7 research outputs found

    Community acquired pneumonia in adults admitted to general hospital in Sumare-SP

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    Orientador: Maria Rita de Camargo Donalisio CordeiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias MedicasResumo: Pneumonia Adquirida na Comunidade (PAC) é aquela que acomete o paciente fora do ambiente hospitalar ou que surge nas primeiras 48 horas da internação. A pneumonia é uma doença grave associada a significativa morbidade e mortalidade em adultos e sua taxa de mortalidade hospitalar vem crescendo, apesar dos avanços dos meios diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Neste contexto, o estabelecimento das características clínicas e microbiológicas da PAC, numa determinada região, pode trazer melhorias no seu manejo com impacto econômico e social. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os fatores de risco relacionados com o óbito e a evolução clínica da PAC, considerando-se o seu perfil microbiológico, sua relação com antecedentes epidemiológicos, vacinais e variáveis clínicas. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo prospectivo dos casos de PAC (61) em indivíduos maiores de 14 anos admitidos no Hospital Estadual Sumaré (HES), referência para atendimento hospitalar da microrregião de Sumaré, SP, no período de outubro de 2005 a setembro de 2007. Foi ajustado modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo-se como variável dependente evolução desfavorável, isto é, aqueles com internação maior que 10 dias, necessidade de internação em UTI ou óbitos. Não houve associação entre sexo, tabagismo, etilismo, passado vacinal ou presença de comorbidades com a evolução desfavorável do caso. Mudança de antibioticoterapia (RR = 2,22; IC 95%: 1,32 - 3,72), necessidade de fisioterapia respiratória (RR = 2,42; IC 95%: 1,21 - 4,87) e utilização de oxigenioterapia (RR = 2,40; IC 95%: 1,45 - 3,99) apresentaram associação com caso grave. Valores alterados de creatinina (p=0,05) e albumina (p=0,01) séricas foram identificados como fatores de risco relacionados com evolução desfavorável. A etiologia foi definida em 57,4% dos casos. O Streptococcus pneumoniae (19,7%) foi o agente de maior expressividade seguido da Chlamydophila pneumoniae (16,4%). Receberam alta hospitalar por cura, 80,3% dos pacientes e foram registrados três óbitos (4,9%). Embora a casuística deste estudo seja limitada, os achados demonstraram que o perfil microbiológico local reflete os apontados na literatura, e permitiram identificar a creatinina sérica e a albumina sérica como fatores de risco, possivelmente relacionados com evolução desfavorável da PAC na população estudadaAbstract: Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is the one which is contracted by the patient outside hospital environment or manifests itself in the first 48 hours after first being admitted in the facility. Pneumonia is a severe disease associated with high mortality and morbidity ratings in adults and these ratings have been increasing despite advancements in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. In this context, establishing the clinic and microbiologic characteristics of CAP, in a certain region, may result in advancements in the handling of its economical and social impact. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk factors related to death in CAP¿s clinical evolution, to study its microbiologic factors, its epidemiologic and vaccination background and clinical variables, besides the cases evolution. A descriptive prospective study of CAP¿s cases (61) was conducted in individuals with more than 14 years of age, admitted in the Hospital Estadual de Sumaré (HES), a reference in hospital treatment in Sumaré¿s micro region, SP, from October 2005 to September 2007. A multiple logistic regression model was adjusted, having as dependent variable unfavorable evolution (cases in which the hospitalization period was greater than 10 days or resulted in death). There was no association between gender, smoking, drinking, vaccination background or presence of comorbities in the unfavorable outcome of the cases. Changes in the antibiotic therapy (RR = 2.22; IC 95%: 1.32 ¿ 3.72), necessity of respiratory physiotherapy (RR = 2.42; IC 95%: 1.21 ¿ 4.87) and oxygen therapy (RR = 2.40; IC 95%: 1.45 ¿ 3.99) presented association with severe cases. The etiology was defined in 57.4% of the cases. Streptococcus pneumoniae (19.7%) was the agent with the highest expressiveness, followed by Chlamydophila pneumoniae (16.4%). The percentage of patients discharged after being cured was 80.3 % and three deaths were registered (4.9%). Although this study¿s casuistry was limited, the findings demonstrated that the local microbiologic profile reflects those in medical literature, and allowed the identification of blood creatinine (p=0.05) and albumin (p=0.01) as risk factors related to unfavorable evolution in CAP concerning the studied populationMestradoEpidemiologiaMestre em Saude Coletiv

    Clinical, epidemiological, and etiological profile of inpatients with community-acquired pneumonia at a general hospital in the Sumaré microregion of Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical, etiological, and epidemiological aspects of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized individuals. METHODS: We prospectively studied 66 patients (&gt; 14 years of age) with CAP admitted to the Hospital Estadual Sumaré, located in the Sumaré microregion of Brazil, between October of 2005 and September of 2007. We collected data related to clinical history, physical examination, pneumonia severity index (PSI) scores, and laboratory tests (blood culture; sputum smear microscopy and culture; serology for Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila; and detection of Legionella sp. and Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in urine). RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 53 years. Most had a low level of education, and 55.7% presented with at least one comorbidity at the time of hospitalization. The proportion of elderly people vaccinated against influenza was significantly lower among the inpatients than in the general population of the Sumaré microregion (52.6% vs. &gt; 70%). Fever was less common among the elderly patients (p < 0.05). The clinical evolution was associated with the PSI scores but not with age. The etiology was confirmed in 31 cases (50.8%) and was attributed to S. pneumoniae, principally detected by the urinary antigen test, in 21 (34.4%), followed by C. pneumoniae, in 5 (8.2%). The mortality rate was 4.9%, and 80.3% of the patients were classified as cured at discharge. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of the etiologic profile of CAP at the regional level favors the appropriate choice of empirical treatment, which is particularly relevant in elderly patients and in those with comorbidities. The lack of influenza vaccination in elderly patients is a risk factor for hospitalization due to CAP.OBJETIVO: Analisar aspectos clínicos, etiológicos e epidemiológicos das pneumonias adquiridas na comunidade (PAC) em indivíduos internados. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados prospectivamente 66 pacientes com PAC maiores de 14 anos no Hospital Estadual Sumaré, localizado na cidade de Sumaré (SP), entre outubro de 2005 e setembro de 2007. Coletamos dados sobre história clínica, exame clínico, escore pneumonia severity index (PSI) e exames laboratoriais (hemocultura, bacterioscopia/cultura de escarro, sorologias para Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae e Legionella pneumophila, além de antígenos urinários de Legionella sp. e Streptococcus pneumoniae). RESULTADOS: A idade média dos pacientes foi de 53 anos, a maioria tinha baixa escolaridade, e 55,7% apresentavam pelo menos uma comorbidade no momento da internação. O percentual de idosos vacinados contra influenza entre os internados foi significativamente menor que os da comunidade dos municípios da microrregião de Sumaré (52,6% vs. &gt; 70%). A febre foi menos frequente entre os idosos (p < 0,05). A evolução clínica se associou com o escore PSI, mas não com a idade. A etiologia foi confirmada em 31 (50,8%) dos casos, sendo 21 (34,4%) devido a S. pneumoniae, detectado principalmente pelo antígeno urinário; seguido de C. pneumoniae, em 5 (8,2%). Receberam alta hospitalar por cura 80,3% dos pacientes. A taxa de letalidade foi de 4,9%. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento do perfil etiológico de PAC no âmbito regional favorece a escolha adequada da terapia empírica, que é particularmente relevante em pacientes idosos e naqueles com comorbidades. A falta da vacinação contra influenza em idosos é um fator de risco de internação por PAC.20020

    Clinical, Epidemiological, And Etiological Profile Of Inpatients With Community-acquired Pneumonia At A General Hospital In The Sumaré Microregion Of Brazil.

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    To analyze the clinical, etiological, and epidemiological aspects of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in hospitalized individuals. We prospectively studied 66 patients (> 14 years of age) with CAP admitted to the Hospital Estadual Sumaré, located in the Sumaré microregion of Brazil, between October of 2005 and September of 2007. We collected data related to clinical history, physical examination, pneumonia severity index (PSI) scores, and laboratory tests (blood culture; sputum smear microscopy and culture; serology for Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila; and detection of Legionella sp. and Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in urine). The mean age of patients was 53 years. Most had a low level of education, and 55.7% presented with at least one comorbidity at the time of hospitalization. The proportion of elderly people vaccinated against influenza was significantly lower among the inpatients than in the general population of the Sumaré microregion (52.6% vs. > 70%). Fever was less common among the elderly patients (p < 0.05). The clinical evolution was associated with the PSI scores but not with age. The etiology was confirmed in 31 cases (50.8%) and was attributed to S. pneumoniae, principally detected by the urinary antigen test, in 21 (34.4%), followed by C. pneumoniae, in 5 (8.2%). The mortality rate was 4.9%, and 80.3% of the patients were classified as cured at discharge. The knowledge of the etiologic profile of CAP at the regional level favors the appropriate choice of empirical treatment, which is particularly relevant in elderly patients and in those with comorbidities. The lack of influenza vaccination in elderly patients is a risk factor for hospitalization due to CAP.37200-

    Risk factors that influence the prognosis of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized adults

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study assessed the influence of nutritional parameters on the prognosis of community-acquired pneumonia in adults admitted to a general hospital. METHODS: A total of 61 individuals with community-acquired pneumonia were studied prospectively and the following data analyzed: sociodemographic variables, morbidity, life habits, anthropometric variables (body mass index, waist circumference, percentage of body fat, percentage of weight lost), biochemical variables (urea, creatinine, albumin on admission and 18 days later, prealbumin on admission and 4, 8 and 18 days later), and outcome (hospital stay shorter than 10 days, longer than 10 days and/or death). RESULTS: Anthropometric variables differed between genders but were not associated with poor outcome. Albumin and prealbumin levels were low on admission in 80.3% and 86.9% of the cases, respectively. Logistic regression showed that smoking (OR:1.23; CI:1.0-12.1), more than one finding or pleural effusion on chest radiographs (OR:1.4; CI:1.24-15.3) and low prealbumin on day 4 (OR:6.1; CI:1.7-22.5) predicted a poor outcome for patients with community-acquired pneumonia. CONCLUSION: Nutrition-related biochemical markers, such as low prealbumin, smoking and more than one finding on chest radiographs, indicate severe pneumonia and are useful for deciding treatment strategy.OBJETIVO: Avaliar parâmetros nutricionais no prognóstico de adultos internados em hospital geral, com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados prospectivamente 61 casos da doença e analisadas variáveis: sociodemográficas, morbidade, hábitos de vida, antropométricas (índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura, porcentagem de gordura, porcentagem de perda de peso), bioquímicas (ureia, creatinina, albumina no momento da internação e no 18º dia e pré-albumina (na internação, quarto, oitavo e 18º dia) e evolução (menos de 10, mais de 10 dias de internação e/ou óbito). RESULTADOS: As variáveis antropométricas apresentaram-se diferentes entre os sexos, porém não se associaram com a má evolução da doença. Os níveis séricos de albumina e de pré-albumina encontraram-se baixos na internação em 80,3% e 86,9% dos casos, respectivamente. Após ajuste logístico, o hábito de fumar (OR:1,23, IC:1,0-12,1), a presença de mais de uma imagem ou derrame pleural no exame radiológico de tórax (OR: 1,4 IC: 1,24-15,3) e a pré-albumina baixa no quarto dia (OR:6,1 IC:1,7-22,5) foram preditores de má evolução do quadro de pacientes com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade. CONCLUSÃO: Indicador bioquímico nutricional como a pré-albumina, o tabagismo e mais de uma imagem no exame radiológico de tórax são parâmetros de gravidade de pneumonia úteis na condução clínica de infecções.23724