3,805 research outputs found

    Four keys to Chilean culture : authoritarianism, legalism, fatalism and compadrazgo

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    Chilean culture is said to be part of a wider Hispanic American culture that shares many traits (see Godoy et al. 1986; Subercaseaux 1999; Valdivieso and which could be identified as an identity with a Latin American sense (see Rodríguez et al. 2001). In this sense, though it may seem as if any attempt to describe or analyse particular operating elements, processes, systems and structures were a useless task, the nature of identity makes it a multiple and symbolically contradictory phenomenon, with relevant contextual 'consequences' and particularities that help identify a collective imaginary that can be associated with what means to be Chilean. As such, the importance of meaning lies not on its production but rather on its reception; therefore, we aim to address some elements of the reception that we have identified as 'critical' or 'diagnostic'. By 'critical', we mean those elements, which absence would substantively modify what is collectively associated with Chilean culture and by 'diagnostic', we suggest the possibility they offer of exploring meaningful contextual traits. In order to contextualise our analysis, we will focus on three discursive levels, namely organisational/structural, cultural/ideological and identity. At the organisational/structural level, we will make reference to structure and aesthetics in the broader sense of social context as well as in public and private organisations; at cultural/ideological level, we will make reference to practices, rituals, values and behaviours; and at the identity level we will make reference to strategies individuals use to manage their social identities

    Towards Sustainability: Photochemical and electrochemical processes applied for environmental protection

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    In the last century, public policy around the globe was mainly focused on economic growth leaving out of this perspective, social concerns and the environment detriment that this merely economic approach was causing. It was until the last quarter of the 20th century that people started to be aware of the growing poverty and of the jeopardy of the planet as a result of human being activities. In consequence, the concept of sustainable development emerged in the United Nations as a call to all countries to integrate economic growth with social needs and environmental protection, in such a way that our activities as earth inhabitants stopped compromising the quality of life and needs satisfaction of future generations

    Estructura Agropecuaria y Desarrollo Económico: la trayectoria de Argentina y Australia en perspectiva comparada

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    Este trabajo se propone retomar la discusión sobre el papel de la agropecuaria frente al desarrollo económico. La elección de Argentina y Australia está en el hecho de que hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XX, estos países presentaron indicadores de desarrollo relativamente parecidos. Además, se trata de una controversia clásica en los estudio de desarrollo. En la primera parte, se recopilan algunas de las principales contribuciones teóricas sobre la agropecuaria y su papel en el desarrollo económico. Luego, se presenta una revisión histórica del desarrollo del sector agropecuario en los países estudiados, sus causas y el comportamiento de sus productores. Por fin, en la última sección, analizaremos brevemente el papel de algunos de los mecanismos de transmisión de desarrollo del sector agropecuario al resto de la economía en los países analizados

    Caracterización de los eventos adversos reportados por enfermería en unidades de cuidado intensivo en Bogotá

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    Objetivo: identificar los eventos adversos (EA) reportados por enfermería en algunas unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) en Bogotá. Método: Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo. El tamaño de la muestra correspondió a 525 pacientes durante un periodo de tiempo de 6 meses. El tipo de muestreo fue por criterio, participaron de forma voluntaria 3 instituciones de salud en la ciudad de Bogotá. Para recolectar información, se utilizó un formulario digital on-line. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo con distribución de frecuencias absolutas y relativas utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS Statistics 23.0, versión 2014. Resultados: Se reportaron 594 eventos adversos presentados en los 525 pacientes. Los relacionados con el cuidado enfermero ocuparon el primer lugar (38,7%), seguido del manejo de la vía aérea y la ventilación mecánica (16,1%) y el manejo de accesos vasculares, sondas y drenajes (14,8) y la infección asociado al cuidado (12,6%). La ocurrencia de estos eventos adversos predomino en hombres con edad promedio de 64,5 años, en unidades de cuidado intensivo médicas, en el turno de la noche y con un TISS 28 de 20-39 puntos. Conclusiones: Los Eventos Adversos reportados en el estudio que presentan mayor prevalencia están relacionados en su mayoría con el cuidado directo al paciente y el de vía aérea, al ser prevenibles, indican que se presentaron por alteración en el cumplimiento de los estándares del cuidado

    Chronological link between deep-seated processes in magma chambers and eruptions: Pemo-Carboniferous magmatism in the core of Pangaea (southern Pyrenees)

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    In the Southern Pyrenees there are Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary basins with a significant volume of volcanic material derived from explosive eruptions (rhyolitic ignimbrites and andesitic flows). These basins are spatially associated with granodiorites and dacitic dykes emplaced in Variscan basement rocks. U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons extracted from three granodiorites, an andesitic flow, a dacitic dyke and six ignimbrites, revealed that magmatism occurred over an extended period of thirty eight million years, from ca. 304 Ma to ca. 266 Ma (Upper Carboniferous–Middle Permian). A scattering of zircon ages in each sample shows that the history of melt crystallization was complex, with more than one zircon-forming event in each magma chamber. The prolonged crystallization history was transferred to the product of the eruptions. A chronological link between the deep-seated magma chambers and processes in eruptions was identified on the basis of four overlapping intervals at: ca. 309–307 Ma (Upper Carboniferous), ca. 304– 296 Ma (Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian), ca. 294–282 Ma (Lower Permian), and ca. 276 Ma (Lower Permian). The variation of zircon U/Th ratios exposes a tendency for an increase in mafic sources as crystallization advances in the Permian. Zircons probably crystallized from melt phases related to both a felsicintermediate metaluminous source from ca. 310–293 Ma (mostly 0.1 b Th/U b 0.6) to ca. 289–273 Ma (especially in the range 0.6 b Th/U b 1) and a mafic source (mostly 1.2 b Th/U b 1) at ca. 266–265 Ma. U–Pb zircon ages from volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Southern Pyrenees are consistent with the ages of the post-Variscan magmatism of Iberia associated with orocline generation and subduction of the Paleotethys Ocean (ca. 304–283 Ma), and in addition reveal a later magmatic event at ca. 276–266 Ma (Lower–Middle Permian). The location of the Iberian orocline in the core of Pangaea and near the western end of the subduction zone of the Paleotethys Ocean leads to the hypothesis that this later magmatic activity of the Southern Pyrenees could provide the missing link between the Variscan and Cimmerian cycles that acted sequentially in Permo- Carboniferous times