154 research outputs found

    Money and Real Fluctuations: Calibrating a Cash in Advance Model for the Chilean Economy

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    In this paper we assess the ability of a cash-in-advance model to replicate the behavior of the macroeconomic variables of the Chilean economy for quarterly data spanning between Q1:1986 and Q1:2000. The monetary models that we studied are able to replicate the phase shift and correlation with GDP of many macroeconomics variables such as consumption, price level and productivity. However, there are some other variables in which the model fails; namely money and capital stock. Introducing an "erratic" monetary growth rate improves the ability of the model to replicate the behavior of consumption. A sensitivity analysis shows that the main determinant of output volatility is the standard deviation of technology shock. Other deep parameters do not have an important quantitative effect on the cyclical behaviour of the macroeconomic variables.monetary fluctuations; real business cycles; general equilibrium

    Effects of management practices on water yield in small headwater catchments at Cordillera de los Andes in southern Chile

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    In several parts of the world, drinking water is obtained from springs in natural and managed mountainous forests. Since forests regulate quality as well as quantity of water, the effects of forest-management activities on water yield are an important subject of study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of forest management on water yield in managed and unmanaged temperate native rainforests in the Andean range of southern Chile. The study area is located in San Pablo, a forest reserve of 2,184 ha located at the Andean range of southern Chile (39Âș 35’ S, 72Âș 07’ W, 600-925 m a.s.l.). From April 2003 to October 2008, seven experimental small catchments were monitored for rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, soil water infiltration, soil water percolation and runoff. In 2002, one catchment with a secondary deciduous forest was managed, through thinning, causing a reduction in basal area by 35% whereas the other one remained unthinned as control. Both watersheds are adjacent and are located at 600 – 720 m of elevation on deep loam textured volcanic soils (100 - 120 cm). In November 2006, a watershed covered with evergreen old-growth forests was thinned extracting 40% of the total basal area whereas another adjacent catchment remained unthinned as control. Both watersheds are located at 725 – 910 m a.s.l. and have the same aspects. The effects of management of deciduous secondary forests showed that for the period April 2003-March 2007, the mean value of the increase in total annual streamflow was 12.7%, ranging from 10.9% to 14.6%. Thinning of the evergreen old-growth forest increased the streamflow for the period November 2006-October 2008 with 6.1%, ranging from 4.4% to 7.8%, with greater differences during summertime (15.7 to 206%)

    DeterminaciĂłn de la sanciĂłn administrativa en materia de educaciĂłn

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    This investigation analyzes how the criteria for administrative sanction in education matters must be applied. The educational regulation when referring to the economic benefit, nature and gravity of the infringement makes a clear reference of the principals or proportionality, reasonableness, and measurability. Despite this, jurisprudence still does not consolidate the idea that the courts can control and review the sanction imposed by the Administration.Esta investigaciĂłn analiza cĂłmo se deben aplicar los criterios de determinaciĂłn de la sanciĂłn administrativa en materia de educaciĂłn. La normativa educacional al referirse al beneficio econĂłmico y la naturaleza y gravedad de la infracciĂłn como criterios de determinaciĂłn de la sanciĂłn, hace una remisiĂłn clara a los principios de proporcionalidad, razonabilidad y mensurabilidad. A pesar de eso, aĂșn la jurisprudencia no consolida la idea de que los tribunales pueden controlar y revisar la sanciĂłn que impone la AdministraciĂłn

    Money and Real Fluctuations: Calibrating a Cash in Advance Model for the Chilean Economy

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    In this paper we assess the ability of a cash-in-advance model to replicate the behavior of the macroeconomic variables of the Chilean economy for quarterly data spanning between Q1:1986 and Q1:2000. The monetary models that we studied are able to replicate the phase shift and correlation with GDP of many macroeconomics variables such as consumption, price level and productivity. However, there are some other variables in which the model fails; namely money and capital stock. Introducing an "erratic" monetary growth rate improves the ability of the model to replicate the behavior of consumption. A sensitivity analysis shows that the main determinant of output volatility is the standard deviation of technology shock. Other deep parameters do not have an important quantitative effect on the cyclical behaviour of the macroeconomic variables

    Money and real fluctuations in the Chilean economy

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    In this paper, we assess the ability of a cash-in-advance model to replicate the behavior of the macroeconomic variables of the Chilean economy for quarterly data spanning between Q1:1986 and Q3:2005. The monetary models that we study are able to replicate the phase shift and correlation with GDP of many macroeconomic variables such as consumption, price level, and productivity. However, there are some other variables in which the model fails; namely, money and work hours. Introducing "erratic" monetary growth rates improves the ability of the model to replicate the behaviour of consumption. A sensitivity analysis shows that the main determinant of output volatility is the standard deviation of technology shock. Other deep parameters do not have an important quantitative effect on the cyclical behaviour of the macroeconomic variables

    Aboveground nutrient cycling in temperate forest ecosystems of southern Chile

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    Forest ecosystems have important ecological, economic, and social values, but are subject to varying ecosystem pressures, including enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition. This paper quantifies nutrient fluxes in varying forest types in southern Chile in order to evaluate external and internal nutrient cycling within ecosystems, with a focus on the aboveground compartment. The objectives were to establish baseline data for pristine forest ecosystems and to study differences between forest types. Measurements were performed in four stands in the lower Andean mountain range (San Pablo de Tregua), two stands in the Central Depression (Paillaco) and six catchments in the Coastal mountain range (40°S). External nutrient inputs and losses were assessed by analyzing precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, soil percolation, and streamflow. Internal aboveground nutrient cycling was quantified by means of a canopy budget model, litterfall collection, and a litterbag decomposition experiment. Although temperate forests in southern Chile still represent a unique opportunity to study pristine ecosystems, measurements of water and ion fluxes indicate that forests in the central depression are exposed to enhanced external nitrogen inputs

    Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM): una evaluaciĂłn cuantitativa de la provincia de San Juan

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    Incluye BibliografĂ­aEn septiembre de 2000, los jefes de estado y de Gobierno de 147 paĂ­ses y 42 ministros y jefes de delegaciĂłn se reunieron en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas para emprender la tarea de determinar como mancomunar sus voluntades y su compromiso de realizar un esfuerzo comĂșn para revitalizar la cooperaciĂłn internacional destinada a los paĂ­ses menos desarrollados. En esa oportunidad, se identificaron objetivos que apuntan a la lucha contra la pobreza y el hambre, la revisiĂłn del deterioro ambiental, el mejoramiento de la educaciĂłn y la salud, y la promociĂłn de la igualdad entre los sexos, entre otros. Los objetivos fueron establecidos con la mayor claridad posible y se acordaron, asimismo, metas cuantificadas, en el que se indican el nivel que debĂ­an alcanzar en el 2015 las principales variables econĂłmicas y sociales que reflejan los objetivos aprobados. TambiĂ©n se convino en examinar periĂłdicamente los adelantos logrados. Por su parte, y con el mismo espĂ­ritu el proyecto de ODM-San Juan comenzĂł en el mes de abril de 2005 por mandato de la Naciones Unidas a travĂ©s de sus agencias en la Argentina. El marco del trabajo estuvo sustentado por la colaboraciĂłn de la Oficina de la CEPAL en Buenos Aires, junto a la UNICEF-Argentina, en cuanto al asesoramiento y organizaciĂłn de las estadĂ­sticas que fundamentaron los diferentes capĂ­tulos en que se dividieron los ODM que se describen y analizan en las pĂĄginas siguientes
