200 research outputs found

    Estudio de loa situación de la oferta y la demanda turística de la ruta ferroviaria el tren de la Libertad de los cantones Ibarra Urcuquí

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    Analizar la situación de la oferta y demanda turística de la ruta ferroviaria “El Tren de la Libertad” de los cantones Ibarra y Urcuquí.El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad analizar de manera sutil la oferta y demanda turística en el atractivo turístico ¿El Tren de la Libertad ¿ de los cantones Ibarra y Urcuquí. Para lo cual se planteó el principal objetivo de investigación: el análisis de la oferta y demanda de la ruta ferroviaria ¿El Tren de la Libertad¿ de los cantones Ibarra y Urcuquí, mediante el estudio de la oferta turística y el estudio de las tendencias del turista actual, para ello se realizó un estudio de campo como metodología, de carácter descriptivo documental y utilizando métodos analítico-sintético, para corroborar esta investigación se utilizó encuestas dirigidas a turistas y a empresarios turísticos para recolectar la mayor cantidad de información y cumplir con los objetivos, se estableció una entrevista a una de las principales dirigentes de la parroquia de Salinas, para obtener el punto de vista acerca de los beneficios del turismo en la parroquia. Como resultado de esta investigación se determinó que la demanda de turismo al atractivo es atractivo para una gran cantidad de turistas, siendo la mayoría turismo nacional con el 74%, mientras que el extranjero se compone del 26%, con una de edad promedio de 18 a 40 años, en su mayoría mujeres profesionales y en procesos académicos, con un ingreso mensual que varía de 700 a 1000 dólares al mes, los cuales destinan entre 100 y 300 dólares en actividades turísticas; por lo cual se consideró diseñar un Plan de mejoramiento del atractivo turístico ¿El Tren de la Libertad¿ de los cantones Ibarra y Urcuquí, como propuesta alternativa, involucrando los factores sociales, económicos, ambientales, educativos, culturales y turísticos que son necesarios para el desarrollo de un turismo responsable y sustentable, ya que la materia prima está presente, se pretende innovar de acuerdo a los requerimientos del turismo actual

    Proyecto de riego de la comuna Salamalag Centro de la parroquia Cochapamba

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    This project will be carried out to implement an irrigation system with the purpose of increase the yield of crops and agricultural production. The intention is to solve some basic problems of the population as they are; water deficit for irrigation, low technological level in agricultural production and low soil fertility. 5 The following benefits are expected to be obtained as a result in the short term. as; an adequate offer of availability of water resources for irrigation, improve the appropriate technological levels for agricultural production and increase the soil fertility.Este proyecto se realizará para implementar un sistema de riego con la finalidad de incrementar el rendimiento de los cultivos y la producción agropecuaria. Se pretende solucionar algunos problemas básicos de la población como son; déficit de agua para riego, bajo nivel tecnológico en la producción agrícola y la baja fertilidad del suelo. 5 Se espera obtener como resultados a un corto plazo los siguientes beneficios tales como; una adecuada oferta de disponibilidad de recurso hídrico para riego, mejorar los niveles tecnológicos adecuados para la producción agrícola e incrementar la fertilidad del suelo

    Effectiveness of a Group-Based Progressive Strength Training in Primary Care to Improve the Recurrence of Low Back Pain Exacerbations and Function:A Randomised Trial

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    Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability and one of the most common reasons for physician visits in primary care, with a 33% rate of recurrence during the first year. However, the most optimal exercise program in this context remains unknown. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of a group-based progressive strength training program in non-specific chronic LBP (CLBP) patients in primary care on pain recurrence and physical function. Eighty-five patients with non-specific CLBP were separated into two groups (Intervention group: completed a progressive strength training program 3 days per week for 8 weeks; Control group: received the usual care). The intervention group showed a recurrence rate of 8.3%, while the control group had a recurrence rate of 33.3% and a shorter time until the first recurrent episode. The intervention group showed increased lumbar extensor strength, left-hand handgrip strength, and reduced the number of pain sites compared with the control group. Results also showed greater odds for reducing LBP intensity and disability in the intervention group. In conclusion, a group-based progressive strength training program is a more effective and efficient alternative than Back-School programs and can easily be carried out in the primary health care context


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    Diversity of understory birds in tropical forests, natural recovery areas, and African oil palm crops in wetlands of the Izabal Lake, Guatemala. – African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) crops have been identified as one of the most important threats to biodiversity of tropical forests. By mean of mist nets, species richness, diversity and structure of understory bird communities were studied in three vegetation types of a Neotropical wetland: humid tropical forest remnants, natural regeneration sites (“guamiles”), and African oil palm plantations. We captured a total of 734 birds of 106 species, belonging to 22 families. The habitat with highest diversity was forest (63 species and 329 individuals), followed by guamiles (62 species and 368 individuals) and finally oil palm plantations (11 species and 37 individuals). As expected, statistical differences were found among the studied habitats. Only 11% of species and 5% of the total captured birds were recorded in the African oil palm plantations. Our data show that oil palm cultivation represents a serious threat to biological diversity, making it a priority to generate guidelines based on scientific and conservation criteria

    Use of Biofertilizers in Agricultural Production

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    Most of agricultural production in Latin America consists of smallholder farmers who need the development of sustainable technologies, with costs according to their economic condition. Biofertilizers composed of free-living bacteria promote plant’s growth, improve productivity through the strengthening of its roots, and reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer applied to the crops. The aims of this chapter are to highlight the microorganisms commonly used in agriculture as biofertilizers and the main researches carried out in several countries of Latin America, and to describe the development of an experimental biofertilizer for maize, based on strains of Azospirillum spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens, in the highlands (Sierra Region) of Ecuador. Seven phylum and 95 genera o microorganism used as biofertilizers or Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are summarized, along with the benefits, challenges and future prospect of their use. The effectiveness of the experimental biofertilizer developed in Ecuador was demonstrated through several experiments at the green house and field, in which it was evident the increase of root’s size, the amount of crocket, the percentage of dry matter, and the crops´ yield. The evaluations, accomplished on farmers’ fields showed 30% of increase in yield and 21% of decrease in the cost of production per kilogram; as a consequence of the use of biofertilizer plus 50% of the recommended chemical fertilization, in comparison with standard farming techniques. Farmers can reduce the application of synthetic fertilizers and sustainably increase crop yield through the use of this technology

    Survival study in pediatric pacients with cancer treated at the Javeriana oncology center

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    El cáncer es un problema de salud relevante en el perfil epidemiológico de Colombia. Datos poblacionales han demostrado que, después de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y las muertes violentas, las neoplasias malignas son la tercera causa de mortalidad en nuestro país. En Colombia, la ausencia y la falta de consolidación de este tipo de registros no permiten valorar ni la magnitud ni la distribución de la morbilidad de forma adecuada para las diferentes zonas del país, especialmente en la población infantil. Por lo tanto, los registros hospitalarios de cáncer son una herramienta fundamental que proporciona información directa sobre nuevos casos de cáncer y su comportamiento general respecto a sobrevida y pronóstico. El objetivo principal es caracterizar la distribución porcentual y de sobrevida de población infantil con neoplasias atendida en el Centro Javeriano de Oncología, como sustrato epidemiológico para nutrir la base de datos nacional de cáncer en niños.Artículo original120-125Cancer is a significant problem in the epidemio-logical profile of colombia. Population surveys indicate that after cardiovascular diseases and violent deaths, malignant neoplasms are the third leading cause of death in our country. in colombia, the absence and lack of conformation of such records do not assess the magnitude and distribution of morbidity in the appropriate way for the different areas of the country, especially in children. therefore, hospital cancer records registries become an essential tool that provides direct information on new cases of cancer and their general behavior regarding survival rate and prognosis. the main objective is to characte-rize the percentage distribution and survival rate among children with malignancies treated at the centro Javeriano de oncologia, as an epidemio-logical substrate to enhance the national databa-se of childhood cancer

    Neuromuscular and acute symptoms responses to progressive elastic resistance exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:Cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Quadriceps muscle training is a key part in the rehabilitation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. However, exercise intensity prescription and progression with the typically used elastic bands is challenging. We aimed to evaluate neuromuscular, acute symptoms and cardiorespiratory responses (heart rate and dyspnea) during progressive elastic resistance exercise in patients with COPD. METHODS: Fourteen patients diagnosed with moderate-very severe COPD performed knee extensions at different elastic resistance levels (i.e., colors). The neuromuscular activity was recorded using surface electromyography for the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, together with rate of perceived exertion, perceived quadriceps fatigue, dyspnea, oxygen saturation and heart rate. RESULTS: For the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, increase of muscle activity was evident from a two-level increment when using the red color. For the vastus medialis, there were no muscle activity progressions. Dyspnea, quadriceps fatigue and especially rate of perceived exertion increased in a dose-response fashion and were correlated with the resistance level and muscle activity at the three muscles. CONCLUSION: Heavy elastic resistance exercise is feasible in COPD patients without excessive dyspnea and a stable cardiorespiratory response. In general, at least two elastic resistance increments are needed to enhance muscle activity for the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, while there is no increase for the vastus medialis. These results may help to individualize exercise dosing during elastic resistance training in patients with COPD