9 research outputs found

    Equine leukoencephalomalacia: report of five cases

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    Relatam-se 5 casos de leucoencefalomalécia em equinos associados com a ingestão de milho mofado, ocorridos durante o inverno de 1990, provenientes de 3 propriedades no Estado de São Paulo, nos municípios de Poá, Pirassununga e Santana do Parnaíba. Os animais apresentaram sinais clínicos semelhantes como ataxia, cegueira, disfagia, andar em círculos e convulsões. Ao exame necroscópico, os cérebros encontravam-se congestos, revelando ao corte áreas de cavitação ao nível da substancia branca sub-cortical. O exame histopatológico exibiu lesões ao nível de substancia branca, caracterizadas por necrose de liquefação, hemorragias focais e infiltrados celulares nos espaços de Virchow-Robin, compostos predominantemente porpolimorfonucleares (eosinófilos e neutrófilos), associados a mononucleares. Análises microbiológicas demonstram que Fusarium moniliforme foi o fungo mais freqüente (1.9 x 10 6 UFC/g de alimento).This paper reports the occurrence of 5 cases of Equine Leukoencephalomalacia associated with the ingestion of mouldy corn during the winter of 1990 in three properties of the State of São Paulo, in the municipal districts of Poá, Pirassununga and Santana do Parnaíba. The animals showed in every case the following clinical signs: blindness, ataxia, dysphagya, tendency to circle and convulsions. The necropsy revealed congestion of brain and areas of cavitation within the hemispheres of subcortical white matter. The histopathological examination show edlesions characterized by liquefactive necrosis, multifocal haemorrhages and cellular infiltration, predominantly of polimorphonuclear (neutrophils and eosinophils) associated with mononuclear cells in the white matter. Microbiological analysis showed a mycoflora composed, predominantly, by Fusarium moniliforme (49.4%), followed by genera Aspergillus (25.8%) and Penicillum (24.8%)

    Utilização de eletroquimioterapia em neoplasias de origem epitelial ou mesenquimal localizadas em pele ou mucosas de cães

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    Electrochemotherapy is characterized as a protocol which combines the use of antineoplastic agents with localized application of electric pulses to improve the intracellular concentration of these agents, increasing, thus, its cytotoxic action. Bleomycin, an antibiotic agent with antineoplastic properties, is a hydrophilic molecule, having a restricted transport through the cellular membrane. However, when it is administered intralesionally or intravenously and associated to electroporation, its cytotoxicity is maximized. In this study 34 dogs were utilized and they were affected by a single lesion of epithelial or mesenchymal origin, located in the skin or mucosal membranes. The electrochemotherapy protocol was standardized using intralesional bleomycin sulfate at a dose of 1 U/cm³ of tumoral area. Electroporation was performed using an electrode composed of needles and electric pulses with a 1000 V voltage, in unipolar square wave and 100 microseconds duration, totalizing eight cycles. There was complete neoplastic remission in 30 dogs (88.3%) and refractoriness to the protocol in four animals (11.7%). There were no complications or side effects associated with the procedure. The protocol studied in this work showed to be feasible, effective and safe for antineoplastic therapy in dogs.A eletroquimioterapia é caracterizada como um protocolo que agrega o uso de fármacos antineoplásicos à aplicação regional de pulsos elétricos, maximizando a concentração intracelular destes agentes, assim propiciando maior ação citotóxica dos mesmos. A bleomicina, um antimicrobiano dotado de propriedade antineoplásica, demonstra restrição no transporte através da membrana celular, dada sua composição molecular hidrofílica. Todavia, uma vez administrada via intralesional ou endovenosa associada à eletroporação, exibe citotoxicidade potencializada. Foram utilizados neste estudo 34 cães acometidos por neoformações solitárias de origem epitelial ou mesenquimal, situadas em pele ou membranas mucosas. Padronizou-se o protocolo eletroquimioterápico empregando-se sulfato de bleomicina, pela via intralesional, na dose de 1 U/cm³ de tumor. A eletroporação foi perfilada com eletrodo composto por agulhas, pulsos elétricos com tensão de 1000 V, em onda quadrada unipolar, com duração de 100 microsegundos, totalizando-se oito ciclos. Constatou-se remissão neoplásica integral em 30 cães (88,3%) e refratariedade ao protocolo em apenas quatro animais (11,7%). Inexistiram complicações e/ou efeitos adversos decorrentes do procedimento. O protocolo neste trabalho estudado revelou-se aplicável, eficaz e seguro na terapêutica antineoplásica em cães

    Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors

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    Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are hematopoietic neoplasms composed of mast cells. It is highly common in dogs and is extremely important in the veterinary oncology field. It represents the third most common tumor subtype, and is the most common malignant skin tumor in dogs, corresponding to 11% of skin cancer cases. The objective of this critical review was to present the report of the 2nd Consensus meeting on the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Canine Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors, which was organized by the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology (ABROVET) in August 2021. The most recent information on cutaneous and subcutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs is presented and discussed

    Evaluation of vascular behavior of Ehrlich tumor in solid form in mice submitted to electrochemotherapy with bleomycin

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    A eletroquimioterapia (EQT) é uma modalidade de tratamento recente que se baseia na associação de quimioterápicos potencializados pela eletroporação. Possui indicação para neoplasias sólidas de origens histológicas distintas, apresentando baixa morbidade e elevada eficiência. A ação da EQT ocorre em múltiplos sítios, tanto envolvendo a quebra da molécula de DNA, quanto exercendo efeito sobre a vasculatura tumoral. No presente estudo buscou-se maior compreensão dos eventos vasculares, avaliando-se qualitativamente e quantitativamente, com auxílio de marcação imunológica, com fator VIII e VEGF-A, a vascularização do tumor de Ehrlich implantado na forma sólida em camundongos, não tratados e submetidos à EQT com bleomicina, após sete dias de tratamento. No intuito de melhor elucidar os fenômenos vasculares, também foi investigado o efeito do resveratrol associado à EQT. O resveratrol, presente em vegetais como as uvas, possui efeitos de inibição do HIF1-α, reconhecida proteina que estimula a angiogênese em condições de hipoxia tumoral. Os animais submetidos à quimioterapia com bleomicina não apresentaram redução de volume tumoral, ao contrário dos que sofreram EQT com o mesmo fármaco. Evidenciou-se maior densidade microvascular tumoral em animais tratados com quimioterapia, quando comparados aos não tratados e aos submetidos à EQT. O tratamento com resveratrol diminuiu a expressão de VEGF-A e obteve efeito mais pronunciado quando associado à EQT com bleomicina. Através dos fenômenos pesquisados pôde-se evidenciar que a EQT com bleomicina foi efetiva na redução do volume do tumor de Ehrlich e que houve redução da atividade proliferativa assim como da densidade microvascular tumoral. Também observou-se que o resveratrol, ainda mais quando associado à EQT com bleomicina, reduz a proliferação tumoral e a expressão de VEGF-AThe electrochemotherapy (EQT) is a new treatment modality based on the association of chemotherapy potentiated by electroporation. Has indication for solid neoplasms of histological distinct origins, presenting low morbidity and high efficiency. The action of the EQT occurs in multiple sites, both involving the breakage of the DNA molecule, as having an effect on the tumor vasculature. The present study aimed at better understanding of vascular events, evaluating qualitatively and quantitatively, using immune labeling, with factor VIII and VEGF-A, the vascularization of the Ehrlich tumor implanted in solid form in mice, untreated and submitted to EQT with bleomycin, after seven days of treatment. In order to better elucidate the vascular phenomena, was also investigated the effect of resveratrol associated with EQT. The resveratrol present in plants such as grapes, has inhibitory effects of HIF1-α, a protein that is recognized to stimulates angiogenesis in tumor hypoxia. The animals submitted to chemotherapy with bleomycin showed no reduction of tumor volume, unlike those who suffered EQT with the same drug. It was evidenced increased microvessel density tumor in animals treated with chemotherapy, when compared to untreated and those submitted to EQT. The treatment with resveratrol decreased the expression of VEGF-A and obtained effect was more pronounced when associated to the EQT with bleomycin. This research can prove that the EQT with bleomycin was effective in reducing the volume of Ehrlich tumor and that there was a reduction of proliferative activity as well as of microvascular density tumor. Also it was observed that the resveratrol, even more when associated with EQT with bleomycin, reduces the tumor proliferation and the expression of VEGF-

    Angiografia in vivo para avaliação da vascularização do casco de eqüinos In vivo angiography for evaluation of equine foot vasculature

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    A proposta deste trabalho foi estabelecer a angiografia digital palmar como método de avaliação qualitativa in vivo da vascularização distal laminar em eqüinos em posição quadrupedal. Foram realizadas 15 angiografias de eqüinos mestiços, sendo seis machos castrados e nove fêmeas, com idade variando entre seis e oito anos. As angiografias foram realizadas, após bloqueio anestésico perineural do nervo digital palmar lateral ou medial, por meio da aplicação de 20mL de contraste na veia digital palmar lateral ou medial garroteada por atadura elástica e torniquete. Imediatamente depois, foi realizada a primeira exposição radiológica em incidência dorso-palmar. Após a dispersão do contraste, o mesmo procedimento foi realizado com o casco submetido ao tratamento térmico com água aquecida e com água resfriada. Em quatro animais, obteve-se imagem radiopaca, com bordas maldefinidas, de aspecto sombreado, ao redor de cada lâmina dérmica, que foi creditada à vasodilatação ocasionada pelo calor. Quando da vasoconstrição ocasionada pelo tratamento com frio, observou-se redução da imagem radiopaca laminar. Esse aspecto pôde ser comprovado em quatro radiografias, porém não se repetiu em todas as angiografias realizadas. Em sete radiografias, houve falha de preenchimento de contraste, o que inviabilizou a comparação entre tratamentos térmicos, sendo que as radiografias realizadas sem nenhum tratamento térmico possuíam preenchimento de contraste adequado. A angiografia digital em eqüinos mostrou-se um método sensível para evidenciar vasoconstrição e vasodilatação in vivo dentro do estojo córneo, porém inúmeros fatores podem contribuir para o aparecimento de artefatos de técnica, o que inviabiliza a comparação de alterações da perfusão laminar do casco por esse método.This study was aimed at establishing the palmar digital angiography as an in vivo qualitative method of evaluation the laminar digital vasculature on horses in standing position. Six gelding and nine mares were used in this study, with age going from 6 to 8 years old. After the perineural anesthesia of lateral or medial palmar digital nerve and the surgical preparation an intravenous catheter was fixed to the palmar digital vein, lateral or medial. After performing a simple radiography an elastic bandage and tourniquet was applied to the area. The animal and the RX equipment were adequately positioned and 20mL of contrast were injected, followed by a first radiological exposition in dorsum palmar incidence. In sequence the tourniquet and the elastic bandage were removed for the dissipation of the contrast, keeping the venous access with infusion of isotonic saline solution. The same procedure was performed with the hoof submitted to the thermal treatment with warmed water and cold water. In four animals a radiopaque image, around each dermic lamina with vasodilatation induced by the heat was obtained, with poorly defined edges and blurred aspect. On the other hand, it was observed reduction of the radiopaque laminar image because of the vasoconstriction caused by the treatment with cold water. This fact can be seen only in four radiographies, but it has not being repeated in all angiographies performed. In seven radiographies incomplete contrast filling was observed. For this reason, it was not possible to compare the radiographs performed with no thermal treatment, that have had the appropriate filling of the contrast. The digital angiography in horses was showed to be a sensible method to evidence in vivo vasoconstriction and vasodilatation inside the hoof, however this method cannot be use to analyze alteration in the laminar perfusion because some techniques artefactual

    Leucoencefalomalécia eqüina: relato de 5 casos

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    Relatam-se 5 casos de leucoencefalomalécia em equinos associados com a ingestão de milho mofado, ocorridos durante o inverno de 1990, provenientes de 3 propriedades no Estado de São Paulo, nos municípios de Poá, Pirassununga e Santana do Parnaíba. Os animais apresentaram sinais clínicos semelhantes como ataxia, cegueira, disfagia, andar em círculos e convulsões. Ao exame necroscópico, os cérebros encontravam-se congestos, revelando ao corte áreas de cavitação ao nível da substancia branca sub-cortical. O exame histopatológico exibiu lesões ao nível de substancia branca, caracterizadas por necrose de liquefação, hemorragias focais e infiltrados celulares nos espaços de Virchow-Robin, compostos predominantemente porpolimorfonucleares (eosinófilos e neutrófilos), associados a mononucleares. Análises microbiológicas demonstram que Fusarium moniliforme foi o fungo mais freqüente (1.9 x 10 6 UFC/g de alimento)

    Fixação interna de fratura de epífise proximal de tíbia em potro Internal fixation of the tibial proximal epiphyses fracture in a foal

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    A fratura Salter Harris tipo II ocorre comumente na epífise proximal de tíbia em potros e tem reparação difícil mas com o advento das técnicas de fixação interna, o prognóstico tem melhorado. No caso descrito, em um potro da raça árabe de 26 dias de idade, com fratura proximal de tíbia direita tipo Salter Harris II, foram utilizadas as placas de compressão para garantirem estabilização e aproximação dos fragmentos fraturados, porém com risco de ocasionar distúrbios no desenvolvimento esquelético. No caso relatado, através do controle radiológico, não foi evidenciada diminuição da radioluscência na região correspondente à cartilagem de conjugação proximal da tíbia. O artigo tem como objetivo discutir o tratamento empregado que se mostrou como alternativa viável pelo resultado favorável com bons resultados.<br>The most frequent fracture is tibia’s proximal epiphysis in foals is Salter Harris type II although its difficult to repair. The development of the inner fixation technique has been made the prognosis better. The dynamic compression bone plate allow guaranteed reduction and stabilization of the bone’s fragments, but it can promote development disturbs. In this case, by the radiological control, it has not shown less radiolucency in the proximal tibia’s growth plate. The treatment used showed itself as a feasible alternative because of the favourable good results

    Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Canine Hemangiosarcoma: A Review Based on a Consensus Organized by the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Oncology, ABROVET

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    Hemangiosarcoma is a mesenchymal neoplasm originating in the endothelial cells of blood vessels; they can be classified as non-visceral and visceral types. Non-visceral hemangiosarcomas can affect the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscle tissues; visceral hemangiosarcomas can affect the spleen, liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, oral cavity, bones, bladder, uterus, tongue, and retroperitoneum. Among domestic species, dogs are most affected by cutaneous HSA. Cutaneous HSA represents approximately 14% of all HSA diagnosed in this species and less than 5% of dermal tumors, according to North American studies. However, Brazilian epidemiological data demonstrate a higher prevalence, which may represent 27 to 80% of all canine HSAs and 13.9% of all skin neoplasms diagnosed in this species. Cutaneous HSA most commonly affects middle-aged to elderly dogs (between 8 and 15 years old), with no gender predisposition for either the actinic or non-actinic forms. The higher prevalence of cutaneous HSA in some canine breeds is related to lower protection from solar radiation, as low skin pigmentation and hair coverage lead to greater sun exposure. Actinic changes, such as solar dermatosis, are frequent in these patients, confirming the influence of solar radiation on the development of this neoplasm. There are multiple clinical manifestations of hemangiosarcoma in canines. The diagnostic approach and staging classification of cutaneous HSAs are similar between the different subtypes. The definitive diagnosis is obtained through histopathological analysis of incisional or excisional biopsies. Cytology can be used as a presurgical screening test; however, it has little diagnostic utility in cases of HSA because there is a high risk of blood contamination and sample hemodilution. Surgery is generally the treatment of choice for dogs with localized non-visceral HSA without evidence of metastatic disease. Recently, electrochemotherapy (ECT) has emerged as an alternative therapy for the local ablative treatment of different neoplastic types; the use of radiotherapy for the treatment of dogs with cutaneous HSA is uncommon. There is greater consensus in the literature regarding the indications for adjuvant chemotherapy in subcutaneous and muscular HSA; doxorubicin is the most frequently used antineoplastic agent for subcutaneous and muscular subtypes and can be administered alone or in combination with other drugs. Other therapies include antiangiogenic therapy, photodynamic therapy, the association of chemotherapy with the metronomic dose, targeted therapies, and natural products. The benefits of these therapies are presented and discussed. In general, the prognosis of splenic and cardiac HSA is unfavorable. As a challenging neoplasm, studies of new protocols and treatment modalities are necessary to control this aggressive disease