11 research outputs found

    Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH) is a serious condition that occurs worldwide. Timely recognition with bilirubin determination is key in the management of SNH. Visual assessment of jaundice is unreliable. Fortunately, transcutaneous bilirubin measurement for screening newborn infants is routinely available in many hospitals and outpatient settings. Despite a few limitations, the use of transcutaneous devices facilitates early recognition and appropriate management of neonatal jaundice. Unfortunately, however, advanced and often costly screening modalities are not accessible to everyone, while there is an urgent need for inexpensive yet accurate instruments to assess total serum bilirubin (TSB). In the near future, novel icterometers, and in particular optical bilirubin estimates obtained with a smartphone camera and processed with a smartphone application (app), seem promising methods for screening for SNH. If proven reliable, these methods may empower outpatient health workers as well as parents at home to detect jaundice using a simple portable device. Successful implementation of ubiquitous bilirubin screening may contribute substantially to the reduction of the worldwide burden of SNH. The benefits of non-invasive bilirubin screening notwithstanding, any bilirubin determination obtained through non-invasive screening must be confirmed by a diagnostic method before treatment. ImpactKey message: Screening methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia facilitate early recognition and timely treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). Any bilirubin screening result obtained must be confirmed by a diagnostic method. What does this article add to the existing literature? Data on optical bilirubin estimation are summarized. Niche research strategies for prevention of SNH are presented. Impact: Transcutaneous screening for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia contributes to the prevention of SNH. A smartphone application with optical bilirubin estimation seems a promising low-cost screening method, especially in low-resource settings or at home.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Diagnostic methods for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia:benefits, limitations, requirements, and novel developments

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    Invasive bilirubin measurements remain the gold standard for the diagnosis and treatment of infants with severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. The present paper describes different methods currently available to assess hyperbilirubinemia in newborn infants. Novel point-of-care bilirubin measurement methods, such as the BiliSpec and the Bilistick, would benefit many newborn infants, especially in low-income and middle-income countries where the access to costly multi-analyzer in vitro diagnostic instruments is limited. Total serum bilirubin test results should be accurate within permissible limits of measurement uncertainty to be fit for clinical purposes. This implies correct implementation of internationally endorsed reference measurement systems as well as participation in external quality assessment programs. Novel analytic methods may, apart from bilirubin, include the determination of bilirubin photoisomers and bilirubin oxidation products in blood and even in other biological matrices. ImpactKey message: Bilirubin measurements in blood remain the gold standard for diagnosis and treatment of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (SNH). External quality assessment (EQA) plays an important role in revealing inaccuracies in diagnostic bilirubin measurements. What does this article add to the existing literature? We provide analytic performance data on total serum bilirubin (TSB) as measured during recent EQA surveys. We review novel diagnostic point-of-care (POC) bilirubin measurement methods and analytic methods for determining bilirubin levels in biological matrices other than blood. Impact: Manufacturers should make TSB test results traceable to the internationally endorsed total bilirubin reference measurement system and should ensure permissible limits of measurement uncertainty.Afdeling Klinische Chemie en Laboratoriumgeneeskunde (AKCL

    Functional Induction of the Cystine-Glutamate Exchanger System Xc- Activity in SH-SY5Y Cells by Unconjugated Bilirubin

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    We have previously reported that exposure of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells to unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) resulted in a marked up-regulation of the mRNA encoding for the Na+ -independent cystine∶glutamate exchanger System Xc− (SLC7A11 and SLC3A2 genes). In this study we demonstrate that SH-SY5Y cells treated with UCB showed a higher cystine uptake due to a significant and specific increase in the activity of System Xc−, without the contribution of the others two cystine transporters (XAG− and GGT) reported in neurons. The total intracellular glutathione content was 2 folds higher in the cells exposed to bilirubin as compared to controls, suggesting that the internalized cystine is used for gluthathione synthesis. Interestingly, these cells were significantly less sensitive to an oxidative insult induced by hydrogen peroxide. If System Xc− is silenced the protection is lost. In conclusion, these results suggest that bilirubin can modulate the gluthathione levels in neuroblastoma cells through the induction of the System Xc−, and this renders the cell less prone to oxidative damage

    Response to H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> oxidative stress of SH-SY5Y cells pretreated with bilirubin and GSH intracellular levels of the cells before H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment.

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    <p>SH-SY5Y cells were exposed to two successive treatments: the first with 140 nM Bf (control with 0.6% DMSO medium) for 24 h. After this treatment, cells were released in growth medium for 156 h. Immediately after exposure to UCB (column A) and 156 h (column B) of release, cells were incubated, as second treatment, with different concentrations of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> for 60 min and viability evaluated by MTT. At each time viability is expressed as a percentage of the controls considered as 100%. At each time viability results are compared with GSH intracellular levels of the cells before H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment. Results are expressed as media ± SD of four different experiments.</p

    Response to H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> oxidative stress in xCT silenced SH-SY5Y cells pre-treated with bilirubin.

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    <p><u>Panel A</u>: Protein expression of xCT (55 kDa and 35 kDa) was analyzed by Western blot after siRNA and Bf treatment. Lane 1: MOCK and 0.6% DMSO; lane 2: NT and 0.6% DMSO; lane 3: anti-xCT and DMSO 0.6%. Lane 4: MOCK and Bf 140 nM; lane 5: NT and Bf 140 nM ; lane 6: anti-xCT and Bf 140 nM. <u>Panel B</u>: Quantification of bands shown in lanes from 1 to 6 of panel A. xCT 35 kDa and 55 kDa bands normalized by actin and expressed as relative to MOCK . <u>Panel C</u>) H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> dose-response by MTT test was evaluated in untransfected (MOCK – left), transfected with not targeting siRNA (NT – middle) and transfected with siRNA against SLC7A11 gene (anti-xCT - right) SH-SY5Y cells. After silencing, and before 1 h H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment, SH-SY5Y cells were exposed for 24 h to 0.6% DMSO or Bf 140 nM as indicated in the legend of each picture.</p

    Sodium –dependent and independent L-[<sup>14</sup>C] cystine transport in SH-SY5Y cells.

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    <p>Transport activity was measured in control (0.6% DMSO, 24 h) and treated (Bf 140 nM, 24 h) cells. L-[<sup>14</sup>C] cystine (0.8 µM) uptake was measured after 10 min incubation at 37°C in the presence and absence of sodium ions. L-quisqualate (500 µM) was used as a specific inhibitor for System X<sub>c</sub><sup>−</sup>. Each point represents the mean ± SD of three plates of cells (** p<0.001).</p

    Effect of bilirubin on mRNA expression levels of genes involved in cystine uptake.

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    <p>SH-SY5Y cells exposed to free medium (untreated), 0.6% DMSO medium or 140 nM Bf medium were collected after 1, 4 and 24 h of treatment. Specific mRNA expressions was analysed by qPCR. mRNA expression is shown as mean ± SD of 3 experiments relative to 1 h untreated control set at 1.0. **p<0.001 and *p<0.01 versus DMSO or untreated controls.</p

    Neonatal jaundice in low- and middle-income countries : lessons and future directions from the 2015 Don Ostrow Trieste Yellow Retreat

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    Severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, defined as total serum bilirubin (TSB) ≥20 mg/dl, is associated with a higher risk of permanent neurological sequelae and death. Jaundice can and should be promptly diagnosed and treated. Reliable methods for TSB assay are not always readily available, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, making the true incidence of severe neonatal jaundice (NNJ) difficult to estimate. To gather a more comprehensive picture, a symposium addressing NNJ worldwide was organized during the 2015 Don Ostrow Trieste Yellow Retreat. Data collected by several researchers in different regions of the world were presented and differences/similarities discussed. This report points out the need for: (1) a coordinated worldwide effort to define the burden and the causes of severe NNJ and its consequences; (2) aggressive educational programs for families and health personnel to facilitate timely care-seeking, and (3) accurate diagnostics and effective phototherapy.9 page(s