals. The aim of this research was to differentiate BMI, eating behavior, and burnout between shift and non-shift nurses. The study involved 194 nurses (63% of whom work shifts and 37% of whom do not) who completed sociodemographic questionnaires, eating behavior questionnaires, and an exhaustion inventory (Maslach Burnout Inventory). The results showed that shift nurses were twice as likely to skip meals and obtained higher exhaustion scores. In conclusion, the need to establish prevention plans to promote adequate food intake and healthier eating behaviors among health professionals, while promoting specialized training in emotional education in order to prevent mental health problems, is emphasized

    The mediating role of affects between mind-wandering and happiness

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    The aim of this study was to assess the mediating role of affects between mind-wandering and happiness. The study was conducted with a sample comprising 270 university students-133 men (49.26%) and 137 women (50.74%)-who filled out the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ), the Positive and Negative Affect Questionnaire (PANAS), and the SHS subjective happiness scale. Mind-wandering was found to be negatively correlated with happiness and positive effects. Higher mind-wandering-related scores went hand in hand with scores related to both lower happiness and positive affects. Approximately half the participants yielded low mind-wandering and negative affect scores and above-average happiness and positive affects scores. In addition, one in four scored above average in terms of mind-wandering and low in terms of happiness and positive effects. Finally, the mediating role played by affects was examined. It can be concluded that although in principle mind-wandering has no direct effect on happiness, some influence can be attested when affects, both positive and negative, are taken into consideration

    Validation of the metacognitive skills questionnaire for drivers of vehicles (CHMC)

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    Knowing what strategies users use in the difficult task of driving has always been a priority objective in road safety, given that road accidents are one of the main causes of death in the world, as confirmed by the WHO. In this sense, the metacognitive skills questionnaire for drivers was validated.MethodsThe questionnaire measures the metacongitive skills used by vehicle drivers at three times before, during and after driving. ResultsThe results of both the exploratory factor analysis (0.92 alpha by Cronbach) and the confirmatory factor analysis show the existence of three factors, a planning factor, a self-realization factor, and a third evaluation factor. DiscussionFinding these results together with a psychoeducational intervention design, will improve the behavior of drivers and in turn will serve to improve the training programs of the same to the different institutions and centers responsible for such training

    Psychometric properties of empathy questionnaire for Spanish adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to adapt and test the empathy questionnaire in Spanish adolescents (N = 701, age = 13.47 years). The study involved two different strands: (1) the questionnaire was translated into Spanish, and its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were assessed; (2) the questionnaire was subject to confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis show that the questionnaire’s factors present an aggregate variance of 58.588%, which suggests that the questionnaire is a valid tool to represent affective empathy, cognitive empathy and empathic concern. On the other hand, the confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the sustainability of the model, which comprises three identified factors and twelve items. The empathy questionnaire is easy to understand and can be completed in a short time, so it is considered a useful tool to assess empathy in Spanish adolescents. The results are discussed in the context of theoretical accounts of empathy

    Burnout Syndrome, Engagement and Goal Orientation in Teachers from Different Educational Stages

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    Teaching is a demanding occupation, physically, mentally, and emotionally, that, depending on personal characteristics, can have a negative impact on health and personal wellbeing, which can affect the way professors work and teach in schools. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between burnout, engagement, and goal orientation in a sample of teachers from different educational stages. The sample comprised 576 teachers from different schools, both male (N = 244; 42.36%) and female (N = 332; 57.63%) aged between 21 and 65 years (M = 38.55; DT = 12.15). The instruments used were the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), the Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ). The results revealed that task orientation presents a significant correlation with engagement and self-efficacy, and negative correlation with burnout, in line with adaptive behaviors, and that ego orientation is correlated with engagement and commitment. It is concluded that both forms of goal orientation have a positive effect on teacher commitment and that they help to prevent burnout syndrome and also that self-efficacy plays a role in determining goal orientation in teachers in their work assignments

    Self-efficacy, optimism, and academic performance as psychoeducational variables: mediation approach in students

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    Background: During the various stages of education, adolescents undergo emotional and motivational experiences that can play key roles in their development. This study aims to analyse the relationship among academic self-efficacy, optimism, and academic performance. Methods: This study comprised 1852 adolescent (male, N = 956, 51.61% and female, N = 896, 48.38%) aged 12–19 years (M = 14.77; SD = 1.80) from twelve secondary schools in Spain. The instruments used for the evaluation were the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES) and the Life Orientation Test—Revised (LOT-R); the students’ average marks were used to measure their academic performance. Results: The results of the study revealed significant correlations among self-efficacy, optimism and academic performance. Conclusions: These results emphasise the importance of academic self-efficacy as a mediating variable between the other two variables as well as its central role in the promotion of adaptive behaviours in the classroom, leading to adequate personal development, helping to prevent early school dropout and contributing to a more satisfactory academic experience


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    En este estudio se Lleva a cabo una investigación sobre co morbilidad en los trastornos de personalidad en personas sin hogar. El objetivo del estudio era analizar si existe co morbilidad entre trastornos. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un estudio ex post facto, de carácter transversal, con una muestra de 91 pacientes, que cumplimentaron una entrevista semiestructurada y el MCMI II, en el transcurso de su tratamiento. Los resultados muestran como en un 40,66% de la muestra, coexisten 2 o más trastornos de personalidad a un tiempo, con una media de 2,06 TP por persona. Además, los trastornos de personalidad del grupo B: antisocial, límite, histriónico y narcisista, son los que un mayor Índice de co morbilidad presentan. Por el contrario, trastornos de personalidad del grupo C: obsesivo-compulsivo, por evitación o por dependencia, a pesar de tener mayor presencia, apenas presentan co morbilidad con otros. Por último, se comentan la implicación que tiene este estudio en la practica clínica y líneas futuras de investigación

    Adaptation of Questionnaire about Aggressive Beliefs and Attitudes in Spanish Adolescents

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    Aggressive beliefs and attitudes are increasingly present in adolescents, and it can be argued that they are a prevalent feature of adolescence. Michel, Pace, Edun, Sawhney, and Thomas’s (2014) original thirty-item scale was later shortened to a more parsimonious eight-item scale (ABA-SF). This study addresses the adaptation and validation of the brief Aggressive Beliefs and Attitudes Scale to Spanish adolescents. The sample comprised a group of Spanish adolescents (N = 771, M age = 14.01 years). A total of two studies were undertaken: (1) the scale was translated into Spanish and its internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity were established; and (2) factorial analysis was undertaken to confirm the questionnaire. The results yielded high scores for internal consistency, reliability (α = 0.82; Ω = 0.83) and convergent validity. The examination of the underlying nomological network revealed links with positive and negative feelings, anxiety and aggression. According to the Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA), the aggregate variance of the factors in the scale was 65.814%, indicating that they can explain variations in aggression levels in adolescents. For its part, the Factorial Confirmatory Analysis (FCA) confirmed the match between the translation and the model, leading to a sustainable model composed by the three factors identified and eight items: χ2 (17) = 30.693; p < 0.001; χ2/gL = 1.805; CFI = 0.968; NFI = 0.837; TLI = 0.944; RMSEA = 0.060, IC del 95% (0.048–0.072). The short scale is easy to understand and quick to complete and is thus considered a useful instrument to assess aggression levels in adolescents
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